HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-16, Page 7Chain letter is "rubbish" Dear Editor: A few days ago 1 received a chain letter informing me that if I sent $ copies to others within 4 days, I would receive good luck. I was warned that if I didn't send it on within' the 4 day period, I would suffer bad luck. The letter went on to give quite a number of examples of what happened to several people, Here are a couple of them - one man who didn't send out the letter within the 96 hour period, lost his job. He • then hunted for the letter, sent it out and he got a new and better job. Another man was bereaved by the death of his wife: (It didn't say that this man hunted up the letter and sent, it out and got a new and better wife). Itis strange, that people fall for such rubbish. The person who .believes in Jesus Christ doesn't have to depend on so-called ";luck". The Christian has the assurance that he is being guided day by day and all that happens to him is fora' purpose, although at times he may not understand what the purpose is. He lives in the assurance that a11. things ,work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 16, 1985=Page 7 (Romans 8:28) Other assurances that he is being guided daily tan be found through- out the Old and New Testament. Scriptures, We have for example "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknow- ledge Him and He shall, direct your path." (Proverbs 3:5 and 6) "1 am the light of the world; he that followeth after Me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life." (John 8:12),. "He is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding great joy,',' (Jude 24). About the only favourable thing that can be said for the chain letter of this sort, is that it will please the postal authorities in' Ottawa (8 letters at 34c - $2.72) by helping to lower the postal department debt. Bill. Henderson. Hydro rests easy now Dear Editor: 'Ontario -hydro must be leaning back in its comfortable, old armchair a little more easily lately. Despite Hydro's lengthy and harmonious " marriage" with the Conser-• votive government ending so abruptly, they 'are making. headway toward a cosy "common-law" ,relationship with the Lib-, erals, Hydro 'did • have a 'severe case of the jitters when the Liberal party first took office - however, ,now the "watchdog" committee on Hydro includes two, true blue, former energy ministers, . one as chairman, things appear well under control. Even Premier Peterson soothed some of Hydro's jangling nerves by stating that Darlington may be too close to completion for cancellation to be feasible - an abrupt` • reversal of the Premier's stafement to the Legislature on July 2, "Darlington'will turn, out to be one of the great mistakes that we have made". • A word of warning to 'Ontario Hydro. that comfy old armchair is beginning to show signs of . wear - the springs that, support your hefty weight are starting to groan: • Standard & Poor's Corp., the New York based credit rating agency has put a credit watch on your 510.8 billion debt backed by the Province, • Even your . ally, the Ontario Energy Board, recommended that you raise your 1986 .rate increase to 4.9 per cent to help pay for your heavy • borrowing and. operat- ing costs. • The reportmade to the Select Committee by Cliff Jutlah of the Energy. Ministry, . probably caused some discomfort•, when he. forecasted that ' demand for ' electricity is expected to grow by 2.2 pet cent a year until 'the turn' of the century. The 2.2 per cent, , per annum, growth pattern ' aligns closely with Hydro's low growth scenario, not the medium growth 'scenario for which the proposed M7 transmissionsystem was planned. • Your armchair's biggest spring is about to penetrate the upholstery and stick into Our "derriere". Tension is mounting, and • landowners' are ready to emphatically oppose the previously mentioned M7 • transmission. system at the public hearings in Guelph. . Be warned Ontario Hydro,'due to public pressure, that comfy, old, armchair may soon have to be scrapped, : and• a straight- backed, wooden chair of credibility and accountability will have to pe used. Yours truly, • Jane Rose, (Mrs.) World Food Day is October 16 Dear Editor, October 16 is World' Food Day, . an opportunity for us all to reflect, debate and act .upon world food issues. The Ontario, World Food Day Co-ordinating-Committee is a coalition of voluntary and private sector.. organizations, government agencies, busi- neSses and individuals concerned with these ' issues. World Food. Day is celebrated in 147 counties each October 16 to commemorate the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) by the United Nations in Quebec City in 1945. The , goal of the World Food Day Association of Canada, and its provincial coordinating committees, is to assist the 'Turn to page 8 CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 2% [Maximum of e$75,000 per person] ON SALE AS OF October.. 23,1985 inquire Through Rod McDonagh'. BOX 250, LUCKNOW 528-3423 [Authorized Sub -Agent tor McLeod, Young, Weir Ltd.r Kitchener] The Man To see is MSINTEE KINLOSS TW P., - 50 acres, fieldstone home, cattle barn, implement shed Or hobby acreage. APARTMENT, 6 plex in Lucknow, fully rented, good investment income. 4 BEDROOM home completely renovated and insulated., 4 BEDROOM home with sunporch, well maintained, excellent family home. LUCKNOW 4 bedroomhome, well maintained, one bedroom down. Priced right, immediate possession. . LUCKNOW desirable building lot, owner has reduced asking price, prime location. GIVE US AN' OFFat. 9 YEAR OLD 3 bedroon SOLD/ith 2 lots in Lncknow; reduced. DUNGANNON 3 bedroom home, immaculate, priced right. KINGSBRIDGE 5 bedroom home with workshop. • DUNGANNON nice 2 bedroom mobile; asking 813',500, including stove, fridge; 40 ft. T.V. Tower. WEST W AW ANOSH 4 bedroom ,country dwelling on 2 acres. LUCKNOW SALES BARN, financial statement available. ASHFIEID 200 acres, approximately 170 workable,' well tiled, balance hardwood, cedar bush. ASHFIELD 200 acres, . good beef' barn with silos, •productive land. 100 ACRES, St. Helens area, 4 bedroom home,barn.40 x...110. ft., 80 workable, hardwood bush. 150 ACRES Kinloss, dairy set up for 70 cows, pipeline; attractive home. 149 ACRES East W awanosh, Hwy. location, above average home. 1 397 ACRES Huron, cash . crop, comfortable home, older barn. . • . 100 ACRES West Wawanosh, cash crop. m 89.5. ACRES Ashfield, buildings good, systematic tile, beef feedlot. 179 ' ACRES West Wawanosh, improved dwelling, beef pastureland. 100 ACRES West Wawanosh, cash crop. 239.5 ACRES. Ashfield, immaculate home, cash crop: 50• ACRES Ashfield, good buildings, all workable. ARREN ZINN 2: - 0 ALVIN' ROBB' 395-3174 The Township of Huron NOMINAT1ONS' Notice' Is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Huron in the • County of Bruce that the period during which nomination_ papers may be filed in the office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal elections will commence on Thursday. October 17th, 19115 at 9:00 a.m. and continue during the norm) office hours of the • clerk. until the close of nominations on Monday. October 21 st; 1905 at the hour of 5:00 o'clock In the afternoon: Nominations will be received for the offices of: Reeve • Deputy'Reeve Councillors (3 to be elected) anda Public School Trustee far.the County. of Bruce Boordof Education. • • If there.. are insufficient candidates for any •office. additional nominations for the remaining vacancies in such office may• be filed in the office of the Clerk on the Wednesday following nomination day .(October 23rd). between. the hours of 9:00 o'clock In. the forenoon and 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. • If a greater number of candidates' that required to f111. the above offices are nominated, an advance pall, will be .held on Saturday. November 2nd. 19115 at. the Huron•Townthip Hall, Ripley; Ont., (9:00 aim..to iI:O0.p.m.) and the regular poll wlli'.be held on Tuesday. November 12th, 1983 (1 T:00 a.m. to l:00 p.m.), Dated at Ripley, Ontario, this 9th'day of October. 1985, • Marlene Colling Clerk and Returning Offlcer, of the Township of Huron Ripley. Ontario. NOG 2R0 VOTERS' LIST TOWNSHIP OF HURON C&ark's Notice 'of Postings of Preliminary List of Electors THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT - SECTION 24 AND 2S NOTICE is hereby given thet'l have complied with Sections 24 and 25 of the Municipal Elections Act and that;l have"posted up in my -office at Ripley. Ontario on the 9th day of, October, 1985 the list:of persons eligible to vote in the municipaiity at municipal elections and the list remains there for inspection. . And I hereby call upon all such electors to examine the list and to take immedl6te proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last day for filing applications for inclusions, additions, or corrections to or deletions from the list is Wednesday, the 23rd day of October, 1985. The place of which the revisions of the list will be taken' Is the Township of Huron Municipal Office in the Ripley Medical Centre at Ripley; Ontario. . • Revisions of the list will be undertaken during normal office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. -Tuesday, October 15th, 1985 to Wednesday, October 23rd. 1985. , QUALIFICATIONS OF ELECTORS A person is entitled to be an elector In a municipality if he is not disqualified under this or any other Act or otherwise prohibited by law from voting In the election and 0, at any time during the period commencing on the Tuesday following the first Monday In September in an election year and ending on the Wednesday in October that precedes polling day by nineteen days. he ' a) is a resident in such a municipality or Is the owner -or tenant of land in the municipality of *the Spouse of such an owner or tenant;', b) Is a Canadian citlien or other Brlt!sh Subject, and c) has attained the age of•eighteen years or, on or before polling day, will attain the. age of eighteen years. Dated at. Ripley, Ontario this 9th day of October, 1985. Marten° Coiling Clerk and Returning Officer of the Township of Huron Ripley, Ontario, NOG 2R0