HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-12-8, Page 3An Advertising Service The Signal is prepared to utter you help in your advertising problems with lay- outs and copy that SELL. Phone 35 and our representative will caU ou you. qt . I•••.ri iw...: • • SALES BOOKS The Signal can give you a close price ou Counter Check Books. If your supply is running low telephone 35. ?HE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publishers '74Town to Gain from A Fratticall Bond Transaction GIFT truly practical will be ap- preciated by every man who re- ceives a ROLLS RAZOR. Give him this shaving luxury— the lifetime of freedom from. dull blades—the thrill of a' perfect • British -made razor with a`kcen blade; lioricd and airopped'Ind" manufactured to give years of un- failing service. THE GREATEST RAZOR EVER MADE m......,..=>f Nickel, Silver and Gold-plated models. PRICE $6.95 UP • E. C. Robertson Diamond Merchant and Jeweller Phone 138 Goderich lirTVCRICTItinretreirate Final Oast Report on Last Win- ter's Sewer Construction—Elec- tion onstruction—Eleation Bylaw Passed All the members were present at the regular meeting of the town council on Friday night. The sexton of Maitland cemetery re- ported three lnterments In the month of November. The tax collector reported collec- tions of 31838.49 since the last previous report, Including $207.42 of arrears. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1932 side of Blake street where it is wi- dened. The( special committee recommended that the Salvation Army be permitted to place some boxes on the street for Christmas cheer collections, the boxes to be placed under the supervision of the street inspector. The industrial committee recom- mended the sale to lnalow Aitken of reed at the Artcraft factory at 115 per cwt. Relief Work Camps Councillor Turner inquired if any• thing further had been heard from Tor- onto with regard to relief construction camps In the north. There was no further information sacept that the camps were being tilled with men from the cities, where there were thousands of unemployed. On motion of ('ouncillor Humber the matter of a community Christmas tree Notice of the county levy was re. for the chttdren was -referred -to the ceived from the county clerk. The to- special committee. Fal is $11,353.50, made up as foUows: three bylaws were passed --No. 10, General county rate, $6,622,87; county •uthorizlug the sale and purchsae of highway rate, $2,838.3S; for Provincial bonds as recommended by the finance highways, $1,892.25. committee: No. 17, apgotuting A. M. Engineer 'onuses submitted a final Robertson and 1D. It. Long auditors for cost report on the laying of tMc 18 -in. W4; and No. 1 . fixing polling places main sewer on Waterloo, St. Patrick's, and appointing officials for the munlel- Church and 1'relson streets during the pal elections. winter of 1931-32. The total cost was Councillor Turner suggewted that 110,001.43, on which 17,500 was re- some of the unemployed might be phut if pe Government relief on the flat of election officials. but the fund, leaving a wet-eest tribe -town tan y e4-theeonwiL - - - $8,501.4:$. Payrolls,_.._includfeg, work- gsjalgbie to_ igve men of some exper- ience for these reeponslbte positions. Monday, December 26th, is nomina- tion day and polling, if any, will be on Monday, January 2nd. Councillor Brown pointed out that, Christmas Day being Sunday, the festival would ix wen's compensation and inspector's re- lief, accounted for 17,700.11 of the total cost ; materials cost 110.88230. and en- gineering, road tar, reconditioning the streets, Interest, etc., amounted to 31,910.22. AppLiestleae-- rpt- building permits 1 ggeens rally-rslebrated un Monday, _ were recerved- Crain Geo: 1r. C'6uhf, -ftit'T Nth, and asked If the nominatlbda repair of the Interior of the dwelling I could pot be held on Tuesday. He was on Elgin avenue recently damaged by Informed that the date was set by fire; -Lind t', ttpatn,1or-a garage on St. statute: David's street. The council adjourned at S.M. The A cheque for 3126 was received from statutory meeting wilt be held Derem- the Board of Trade towards the levy of ter jab. the Blue Water Highway Association. and the finance committee was author- ized to p•y the balance, 424, to make up the $150 owing to the Association. Ars applkatipo from E. A. Maskell iter a license to peddle _Wit was re- ferred to the special committer. .t circular letter from the Blue Wa- ter highway Association, eautloniug -- against 111 -considered tourist adver- tising sc'hemea, was referred to the special committee. Committee Reports Committee reports were read and adopted without discussion. The finanee committee recommended the sate of $0,000 six per rest. Pro- vince of Manitoba tends due 1947, held la the town's O.W.S.R. fund, at a price Of 100 and arcrunlisdevestt and the purchase of $32,000 5% per cent. Prov- ince of Saskatchewan bonds, dee 1952, at a priee of 9'1.'4) and accrued Inter- est. Thbt exchange, it was stated, would result In a decrease of only 340 per year In interest, and would give an increase of $2000 In principal. The committee recommended the transfer of $200 from the cemetery perpetuity fund to the town's general account as payment of costa In upkeep and care of endowed cemetery iota during 1932. A statement received from the county en- gineer showed a rebate of $188236 due to the -town on 1931 and 1932 county highway levy, and the committee re- commended that the 1932 county rates, amounting to $11,353.50, be paid when the county sends the tows a cheque for the rebate due (The statement from the county en- gineer Mowed a rebate of $1,419.19 coming to the town for 1931 and a sim- ilar amount for 1932, making a total of $2838.38. For work done and tar ap- plied on roads within the town $956.02 was charged. leaving a balance due the town of $189236.1 The public works comf6-titee reported that necessary repairs to the skating rink had been made, and Mr. Chisholm had made a payment of 8126 In accord- ance with his lease. Mr. John H. Gra- ham, the report stated, has given the town • deed of a strip twenty feet wide off the north end of lot 6, concession 0, and the committee recommended that Blake street from South street to Mc- Donald street be widened twenty feet accordingly, and that the town build a new fence for Mr. Graham on the south J. W. Craigie Insurance and Real Estate Dominion, P and Municipal Bonds Real Estate and Insurance - Piens rlv. rid, rented and rents rnanird Fire, Automobile, Burglary AMA - dent and Sickness lesaranes Rook -keeping and Auditing F. WOOLLCOMBE Oahe: Hamilton St. Phone 266 The 0. F. Carey Co. Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE Omce :—Idaaontc Temple. West Street, Goderich. NELSON HILL Telephone 290 Manager HEATING We guarantee a l0 % fuel savibs with a RAHN FUEL SAVER in your furnace of hot water plant. Thermostatic control. Thirty days' free trtaL Pat a OneA Oil iSunter in your range or heater. Guaran- teed 5 years. Priced from 527.50 up. H. CLEMENTS MASSET-HARRIS SHOP [isgstes Street - G.derich The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency H...... and Let. in God.riel. sad Farms for 3.1. Lara. ousekt.r Sated to chows. from. SOME CHEAP FARMS rOR SALE 120 acres, large bank Ram. 1%-etory Hoare, large Orchard, Spring Creek. only 3 mite@ from Goderich. Price 51111, strictly cash. 200 -sere Farm for sale. Slaughter price, only 522.00 per acre. loll prin- cipally clay loam, no waste. very few stones or foul weeds. About 120 acres taw ander cultivation, more ready. about 60 actor timbered. Good bank Ram, 1% -story House in fine condition, oeebard, fine water. Located about 12 miles from Town of Goderich, County of Huron, handl Close to school, large saarests. Terme -41000 00 down, cash; balance 0o terms very may If requited. Tates paid for 1862 In NIL no back taxes 1N asthenia areepted. Dmmedtatae p05- � `rne• i - ..a....... �..,..T W. AZISrilleri WL MUTE MIL IS TOP SPENDING TART INVESTING GdOD hiplines men often forget that in Clothes, too. a low price never means high quality. , . . HANDMADE CLOTHES S391A up Spew Ordered Clothes 125." op —Altering and Rspatrthg— M EfBAk-tWfIIA 'TAia * AM 1IA1YSR -iPism 6wr also-- OOIJI rY JVDGIXG TEAM Four Boys Selected to Regrev.ent Hur- ts la Grain -judging (empetitluu A grain judging competition was held in the (ward room of the agricul- tural once at Clinton on Saturday afternoon, December 3rd, to select a teem of four boys to represent Huron county In the inter -county elimination 1 grate Judging competition to be held at London on December 16th, when teams from ten counties in Western Ontario will compete. Similar elimination con- tests are being held at Guelph. Bow- manvllle and Kemptvllle for the other counties in the Province. The five high boys tn,aach of the tour elimina- tion contests will be given a tree two weeks' short course In seed judging at the Ontario Agrkultnral College. dur- ing January, 1933. At the end of the short course a final competition will he held to select ■ team of three boys and a spare to represent the Province of Ontario at the inter-provinclal and in- ternational judging competition to be heed during the World's Grain Exhibi- tion and Conference at Regina In July, 1933. Members of the team must not have reached ,tbelr twenty-first birth- day by July 24th, 1933, The four high boys in the county competition held last Saturday, and who will form the team to represent Heron county at London on December 16th, are: First, Jack Ferguson, Clif- ford; second, Mervyn Lobi,, Clinton ; third. George Mandell, Gtenannan ; fourth, Clifford Crosier, Dungannon. Fourteen toys took part in the con- test and competition was very keen and very close for a place on the team. The four boys who won are to 1,. congratu- lated on their good work. Reflections (By Penseur) 'rites* l'ulversity fellows have pot their foot In it again. About a year ago a pretty little scene was raised over an article In "Varsity" declaring that atheism was being taught by the faculty. And now the University College Par- liamentary Club has passed a resolu- tion recommending companionate mar- riage for university students. Shades of Ben Lindsay! What next? These University chaps took the marriage ceremony, wiped the dust off 1t anti put if under the microscope. They found it was a bit musty with age and wasn't practical. Somebody chased lR-9fl_"a relic of Lbe..capitalistic_ !7*-. tem that couatdere'd a wife In the same clew as a motor car." Of court*. they didn't get away with this resolution without opposition. Not at all. But whey the opposition popped up with "What about the children?" Another Good Program at G. C. I. Many Interesting Features Meeting of the Literary Society on Friday Night The second meeting of the -G.C.I. Literary Society for the term wen held on Friday, December 2nd, under the capable management of the second vice-president. Jim Redditt. The as- sembly hall was crowded with more than tau hundred students and visit- ors, and the sliver collectlon tekeu at the doors amounted to 313. L escape with the silverware, but is brought back by a policeman, A. Smith, Just as George enters in burglar's make-up. The curtain falls, leaving the scheming husband to explain as bsst he can to his Dow auspieloua wife. . 7 f the exec cuttve Attie Lifer iioetety met on Monday, December nth, after 4 o'clock. Many Interesting facts were brought to light, but, unfortunately, they are not for publication. The exe- cutive decided to contribute towards the coming oratorical contest, by donat- ing $15 for the first and second prises In the junior boy. class. Other prises for this contest have been contributed by citizens and organisations of the town. Reserve the evening of Decem- ber 10th for the oratorical contest to be held in MacKay Ila11. and you may be sure of an evening of good enterteln- Thr 101194t.orebetltrec x'ltls'bAar_ lug ;peal. s - proved by leaps and bouuds, played for the opening numbers several popular selections. Promptly at 8 o'clock the chairman called the meeting to order. In his opening speech he expressed his ap- pre•Intion of the honor of selection for CASH IS SCARCE Save Fifty Cents by Early Payntteat et Subnerlptlon the government slapped them down. As a concession to the times, The saying. "Any of you who have kid The-omee of -second rice-peesdent, and Signal during the month of I erember brothers or slaters know -what • darwd.11tanked thus& who in any way assisted will accept subwrriptiorac in advance nuisance children are." in the evening's program. for the year 1933 at 11.50. The government claimed that the av-Ray ih'an. leader of the affirmative Subscribers so paling in advance erage undergraduate cannot. for econ- side in HIV debate, "Resolved, that will receive the Signal calendar. orale reasuua, get married before twee-- gurape should pay her war debts," war l'hla epeeist offer is epee 10 Deemer -five or thtrtyyears igec- sighteea is the- axonal age .-for mar- riage. They produced a string of eta- tbrtics as long as your arm showing the high morality among unmarried ors represented form iII A. Jean Rob- ranee prier, 81.50. people, prerelence of tunaey. child ertson and Mildred Anderson. rrpre-_- welfare c•ondltlour, etc. sentatives of III B. upheld the nega- then caUcai tttan..ta.adcance his fir@'( ber 31st, 19x2. .—_. - mods- _ ills partuer, Ernie . Crawford. New auhaeribera this mesa .ITl rs. ably assisted In etvinng many points in (rive the paper from now to 1st Jan - favor of the affirmative. These deist- uary, 1934, at the special paid-lwed- When the moral aspect of the quell- tire. The Judges of the debate were failed W stead the gaff of.. the Miss CamybelL. Yr<A . M Robertson government arguments. the opposition and Dr. Ftetd.'Tn iarioonc'int'thi'-d- aonbled back and took a ataml for the vision, Dr. Field complimented those Jape,. in toto. That ou the ■mrmative side upon their de - won a half-dozen woman -haters on the ' livery and material, but awardiv1 the government benches over to the opposl- victory to the negative side. During tion anti gave the government a tussle the Interval In which the Judges cow - to get their resolution through. pared notes, the orchestra played two These chaps are educated fellows, more selections. and they're looking at this thing frank- The debate was followed by the Alt lr. Whether or not their resolution eutitlel, "Aw Nerts." The characters will affect the moral tone of I'niveraity life is a matter of conjecture. The fact remains they hare taken their Omni -la -4 favor of companionate marriage despite the arguments of the opposition that it asylum to observe the antics of the in - would contribute to moral decay of the mates. Each retires In turn to a de - home, the university and the country. ',pried room for a much-needed rest, All this may sound very good to the acid mistakes the other for a lunatic - undergraduate In theory. But how Many amusing 'planchet are eucount- about the time when Its gets past the ered as each tries to humor the other. "kid" stage and wants to settle down to the serious buainees of running a home. as he naturally will? WIII he still want his "cunpanlouate" wife -or even somebody else's? ?Not on your lite. He'll want an innocent little girl who bee never heel-K-at1ftl5 revolution and all these comtatnionate wires wiS 1* left to their own resources. Rather ap- palling situation. .These youngsters are dead ill earn- est, and they're perfectly sincere when they pees such a resolution. itut when the time comes they'll want to settle down to a normal happy married life, and all these little kinks in their brains will be Ironed out. There will be a lot of objecting rolee-s, and there may even be an in- vestigation. but these fellows are all right; they're Just trying to be modern. forgetting that modernity doesn't re- quire such looseness as the destruction of the sanctity of the borne. of Clara Manners and Captain Field - log were extremely well played by ;:erele Cott etlu aud Gurdon Cuthbert - sou. Both are invited to a bail at an >fte . — Yetwe (By his Nephew, R. F. Graham) Well done, thou servant of the Lord! Thy work on earth 1s done; 'Po that bright land thou haat gone home Where there's no setting sun. If life were just to toll with hands And -sever give a thought To loving deeds that thou haat done, Soon wonidst thou be forgot. To help a needy fellowman, Discouraged in the fight, To do kind deeds, to speak Mad words, Was ever thy delight. To serve thy Master well each day Was e'er thy guiding thought, And thou hast reached the joy above That here ee earth thou sought. 0 slumber on. thou house of clay, For thou canat not bold fast The llfetttat thou dldat once enclose— O'er Jordan's wave it's passed. Thy lips may speak to us no more, The vital breath in gone, But such a life can never die -- Thy Influence still lives on. And In oar hesrta we cherish still And ever will hold fast A thought that this world better is Bemuse through it rhes posed. It life were jest to tot1 for wealth This earthly house can gain, Thy Ilte would be an empty void And all would he In vain. It seems to me that thou dtdst love The things that God doss love And thou art called to dwell with Him • in mansions sip above. No pomp or grandeur did he seek To gain the throng's applause, Rat by hie daily wslk tn, life He honored God's Ma laws. C _ . if you have a- visitor, or if you are going on a holiday, let The Signal know about it. It will help make the Personal Mention column more inter- esting to you and your friends. Tbe melee sewage 411$ Mee ye eo Oat iasis. one tr een•as+a >s its tent tot Mr. Campbell tell yob what be knows about Dr. Trench's Nn *ch. He won't deelve you. The farce is brought to a close when Miss Manners proves her identity by means of a letter from a brother who is well known to Captain Fielding. - This was followed by a vecal solo by irorothy Craig. entitled "Smile, Saddle. Radio." Miss Craig -Ye taient, -stew the school, proved very- p'Opoier, and she responded to the applause of the audience by singing en encore, "Do Something for Somebody, Quick." The 1• accompanist was Jean- MacDonald. Irene Stoll then read the• Journal, and Marjorie Daer, secretary of the executive, read the minutes of the exe- cutive meetings. The final part of the program was the play entitled "Isn't It Exciting?" in which Murray Hetherington, play - Ing the pert of John Newcombe, the book -loving husband. tries to prove to his theatre -loving wife that he 15 cap- able of defending his home againat burglars. To do this be persuades a friend, George, played by H. Babb, to "burgle" the house and alio* himself to be capturedhusband and wife re- turn from the theatre and John mis- takes a real burglar for his friend George. The burglar makes good his MIGHTY-rIfTH TZAL No. M Geo. Williams Dealer It DOMINION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL : AND COR- PORATION BONDS Fire, Accident, Autsm.bile and General Insuraoee Agent Office, next to Bank of Commerce Phone 53 Goderich RASE it a man cannot find ease in him- self, 1t Ls to little purpose to seek 1t elsewhere. , FiRE, CAR and ACCIDENT INSURANCE —REAL ESTATE.-- Several STATESeveral geed mortgagee ter sale. Assasate Collected Rubbers, Rubber Boots' and Goloshes Thfs year' the brauda.ot Rubber Footwear we have in stock enjoy the built-up confidence of the consuming public based on quality and service that has never failed. The KAUFMAN, LIFE -BUOY and GOOD 1CH brands ■re built for service. The styles are smart tail the fitting qualities the best. Prices are tight for drat quality RUBBER FOOTWEAR. Buy now while you have the hest assortment from which to select your requirements. GEO. MACVICAR —Member Mutual Shoe Stores' Group— NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE GODERICH VfltfitetfitiftflteritftWECIVeteettitafEttittittitfiteCV FI overs iiee—the one -11SIV iptable to everyone. Not - only do FloWera--interpret the-eathsd- assn of the giver, but They add a bright note to the Christmas spirit itself. Put beautiful Flowering Plants and Out Flowers on your gift fist, and order early. Our collection of Flower- ing Plants to ehonae from never was Slyer than this sea - SEND FiAIWER GIFTS. OUT- OF TOWN. WE DELIVER ANYWI11BRE BY WIRE George Stewart, Florist I'hnue 15) ``''��0NN Ooderieh, Ont. VeCtirte+ ONE OF THE GREATEST PLEASURES IS TO MAKE THE OTHER FELLOW HAPPY— ACCOMPLISH THIS BY SELECTING FROM OUR STOCK OF Useful Christmas Gifts FRESH CHRISTMAS CANDY, BOXES. 49e, 75e, 81.N For BABY BABY SOAP and LAVENDER TALC( M 81 IA WiWIAMS' HOLIDAY PACKAGE SHAVING CREAM Cutex 2 Cakes Soap and Bottle Lavender Water...85c Christmas Sets 38e, 60e, 81.00, 53.00 Bath Supplies Bath Halts Rath Powder Bath Brush Bath Soap CIGARS 6 for... ...50c 10 for $1,00 25 for ... $2.40 Yardley's Shaving Set 1f you have a tansy bottle we have the PERFUME IN BULK MILITARY BRUSHES Single ...$1.50 Pairs ... $2.60 $3.00 and 15.00 CHRISTMAS CARDS Sc, 10c, 16o ASHES of ROSES THESE GOODS ARE ALL ON SALE AT THE FOUR GODERiCIN DRUG STORES Toilet Soap Lk COMPACTS All the well-known wakes 75c, 11.00, 12.00 and $3.00 MOT WATER Two years' guar- antee Playing Cards For the Momplior— SLIM H. C. Dunlop J. A. Campbell J. H. Lauder RAZOR BLADES 10 for 75o Always Useful FIIIIFITISICS, Preach A FOUNTAIN MN The Pass RIDS Oilt. we. 55m, iikal .411 Do Your Christmas Shopping attYourr FLOWERS b balk WATERS Yardley's and Hadmit 's $1.00 esoh Face Powders SMELLING SALTS 50o to $1.00 BRAWNIER and IODAES 12.25 to 115.00 CIGARETTE LIGHTERS 30o and 11.00 Imported and Domestic avoifte Drug Store : 1111/21411