HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-09, Page 2515. Tenders TOWNSHIP Of WEST WAWANUSH TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned until FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1985 at 500 p.m. for the purchase of standing trees on Part of Lot 24, Concession 14, known as The Inglis Pit. Tendered price will be One lump sum for a specified lot of trees. For information contact the undersigned at 528-2903. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE ilUMPLIRJNY, Road Superintendent, , • Township of West Wawanosh. • TENDERS Sealed tenders will be accepted by the undersigned up to 12:00 noon, Monday October 21, 1985; for SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Required: 1 single axle truck equipped with snow plow and wing. 1 tandem grader equipped with snow plow and wing. Tender forms aro available at the Clerk's Office, Ripley, Ontario NOG 2G0, 395-2935. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. • D. Carter Road Superintendent Township of Huron TENDERS ° Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12:00 noon, Monday. October 21, 1985 for: •• • 1. .500 cubic yards (approximately) of road, sand to .be supplied, salt mixed and stockpiled In Township Yard, Ripley, 'Ontario. Salt supplied by Huron Township. • 2. Haulage of approximately 50 tonnes of road salt from Goderich, Ontario to. Ripley, Ontario. Tender forms ereavailable at the Clerk's CliFfico. Ripley. Ontario. NOG 2R0.395-2935. Lowest orany tender not necessarily • accepted. . . D. Carter . . Road Superintendent ,TOwnship Of Huron 17., Auction Sales AUCTIONSALE •Of over 800 pigs, 4 tractors, combine, grain dyer and, complete line of Farm Equipment \plus 140 acres of corn for •• KEN BRINDIEY 4 pd. North of GoderithOn Highway 21 on • _ SATURDAY, OCTOBER12, 1985 11:00 A.M. SHARP Small Items 11 a.m. Sharp • Equipment 12:30 • Pigs 2:30 p.m. ' TERMS CASH DAY OF SAIE AUCTIONEER: Gordon H. Brindley and , Brian Hinton' See lad week's er for full listin EVENING AUCTION SALE Of consignments of Home Furnishings and Antiques will be held in the , . TEESW ATER ARENA on / MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, at 6:00 P.M. Consignments include i chesterfields; couches; chairs; coffee and end tables; buffet; china Cabinet; odd chairs; 3 pe. bedroom suite; beds; dressers; chest of drawers radios; stereos; T.V. sets; Harristoh wood stove; RCA Whirlpool fridge; Pepsi Cola fridge; Viking electric oven; 7',' cu. ft. • Woods freezer.; electric fire place; mirrors; pictes; dishes and glass; kitchenware; partial toilet sets; change table; electric hoist; and much more. USTINGS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. • • AUCTIONEERS: IWallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 392-6170 • Grant Mponald. Ripley, 395-5353 17. Auction Sales minem.irr, CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SAIE LANGSIDE AUC'rION CENTRE 33/4 mi. E & mi. Northof Lacimow • MONDAY, OCTOBER 14TH at 11:00 A.M. Consisting of items from Teeswater, Liadmow and Amberley homes. Pius new tools, stoves, 2 - 36' aluminum ladders, farrowing crates, sow cedars. Lunch Booth AUCTIONEER' ALLAN IL MILLER • 392-8240 392-6338 • 395-3157 Anyone wishing to consign articles pleaSe call the Elbove numbers. Listen to CKNX October 10 and 11 for full listing. -1\k1 •50 Traitors, 10 Coodgnos, 150 Pisces of Eqolpoint Saturday, . October 191is • • BRINDLEY 9:30 A.M. AUCTION SERVICE • 13 MI. N.E. OF CrODERICH DUNGANNON 519 -S29 -762S AUCTIONEER: GORDON H. BRINDLEY. AUCTION SALE. • • Of Modern Farm Machinery will be held for the . LORNE LUTHER ESTATE ' Lot 10, con. 12 Ashfield Township , 8 miles.West of luckmw then I corner, L' South of Amberley.or 17 miles • North of Goderich TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15 at 11 A.M.. • Ford 9700 cab tractor fully equipped only 2600 hrs; Belarus 1500 tractor, 4 Wheel drive, new.rice tires, only 240 hrs.; new set 21-2,24 8 ply. tractrir tires; Ford tractor .duals 20-8-38; For 5 x 18 plow; Ford 642 hydrostat, diesel, cab combine with rice tires, 4. row corn head, grain pickup, straw spreader, 'as new Condition; Pony 24 ft. harrow on wheels; Kengskilde. 8 ft. cultivator; Weber 25 ft. . cultivator with wings and levelling harrow; .chain harrow; raid 24' ft. diem with wings and levelling harrow; 100 gal. 3, pt.h. sprayer; M.F. 33, 17 run seed drill with grass seeder; fertilizer' auger; M.F. 468; 4 row corn planter with insecticide boxes; Helin • snow :blower; 4 heavy duty JM 'Wagons with ,gravity boxes, as .• new; 2 wagons, good; wagon .with rack;. 6 grain wagon tarps, new; aerator; 40 ft. pto grain auger on wheels; scraper; 3 ptH. grass seeder; 2 bag carts; 1/2 ton truck camper top; beam scides; 2 extension ladders; diesel. • 450gal. tank with electric irrimp ; gas 250 , gal. tank; , diesel tank with pump on •'trailer; farni trailer; 2 chain saws; Sp011 sprayer for fruit ties; 3 .ptH. potato digger; ,walldng plow; antique. wooden sap buckets; traps; hand corn planter; antique &Op leaf . table; woOden bits; buck saw; vice; emery; drill press; air tank; air compressor; 2 wagon loads of good. ii111811.1teins. For information phone 519-395-5249. • TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH • BANK LETTER OF CREDIT Estate or auctioneer not responsible • • for acddents. . • AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL , • 18. Services available W .B. TV and APPUANCE SERVICE Repairs to T.V.s and Appliances •a Small Appliance, Vacuum Cleaners, Razors, etc. • Phone William Bolt 528-3619 -38-4.1x Locknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 9, 1985—Page 25 17. Auction Sales CONSIGNMENT SALE will be held at the • IANGSIDE AUCTION CENTRE • 3 mi. E. & 3 mi. N. of Ludcnow MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 11:00 a.m. Early consignments for 3 area homes include: 2 - 36 ft. aluminum ladders; chaise lounge chair; truck ladder rack; 2 coal oil lamps; match box covers) lawn chair; crockinole board; weed eater; stereo and stand; lawn mower; (ex. ); snow suits and jackets (good); flower pots; folding chair; fork, hoe, rake, lawn sprinkler, level; baseball bats; shoe polisher kit; screens; gas cans; ridgecap; propane fire place; tires; 1974 Datsun car, selling as is; pump; coffee table; lamps; talc can; electric stoves; fire extinguisher; dishes; ash trays; chester- field and ddr; fridge.; seallers, logging chains; wooden plane; old wrenches; quantity of tools; buck saw; hay fork; wooden rack; metal plane; old pop and beer bottles; 2 copper pots; propane tank; threaded rod; hand saw; cook stove, excellent; insulated pipes; Quebec heat- ers; bed spreads; farrowing crates; sow feeders; bike; 8' 1/2 ton Dodge box; drop leaf table; beds; miniature brass bells; propane 30" harvest gold stove; annex; box stove. Numerous other articles. LUNCH BOOTH Any verbal announcements given day of sale. Selling •by Numbers. Terms Cash. AUCTIONEERS:1 Allan R. Miller • Bill Haldenby 392-8240 or 395-3157, . 395-5142 18. San/ices available armiNINIMmingileem••••••••••00MminalemNOMMA•••••••••N••••••••• MAWHINNEY EA VESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS, Phone 528-3514 or • 528-2735. --29tf MACLYN CAR OILING. Choose from old oil, new oil or a combination. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Phone 395-3352. 2 miles North of Amberley; West of Highway 21. —42-48 DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower and antenna instal- lations, refrigeration service, satellite sys- tems, sale and service. Ripley, 395-3466. —42tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE, Grant McDonald: Ripley; Wallace 13allagh, Teeswater. Licens- • ed Auctioneers, Sales of All Types. Phone Ripley 395-5353, Teeswater 392-6170. ---42tfar • PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICE. Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone • 1-887-9062. ---42tf CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Riding Lawn Mower, Tools will be held for • WILLIAM NEABIE • Lot 27, Con. 1, Huron Township • 7 miles West of Lucknow oil Hwy. 86 • Near the Ripley Road on SATURDAY, OCT(iBM12 at 945 Sharp :Starcraft 24" snowblower; Ford riding lawnmower (new motor); 26" 3 corner cupboard; 22" Quaser colour T.V.; china cabinet; love seat; recliner; coffee and end tables; swivel rocker; 24" Titan chain saw; 12" McCullough drain Saw; chrome tables and ,6 chairs; 2 beds; Kenmore sewing. madrine; 30 cup coffee maker; 'swag lamp; Gilson freezer; • aerial; mirrors; Concorde washer and spin dryer; patio 8' x 12' ; add on room 8' x 12'; chime clocks; kerosene heater; slow cookers; curtains; Phillips stereo; utility stand; ornaments; 2 alarm clocks, approx. 100 years old; Philips electric knife; sewing box; spice rack; towel rack; cannister set; large roasting pan ; 7 day clock; Viking toaster; crock; tea kettle; potato masher;, clothes • hamper; lamps; pole lamp; bicycle; quantity of silverware; quantity of dishes; lamps; pole lamp; electric stove; lawn mower; lawn chairs; Alladin lamp; T.V trays; weed eater; fans; electric heater; wheel barrow; motor and 'emery; cucumber seeder; can opener; crow bar; shovels; 2 7 200 gal. oil tanks; 150 gal, oil tank; lumber; quantity of tools. Numerous other artides. • SELLING BY NUMBER 'TERMS CASH LUNCH BOOTH • Any verbal announcements given day of sale. , Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accidents day of sale • AUCTIONEER: Allan R. Miller , 392-8240 or 395-3157 Owner, Bill Neable • 395-241L•. Imo ro 18i Services available RIPLEY ABATTOIR CUSTOM BUTCHERING Cattle, Hogs, Lambs •MONDAYS For appokitment ad! 395-2905 or 395-2979 • (Evenings) 19. Notices to creditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS, AND OTHERS ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE Estate Of GERALD JAMES ELMER CULBERT late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or • about the 12th dayl of June, 1985, must be filed with , the undersigned on or before October 30, 1985; thereafter the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated October 4th, 1985. • Mrs. Shirley • Brooks, c/o. GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Sonclior, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 200. —41,42,43 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of 1 William Graham Reed late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of.Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of September, 1985; must be filed with the undersigned on or before October 30, 1985; thereafter the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice." Dated October 4, 1985. ; Mrs. Judy Austin, Executrix, c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 200. •-41,42,43 • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF • MARY OLIVE ALTON, Deceased All claims against the Estate of Mary Olive Alton, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, formerly of the Township of West Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 4th day of September, 1985, must be filed .with the undersigned on or before the 12th day of November, 1985. • • _ • After that date; the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned willnot be liable to any person of whose claim they 'shall not then have notice. Dated. at Goderich, this 30th day of September, 1985. Iris Sampson and Norris Sampson, Executors for -the ' Estate of Mary 0Iive Alton By their solicitors, Messrs. Troyan & Fincher Barristers & Solicitors 1 Nelson Street, East, P.O. Box 97, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5 • —41,42,43 •4