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by paying your eubrcriptloa to The Signal
for 1933 this mouth. Each .ubseriber
paying $J,50 in advance will receive
beautiful 1933 Calendar.
Final Session of
County Council
Members Oritldal of Overlapping
Inspection of Institutions by
Grand Juries
The Huron county council Le in ses-
sion et the court house this week, with
all members present.
At the opening of the session on
Tuesday afternoon Warden Rader gave
a brief address, thanking the members
for their cu -operation during the
year and expressing bis conviction that
the members had been conscientious in
the diechargk of their duties and were
endeavoriug to keep within the Nal -
sates of expenditures.
Mentioning certain reeommendatious
et the November grand jury after a
visit to the county Institution's In God -
*rich and Clinton, the Warden mode no
obje•ttou to the recommendations, but
.beervtd that tate county cvuneil had a
vommittee which was capable of look-
ing atter these things without advice
from an outside body.
The eouacll felt, the Warden said.
that criminal justice expenditures had
-bests- evening *way by teape-. and I
K ande. A committee had been inveetl- i
gating in this matter, and nothing ille-
g al had been found, but some re•om-
aewlatlon might be made with a view
to reducing the expense.
In such matters the Warden advised
that the members feet tree to • expresa�
their opinions, but to he fair. What-
e ver was done should be done In above-
board fashion.
lie had leen informed by the_ court
officials that'the jury bad beendie
pensed with for the December court
sessions. This would mean a saving to
the county of about $500, for which
credit should be given to tate officials
The clerk then proceeded with the
reading of communications, which were
referred to the appropriate committees
er ln.aome cases filed.
W. W. Ikenison, Proeinefel Inspector
et legal otrhecs, reported that certain
Changes and improvements were re-
quired at the registry nffke.
'A communication from J..1. Morri-
son. secretary of the 4'nited Farmers
of (nturle, set forth the program and
plans of that organization.
The presentment of the grind-
ramat the November court sittings making
-,4/lala re cenannndaUous lu;L'OI neotte4
with county buildings. particularly the
house of refuge, was rend and was the
subject of further brief comment by-
t'he Warden. Ile thought it might be
all right to provide fire extinguleher
at the house of refuge. but he did not
see the necessity of other expenditures
Reeve McNabb asked if It was
n ecessary for the grand Jury to vial%
these places, which were regularly in-
spected by a Government [nape for as
well as by the county property commit-
The Warden -1 don't think It 1s
seceseary. Tiley say It le the law, and
It will remain the law unless we make
an effort to have It changed.
A resolution from the united conn -
ties of Stormont, Dundas aid Glen-
garry protested againwt any legisla-
tion to increase local taxation by wi-
dening the meaning of the term "in-
digent patient" with reference to hos-
pitals, and further asked the Minister
•f health to repeal recent legislation
°hanging the time allowed for investi-
gating claims for hospital treatment of
.., tadigeots [sots thirty -to twenty Arms
Teo Reduce Education Costs
From,the county of Halton came the
report of a recent meeting at Milton of
representatives from the counties of
Wentworth, Dufferin, Slmcoe and. Hal-
on M consider means of relief from
the high cost of secondary education.
It was pointed out that in spite of
three years of depressed prices for ma-
terials and labor high school costs still
appeared to be advancing and after
sonslderatlon the county repreaenta-
Yvee meeting at Milton framed a set of
resolutions for presentation to the De-
partment of Edu estlon. Some of these
proposals were:
That the maximum salaries on which
•panty council• should pay a malnten-
a*ee grant be $1800 for a principal and
131090 for as assistant teaobes. --
That the "lower school" coatis be arc
taoved from the high school and Made
a public sebool or junior high school
course 1n all schools in the Province.
That the minimesm age of pupils be
(CoatlnueP on pare 5)
Severet ladies of town have formed
a voluntary committee to distribute
Cbrlstmps cheer to children who
sight otherwise be neglected.
Person* who have toys, games, books or
such articles who would like to have
them need to make some child happy on
Christmas morning are asked to leave
teem at MacKay -Niall, where they wIl
be taken core Of la the meantime.
Cnds'rkh lou In group 12 of the later -
mediate (I.R.A. alnng with Mitchell,
Gunton and Scsibrth. W. C. Thorne,
set Mitchell, Lfemlvener for the group.
Rumors are elrenlatet that upon the
sight shlpa berthed at the harbor U
pleeyeaf material for a hockey team,
If arra-else&, would "clean up"
~'`.. airs' rare It the M$atry.
~haps the kcal squad would like to
Sake them In heed for a Whow-dewn aa
Sahli as /Feel mire .rtne*'troos to t*a
serious blbslesees of ektag lee at the
Friends of Mrs. Morgan Dalton In
towa and country learn with regret of
her death, which occurred at her home
In Ashfield township this (Thursday)
morning after a week's illness follow-
ing a stroke of paral7eIs. The de-
ceased lady was held to high regard by
a wide circle of friends. whose deepest
sympathy will go to the behaved bus-
badd and tangly in their sad bereave-
ment. The funeral will take place oa
Saturday morning at 9.30 o'clock with
a eervite at St. Joseph's church, Kings-
• • •
The fuaer*l of the late Mrs, Alexan-
der McColl was held from the C.P.R.
station to Maitland cemetery on Mon-
day afternoon, the re .aini"havtng been
brought from Toronto. Rev. W. T.
Bunt had charge of the service. Mrs.
McColl, who resided in Goderich some
years ago, died In Toronto on Friday at
the age of seventy-five yeare. She was
a itaptist, but during her residence Lt
Goderich attended Knox Presbyterian
church. She had leen In failing health
fur some years, and eight weeks ago
wax contined to her led. She leaves to
mourn her a daughter, Mrs. Hildred
Greenhill. and a son, John, both of Mr -
onto. Mrs. Greenhill and Mr. McColl
-aeswmpinled the remains from Toron-
• • •
Miss Margaret Fraser, an old and
nourh esteemed resident of Goderlch,
p�e+ehiaed away on Thursday evening of
Tlli;i week at'llel'lfume arthe eorntT-C
Britannia road end Cameron street, in
her eighty-strond year. She was bora
In Goderich townxblp, a .daughter elf
Mr-Ln4 Mrs. Donald Fraser, but lived
for the greater part of her life in the
residence in wbk'b she diel. A broth-
er, James, and a sister, Caroline, pre-
deceased her. Site is survived by her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Ida Freser, and her
nleee, Miss Marion Fraser, of Saranae
Lake, N.Y., who arrived here early last
week. Decease4 wee, while her health
permitted, an millet) Worker In -Knox
church and for several years she had
been an honorary president of the WO-
o-man's Missionary Society of that -eon-
gregatlon. In her earlier -yearn 4R5 -
was interested- also In music and art.
In which she 'developed considerable
talent. Her memory of early days in
ldolerich. and of people and events now
atmaat entirety forgotten. made her -1
conversations/fat of mace interest and
einem. The funeral took place en
/Saturday afternoon to Maitland ceme-
tery,.the melees being eondwted by
rev. D. J. Gstai fihe pellSeireYY'iitife
three cousins, Thomas R., Charles J.
\' Wallis. and A. M. berg
anal Walter t
son. The interment was in Maitland
Electoral Upset
in Ashfield Vote
YicKensis Defeated by Matheson
for Reeveship-Stewart Wins
in West Wawanosh
Elections were held on Monday in
Ashfield and West Wawanosh town-
ships. In West Wawanosh the Reeve
and council of 1932 were again re-
turned,•Reeve W. J. Stewart having the
enbstantial majority of 184 over his ,
opponent, William Mole. The couucll-
lora re-elected are C. M. Altchl.on, Al-
bert Gammie, John McQuillln and
Thomas Webster. Webster headed the
An I'p.et In Ashfield
In Ashfield townehlp Murdoch
Matheson. after a year as deputy reeve,
ousted John A. MacKeutie from the
reeveshlp, with a majority of 127. Mr.
MacKenzie [tae been looked upon as
one of the most capable and level-
headed members of the county council.
but the Ashfield elector evidently
wanted a change. Wilfred Farrish had
a big lead In the vote for councillors
and E. 1.. Zinn was stand. These are
both new- menst tie--. council les m.
Sam .SherwutaLtraa reelected council-
lor, and Richard Johnston, councillor
of 1932, was eleeteel deputy reeve with-
out a contest. The Ashfield council
for 19 33, therefore, will be:
Reeve- Murdoch Mathes(w.
Deputy Reeve -Richard Johnston.
t annettders,.-W.. karrbh. It. 0:-IiMmert
Sherwood. - I
The vote 1n detail is given on page h.
..-i duet i' rrLeh •• • •• •' £auadiau
Order of Foresters, elected officers for
1934 last Tuesday night Thep are:
1'.C.R.. W. F. 11. Price; ('.11.. E. Breck-
enridge; V.l'.11.. J. Barbour; chaplain,
Wm. Knight : financial su'tetary, A. J.
Wilkins: re,orling secretary, .1. E.
Barker; treasurer, --W 6 ilydlktns : R.
\V.. FI. C. Witmer; J,W...John. Farrlah;
R.B., Frank Bowra; J.B., Robert Hen-
ry: trustees, J. W. Bell, James Wilson,
Douglas Nairn. These officers will be
metalled January 3rd. ' _..-
• • •
The death of Angus Gordon, which
occurred at his home on the Ashfield
boundary near Sheppardton on Thurs-
day, December let, removed a highly
respected resident of the community.
Mr. Gordon had been In failing health
for some months and was taken suds
denly 111 on the Monday preceding,hts
death. Though a native of Goderkh
towutrhip, deceased had spent more
than fifty of his sixty-six years at his
Sheppardton home. He was the eldest
son of the Into Mr. and Mrs. James
Gordon, who for many years lived on
the farm later oecopled by their son.
In April, 19(13, he married Miss Mary
Dunbar of Port Albert, who survives
him. He leaves also three sisters and
twn brothers: Iters. Rachel Robertson,
of Treherne. Man.; Mrs. J. A. Watson,
of Rona, Sask.; Miss Mary Gordon, of
William Gordon..ot.Nvtw*J
House, Man., and A. J. Gordon, of Wat-
rata, Flask. A younger brother, J. A.
("Bert"), enllt.ted with the "Princess
Pat's" in the Great War and was killed
In action In June, 1916. Mr. Gordon
was an elder In the Port Albert United
(formerly Presbyterian) church end
was always counted upon as a support-
er of every movement for the trne wel-
fare of the community. The funeral
took place on Monday, the service be -
Ing conducted by Rev. W. G. Shaw, of
the United church, and Rev. D. J.
iAne, M Knox Presbyterian church,
Goderlch. The pallbearers were three
fellow -eiders, Tboa. Dickson, John
Quaid and Henryednor, and three
old neighbors, David Green, Nelson
Gorham and James Hayden. Inter-
ment was in the Clinton cemetery.
The annual meeting of the Alexan-
dra Hospital Asaoelatlon will take
place at MacKay Hall on Monday even -
Ing next. it Is hoped that a large
number of members and of others In-
tereeted In the hospital will attend, as
there will he under consideration bad-
ness of Importance which deserves the
attention of the eltIzene generally. The
meeting will be at 8 o'clock.
law[ Tessier evening the Goderich
Bridge nob got under way and played
their first game at McKay Hall. There
was quite a good turnout •nd the
worm were vary class. The following
were winners: plinth and Heath --
let, Mr. and Kra. E. C. Beacom (21) ;
2nd, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Patterson
(14) ; 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Eastman
(5) : East and West -Int, Mrs. Baker
and Mrs. Wbttt(q, Sits) : 2nd. Mr. a
Meakl's and Mr. D. D. Money (19%);
3rd. Mr•,
Johnston (•1'l).,
A kennel.* Willi he bold ever,
'reardar n1t1p11'`11 1L -Kay Hall aged alt
bridge player' are cordially invited It
would be quite a bowever, d
ar. *bo timla1V-fo 116WS
'panne Mho Mau. at the Se of Mon-
traal, sad' let beer ka . `
While coveting up the hatches on the
ata Donnacona at the harbor on Tues-
day night. about 8 dclock, the tecr•ond
Jac • Borland,lost- Fria font
mate kcwt
and fell Into the hold. A rope broke
the fall.eoaapwhat, but he landed on
the steel floor after a straight fall oZ
abest-thirtyfee4, resalting-Ia-a double
fracture of the right arm. cuts maut
the head, and serious Injuries to his
hack. It has net as yet been ascer-
tained If there are any internal injur-
Borland was taken to Alexandra
hospital by Dr. W. F. Callow, attend -
Ing physician. His condition le re --
ported to be as gond as can he expected
under the circumstances. Ills home 1x
at Port Colborne.
The annual meeting of the Victoria
Helpers class was held Tuesday even -
Ing, December 6th, bus the Sunday
school room of Victoria street United
church, with the president, Mrs. Harry
Sanderson. presiding. Mrs. R. H. Mew
led in the opening prayer, and the
president read the Scripture lesson.
The roll call was answered with a
Scripture verse containing the word
"Truth." The usual routine of bad-
ness was gone through, followed by sat-
isfactory reports by the secretary and
treasurer. Rev. F. A: Craik took the
chair and conducted tate election of of -
firers etsultierx t' shows'. PrewMeect;
Miss Jean McCabe; vice-president, Mel.
Reg McGee; secretary. Mrs. Joe Alli-
son; treasurer, Miss Hanel Hawkins;
pianist, Mr*. Harry Sanderson; teaeh-
er, Mrs. R. H. Mew; flower committee,
Mrs. Frank Dunn, Miss Hazel Haw•
kin ; look -out committee, Mee. Ogle
hillier, Mrs. Harry Mendelson; press
secretary, Mrs. Stanley McMullen.
Christmas Shopping Number of
The Signal will be iarued next weak.
It is requested that advertisers hand
in their "copy" as early as possible,
also that any persons having news or
other articles for publication let us
have them at the earlieet possible
A Transformation PE sQx�l,I, MENTION Week's Trial Ends
Mrs. iv, B. Graham has gone teTw-
oato, to wend the winter months• • A •
at the Parkj ��
.-. .a�f.) W. F., (knew •�• """�+� �-e"-3+•�•�
- , Uireed from a week's vide to friend. - ---1,77-T1
at Detroit.
Ciederieb'c Famed kir. W. H. liaker is home after
Again Bids for Popular laver speeding the summer mouths with the
and Patno tug Herules at Port Stanley.
naga - Mr. Angus Matte, of Cayuga, spent
- the week -end at the home of his par -
A visit to the Park -House, adjoining eats, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Martie, Vic -
Harbor Park, reveals that a transfor- toric street.
nation has taken place to this Doer Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, Perk
street. left last week for Toronto to
famed but latterly neglected house of spend a month or two with their son,
Mr. J. Ernest Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. S(-hu11aeher and
FINAL. MEETING FOB, 1932 eutertalument, witch is one of the old-
'est buildings in Goderich, and there-
fore one of the oldest 1u the entire
Clears Public School heard Cleathe Slate Huron tract. The house. was taken
for Another ]'ear over early in October by Mr. and Mrs.
Po' 444'4941 aaeetcilia public school T. M. Turner, on arrangement with the
town "i•onne11 ind'tn t ie�` 'w"o' 'aiotitltti
board for the present year was held os that have' Intervened a wonderful
Monday evening.
change leas made, as been and what was
The principal of (ventral school Lie- a rather din
ported_retied Into a bright, the month of November: dingy old pines. has been eon-
on the roll, 23'2; average attepd-
testily clean and wewelll -keptt hostelry.
Shea, 217, or 83.5 per cru[.; Penny The I'hauge has not been effected
Sank depoahs' $5813, without a great amount of work, and in her When a resident of the county.
The priadyal of Victoria sehbell re this etintie•tlon it Is in order to con- 1Inc of the clutters to the count
Pen -
ported: Number on roll, 373; average 7
attendYce, 344. or 92.2 ler cent. ; I'rn_ eratulate the town upon hating in council this week ens Mr. W. M. Doig,
deposits. ;12I{.77. charge of the house such an energetic of Tuckcrsmith, Menge interest ` in
ny Bank d competent and tasteful couple as Mr. muni-ipal affairs goes buck fifty tears
A cheque for $3O was received from
erge of Oonspir'aoy against
Johnston and Ryles Dismissed
by Judge Costello
After six days and two nights ofw
gruelling examinations and cro-ex-
amivatious, Ills honor Judge Costello
on Saturday night acquitted J. P.
M J F Johnstone, Toronto broker, and Me
salesman, Francis Bytes, of the charge
week -end at the homme
Miss Laverne, of o, .peat the of conspiracy to defraud.
e of lir, sad Mrs. of
and Bytes were returned
Thee. Young, South street. to the county gull W [ace other charges,
Mrs, J. T. Fell has been ttt•reivtyl by Johnston is charged with tate_ couver- _
Iliammitb of her hi -other. Mr. Fred ohm-ot"fiiuda amounting to 1-8.ti3OM,
Hammitt of Sarnia. She attended the while Bytes faces charges of conver- 1
funeral at Sarnia on \Vedncstlay. sloe, fraud and theft.
Mr. Luxton 11111, of London, Is visit-
irlb Things morel to a swift conclusion
lug his brother, Mr.- William 11111, and at the end of the week, witness utter
this afternoon look a look over the witness being examined in an effe,rt to
close the conspiracy trial by Saturday
night. N
Evldenee'preseMwl by James Me-
lirkir, aceountaut to the Ontario Se-
curities Commission, showed that
Johnstone bad, after the market crash
uru•,r. Due credit slap -Of amts, - aro.- Deft is a candidate for in. 11429, voluntarily gate Weelae--1r.1
iboutd 5,..1.en the` partrcommittee of 1 the ree:vexhlli of Mr hip Tor 1333 inions -office wdtir ten- casts• -1n its -tee:
9.1 .1211111114 wuele la the !wheels, _-. „nem wg3tsZ'n ilrman; t merle elected he will be a notable ad- �1" k' t --tib` a, eta1 totat-:—– eotteettotl
It was ordered that, the contract Reeve J. W. l:raigle, has given ditionwas taken up for him, Mr. McBride de -
price less rebate, ora total of $342.06, ven eaten- to the (-unty body. elated. Only previously
be paid 10 the Gypsum Lime and Ain -
jsixtuncr and rucoiiragement la - - -- 9 a few months cfouel
bastlne. Ltd., for installin "dryInsu- the tranafvrmutluu that has ultra Johnstone had mingled with Euglleh
e CHURCH NOTES . aristocrats in an effort to put across
lex" at 1'icturia school. place.
The 'natter of providing skating rnk The rooms on two floors have been re- amalgamated ('reamerles, Ltd. On
aeremawsietion ee the -
The and rwlecorutwl. some. new
la-emeimi' as Tie': n`eir-- c`Lraper ea__rmy_.1oncr3WWU' r/rJa t.f'bTs s ay'otdi weeks."
pupils Nelxd to the finance com- Ilene been hung, news riw•tri(- i1Rlhl,flx- next by Adjutant 1. Murray of Tor- Tine site of preferred and common
wlttec. with power to act at once. titres lnstuliel, and the whole piace Is MAO' ettitl reulbecl $817,11.1-1.43 according to a
A motion Was parsed that no fres lie now a credit to the town and will be a Services In the Itaptist church next statement prescntel by Mr. McBride,
collected fur nun -n, lde nt pngetlfor real addition to Godertch's arcommoda- $onlay will be In theme of tee ;seer, a11 -sof -whish Inrd wiirgeclty, pah
-tens Sr
phi* -
t.ia tore. ending Jlevwml...r :il.e .
_ MODS for the tonrrsst trade Set`•- T Rtint. bible school at 101 and to addition stack sold by Ryles
The secretary rt•plrtwl that a check -
To the Editor of The Signal.
Dear Sir, -At the reguar meeting of
the Goderich Welfare Committee, on
Tuesday, December 6th, it was decided
that a letter should be sent to the
town papers asIdng the citizens for do-
nation. of good secondhand clothing.
The library board hare allowed ns
the see of a eoe®la the basement,
where the clothing can be kept until
At the prevent time, only three par -1
cels have been sent to the town hall.
Realizing that it may be Inconvenient
to bring the parcels, the committee
will arrange to have them called for if
notified. The welfare committee of
Victoria home and Idol Club, the
Women's institute and the Ladies' Aid
of Knox church have expressed their
willingness to make over any clothing.
and at the present time there Is a need
for do pante, for a from .even to
berg' 1>• ges
fonrteeo years. it anyone can supply
the wherewithal to make these, It will
he greatly appreciated.
There Is also a need for a amain
Quebec heater or laundry .cove. and to
thews days when ewe is a problem sev-
eral quilts eould be placed where they
are mach needed.
If these who are able to 'supply any
of these needs will telephone 571, or 110-
iffy any member of the committee.
their enntrlhntlon will he called for.
-Having made thln appeal. we tenet
there will he a fenerone reesponse, re
membering Him who said, " laaaeneb
ss y have Anes It to rest~e way IrPgth-
ree, ye have done It mato Me"
ThankiQgjon op behalf the noe-
mltte• for Kier variable t '"
Inert sine rely,
blit. A. TAYLOR.
;da.e <'aMt� ilei'
For the winter months the hot se will a.m.; classes for all, (;caped service at untonuting to 12 a3o was nnaeeounted
up of the a( -counts of the board for the }'
be available for bridge parties, private _ a.m.-sublet: "Standing in the fur. ,
indicated that the surplus of 1,W dinner partly', and such affairs.. for ('alt' 7 p.m.- The Joy of the IAW4." Tlir total cxpenwx In the organisei-
wt hand at the beginning of the year whish It Is admlrsahlr suites). and air. 7'he annual meeting of Knox (-hunch thou of Consolidated Creameries, Ltd.,
had been substantially increased and Turner will be gine' to get in touch auxiliary, \V.M.S., will be held on were $'12,37:1.32, end 134,272.00 was
with any of the held org:ueizatlons Tueal°y, Dwrmiser 13 at 3 p.m. in- paid for option* on various creameries.
that may desire such ac(-omultelntiotl, _ it
of December 211. S,"•reterles The ;atm of ;21,717.43 of Consolidated
-It [night le' added that Ilse bastes is will -give their annual reports and the fnnda-waa apart totheformation of
now furnace-heatetl, although the bid contents of mite taxes, and calendar amalgamated Creameries, leaving a de-
firepinces still remain in the larger wihl lir received. licit of 1705.42.
tien•Iees et North street ihilted Mr. McBride dertared that no author-
ity had beret given Johnstone to pay out
any money other than salesmen's
commissions. He admitted Johnstone
had glee"' the commission evcry armlet-
the Men's (?huh, meeting at 10 o'clock,
Cul. 11 K. Barker testified that he
wil be "W11ati was enp*-,wed by the Johnstone arm la
-Morphine del" ' - •-.- Fitts -2'p to keep(the °Klee open and con -
,e. The service,' In Vtetorfa ett',Feti'affM duet business -*idle Johnstone and
Church oi"aundsy next will be ._set A 1e' I w w ,4pl.ugleoul. Ile admitted
. e ,nhde•nee that amnlgamatid Creamer-
Cralk's 'object will be "Itlethewla--the les would have been am-ewe/dui had the
House e,f Mercy." The evening service market held.
kBl.have as its theme "The ('roar." flioneas Mcl'ohl, Brussels, sharehold-
The Chriatlan Service group,w•ill sing er In the company 111111 driver of a
the hymns "The Old Rugged' Crow" creamery truck for C. A. Barber: Sea -
and " At the Cross Where i Raw the forth, stated he purchased stock
Light." The pastor will sing the solo aut.eiuting to $'2,010 from Ryles. Ile
"At the Cross There's Room," and the rwrlved n commission of five per cent
eongregation will sing: "Jesus, Kell/ 1111 /111/1•14 wild by Ryles to parties to
Me Near the Cross," "Nearer, My God. whom be Introluer•d Ryles. In this
to Tbee," and "When I Survey tkc way he eolleterf $1,000, which he
would not 1e tar from $1,000.
The board adjourittd to meet Wed-
nesday, January lith. 1933.
lk•[or. the adjournment Trustee
Blackstone. chairman of the board for
1932, thanked his colleagues for their
assistance and co -operation -during the
yea r.
church nett Sunday will by conducted
by the pastor. Sermon suhjecte--
• Mn. Thomas Lacey, Wolfe street, 11 a.m.,"Lead us not Into temptation:"
WINTER FLEET ENLARGED pasted NM ay suddenly this (Thursday) 7 p.nh., "1f Jesuu came to G...m. ich. how
Lammas_at9llcloek._ILte. Lacey had. would fie be received!" The topic at
%ijjt-t Taeueis IInrritrding the Mon-_ just returned from church when she r
sten" Piel titer I>'osivaeenn was taken by an attack ibieTTesulted IS
The at r. J. I1. 3hexdle of the Cleve her death. The funeral cervico takes
land Cliffs Iron Cu. urrfvwl Friday place Saturday morning at St. teeter'•
A1ghG-with- AAi ibitlll�t din• , , i ., - _ ,...
191,000 bushe4s of Born from rag°.
The (-ergo was unloaded at the elevator MUSIC RECITAL
Sunday and the steamer cleared early An Interesting recital that diyrinyed
Montlay m(ruing• a wealth of talent was presenbd by a
Eight freighters are berthed at win- group of students of Mr. Henry A.
ter inverters in the harbor. On the. Clark, Stratford, in the Ilaptist church
south side of the harbor are the steam- last Friday night. 4'he pupils, all gold
ers l'rludoe of the Paterson Steam- medallists, gave a program of violin
ships, I). B. Hanna and Wm. Schupp of selections that' exhibited flue musical
the felon Transit Co.. and Cartiertloc ability. Rev. W. 7'. Bunt meted as
of the Paterson Steamships, at the chairman for the evening.
mill; Weatmount of the Canada Steam-
ship Lines, and Mantadoc of the Pat-
erson Lines, at the elevator. On the
north side are the Hagerty and the
Ironnaeona of the Canadian Stesm-
At the annual mewing of the ,Wo-
man's Association of North ldreet
United church the officers of 11)32 were
ship Lines. all returned by t(c"•lawation. They are
The Schupp, Mantadoc and Donna- as follows: President, Mrs. II. T. FAI-
cona all arrived within the space of
an hour and a half Saturday morning.
The Dotmaeona, largest ship ever to
harbor In Goderich. le about 630 feet
over ell, with a 59 -foot beam. She L
only seven feet shorter than the Le.
moyne, the largest freighter on the
Great Lakes. The IMnnacona dis-
iecharged a cargo of 75,000 buabels of
wheaflri-tlin W:C.F.M., and at the ele-
saiee-29fe►00 barabwla,..ef. ...atheat .,a*
95,000 bushels of flax. Capt. James
Reoch is In command.
The Cartlerdoc Is laid up with
106,000 bushels of wheat, and the
Sehupp has 105,000 bushels of wheat,
both for the Western Canada Flour
Mills. The Mantadoe has a storage car-
go of 218,000 bushels of wheat for the
Mr. Louts Butler, marine superin-
tendent of the Paterson Linea, is here
Inspecting the winter layouts of the
Paterson boats.
Likely to Ile Abandoned
The steamer Georgian, which went
aground near Munising, Mieh., on Lake
Superior, early last week, Is reported
to be In had shape and likely to bre
abandoned. The vessel Is resting amid -
whip on a pinnacle of rack at the mercy
tit the wind; trot of sestet and in dan-
ger of breaking up. a crew of
twenty men were taken off Saturday
night. The Georgian 1. owned by the
Northwest Transportation Company.
The December sessions of the Coun-
ty Court will open before Judge- Cos-
te11A on TuevMay next. There 1. a
Targe grist of business for the Court.
Save Fifty Cents fob (M
As a eenee.alnn is the dm% 'itis
RIgna1 during the wwwtth of D(eembsr
will aeeept aubserIptkwm In advance
far the year 1123 at_11211.
Rnl arrlbsrw no pydag In Edvaase
will rwpefvp alts tlIgr ei4mder.
This imperial eta Y agates te'tD.si-
New .Ithee Qi Thier wile re -
.ale* -Nm. suras h tatm lel d..
airy, 1174. at ire model 301115*
.oars prim. SI*
Wondrous Cross." ' The sermon sub-
ject will be: "The Crow the Prof of
the Leve of God.'4--An illuminated
turned In on a second purchase of
Eight aharehnldrr In the ill-fated
cross also will be a feature of the ser- company teelit I for the Crown. They
vice I were i). N. McDonald, Brussels coal
dealer, who invested 1.100; John A.
W. 1, EUCHRE AND DANCE Crerar, brussels, partner of McDonald,
wards; vice-president, Mrs. Me\evin; A a114ee44111 euchre and dance was 1 who invested $2,(w30; Mrs. Rebekah J.
fuel vice-president, Miss M. Robertson; held In the Oddfeellows' Hall last Fri. Dark, Brussels, with $2,300 worth of
secretary, Mrs. Wm, Rivers; treasurer, day night by the Women's Institute and stock; Mra, John A. Crerar, Brussels,
Mrs. J. R. Wheeler; corresponding see- was well attendei. The proeerla, with 11.5(5) Invented; Mhos Katherine
retary, Mrs. I1. it. Long. amounting to nearly 120 will be used In Menzies, Ilrussel e, who exchanged
The praeeda of the annual bazaar the Institute', charity funds. Prize- 11,30 Dominion of Canada bonds as
recently held by the Associatloh winners at euchre re: Mrs. T. Bak- part payment for $1.430 worth of stock
amounted to over 1306, with some do- er, S.•nforth, an Mr. S. Fulford. *Ohl her by Ryles'; Mise Isabelle Mee -
nations' still- to come tn. Misses Muriel Farquharson. Gertrude Donald Brussels, with an Investment of
.. .,A4+i llil4`i+l> 4"l4MR M�RTt't'4,auee„jjelh liSerseil, atu4ALt1`.k..64is+.ft1%leo: 4aines.Leannea. kis ,,,iltltp6,.... �,,..--...s,
ry were awarded prises In the novelty ltl,:da1 of atock; end Thoaaas McColl,
donee. After the cards lunch was previously mentioned. -- `
served and dancing rounded off a MriMnald testified that Ryles had
splendid evenings program. told him that the creameries in the
merger had been bought with common
Reports, from Toronto General hoe- stock, that they were earning 22% per
'vital are to the effect that lire. A. cent., and that the price of stock would •
Thompson la making wonderful prog- jump from 110 to $18.75 a share as
reps In recovery from the effects of son as Amalgamated Creameries took
the Injuries received In an automobile over (oneolldated, whleh wee to be a
ar1'ldent near Toronto on November matter of • few weeks.
17th. It will be weeks yet, however, Cross-examination revealed that
before she will be able to leave the Johnstone told McDonald that Bytes
hospital. had no authority for making such pro-
mise; further, that Bytes was missing
CAPTAIN Damns OHARGZ and criminal action was to •ile taken
ngalnat him.
All the shareholders testified that
they had been told that the creameries
In the merger had been bought with
common stock and no cash had , beta
paid. They had all received a half-
aaJf (Continued on page 5)
The regular monthly meeting of the
Goderich Women's Institute was held
In MCKay Hall on Thursday afternoon,
December 1st. This prut'el to be a
most interesting and Instructive meet-
ing. Mrs. J. Bisset occupied the chair,
the president being absent through 111-
nesa. A letter was read by the aeere-
tary-treasurer from Spanish, Ont.,
thanking the Institute for the bale that
had been sent there recently, and ensur-
ing them that the clothing was needed
badly and would be properly distri-
buted among the needy families of the
Mrs. J. R. McKay gave a report of
the relief meeting held in the town
hall, outllnktig the program of work for
the comfnk winter. The Institute
voted ;20 to the central relief commit-
tee and also expensed their willing-
nes, to make over clothing or do sewing
that would be necessary. •
Final arrangements were made for
the euchre and dance to be held on Fri-
day night, Deeember 2nd.
Mrs. J. Salkeld gave an excellent
paper on "The Proper Feeding of
Children," outlining the proper care
and feeding of ehlldren from birth to
whore age, ami explaining the neces-
sity of regularity of meala, sleep, and
daily care, and the manner in which
thin e!•n Influence the child in inter
years. The *pecker alio ettiphaalael
the Importance of teaching children
cleanliness of body and mind, ao that
they may carry through life a cleaner
and higher eharaeter.
Mn. II. Tlchborne gave some Mats
on "Diet for the Slek rnom." in stew
of the feet that Mra. Tlehhorne was a
nurse, thee* hints were very practical.
She a51 : "Diet fa of vital lmpnrtanee
is sickness. as certain types of disease
seed different Mete, and we an often
neglect to ask the doctor what diet the
patient regnlres. Also a small amount
daintily served is much hotter than a
larger esielia! ' adattractlear mK
Cu neo.[ were event , by
WI% ofValhi The meeting then ad -
Sneed for Inneh served, by the host-
Plot to Rurn Ships Said to involve
Former Gederieb Man
Detroit, Dee. 6. Prosecutor harry
R. Toy sikd that seven men, 1nclndlng
Capt. William Nicholson, veteran
Great Lekea skipper, are under serest
In connection with an arson conaplracy
plot growing out of the burning last
Jane of twn steamers at their moorings
in Ecorse.
Capt. Mr -hole -in le well known In the
port of Toronto and h1e home he in
The arrests, the prosecutor said, fol-
lowed a blackmailing and extortion
plot among these involved.
Those under r
Th r err wt besides Capt.
Nirlkileon, Toyare Charles Nteb:
Maori. his neph2,1
ow living In Port
Huron; Peter a, River Rouge;
Reuben Merrithew., Detroit' Sam Pal-
asselo, Wyandotte; Steelman Darin,
River Rouge, and Harold ;teeters?.
Llnmin Park.
The prosecutor said that ail 'teem
('apt. Nicholson he,. admitted pert;
elpatlnn to a plot to horn the ships and
that Mendla and Merrfthews admitted
they started the flrea.
The steamers burned were the hover
and the Keystone. and the prosecutor
aald Capt. Nicholson, who U president
of ILA ;L'keliebeon.Erie-I/Me a Tr r-
t.tMw Co., already has eolleeted'Wei:
090 twniraperlr2m the Name .A� third
ably, the itn(.rp w, was I11Y,li!1 dae-
sget by the fire that dsetroyed the two
other -011p
it Ke «ttikVk..;r1W 1 . .,, t..S(. t ,+4,„ 4”11"[. i;ste
As an added attraction for the fire-
men's Santa Claus "500." euchre and
dance, to be held at the Masonic
Temple tomorrow (Friday) night, the
management annotmee the favorite ra-
dio artist, Charlie Pearce. "King of the
Hoboes," in dance and music special-
ties. This promisee' to be one of the
moat popular events of the season
Don't miss it.
MacKay Hall was filled to capacity
on Monday night, when the Clinton
Minstrels put nn their show under the
amepkes we the Gederl.5 Iseellese Sub.
The first part of the program consisted
of solo*. diets, a quartette, and a rimer -
nn by the company The oerned part
was a one -set comedy, "Not Quite Rawl
a Gong" Roth the play and the muaL
cal number. were hoard with appeec
tion and showed the po es.lnn of spree.
good talent. Between the nest part . r,:••
the program and the ear the andleaee
was enteriale ed -by ear, 3ekefl eft (Rive ,
ME with .aleetlnwe ea rhe bagpipes est
07 Mr. tign t_w i th Septeb werry n4111teemee-
roma was eon -hided with a gae�ti
finale end "Geld neve the Klty.' s r
rscelpta amounted to $di1t3.
.-----.::.tet- -•,;;
,.. v--sr'ff%aL.w w. .''k" _ w,%r. ,w.` '3,wk.,:...�,•,+ti„"3i,�..