HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-09, Page 24Page 24--Lipduiew Sentinel, Wednesday, October 9,'1985. 528.2822 Deadline - Mon. at 12 noon 1. Articles for sale FRESH TURKEYS,' PHONE :392-6587. —40,41x POTATOES, Red or White: Contact Ross Errington, St. Helens, 528-2184. —40,41 NOW TAKING ORDERS for dressed chick- ens and ducks. Phone Lucy Miller 395-3157 or 392-8240 or 528-6043. —40tf 19 FT: GOLDEN FALCON house trailer, fridge and toilet, sleeps ' 6, , very good condition. Hardtop camper also available, sleeps 4: Call 529-7598. —40,41x PARSNIPS, BEETS, cooking onions, pump- kins,. citrons. 2 full fact helmets, $35.00. Loose oat straw. Phone 3954257. —40;41nx KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface .your old cupboard instead of replacing it. Save up.to 60 per cent, Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale ' of •certain styles. 'Package includes. doors, drawer. fronts handles hinges, backing, laminate, valance and knick knack shelves. Regularly $1,995 clear - :at $995. Call 1-800465-8142. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m -703k . WATER PROBLEMS? New .Technology - eliminates rusty, smelly, bad tasting water, • Coliform bacteria, staining, iron, mangan ese,' hardness, chemical contamination and more. Fully automatic. Tesed and proven' in 'oxer 12,000' rural 'installations. No messy chemicals no taste or smell of chlorine. Free 6 •month trial offer. See the, results for yourself. If you want Bk:rr it WATER for BI✓r1l:tti COUNTRY LIVING call 'toll free • 1-800-268-2656 or. write, Aztec Water Ptu'ifi-• Cation Systems No. 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga,'Ontario IAW 4B6. The, "Low= 'est" Cost System That "Really" Works. =040 SLABS OF HARDWOOD ' by the load, approximately 8 cords, delivered. Phone 357-2838 or 529-7642, =39-41 TRUCK CAP, good condition. Phone 395-3288. -39,40;41x • POTATOES, - Stock up your winter supply, red or white, $5.00 per 75 lb. bag. Call Lary Blake 529-7386, or Jack Wilkins, 3954693. —39,40,41x , BUILDINGS PRICED BELOW WHOLE- SALE. Final; inventory clearance. Various sizes available. All steel. Ten to twenty year warranty. limited stock available. Act now and save. No reserves held.. Call 1-800-387- 8130 or (416) 828-6262, —032tf BUSINESS' CARDS, STAG AND DOE TICK-. ELS, rubber stamps, decals, wedding sta- tionery, magnetic signs, office , supplies, specialty advertising"- pens; key tags, etc. Larry Cowan, Luclmow, 528-2730. —48tf TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial Goderich, 524-7231. —40tf WHITE COOK STOVE in excellent condition with warming closet and water resevoir. Phon' 395-3391. —41,42 APPLES FUR SALE. McIntosh, " Delicious, Spartan, Ida Reds: Frank MacKenzie, 528- 2393..--42,42x USED DESKS, file cabinets, storage cabin- ets, bookcases, lockers, office chairs, stack- ' ing chairs, drafting boards, restaurant tables. Lovers New and Used, 254' Adelaide St. South, London (519) 681--2254 Mon. - Fri. 9 • 5; Sat. 9 - 12. —040 1. Articlesfor sale FREE STAMP and oin Supply Catalogue. Free toll phone service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Service,fromlong established family business. Call 1-800=265-0720. —041 "PENNY ROLLER" Trademark. Patented, Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters - quickly and easily. One, wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $8.95 .postpaid (Please add .63cents tax). Christmas Special 2 for $16 (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.O,' Box 405, Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 5N2. —041-045 SAWMILL MACHINERY: Quality used hand -set automatic stationery and portable. Planers, dry kilns small - large. Automatic Econo-Burner uses green or ' dry waste, sawdust, wood chips, shavings, corn cobs, pellets. etc. For literature Wood'n Chips. Resources Inc., R. R. # 3, North Bay, Ontario P1B 8G4, -after hours' (705), 472-6569 (705) 472-1474. -041 15 CORDS OF DRY MAPLE, split and piled. Phone 528-2925. —41 • HISTORY OF LUCKNOW 0 "A Glimpse of the Past" "• Lucknow's history 1858 to. 1983; laminated cover $15.00; hard cover $20.00; available at Lucknow Variety, Lucknow Sentinel, Lottery Shoppe. Mail orders - write Don Thomposn, Box 38, Lucknow, NOG 2H0. Add 52.00 per book for mailing in Canada, $5,00 in •United States. -41x Huron County Historical :Atlas. AVAILABLE OCTOBER 23, 1985 Patron and prepublication purchases may be picked up from 9 a.m. October 23, 1985 and during business hours (including Saturday morning 9 to 1) until November 5 on presentation of receipt or certificate at temporary Atlas office in Laidlaw Transport van located adjacent to 'Huron County, Court House, Goder- ich. Pictures loaned ,also may ,be picked up at the office. • Atlas prepublication, purchase certifi- cates continue on sale at the Atlas office or by mail at prepublication pnce of ;45.00 until October 22. Following publication the 'Atlas price is ;59.50. After November 5 obtain prepaid Atlas copies at Clerk's 'Office, Court House, uoderich or by delivery on remittance of ;6.00 per copy to cover shipping and handling. Additional copies on sale at Court House and . from certain retail outlets. YOU ARE INVITED A short ceremony will be held at the Court House, Goderich at 4 p.m. Wednesday, October•;23, to mark the release Of the'AtiaS. 1. Articles for sale TOPSOIL,, GRAVEL, BULLDOZING' BACKHOEING, ALSO SW ING SHOVEL. Call W ayne Bushell at 1 KINLOSS AUTO WRECKERS - 395-332Q 4. Articles wanted 3/4 MATTRESS BOX- SPRING '(48" wide) in good condition. Please call 528-2526. —41ar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1979 GMC VI ton pickup, 305, P.S. and P.B., automatic transmission, 72,000 km., certi- fied. Phone 395-5732. -41 1979 BLACK CHEV, •4 x 4, new paint, power steering and brakes, 4 speed, lock in and out hubs, tinted glass. Phone 529-7650:=41,42 1976 FORD LTD in excellent running condition. Will safety check. Phone' 392-6368 Teeswater after 6 p.m. -41x 6. Pets r , 2 COONHOUND and Lab cross puppies,' 11 weeks old, •$10.00. Phone 395-5109. —41x TWO FEMALE SIAMESE kittens, seven' weeks old; half Arabian stud. colt. Phone 529-7382 4ltfnx 9. Accommodation for rent STORE FOR LEASE ON ' LUCKNOW MAiN STREET (ONE OF THE BEST IN THE VILLAGE) 180050. FT. WiTH 24 FT. FRONTAGE Available :Immediately lrbr particulars contact: SIGNALSTARPUBLLSHING P.O. Box 220 GODIRICH, Ontario N7A 486 Attn: J. H. Aitken , orcall GODERUCH 524-2614 UJCKNOW 528-2822 KINCARDINE 396-2963 WAIKERTON 819-1600 CLINTON 482-3443 12. Heip wanted 7. Real gestate for sale CHOICE BUILDING LOT; east of. Nursing Home on South Delhi Street, ,Lucknow, serviced. Asking $16,000. Phone 395-5378: —41 9., Accommodation, to rent. FOUR BEDROOM ' HOUSEin Teeswater, available Nov. 1. Call 392-6505 after 5:00 p.m. 41,42,43.x HOUSE FOR' RENT FOR winter months.. Apply to Box. 125, '. Lucknow or phone: 528-3100. —39tf • CARPENTER OR HANDYMAN SPECIAL,- farm home for rent in need' of repair, will ex- change work on. house for; monthly rent. Phone 529-7888.-38t.f. BACHELOR'S QUARTERS 'for rent in Dungannon. Phone 529-7888.-38t.f. 10. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT IN,LUCKNOW AREA, sitting room; in a home, heated , with electricity .or hot water. Phone 357=3047. —40,41 13. Wanted [general] PIPERS AND DRUMMERS WANTED. Any- one interested in learning piping and drums to form. Lucknow Pipe 'Band, please call 528-3507, for more information. —41,42 AO You'll. f=lip Over The Buys You'll Find In The Classified' Section • • PERSON TO WORK on small engines, experience preferred but 'not essential: Apply stating experience, if any, to Drawer 27, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel; Box 400, L1JCKNOW NOG 2H0. —41,42 • ' 0 / 'FOR A JOB WITH A FUTURE. Train with. • Tri -County Truck Driver Training. Job place- ment- assistance available. Kitchener 720 King East. (519) 743-5011, Brantford, 300 Colborne East '(519) 756-0223, —040 A CAREER IN TRUCKING ' •• Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" licence. For. prescreening "interview and job placement information; contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training, . London, 1-800=265-1260. —4ltfar LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER required for Lucknow .gentleman. New home with all modern appliances and car. Reply to Drawer 26,' Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, .Lucknow, NOG 2HO: —41x . EDITOR/ADVERTISING manager. We have an opening in a Well established Nova Scotia community' 'newspaper. Training will be provided for 'right Berson With potential -to take over as"Publisher. Write with resume: Advocate, P.O. Box 1000, Pictou, N.S.. BOK 1 HO. --041 -r— IMMEDIATE OPENING for experienced . RADIATOR REPAIRMAN with "well estab- lished automotive company. Applicant must have several years experience on •repairing and recoring passenger car, through to heavy duty industrial radiators. Offering excellent pension and 'full- benefit package,must be " willing to relocate. Send complete resume to Lucknow Sentinel, Classified Box 25, Box 400,, Lucknow, Ontario NOH 2H0. —041