HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-30, Page 21Page 22—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 30, 1985 , ' •�j The HappyHearts Club enjoys. afternoon euchre f BY AB WYLDS Members and friends of the Happy Hearts Club can enjoy an afternoon of euchre in the Ripley Legion Hall every second Monday. Recent prize winners were Violet MacKenzie, Reg Godfrey, Margaret Pollock and Katherine Collins. • The following note was received from Jenny Tanter, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tranter on Ripley Street. The note is as follows - Thefifth meeting of the Ripley number one Rippers was held at the home of Annetta . Robinson on Oct. 16, 7:00 p.m: President Barb Smith opened the meeting and Shelly Gamble, took the • attendance. There were five present with Ainslie Martyn away. They read out of their, books and talked about ribbing. Then they traded ribbing samples. Attention Farmers! A. For sale GATHERING CHAINS FOR GLEANER corn head, AC300, round tips, $30.00 each. Phone 395-5286. 44.,45ar 2 ROW NARROW: New Idea picker sheller; furrow 16" semi -mount Allis Chalmers plow. Call after 6• p.m. 528-5653. —43,44 C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY ruptured., rhinitis or riggling ,pigs, any size. Phone 335-3151. —41-44x • E. Farm services LYNN, LOWRY : FARM SYSTEMS LTD., R. R. No. 1 Kincardine, Ontario. For all your manure, feed, 'and grain handling require- ments call 395-5286.or see us' in.Amberley. We handle everything - almost. 42tfar'. BERG STABLE :EQUIPMENT. Barn clean- ers; manure, pumps, verticai, horizontal; 8' to 15 P.V.C. or.S.B.T. ductile. Cow and calf ' tie stalls. Loose housing. Bunk feeders, ventilation equipment, .hog confinement, Ritchie' 'heated . water bowls. Farrowing crates. Weaner decks. Plastic slates and also farm gaffs. Contact Lloyd Johnston," R. R. 3, Holyroo'f , Ontario. Phone 395-5390.—42tfar By 'last week end the COMVID Cpmpany of Whitby, sub -contractors, working for the Kincardine Cable T.V; Limited,had completed the installation of cable along the streets in Ripley. The three men working here last week were Jim Coombs and Todd Webb of Whitby and Shawn Rowland of Kincardine son of. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Rowland former residents of Ripley. • They strung the cable line from one hydro pole to another then it was tightened and securely fastened to each pole in turn. The Television cable is .a few feet below the hydro lines: Last Friday about noon they installed the last section of the return wire along the boulevard here from. the Royal Bank down to the front of Redvers Johnson's place and then across the road to the hydro pole at the corner at the lot where the home of Mrs. Arvilla Orr and daughter of Miss Pat Mead ;reside. There the cable °is strung down the pole to connect with the underground cable: The route for this cable is north along the 15th road to the tenth concession corner then down the 10th concession 'to the Aerial Tower at the base line- corner (the Jim Elliott farm ). • On Thanksgiving .Monday .evening at 8 p.m. October 14, the Ripley Agricultural Society held its first monthly meeting after the successful Ripley Huron Fall Fair on Friday and Saturday Sept. 27 and 28. The meeting : was held in the Ripley Huron Central School at the west end of the village. Secretary .Don MacTavish reports the following in attendance. Presidents Cecil and Wilma Sutton, Marge. MacDonald, Barb Messenger, John • Gamble; Sheila MacDonald, Shirley Galloway, Perrin Lowry, Keith van der Hoek, Bob and Judy Thompson, Don Reid,JBob Forster, Nana Wyld, Gordon Patterson, Jack and, Linda Campbell, • Ron Brooks, Gary Courtney, Susan Van Sickle, and -secretary Don and Anna MacTavish. There were 22 : people. cover a wide area in Huron township and Ripley village. They were well pleased with the fair, giving special mention to two of the new ,INVESTMENTS 33 WEST ST., GOOERICH 1-13OO-265-5503 LU -220.21 McDONAGH REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE LTD 528-2031 ; FARMS Vlclurow KINLOSS 200 acres, 55 workable, 45 push, balance reforestation, close by: ' 100 ACRES all workable, KINLOSS, farrowing barn, stable cleaner, implement shed, beef barn: ?16 LEVEL ACRES, 4 bedroom brick, 41 acres hardwood bush, $150,000.00 "FARROW TO FINISH, 200 flat workable acres, 4 bedroom home, paved road. KINLOSS', 2 storey brick, . beef barn, 1 acre land, $38,900. KINLOSS TOWNSHIP, 100 acres, 22 acres hardwood bush, 055 workable, $47,000.' TEI;SSW ATER. 100 acre farm, 2 storey brick house,. beef barn, implement shed phis another 88 acres available. KINLOSS, 100 acre hog farm, 85 workable, 3 bedr'eom home, large barn, 2 sheds, 9 1 2 per cent ,financing, asking. $85,000. W INGHAM, 100 acre hog farm, new brick bungalow, 80 workable, farrow • to• finish stable, all tillage equipment, 100 sows, plus approximately 560 hogs. Total asking price $250,000. HOMES 2 BEDROOM brick home, attached ,garage, new drilled well, paved driveway'y and ,• road, 40'x40' barn. Asking $45,000. LUCKNOW, 4 bdr. splitlevel brick home.' Appliances included; double lot; -attached garage; asking $59,500. WORKSHOP and 4 bedroom home, newly renovated; 2 baths including whirlpool tub;, heated garage 44' x 44'; paved road. Asking/$36,000. 3 BEDROOM home plus large workshop $34,900. 3 BEDROOM bungalow, $20,000.00. MST HOME, 4 bedrooms, new deck,fully licensed and equipment to remain.. BUNGALOW, 3 bedroom home on Outram St., 2 - 4 pc. baths. 1' STOREY all insulated, on W heeler St., well insulated with new siding and deck. 2 BEDROOM frame house, Bob Street, 3 pc. bath. 3 BEDROOM cement home, large attached garage, fireplace, asking $35,500. 6 YEAR OLD brick bungalow, 1 acre lot, paved road and drive, 3 bedroom, whirlpool bath, central vacuum,too many extras to mention. FRASER MacKINNON BARRY McDONAGH DAVID MacKINNON 528-3013 528-3821 395-2483 1 d parts, first tried this year. They were the antique and classic car show with 31 entries held on Friday evening and the Invitational '4-H Calf Show held on Saturday with a total of 79 entries, A conimittee was appointedto arrange for more new classes for the 1986 Ripley Huron Fall Fair on Friday and Saturday September 26 and 27 which would be one day earlier than this year. ' Looking ahead the 4=H Achievement Night is to be this Friday evening Nov.. 1 and the' annual spring dance is to be held in March according to present plans. Margaret Gemmell attended the Gray - Bruce Women's Institutes Area Convention in Owen Sound last week. Ripley folks presently in the Kincardine and District . Hospital include Mrs. Effie Sutherland and Niels Frederiksen. Nina Wyld of Malcolm Street was here to give me this information which Ab Wylds jotted down in a hurry to make the dead line = hence we hope not mistakes. On.Fri. Oct. 23 the Huron Bruce Pony Club had a riding clinic at the Ripley fair grounds (the Memorial Park). Fourteen riders with 10• horses attended. This clinic was mainly for beginners. Also they had a "Prince Philip Games" practice. The Club would like to thank the Ripley Agricultural Society for the use of the ring. , • William Alexander Robertson • William Alexander Robertson of Scarborough (Metro Toronto) passed away in Toronto East General Hospital last Friday evening Ocotober 25, 1985 in his 78th year. His parents were RichardRobertson and Annie McCaul and he was barnon the original Robertson farm lot 12 concession 9 (the tenth concession east) in Huron Township on Saturday, January 25, 1908. The funeral service was held yesterday afternoon at 2 p.m., October 29, 1985 in, the Mackenzie McCreath Funeral Home in Ripley with Rev. Allison Ramsay of Lucknow officiating in the absence of Rev. Hugh Nugent of Knox Presbyterian Church, Ripley. Interment . followed in the family plot in Ripley cemetary.• Bill. attended S.S. No. 3, the school on the 15th north of Ripley then after passing the formal Entrance examinations he attended the Ripley Continuation School to the end of Form 4 again passing the written Ontario Departmental examinations. Then he attended school in Winghamto become a business secretary. Next he was employed for years in the Toronto office of a well known Canadian company. During. World War 2 he was in a federal office in. Ottawa then hespent a nurnber;of years with a B.C. railway: While in Toronto he spent about six years, after work hours as a coach of weight lifting in the Central Y.M.C.A. on College Street in Toronto and in Ottawa a similar position for four years. In January 1964 with the new gymnasium auditorium at the Ripley District High School completed, Jim Needham became the phys. ed. teacher in the afternoon and Bill, a friend and neighbour of Jim's, was engaged by the board to instruct the boys in weight lifting here. Bill was . interested in horse racing - Hanover races were a "must" when he was back home here. Also a visit to Ben Ruttle of Kincardine and when he was alive Jim Kirkpatrick. He also called on friend and neighbour Jim. Needham and several others including his cousin Christena. Bill is survived locally by his brother Robert (Bobby) Robertson • of the Tenth concession and . his first cousin Miss Christena Robertson of Ripley, and as well serveral ,cousins away from here. To all, sympathy is extended at this time . of bereavement. He was predeceased by his parents and three sisters, Christine, Ellen and Mary Alice. Residents attend, historical meeting Don and Anne McCosh, Gladys Arnold and Kay Collins from Purple Grove attend- ed the Bruce Historical Meeting in Under- wood. Marjorie Thompson spent a few days with Bert at the farm. / Isabel Brook and Marjorie Thompson visited with Myra and Cecil Norman on Sun - Pay' Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Shouldice of Lion's Head visited Marion Emerson on Wednes- day. Don and Tiny Robertson, Margaret Robertson and Dorthy Collins visited Mur- ray and Dorothy Ribey at Underwood on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to Bob Robertson on the death of his brother Bill. • Francis and Irene Boyle visited Norval and Isabel Stanley Friday night. Isabel Stanley visited , Betty . Helm on Thursday afternoon. • Michael, Tammy and Deon Doupe of Millarton were supper guests Monday night of Morley and Deanna Scott. The Community Centre Board are plann- inga card party at the Centre on Nov. 8 at 8:30. Wanda Gawley visited on Sunday with Marlene and Dewayne Greig and family at Elmira. Jeremy and Johnathon Thompson spent theweekend with Harvie; and Wilda Thomp- son. You're invited to a Community Halloween Masquerade and Fun Night on/Thurs., Oct. 31 at :Purple Grove Community Centre at 7 pm. Doug and' Shirley MacDonald, Jim and Fran Farrell, Jack and Janet Farrell at- tended the 40th wedding anniversary party for Marion and Bev Cliffe at the Legion Hall, Ripley on Saturday evening. Bryan and Blanche Shanks. from Mount Morris, Michigan spent a few days with Earl and June Elliott. The Shanks and Earl and June had dinner with John and Joyce Farrell and family on Sunday. Stephanie MacDonald spent Saturday and Sunday with the John Farrells and John - Paul, Joel and Joy -Ellen Greenwood spent Friday with them. Don and Anne McCosh spent Sunday with Frank and Ruby Colwell in Kincardine. The Pony Club met at Ripley Fair. Grounds with a riding lesson and games. PURP,LE John -Paul and Joel -Greenwood, Teresa and Tania Farrell, Sheena and Stephanie Mac- Donald attended: Web and Eunice Emmerton, Kay Collins;; Margie, 'Shauna .and Rachel Lochhead at- tended the christening of • Matthew. McGillivray at the Ripley United Church on Sunday, then had dinner with Sandra and Ed McGillivray, Kelly and Kristy. j Cameron and Christopher Cale spent Saturday and Sunday with Grandma Alice Cote at Point Clark. The Purple Grove Bible Group met on Tuesday at Anne McCosh's. Bill and Largret McInnes visited the McCoshs Tuesday even- ing. ' GIadys Arnold, Anne McCosh and Brenda MacDonald attended the Grey -Bruce Women's Institute Area Convention in Owen Sound. Brenda stayed with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hervitson and Gladys and Anne stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Alberta McCon- nell at Kilsyth. Officers installed A large crowd of members; visitors and relatives were in attendance at the Wingham Masonic , Hall on Tuesday evening to witness the Ceremony of Instal- lation of the Huron Chapter No. 89 Order of the Eastern Star officers for the coming year. Mrs. Doris Michie and Mr. Leslie Shaw were installed as Matron and Patron along with their officers by Mrs. Sharon Cowman and Mrs. Shirley Langridge and their Installing Board. Another busy year has been planned by Huron Chapter. Mrs. Michie has as her special project the Wingham and Area Day Center for the Horne Bound, as well as the Diabetic Association and the Estarl Awards. • • Mrs. Eileen Johnston and Mrs. Pat Gaunt and their committee brought the very impressive evening to a close by serving a delicious lunch.