HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-09, Page 22Page 22.— Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 9, 1985
ownship Of Ashfield
Notice, is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Ashfield in
the County of Huron that nominations may be filed in the office of the ceri, for
the office of
for the Huron County Board of Education. (1 member to represent Ashfield and
West Wawanosh Townships) all for a three year term, commencing on
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1985 and continue until 5 p.m. MONDAY, .
OCTOBER 21st, 1985.
If there is an insufficient, number of candidates for any office additional
nominations for the remaining vacancies may be filed in the office of the clerk on
• Wednesday, October 23rd, 1985 between the hours of 9 a,m. and 5 p.m.
'Should a poll be reqUired it will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1985
between the hours 01 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. and an advance poll will be held on
SATUlFtDAY, NOVEMBER 2, '1985 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. '
Returning Officer
Township of Ashfield.
Township Of Ashfield
Preliminary List
Of Electors
FOR 1985
Notice is hereby given that I have compiled with Sections 24 and 25 of The
Municipal Elections Act 1977, and I will post up in my office at IL R. No. 3,
Goderich on the 12th day of October, it985, the list of all Electors eligible to vote
in the Township of Ashfield.
AND I hereby call upon all electors to examine the list and to take immediate
proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last
day for filing applications for inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions
from the list is the 23rd day of OCTOBEFt, 1985. The place at which the revisions
of the list will be taken is the Clerk's Office at It R. No. 3, Goderich, Ontario.
Revision of the list will be undertaken during normal office hours, Friday,
OCTOBER 1 lth, 1985 to Wednesday; OCTOBER 23rd, 1985 at 5:00 p.m.
Cleric -Treasurer
Township of Ashfield.
•Township Of West Wawanosh
FOR 1985
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 have complied with Sections 24 and 25 of The
Municipal Elections Act, 1977, and I will post up in my office at R. R. 2, Ludtnovv, on
the 15th day of October, 1985, the list Of all Electors eligible to vote in the Township of
West Wawanosh.
AND I.HEREBY CALL upon all electors to examine the list and to take hnmediate
proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law., The last day
for filing applications forindusionsi additions or corrections to, or deletions. from the
list is the 23rd .day of. October, 1985. . '
. .
The plat.* at 'which the revision of the list, will be taken is the Municipal Office in the
Public Works Garage at R. R. 2, Lucknow. Revision of the list will be undertaken.
during normal office hours; commendng Tuesday, October 15th • until Wednesday,
October 23rd, 1985, at 500 p.m.
Township of West Wawanosh.
Units receive reports
Unit 1 of the Uicknow UCW met in the
United Church parlour on Oct. 1. Freda
'Button presided and opened with the poein
"Harvest Time". The rollcall, 'a Bible
verse concerning harvest, Was answered by
13 members. Mrs. Button conducted the
business and committee reports were given
for Friendship, Supply and Welfare,
Flowers and Social Functions. An invita-
tion was received to the- CGff 70th
Anniversary Alumnae Tea on Oct. 19.
Freda Button opened the worship, on the,
theme Harvest, with the poem, "Abund-
ance" , Mrs. Leonard Goodhue read the
Scripture and the hyrin "Sing to the Lord
of Harvest" was sung. Mrs. Goodhue and -
Mrs. Stuart Reavie gave a prayer talk with
God on Gratitude. This was followed by
some questions on Thankfulness. Three
groups were formed and each had a
question to* discuss and then give their
answers to the whole group. 'Some very
thoughtful answers were given, Mrs.
Reavie gave a reading "The Harvest of
Life" and led in prayer.
Mrs. Goadhue read a poenn entitled
"Thanksgiving Day". Mrs. Batton closed
with the benediction. Mrs. Wes Ritchie
played some piano selections while lunch
was prepared' and a social time was
Unit 2 met at the home. of Mrs. Glen
Walden on Oct. 1 at 2 p.m. With 14
members present. Mrs. Walden welcomed
everyone and opened with a poem,4.'Alone
with God".
Mks. Ernest Snowden chaired the
program and opened with a poem, '"This
Belongs to God". We sang the hymn ,
"Come ye thankful people come", with
Mrs. Harvey Houston playing the organ.
Mrs. Spence Irwin read the scriptures and
Mrs. Snowden gave a Thanksgiving medi-
tation, "1 share God's Gifts", followed by
. 'Mrs.' thine Eadie gave .tWo 'Maas,
giving readings "Fable of the Devil's
Wedge", and "Thankfulness". Mrs.
Houston played for a hymn sing of several _
familiar hyinns. Mrs. Howard Barger gave'
a reading t'A Thankful Heart". The closing
hymn 'We Plough the Fields and
Scatter", was sang.
Mrs, Walden presided for the- business
and- thanked the committee for the
program that they had prepared:
The minutes were read and approved. In
the absence of our treasurer, Mrs. Walden
gave the treasurer's repert.The rollcall
was answered with a Bible verse with the
word' "Thanks": The offering was taken
and dedicated by Mrs. Walden. One
birthday added funds to our birthday jar.•°
Mrs. Walden gave the announcements and
Mrs. Morrison, social functions convener,
asked for food and help for the fowl
supper. We signed some cards for some -of
our members Who are' in the hospital. Mrs.
Walden dosed • the meeting with a
"Thanksgiving Prayer". The benediction
was repeated and the grace was sung'. The
committee served refreshments and a
social time was enjoyed.
Newlyweds congratulated
Congratulations to Donnie Kuik • and
Bonnie Sinnett, who were married on Oct.
5 at LucknoW. They will be living on the 6th
of Ashfield.,• .
Jack and ancy Cameron, Brent, Adam
and David attended the 85th. birthday party
for Nancy's grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle,
Moine of Mitchell, on Oct. 6.
Five ladies from Trinity U.C.W . attend-
ed the West Region Rally at 116Imesville
• United Church last Monday. The theme
"We grow with our youth" and the
guest speaker was Mr. Carl De Grandiq,
Superintendent, Bluewater Youth Centre.
Darlene Kuik, daughter of John and Helen,
attenamg ranshawe College, London,
where she is studying Basic Business. •
Chester and Bell Hackett and Scott
visited on Sunday with Pat' and Janlie
• Hackett at Aylmer and with Don and Etta
W ilsie of Belniont.. • .
Norma and Nellie Kerr, Waterloo,
visited recently -wit Cora Cranston, and
with Livingston and Pearl Menary. '
The sacrament of Holy Conununion was
• held at Trinity United Chinch on Sunday to
celebrate World Wide Communion Sun-
day. Rev. . Bob Roberts conducted the
The Ritchie families held a shower at the
church on Friday evening for Judy Hunter..
Township of West Wawanosh
Police Village of Auburn
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' to: the Municipal Electors of the Township of West
W awanosh ; and the Police Village of Auburn; that the period during which nomination
papers may be filed in the Office of the Clerk for nominating persons for the offices of
Reeve, -Deputy -Reeve and Three Councillors; and Three Police Village Trustees; will
•commence on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1985,,and will close on MONDAY,
OCTOBER 21, 1985, at 5:00 p.m. Nomination forms and full particulars for procedure
may be obtahied from the undersigned during normal office hours. Should a poll be
required it will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1985, between the hours of •
11:00 a.m. and 8:00 pain.; and an Advance Poll will be held on SATURDAY,
NOVEMBER 2, 1985, from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Where the number of candidates for
an office is NOT suffident to fill the vacancies, on the Wednesday following
Nomination Day, October 23, 1985,. the Clerk may receive and certify additional
nominations. '
Returning Officer,
Township of West W awanosh
and Police Village of Auburn.