HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-12-8, Page 2r,rrri r te*today, December kith, 1011 1„ fawrur,lsati 11411 GODICRICH : CANADA N. ibe► of Gonadial' Weekly N.wapap.rs Association i Publbhed every Thursday morn' Subscrlptlou price $2.00 per year, 1st advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LTD. Telepbotieir IMIEfihh, Obit. W. H. ReauTeos, Editor and Manager 0e• Thursday, December 8th, 19342 have to choose between an abaDdots- weat of the high tariffs demanded by the beneactathes of protection and a drastic dose of currency •tnfiatloa that would he Nuttily distasteful to the big Interests. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. THE MONEY QUESTION To the Editor of Thr Signal. Nir,-1 read in the press of Levan ber 5th the views of Sir Thomas White, Canada's wartime Minister of Finance, la opposition to currency lu- Uattou through Government action, EDITORIAL NOTES sir Thomas states that Canada is a debtor nation because of the large to sono elle has borrowed abroad. and par c'tlrialmis� .- } liCplar[}- trolls the United States, fo Just a little inter two l'e'eks r • i_.-• pospoose... kit _,#14° .,.is hritaln Is a creditor nation. It seem* * 1V -e see that our !Mend C. M. Itezeauto me, therefore, that if the Canadian tripped up iu the mayoralty race at Kitchener the other day. Even the best of them 4 annot win every time. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? • • • At the convention of the United A Judge addressing the Galt Kiwan- Ftrlalerf of Ontario hot w•erJc, p,.„_ � Lasts the other day saki prosperity was tion -.:iib t�lf 00-0peratlre Common- merely a state of mind IIDa Lt Teti wealth Federation, a frankly soclalistie is the word, Judge of state of tnirab • • • organisation, was derided upon. True, , people would borrow from Britain the Inflation of Canadian currency to place it on a footing with the British pound, or thereabout, would not interfere with the Large sums borrowed for de- veloping purposes and would help to keep foreign mouey from creeping into ear -country, gaining influence and drawing ns away from the mother country. Pal'ity with the pound could be accomplished and yet each country the U.F.O. adopted a saving clause to Considering the bard times, it's like- t maintain full control of Its own cur- ly Manta Claus will hare to leave his ren. the affect that affiliation Fre limitedcy. There remains to be conatdered the to the declared policies of the United big ear in the garage this Christmas question -whether by artificial Inflation Farmers of Ontario:" but haying and get out his sled and his reindeer to perdu with the pobnd sterling Can - chosen to fight along with the Common- again' wealth Federation the farmers' organ - !ration will almost inevitably be tuned If the fawners of Ontario are won •to Berk the same objectives. That 1 over to collectivism, we shall have to x Ia le the belief of than closelcredit .{Rues 1aephall's nuke for doing - 4 is thio I'ruv1Doe what pLctul and bre sa elated vette the I'.F.O, is plainly lndl- eated by the leading art(de In the last have hardly a'eomplished to Russia. • iIaue of The Farmertt''tlnn; which r • • eludes: "In its manifesto, in its aailla- oda would gain more than she would lose through having to provide for ex- cess payments to meet her indebted- ness to the United Staten. Under pre- sent conditions, the farmer Is produc- ing at a loss. If he should follow the example set by the manufaeturer when he finds he can prodnee only at u lots—that is, close his doors and dis- charge his employees until consnmp- Talkl ng of the currency question. the tion overtakes production—it would I Btlttord sage sags it rewind, him of� mean disaster to our railways and toil tllo:time when he was a kid and used our country. On the other land, with the dollar at parity with the pound, or Goa with the Commonwealth Fed, eratlon, the Ontario farmmove-to pot a cent on the railway trash, and i thereabout, farmer could export their meat broke with the _ A locomotive_would tome along and alts Ub.eaUrs- of the nineteenth century, and strode Into flatten It out so he could imagine it the collectivist pbllaanphy ,rr the was a (wan,, - twentieth. It accepted a new poli- • • • tical piilloaopb7, a new political We are glad to know.tbat not all our •uple ajearpwith-MTor Trewartha of tew=wrihe dorsa the sending brine with platform, a new eonceptlow of the Limits of state and rapictltak - ac- _ don. It- embertiedcapon a policy -re-Turm not to rr abfl1tateTint to replace the present e•c'onomte sys- tem. Its policy now Is more than _ • reformation: it is transforma- tion." trod and clothing to the West, "foreigners," be is afraid, get some of put in circulation, the towns and cities It. The people of this district who would soon feel the good effects, the have leer- seeding carloads oft food to wheels of Industry again world turn, - It remains to he seen what the rear- I Saskatchewan are not, we venture to "•"-- Wasterttt"imamonedise eset and ole- TewnrtItag_47e_7-7bgt�et.ao e_of the It Ontario farmers, whose sturdy .1n- huugry ones whom they are helping -to dfvldtsslism, modified by voluntary eo- feed mal he• Dewcomers from some _ _. ePergtIon, has been one of their marked other land. The names on the messages characteristics. Will they welcome a plus to Rrltaln and thus avoid the glutting of our own markets ani( forc- ing priers down by $2 per cwt. on cattle and hose, and to a (vtrreepondfng de- gree on wheat. grain, poultry and other commodities. Farmers world be enabled to carrypn. and -with In•reaeed production feed -the railways and salve the country's problems. Farmers would aagaln )P 67a7e'to bay: afoney wontd be And unemployment would soon be greatly reduced- ..._sir_1Loagarl_repeata :ant - a442t4_re pora'17e hili afiEenlenf el'gaIIIIi4t'd"PifMnThge between Canada and the United States; but he forgets to telt its that the goy- e+rnmenta, muoleipslittes and corpora-_ - Hone that have borrowed from Great u are reaping a benefit from the exchange situation. if the Govern.' melt would promise to endeavor to es keep our money on or shout an equal 7 hasps with the British pound it would e not only ntltnulate prodoctinn hut d trontd encourage the Canadian people to borrow from Great Britatu, and this 1 would do more toward welling Canada 1 t and 1(ritein together than all that WHA w accompli'shed by the conference at Ot- t me of thanks that coTusk to the con I further extension of existing socialistic td(umem em to be meetly of uritis schemes to Include unemployment in. Men; but It may bei -we hope it is so sureties.. shorter hours and assured `-that some of the good Huron app( wages for fat -tory workers? Will they or carrots or potatoes and their wa subscribe to the principle of state reale into the home of a "foreigner" who 1 Ism an hi Industry, e1l'odlsg their 'trying to mms make a home for himself an wee? With they and salvation in an his. family in this fret Canada. Bet • sat eaioo of the state paternalism ter timer will return, and this m against whleh their leaders have up to "foreigner" ay some day be a sub - the present objected and protested? stentlal citizen, looking out .with pride Time alone will tell. over broad acres of flourishing crops; but we fancy he will never forget the WHAT CANADA NEEDS taste of those good things from Huron, ,anti he will always have In his mind's ._ .,., _ 1 I}Il _ Is a common eye the ,(cornea of a Ogre names( Me- topic of converas$'--.Gad rwnlroversy-. Gal' in p¢ -of a land of en - el lir ito i THE FARM Notes and Conttnenta on Agricultural Topic. Dahl Waal Pat liege It 1s particularly difficult In t days of lots of feed and low prices get farmers to realise that the ma does cot write a fat bog, at least u Mereq the tatted pp , se ;»-ptrls.: Cade or so ago. -The tog that to the premium today Is the releq ba type, which is, eomparat'vely speak a lean bog weighing 180 to 290 you off care at stockyards. Suet hogs li a Jowl and shoulder light and earn a back from neck to tall evenly flesh a side long dropping straight froom back, a belly showing thickness Relishing. a flank well let down and fl a ham Inst, and a good general teat with no excess fat. The best way to understand thetyye of hug that glee the dollar premium 1s to visit a stockyard or abattoir 'or grading station. where hog gradthg 1* Ming done and see for yourself the type of hog that nets the dollar prem- ium for the producer. Ontario Heavy Winter at (n6-rnatlolt al Show "The showing made by Ontario farm- ers at the International Hay and Grain t(how, Chicago," said Arthur H. Mar- tin, Ontario (Department of Agrlcul- Jure. "Js a, clear imlicatbtn int. praprza. tion being made for the World's Gra Show, to be held in Regina in 1033, "With the -Judging of grain and snu seeds ,till incomplete, exhibitors fro Ontario bare captured, already, tom championships and two reserve chatu- piuush4ps. "B. S. Lee of Chatsworth. Grey cora ty, was.*warded the grant champion ship In Held pews, on a splendid Kam of the small yellow variety. . "The second Championship goes Mrs. Mary K Maytwc-k, - of Milford Prince Edward county, ou ab exhib ornery tieid beans. Mr. -Mayeoce-1ta Item e to rket art a de - keg cot fug, n da are th, ed, the of rm, lab INEFFICIENT ADVERTISING Highway Asseetatimt Advises Caution It ('susidering Publicity Sen nett 4 The foliewh,g circular letter has been sent out from the o(lee of the Blue Water Highway Assoclation at !lanais : s "It has been brought to our attention on several occasions lately that tbcre are a number of so-called publicity agents, or tourist trade promoter. canvassing the different highways tr7- tug tn. 411.8..-47qfrau neti1alt'tie-Graff others contracts for their publications. "As we feel deeply Interested in the people along the Blue Water Highway, we take this opportunity of warning them against such sm chees until they are thoroughly Investigated. As an Association, we have sero these promo- ters romoters come and go many times without any real Genetlt to the communities which they promised to flood with tour- ist*. Do they put up attractive book- lets, folders, eta? Yes, but In practi- cally every instance that 1s as far as It went. The promotergets his money. In route eases, he prints the literature, perhaps five, ten, or littera thousand copies. lint. where did it go? We would be safe In saying that not five per cent. of it ever reached the Ameri- can tourists or got Into clrculatlou wherehe could get It, Why? Because It costs real money to build up a mail- ing lint abed pay postage, ecpreaa and duty nn large quantities of this class of advertising matter. Thus, however well It may have been prepared, or at- rtruetlye It stay have been,_1t 1141_109.1.1in get the proper distribution to obtain results. '---,„ '- ubbers! Rubbersl Rubbers, When• 'e *abbe: Footwear you want, the DOMINION BRAND - Is the 1-holee you can maize with safety and confidence. It 1s a complete line; the quality of material and the work- nuanahlp ary thoroughly reliable; In style it embraces the 11ewNat, up-to-date Fashion ideas. Troop Qwirsiw inputs should make Dominion your choice. Dominion leads in QUALITY. JIT and STYLIC, and qur prices are right, - — AGENT F4.111DOMINION 1RIIs8alts W. H E RN 1v t0Yl'WEAZ. FOOT APPLIANCES ANr) KIM EDIES North Side of Seim Plano 43w Get Year Christmas Greeting Cards Printed at The Signal A 11 "The (the Water Highway Associa• A thin during the past ten years has built o up a mailing list covering the entire United States that only time could re" cure. Mewl could not buy It. There- fore. when the Blue Water Highway II folders, maps, etc., are prepared and pit1 printed they are carefully packaged, t mailed or expressed directly to auto- tu mobil' (-Whs. information bureaus, 1 chambers of w,.nm....•., and auob..plaraa it In ( where people come for authentic - I, m feratiou, keehlee, we have hundreds - -FATHER KNIVES ne Christmas Shopping Under Way at West Street Hardware —SOMETHING FOR ALL THE FAMILY— FLASHLIGHTS The New wESTCLOZ RAZORS ALARM CLOCKS - MOTHER ELECTRIC IRONS FAY SILVER DISHES V ELECTRIC TOASTERS. - BLACK BRIDGE SET8 ELECTRIC CURLERS ELECTRIC HEATERS STALZB8 KNIVZS rind FANCY BRASS DISHES ?ORKSIN op chnwptonehlps at Chicago for th pipet three yearn. 1. 11_Lampwa0, Hidgetowu, Ken eoYat7, received the rescrye champlo ship in geld beans. "lar the alfalfa chases, Robert `than, Erato roatT,'Pee1otinty, tuolc- reserve rhampiouship. •'thttario farmers," concluded M Martin."sent upwards of 1775 entri he the seryl classes to I'blcagu, and her won wore top prizes than in any pr s donyear." e' of individual enquiries for our litera- 1 ture which we supply upon request. t ; Our omce uptown is open the year n_ 1 round to take care of such enp-hies WATCHES 1 and our „office on the• ferry dark Is epee A FOR THE fie l dining the tosrlet season. a tAMiF last year we Bare lnforwatien to over r 37145 tourists from this office. en "We st111 maintain that the clam of J fro m twelve,to fourteen hours pet dye • • • e adrertislgg our AasarLation Is tendlpi e I out year after year is very effective, In that it dare not try to Indust tourists, say from California, or some other o State thousands of miles• to see any one particutar community. or, worse „ yet. some particular store or shop, or pdave of bualne*s. Our advertising _ rovers a route or group of communities_ t which Includes a trip of around fire hundred miles through the most scenic country in the world. This, we t•o0- ey tend. Is the only class of tourist trade advertising that will be worth anythl..a r 1 to any community. One trip over this 1 route will not satisfy any tourist and our experience has been that they come year after year and bring others with them. e1 ism Just going to soda sga . that- , the merchants and others along.."111111 route should be advised to be carafe! I 404lavestlgete thoroughly -before _ ing up with any tourist trade adver- Using.' 1,000,000 Pounds of Turkey' Shipped 1 Great Britain It has been reported to the Oman n Marketing Hoard that betweeNuvt•m ter lit and December 9 over one milt ion pounds of Canadian turkey menill hare been singed to Gregt Bri Gin. - to say *b ,r.thaae dais, }and when the "experts"'.'lntntwent where crops neper fail and 19'4'ch *bent it, wttiidti#People Ifs (»d'Pi1 ve so mae` Gera PIow�=.slGd�be agreeing among themselves, the ordla- will be a better Canadian because he ary man may well feel doubtful. We was helped when he was nearly down *once, however, that the main atg0'' IId out. anent, and the most convincing one, of those who advocate inflation 1* the el- CREWE feet it would bare upon exports to the British market. If Canadian current' ' 1'(tFVV'E. Dee. 7.—Mrs. W. 1'. Cruz - were brought to a parity with British it'r has returned home after spending currency, they point out. the Canadian the past week with her parents, Mr. and Airs. W. 11. Campbell, Westfield. producers of wheat and hogs and V'Ieltors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cattle sold in the Britlehmarket would. Matthew Shackleton fast week were receive about one-third more, in Cana- dian money, than they do under exist - Ing circumstances. The money '.might Mr. and Mrs. Glazier, tam and daugh- ter, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Webb, of God- erich.. 1 not be worth quite so much In making Mrs. John S. Kilpatrick and son purchases as it Is now; but It would be I Keith spent a few dye at the home of worth the [ttil 100 cents no the defter her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Robin- son, Belgrave. In paying off debts now owing lb Can- Mr. and Mrs. John Watt spent an ada• • evening recently at the home of Mr. Accepting. then, the contention that and Mrs. Rivett. iodation to the degree mentioned— We congratulate Mr. Ram Sherwood on being returned to the council for that 1s, parity with sterling—would be another year. liteii�riirWi knits' Mir -Tile Rrtftl r'm-- t-1 ' ST'7 - ''in•- market le practically the only market in Ilungagnoq, recently playing check - mentioned in this connection. For the. reason, of course, that the British mar-, ST. HELENS ket is practically the only one now open to the Canadian producer. But ST. HELENS, Der, 5.—Meseta. W. 1 Miller, Hugh Rutherford, RegLavin and Tom Todd are attending the Guelph fair. Mr. Miller and Mr. Todd doing with Imports from Great Britain are exhibitor& Mrs. W..1. Humphrey and Mies Lila —put on duties to keep ant Canadian visited with friends; In Goderich OD geode, and bigger duties to counteract Natnrday. supporting the British Government should do with Import's from Canada what the Bennett Government has been depreciated currency -what would be the effect? All the benefit of Canadian inflation would be lost. Great Orltain le not at ail likely to do this; but that dean not affect the point we Wish to Slake, which is this: That what the Oarts-aadlan producers really want is, is (ifirst place, market". The Rrltleh market can shsorh only a fraction of the ma"s of Canadian prodocta, If the markets of France and Oerman7 and. above all. of the United State* wore apes to Canada. to an extent sufficient to absorb the altrpina Canadian produc- tion, price" would rise and there would be aro need, no thought of inflation to giro oar prndnrerz a prastatlta wee far their goods. itttiation is not 1 feMdJh It ill merely a palliative, What {AtMedd _ _... anode la twarketa, the reopen —, channels of International trade that have bus cloned by the Insane tariff legislation that hot been well-nigh unl- earnt eit recent years. What Canada towards loosening the Js•m 1n tloeal tease 1s, of course, lim- bs Patent of ier t eitstm e eflg tirade•..: *ass! attest se ogee 010114 of trade rfiaUNna Wee dtowhl tae: ANtgent' farmers of (Mord* ars In mtsthm•1ty may Mrs. Kruger and Mrs. Pringler were guests on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McDonald. Mr. Jeha Darnin of Morriston spent the weekend with his mothef, Mra. C. Dumb', $r„ at the borne of his slater, lira: ['Soffit McDtmaId. Mrs. Gordon teeetvtwt wort( on Thnre- day of the death of her eierter-In-law, Mrs. Adam Gordon (Berne Mnrray), which occurred at Wlndmor on Then. dayafter a lengthy Inn's& interment was made in Wingham cemetery on Thursday. Preparation's are being made for the Rt. Helens echoed concert to be held Thnreday, December 22nd. Kindly bear this date to mind. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Buchanan and family have taken up re/Menet, In the vtttage. Mr. end MTs. Alf. Tehtsrtt, of Gider- ich, were guesta with their relatives, the Mtwara. I Humphrey The W'omen's Dhoti met et Mrs A. Anderson's on mu ill preM- at, Wra. John idler, pr.! ea: sillb Mra. "Wallace Miller at the organ. Roll call wax responded to by every member present with, a silver glft of Mc for the Sick Children's floepttal. The final - nem Included a donation of 810 to the public library 4ad sending halt to Wingham hoeplfsl. Mina A. McKenzie had charge arge of the coveting- ♦ Apsrpeer Mooed, "Msrthg ('dta !1'''a'h Aft Olo11 •' b iikt'1J? eL" ib -1s Win 'by` Mole - we. nea•EIUer. "wthsAtmater Things Are Lenoir'was read bWas as Guts Webb. the meeting Messed with the aliens of 'Toch Loaned.' Again, may r draw your attention to the fact that the United States holds v forty-aeren per cent. of the gold of the t world, and in spite of this the farm- ers of that country hare gone bank- rupt, owing to the exchange situ/armTheir surplus could not bre exporti•d atst-f - n markets. Me. jJ �Hamer tcork the same 'stand as Sir 1r ttpheidlnR"aenrel vuoney.n-but lar spite of the fart that the turke originated In the Western Pro - bites, this constitutes good pews fin he Ontario producer, inasmuch as lo- cal markets will be relieved to that ex teat. • • • pitfall Apple lyarket kaki oars In a r Vaunt that rite ptnilserTit rota I Mal- y Ontario apples in the United King- om continue satisfactory. He em- uislz's that It Is Important that docu- enta such as certificates of origin and to epec•ifications of the shipment ould reach hint ahead•of the ship- ents to which they refer; also that counter mnrks on each barrel are abao- kelp iwvt'ssary when a shipment coa- sts of more than one car. Mr. rui- n observes that the amount of money Mang to the shlppern through not tng been punter marks has tremendous In et years, A separate bill of lading r each carload would greatly tactil- e distribution at C. K. porta. Fig - res furnished by Mr. Fulton reveal that the Brttlelt- market Imported 7,000,949 cwt. of apples in 1931 as Com- pared with 4,1101,134 cwt. In 1921 and 1,830,21(1 cwt. In 1901. Thin reveal, the potentialities of the British market for absorbing the apple exports of On- tario. Mr, Andrew Fulton. oversea a fruit epreseue•cent report, when the people had a chance to ex- it press their views on eleetian day they d strongly _condemned that policy, be- pi tiering that the exchange situation was m one of the reasons for the great depress -t1 'sIon In their country, si, Loyal, Ont., Dec. 11. W. 1. 1-0t'NG, m DONNYBROOK iu sl to ltoa Pa fin tat n DONNYBROOK, Dec. 4i.—Tin' W.M. s, of 1)onnybrpok ehureh will hold its regular -meeting on Thursday of this week. The Young People's Soelrty will meet on Friday evening at the usual hour. MI"A Verna Chamney and Mr. J. A. Than* son will he in charge. A Christ -max tree and concert will be held in Donnybrook school on Thurs- day evening, De emher 22. A gond program ie being prepared and every- one la Invited to come. Jnr. and Mrs. Jamey Plowman eel. - twisted their silver wedding oD`-_PhiraT- day, December 3. and Mr. M. Murphy visited Lochalsh one day hest week. Mrs. Henry Leigh/nen visited at the home of her mother at the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Potter and family, of Blyth, visited Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Jefferson on Sunday. . Miss Verna Chimney spent a few days at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mts. John 11111. Mlas Della Plowman of Forest spent the week -end at her home here.. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILI., Deo. 0. --On Sun- day afternoon Rev. R. M. Gale spoke to large congregation, taking for his text Actor 26:14,15. The choir bang two nnmhere which were tnaeh enjoyed, The Ladle' Atd will hold their teen- ier meeting on Thursday of thea week. They Intend holding a social evening on Deeemher 111. master, Alvin Bollen 1s, we are pleased tstay, mbch Improved. His curse, Mime Marqul", has retnrned fo Clinton. A number in this community have been quarantined with measliest, but are nearly all well again. Mrs. David Pocock and Norval have been at Burford the last few day. hetping her denght.r, Mrs. /leets Pleb her furniture prorMua to moving. Mr. anti Mrs. Fleet Intend living in Clinton. Mrs. Herb Cox. who hen spent the lair tiro weeks ,with her Iangbter In a returned home Improved n ea tit. !Health, which 1e nn. gte0( aeetwt of sneers, is a gilt of i dnetry. The Idle man la never so cheerful or well as the man who work*. Ina OF a*rrn.RA Ttae .aakee do not have moven, ?MA. Lp Ilaatlle laid to bteda..tbe a Ale movable hat with then it bathe lower lid n'•••*ett-'fattti-to eco er the el., instead M the upper 11d rotting down an is the cane with mem '*I*. , .lAittek.. - Hever fee O -A -C. The silver cup offered by the Saddle and McRae. Ch1eaj.,.pr..m„� annual essay content, has been won by the stridents of the Ontario Agricultur- al College. Jas. Callen secured second place as an Individual competitor, and won the sllver medal. Fourth place was won by Miss Regtna van der Hoorn, fifth Were by K. E. Jackson. 'sixth by William Butt and eighth by F G. Reedman. Thus, O.A.C. students "named fire of the first eight ■wards and, on this haste, won the grand championship trophy. The honor which comes to O.A.C. through the winning of thin trophy mean* just a little mote when It is know% that there were In all 1110 competitor* from sixteen agri- cultural college&. Fifteen of these col- leges are in the United States. The ettbJett on which the essays were written was "Factors Contribut- ing to the EMcieent Use of Feeds" The Gneiss s of the Mndents la a tribute to the department of poultry and animal husbandry, wheFe a large amount of research has been carried on and from which some htndemental facts have been eerured. The ienellah department In which these 'student" were trained, also Oiling mach eredlt. The 'indents deserve great praise because of their interest and Industry and their ability to write outstanding essays. • • • irleld Crepe Report The statlatIc* branch has recently 1. - eared !M elxfh crpp report of the sea- son, covering yields of field crops for Onterin. Fell wheat yield per acre Is now placed at 214,4 hnabela as com- pared with preUmtnary aspire of ttn.1 arteheta ant! the e*1t0Aafe or oats has been redneed from 83.5 to 3.10 hnehela per acre. The Injury done to fall wheat by lodging ea revealed by thresh - Ing operations was greater than at first !relieved. Yield of oats oma" enc down in Southern Ontario due to unfavorable weather at seeding tine and in ether seeding, oats arc light In Weight doe to Carp rapt and keg* wkllie II11718.: sl pif8dnctttm nr hsn*Y. been l cat pie Lt 0411.1. v'4'• ,int !•a*• -.-stag acreage of potatoes wan rednrtd 7 per cent. MI* year, hut the yield per tore showed a drastic fvtlectlon Dry rot • -- KIDDIES Drurni, Boob, Indian Ms, Dishes, Beaus, Baking Seta, ; Toy Reins, Toy whips, Blocks, Sbigbs glad O. O. K. Skates. Aladdin Lamps at Special Fasces Gores rebbutt /4 Phone 486 Goderich g vtiveinteaseigtesetegtmgegegrvaprevz ASHF'IELD - ASIIF1ELp, Dec. 8.—Mr. Allan (;rant, who has been saltine during the l summer, has returned to spend the I winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Roland Grant. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Maekensie and Miss Mary, of Ripley, spent Sunday with members of their family in Ash- field. Mrs. Norman Patterson, who hart been spending some time with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drennan, re- turned to her home In Montreal. The many friends of Mrs. Morgan Dalton, who has been ao seriously 111, are *tin hoping for some Improvement In her condition. Mr. (Carlen MacGregor of Waterloo spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Alex. MacGregor. baa bwroutlreralent, maaj..Aa4da show - ng art high an 50 per cent. rot. Late crops such as anger beets. turn- Ips, mangolde, corn and buckwheat benefited from favorable growing weather during tie fall and yield* were very gond. The corn -borer woe worse than for some yearn. Hay and sllver crops yielded well except In the east, where growth was checked by midAnmmer drought and rains eame too fate to prevent damage to hay rrdpq, but In time for eorn and grain. Pastures are In excellent con— dition and livestock Is going Into the stables In good condition. Farmers generally sowed fall wheat later this year to avoid the danger of Ilesdan ay. Though havfag Ie*a top than laet year, It le very healthy and goes into the winter in good shape. Prices received for crops are generally lean than a year ago, although pota- toes and beans are above last year, The total value of the chief field crops was $114,078,408 for 1932 as compared with $123.221,100 for 1931. • . . . NIGHT -c. ase' ••al::..tl..ai[r.:- aate%s, • .• h a winos modem mac. - .t k frier/ te-rtm n appUed M • t . •tb WJAcu-j»pr MOTORIZED HEATING Vasa -Draft, with its •netbm fan installed in the tau>A shins the faraaee, aat•nratleafkeeps ally sheered tesepe*atare. KM rear house nai so Ale h enables yea to berm 1•l''eo•t eon! In either Bot redweed330%ass`s( farears+...d ... mink year feel kt� anti lag seal Vasal -Draft wfagmard• you against tie danger et mot, Gad req keeps iir.... teatlamthe e ami bawl' Meer •t due= it ma b• marehased M b.ing the Imo Me easy Fay�e-Yert•as momolbeas eat, mph' year b^" enmei1.1 he mikey elt.41 ing mhusitegas--f401171 Ilk Int 1111-alftidian CA* anti !kr ate fib ar•remt leia►r*sw few mot at*w% a Mail CGe'w w Kele Ise id Wormiest Te -4•y TALBOT & CORNISH Square and Kingston Street Telephone 81 Goderich A Frahm of Candies Ishmeirmeniowitaaw. 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