HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-23, Page 20Page 20—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 23, 1985 ....-• I/ill(' eal.Ti . fill 44. 528-2822 T gam Deadline - Mon. a 12 noon i 1. Articles for sale FOR SALE - 4' x 8' 5/8" plywbod, used, $12.00 a sheet; 11/2" x 51/2" planks, 14' and 16' long; used steel roofing; barn boards; 2 x 6s,. 12', and 16' long; used- large chicken feeders, Phone 1-482-7451. —43 SEASONED DRY HARDWOOD for sale, $140.00 full bush cord or $35.00 face cord (4' x 8' x 12"), split and delivered. Phone 1-482-7451. —43 MIDLAND_ FM. 2 way radios - 3 mobiles, • complete with base and, mobile ,antennas. Recently completely serviced. Power output, 30W. /Asking 51,650.00. Robert Scott, 395- 2873. —43 , WE BUY PIANOS. Special from Village Piano Shop (behind. Kentucky Fried chick- en), Elmira: Pianos, only 5495! We restore, • refiniSh, repair, . and tune pianos. (519) 669-2280, 669-2311. —043 KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cupboard instead of replacing: it. Save up to • 60%. Leading manufacturer is having * clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes doors, drawer fronts, handles, • hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick •knack shelves. Regularly 51995 clearing at S995. (519) 653-0176.9 a.m. -7 p.m. —043 CUT YOUR FUEL IN HALF. Repower you truck with used or reconditioned diesels from Japan. Prices from $1,749. C/W 5 speed. Dealer 'enquiries invited. Simpson Power Products Ltd., 110 Woolridge Street, • COquitlam B.C. V3K 5V4. 604-520-3611. —043 11 MARGIN STOVE "GEM": large, airtight, oval firebox, 20 x 20" oven, cast Cooking surface, nickel -plated trim, 6 colours. Heart - warmer with the class of yesteryear. Efficient, economical, hand -made quality product. "Compact": space -saver with 100 Ib. cast lining in firebox, will heat after fire is low. 9 x 17 x 14" deep, overnight burn, no creosote, cast ironsooking surface. 35 x 24" will not warp after years of use (like steel), 181/2 x- 20" oven. Almond or black enamel finish. 5995, no federal tali. • Options: coalgrates, water jacket, copper reservoir, airtight and/or thermostat draft control. Castings made to order.. We also restore antique stoves. For' free information write: Margin Stoves Ltd., R. # 2, Drayton, Ontario, NOG 1PO. —043 FREEZER, 15 cubic ft, upright, like new, 5250.00. Call Lucknow Appliance, 528-2946. —43x 20 READY TO LAY PULLETS, $5.00 each. Phone 395,-2212. —43 WESTINGHOUSE 4PPLIANCES, stove, dishwasher, combination upright fridge and frt.tezer. Phone 528-3817. --43,44 0' USED STORE wall and island shelving, counters, card racks, showcases, wall cases, security mirrors, glass shelving, shelving brackets, peg board hooks, cash registers, wire racks, etc: Lovers New arid Used, 254 Adelaide St. South, London (519) 681-2254 Monday - Friday 9 - 5,0 Saturday 9 - 12. —042 STEEL BUILDINGS. 3 new Quonset' build- ings left over from International Plowing Match, 25 x 38, 42.x 60, 55 x 180 complete With industrial doors. Act now and Save. Miracle' . Span Steel Buildings. Tollfree 1-800-387-4910. —042 1. Articles for sale "PENNY ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily. One wraps all. Uses, free bank wrappers. Only 58.95 postpaid (Please add .63 cents tax). Christmas Special 2 for 516 (Please add 51.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.P. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ontarijo L2A 5N2. —041-045 13U1I1MNGS PRICED BELOW • W HOLE - SALE. Final inventory clearance. VariouS Sizes available. AU steel. Ten to twenty year warranty. limited stock ,available. Act .now and save. No reserves held: Call 1-800-387- 8139 or (416 ) 828-6262. —032tf BUSINESS CARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK-. ETS, rubber stamps, decals, wedding :sta- tionery, magnetic signs, Office supplies,; specialty advertising - pens, key tags, etc. Larry Cowan, Lucknow, 528-2730. —48tf • TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial.Goderich, 524-7231. —4Qtf POTATOES - stock up your winter supply, red or white, $5.00 per 75 Ib. bag. Call Larry Blake 5297386 or Jack Wilkins 395-5693. —42,43 I POTATOES, assorted squash, pumpkins. Phone 529-7427. —42 / SLABS OF HARDWOOD, 11 cords to the load,. 5120.00 per load delivered; 11 cord loads of . mixed wood, 5105.00 per load delivered. Phone 529-7302. —42,43 RED & WHITCPOTATOES. Contact Ross. Errington, St Helens, 528-2184. • —42,43,44x NOW TAKING ORDERS for dressed chick- ens and ducks. Phone Lucy 'Miner 395-3157 or 392-8240 or 528-6043. —4eitf TOPSOIL,ixamiG BACKHQEING, AISO SWING SHOVEL Call W ayne Bushell at KINLOSS AUTO WRECKERS 395-3320 • 3. Articles for rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, cleaning, sanders, power tools, much more. Doupes Equipment Ltd., 3 miles East of Kincardine on #9 highway..395-2685. —42tfar 5. Cars,' trucks for sale • 1982 FORD ESCORT, S.W., 4D, 4 speed, stereo, cruise, 53509,00, saftied, 35 - 40 MPG. Call 'after. 6 p.m. 528-3608. —43 1976 BUICK CENTURY; 90,000 niiles. Phone 395-5783. • 6- Pets r KITTENS to give away. Phone. 529-7316. --42,43nx FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE 11/4 miles west of Whitechttrch, just off #86. Phone 529-7078 'sa—43x lvo io INF &ATOMS anYtnne' 7. Real estate for sale FARM FOR SALE The Farm Credit. Corporation via Power of Sale offers for sale • LOCATION: approximately 3 miles East of Lucknow LEGAL DESC:. N-% of Lot 31, and N-% of Lot 32, Concession 1, Kinloss Town- ship, Bruce County LAND: 100 acres with approximately 45 acres workable, remainder in ,bush and rough pasture NOTE[S]: 1. The land is leased for '85 crop year. The purchaser of this property must rely on his or her own inspection and knowledge of the farm and ,not on the above or any other•pardculars or repres- entations made verbally or in writing by or on •behalf of the Farm Credit Corporation. • - An offer to purchase must be made on a form obtainable from the Farm Credit Corporation on request to the address below or' from any office of the Corpora- tion. •- A certified deposit of 52,000.00 must accompany ,the offer. Offers to purchase must be received at the Field Office listed below by Novem- ber 6, 1985., Closing Is normally 30 days after acceptance unless other arrange- ments approved by vendor. Before making an offer, those interested should ascertain that the property can be used and occupied for the purposes intended in accordance with Provincial Legislation and Municipal Regulations. Cash offers are preferred. ff F.C.Cr financing is required, this Must be discussed prior to offering with the Corporation's local representativelisted below. The highest or any offer will 0 not necessarilybe accepted. The Corporation could request new offers to purchase after the abOve mentioned date, if deemed necessary. Purchaser will b responsible for all taxes and an assessments whether local improvements, tile loans, ori otherwise charged or assessed against the said property from date of closing subject to the usual adjustments. • All offers to purchase and inquiries should be addressed to: FIELD OFFICE, FARM CREDIT CORPORATION CANADA, ATTN: A. McGahey, 1315 Young Street, Box 428, Walkerton, Ontario, NOG 2VO. Telephone, No. 1519] 881-1490. Please refer to Me number: 29222-528 9. Accommodation to rent FOUR BEDROOM HOUSEin Teeswater, available Nov. 1. Call 392-6505 after 5:00 p.m. —41,42,43x BACHELOR'S QUARTERS for rent in Dun- gannon. Phone 529-7888. —38tf • TWO BEDROOM. APARTMENT, close to• downtown. Phone 538-3328 or 528-3006. —43tf • • FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE on paved road, 11 miles from Lucknow. Excellent condition. Reference required. Apply in writing to Drawer 66, c/o Signal Star Publishing, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 4B6. —43,44 12. Help wanted - • O LADIES - want to earn extra cash for all the things you need, well Here's' 'hOw. Join Michelle Lynn, as a Fashion Co-ordinator'b and sell a Fine line of Jewellery, by having Home Parties. For more information phone 376-1931 celled. —43,44,45 • A it/CAL BUSINESS requires several part • time persons who are interested in working • with, people and music. Applicants must have a minimum of Grade 8 piano and Grade 2 theory. Apply in writing to Box 326, LUCKNOW, NOG 2H0. —43,44 9. Accommiidation to rent a. • FOR SALE OR• RET 2 bedroom house in Dungannon. Phone 395-3255. —42,43 FOUR BEDROOM HOME in St, Helens, available immediately. Phone • 528-2420. —42,43 LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP is looking for somb people to help take inventory Friday, November 1st. Applicants must have neat • handwriting. If interested, please contact us by Monday, October 28, 529-7953, —43ar swrearisearm •IN#4C,,4# r O CARPENTER OR O11ANIYMAN SPECIAL farm home for rent in need of repair, will exchange work On house for monthly rent. Phone 529-7888, —38tf • MECHANICS CLASS A. Openings for grow - O ing business. Scope and front end experi- ence an asset. Year-round employment in O Muskoka. Contact Dave • Briese. (705) 765-5864 days, (705) 765-5618 evenings. —043 A CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" licence. For prescreening interview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, London, 1-800-265-1260. —41tfar TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future....with Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., ' (519) 743-5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-0223. —042 MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION O The Bruce County Housing Authority requires an individual or couple, 50 years of age or older to act as Security Tenant [s] at a 20 unit senior citizens iijoartment building 111 Lucknow. Remuneration is in the form of a rent-free apartment and physical work will not exceed two [2] hours per week. Applications and further information can be obtained at: Bruce County Housing Authority 325 Lambton Street Forbes Lambton Court Kincardine, Ontario NOG 2GO O 1-800-265-3022 or [5191396-3439