HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-30, Page 2017. Auction Sales ONTARIO'S LARGEST FARM Machinery Consignment Sale, Norwich, Ontario. Fri- day, November 8, 1985, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K. S. Hamuleckie & Sons. —044 EVENING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Antiques will be held for • MR. BERT BANNERMAN - with Additional Consignments at the TEESWATER AGRICULTURAL BLDG. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 starting at 6:00 porn. • Partial list includes: chesterfield and chair; daybed; coffee and step tables; odd tables and chairs; small roll top desk; antique record cabinet; T.V. set; ' new cassette tape player; press back chairs; beds; dressers; wardrobe; chest of drawers; cedar chest; kitchen table and 6 chairs; someantique' dishes and glass; stoves; fridge.; Hoover washer; dryer; dehumidifier; air conditioner; fireplace insert; antique butter 'press;, lanterns; stone crocks and jars; hand tools; 31/2 h.p. lawn mower; riding lawn mower; storm windows; doors; add much more. Listings subject to change with notice. TERMS CASH / LUNCH BOOTH' AUCTIONEERS Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater 392-6170 Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353 18. Services available MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING 'RODS, Phone 528-3514 or 528-2735. —29tf' 'MACLYN' CAR 'OILING. CHOOSE FROM . old oil, new oil or a combination. Monday to Saturday 8 a.m. 6 p.m. Phone 395-3352. 2 miles North of.Amberley, West of Highway 21. —42-48 , DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower and antenna instal- lations, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, sale, and service. Ripley, 395-3466. —42tf • • AUCTIONEER SERVICE, '.Grant McDonald, Ripley; Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. Licens- ed Auctioneers, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170, -42tfar • PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICE. Dependable repairs to, all ;makes and models of major appliances. • Phone 1-887-9062. —42tf RIPLEY ABATTOIR CUSTOM BUTCHERING • Cattle, Hogs, Lambs MONDAYS / For appointment call 395-2905 or 395-2979. (Evenings) 19. Notice to creditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of William Hugh, Ferguson, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, who died on or about the 18th day of S ptember, •1985, must be filed with. the undersigned personal ,representatives on or before the 1st day of November, 1985, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executors then shall have notice. DATED at . Kincardine, this 9th. 'day of October, 1985. Lester Ferguson and Roy 1 erguson Executors of the Estate of William / Iiugh Ferguson by their solicitor,' GRAHAM E. MAHOOD, 313 Latnbton Street, P.O.• Box 988,• Kincardine, Ontario' NOG 2G0 —42,43,44 ' 21. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. —40tf PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, . 357-1769 or London 432- 9197 collect. —tf LOSE WEIGHT easily. Have you tried many diets? Failed because of will -power? Cyber- netics is the answer. Results guaranteed! Write for brochure. Cybernetics, 760 Brant St. #42A, ' Burlington, Ont. L7R 4B8. (416)639-6080. —044 DATES GALORE. For all ages and unattach- ed. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige' Acquaintances. Call tollfree, Hours Noon till 8 p.m. —043 FAMILY, PLANNING &. CONCEPTION' CONTROL CLINIC - Bruce County Health Unit, 2nd Monday of each month. Next -Clinic - Monday, November 11, 1985, 5:30 7;30 p.m. County Building, Walkerton. Please call 881-1920 for an appointment. —44,45 23. Miscellaneous - FREE CAREER GUIDE describes learn - at -home correspondence Diploma Courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management,, Clerk typist, Secretary, Jour- analism, Television servicing, Travel., Gran- ton (5A) 263 Adelaide W est, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. —07 24.' Business, Opportunities' EARN EXTRA MONEY! Learn : to, prepare Income Tax returns by correspondence. • Local franchise available. Write: Tax Tine Services Ltd., 1304 Speers Road, Oakville; Ontario, L6L 2X4. -039-?43 • BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours instruction. Next class November 16 23. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneer - Mg. Box 145, innerkip,' Ont. NOJ IMO. (519) 469-3936, (519) 537-2115. -037-044 "SEASONS" Canada's first name in •Colour Analysis `Mand' Glamour. Earn $100 - $300/Day! (Chatelaine) Acedemy Certifica- tion,- 212 products, Cosmetics, Skin Care, Silks, Replica Perfumes 1-800-387-7875. —044 DISSATISFIED?? Multi-million' dollar inter- national corporation, with over 600 distribut- ors earning up to $100,000 per year expanding Massively in Canada, Investment under $400. •Call today (416) 827-8984. —044 GROUND FLUOR, OPPORTUNITY. Rapidly expanding new company in Air and Water Sterilization seek aggressive entrepreneur as potential dealer for dynamic product line. Protected territories available. Small invest- ment. Please call (613) 283-8621 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or send • resume to: Zontec Treatment Systems Ltd., 2 Gladstone ' Ave., Smiths Falls, Ont. K7A. 1R3. —044 • 28. Engagements DELL - SWAN, Mr: and Mrs. Russel Swan, R. it 3, Lucknow are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter. Margaret Louise to Kenneth Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dell,. Sombra, Ontario. The wedding will take place at Calvary Baptist Church', Brigden, November 2, 1985. 31. Cards of thanks 1 HENDRIKS I would like to thank everyone for the gifts and get well wishes sent to me. The visits were very much appreciated. Thanks also to the staff at Wingham Hospital and Univer- sity Hospital in London for their excellent care. A special thank you goes out to the Lanesville Lords for making the time go by a little faster. —44x Willy Hendriks Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 30, 1985—Page 21 31. Cards of thanks BOGUES Many thanks for the good wishes during my recent stay in Winghatn Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin, Shubat and to the nurses in I.C.U. for their compassionate' care. " Bill Bogues —44x • ST. MARY'S CWL Thank you sincerely to everyone who helped to make our first bazaar on October 26 such a great success: Congratulations to the following prize winners: Cathy ••Koebel, handrhade quilt; Sarah Brophy, afghan and pillows; Ben Brophy, baby quilt; Steve Tiffin, jelly bean guess; Father EdDentinger money tree; Hilda Andrew ladies door/prize; Peter Van Sickle men's door prize; Ilien Lemoine children's' door prize. The following are the winners of the penny table prizes: Connie Black, Tara Chatham, Linda Cran- ston, Marg Sande, Betty Van Osch, David Kraemer, Brenda Smith, Albert Erniway, Leona Hickey, Mary Loth, Doug Stever, Susan VanSickle, Marion Campbell, Tam- bree McKellar, Sarah Brophy, Marg Sande,, Betty. Van Osch, Olive Smith, Steve Tiffin, Mrs. Stanley, Fr. Frank Dentinger, Betty Frayne, Mrs. Stanley, Rachel Brophy, Mary Jane Edisbury. St. Mary's C.W.L. TERRY JAMI)SON On behalf of Terry Jamieson we would like to thank the Lucknow. Fire Department for their prompt help on Wednesday, October 23rd when the chicken barn on the farm of Sam Din burned. —44nx . WILSON A•. J. and Tillie •Wilson wish to thank their' family, relatives, neighbours , and friends who helped to make. their 50th wedding anniversary a ,memorable occasion, to all who sent cards • and gifts, their thoughtful- ness will long be remembered. —44x HASTY Mary I wish to express our special thanks to all our Crewe friends for the gift of the lovely clock , and • flowers we received. Mary and Lorne • —44x McAULEY Alex' and Muriel McAuley wish to thank their friends and neighbours for flowers, cards, good wishes, gifts and visits on their 55th/wedding .anniversary. Special thanks' to Helen and Cathy for the wonderful surprise party they put on for us. Everything went toward making our special day one we will always remember and 'cherish. Thank you. —44 :JOHNSTON The family of the 'late Morley .Johnston would like to express their sincere thanks for the floral tributes, memorial donations, and for the food brought to their homes; also for the lunch prepared by the ladies "of the Donnybrook church:. Our appreciation also goes to Rev. R/ Roberts for his comforting message. —47 MacDONALD, I wish to sincerely, thank everyone for the lovely flowers. gifts and cheeryvisits and cards .1 received while in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to all at home and to Don Hackett for doing my bus route. Thanks to all again. Beryl MacDonald —44 GIBSON A very sincere, thank you to the Pine River Choir for the surprise party, to family and friends for the cards, gifts •and flowers, helping us celebrate our wedding anniver- sary. Ernie and Mary —44 , BARBECUE Lanesville Lords, friends and neighbours are invited to my home on Sunday afternoon, November 3, 1985 for a barbeque, Willy Hendriks —44 32. Coming events LVCKNOW is DISTRICT DROP iN CENTRE Meets each Monday and Friday, 2 4 p.m. Everyone welcome. —43tf EUCHRE TOURNAMENT Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Saturday, November 2. Registration 1. - 2. Admission 53.00 each. Prizes 550, 540, 530. "Lunch. Special 50/50 draw: —43,44 PAPER DRIVE The Mothers' Committee for the Lucknow Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers will be holding a paper drive on November 2. Papers should be at the curb by 9 a.m. Rural residents can bring their papers to the arena. Anyone requiring assistance call 528- ' 3238. Newspapers only please, no glossy...: paper. —43,44 . CRANBERRY SOCIAL Sponsored by the Lucknow Presbyterian Church, Friday, November 1, starting at 11 a.m. in the Lucknow Legion. Hall. Hot cranberry drink, turkey on a bun, cranberry tarts.. and muffins, coffee. Cost 53.00. For take out orders call 528-3533 on or before Friday. —43,44 DAY TRIPS Royal Winter. Fair, Friday, November 8 and Sunday, November 10; London Malls and Toys -R -Us outlet Saturday, November 23. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357.3424 or 357-1352. —44 - UNICEF _ Public School students will be calling for UNICEF on Halldwe'en. Help strengthen educational programs for children :11.3 countries. —44x - TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB Will meet in the Lucknow Legion, Tuesday, November, 5, 12:15. Pot luck meal. —44' ATTENTION WEST WAWANOSH VOTERS May I again look for your continued support on municipal council. On November 12, please vote Kathryn Todd for Reeve. —44,45 INDOOR FLEA MARKET At Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Saturday, November 30, 10 - 2. Vendors required. Cali 529-7390: -44 BEEF SUPPER Dungannon United Church Fall Beef Supper Sunday, November 10. Sittings at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Adults 56.00 and children $3.00: Preschoolers. free. For tickets call 529-7166 o`r 529-7932. =44,45 MICROWAVE DEMONSTRATION Will be held Thursday, November 28, at 1:30 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m. at Seaforth Legion Hall. Cost 53.00. Pre -registration necessary. Call Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food, 1-800-265-5171. —44,45 FOOD PROCESSOR DEMONSTRATION Of holly sweets and favourites,, on Thursday, November 14, 7:30• p.m. at Huronview Auditorium, Clinton:' Cost 53.00. Pre -regis- tration necessary. Call Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food 1-800-265-5171. . 44,45 The distribution of the HURON COUN1 1 ATLAS • which • has been curtailed ' to other than patrons, as a result of a delay in completion of binding, will resurrle at the Court House, Goderich on Friday, November 1 when a limited quantity will be available for distribution. By November 6, delivery from the bindery is expected to be in sufficient quantities and at regular• intervals to meet a;l future ;demands. In the meantime 'ci>pies of the Atlas, ordered by Patrons, now are on hand and may by picked up at the Court House. • W e regret the inconvenience which may have resulted for ' some Atlas purchasers.