HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-09, Page 19Fall hospital conference draws 160 representatives /One hundred and sixty representatives •of twenty hospitals in the counties of Huron, Perth, Wellington, W aterlpo and Oxford • met on September 30 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,, W ingham, for the ` Fall Conference. of Region . 2. Hospital Auxiliaries Association of. Ont- ario. Twenty of these were .members of the Auxiliary of the , W ingham and District Hospital which hosted this ,year's confer- ence. • Following an informal coffee hour during • the registration period, Mrs. Mel Kfrlin of Mount Forest, first vice-chaihman .of the Region, presided over the meeting. .Mrs. Marilyn Wood welcomed, the delegates on behalf of the W ingham Auxiliary' which this year is celebrating its 80th year. • Regional conferences are educational " events for the sharing of ideas and exper- iences, and for the enrichment of volunteer workers. In the morning, practical work- - shops, on •kund raising -were held concur- rently foto presidents and vice-presidents, treasurers, newsletter editors, • and general delegates. Each presented a report later to the whole group. At noon hour, the ladies of St. Andrew's served a delicious meal. Head table guests // included Rev. Paid Mills who said grace, W Ingham Councillor Jack Kopas Who brought greetings from the Wingham Town Council, and Mr. Norman Hayes, executive director of the W ingham and District Hospital who,, on behalf of the hospital ,board, staff and . medical staff, expressed appreciation for the work the , volunteers do. Mr. • Hans Kuyvenhoven, chairman of the hospital board, who is away on business, sent greetings, and a , t feter from the Honourable Murray Elston, . Minister 'of Health, was read in which he also expressed regret at not being able to be present and sent greetings. to the • • 'delegates. • / • • The guest speaker was Mrs. Fol Jane. W elton'of the Victoria Hospital Auxiliary. in London; who. has recently completed a two year term as public relations director for HAAO-and as editor of its Magazine. Volun- teer, and who is currently chairman of its . 75th anniversary committee. Her bark ground is in journalism. 'She has just com- piled a history of HAAO which will be in- cluded in the next issue of 'Volunteer; and her opening remarks included the fad. that Wingham's 'Auxiliary was one of the very early ones (1906) and was involved in the formation of the provincial HAA in 1910. The association now has a meMbership of 55,000 including men, • women and teen volunteers. . Mrs. Welton called her address, "Life is Once Around the Block". With special reference to volunteers, she compared life to a, journey around a block during which we must be ready to adjust to new conditions by changing direction as we go around a corner. In the early years of the century hospital needs , included horse drawn vehicles and, . as had been said earlier in the day, volunteers canned • and preserved food in the hospital kitchens. As they journey around -the block, volunteers ,must be ready to look the present situation • in the face, accept challenges and new opportunities to serve, and be ready to turn the next corner when the situation again calls for it. She encouraged those who are tackling new tasks in the association this fall. The world needs volunteers, she said, and they do make a difference in countless' situations. None should ever describe herself as "just a volunteer" for volunteers are extremely important to many of the patients. We all need help, and we need to help others.., to matter to someone outside ourselves... and by being kind, compas- sionate and caring we can add meaning and purpose to our lives through our work. • Mrs. Welt dosed by stressing the point that, as in other work fields, effective communication is essential in volunteer work: 1 • The chairman announced that the Spring Conference will be held on April 28 in St. Marys, and an invitation from Goderich to hold the 1986 Fall Conference there, was accepted. She gave as a closing thought, "Give what^ you have. To someone it may be better than you .dare to think." The . Conference Committee of the local ancillary' made up of Noreen Gnay,'a convener,. Jo English, luncheon convener, Lorna Stuart and Carol Hamilton. They were assisted by many auxiliary members. Mrs. Marilyn Wood, president, thanked,' them all and the ladies of St: Andrews: All are to be congratulated for having success- fully provided the setting for the region's conference program. Another stress. worksho The Huron County Health Unit is l; pleased to offer another opportunity to, attend a practical stress control workshop with Dr. Richard Earle • of The Canadian Stress Institute as guest . speaker. The • response to Dr. Earle's stress • control pres- entations held within the past year was so positive(/ it seemed more than worthwhile to bring him back again! . The Stress Control Workshop will be held on Thursday, November 28 at Th.' MacKay Centre for Seniors, North Street, Goderich (9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.). FARM FRESH Apples McINTOSH, SNOWS, TAIMON SW EETS, DELICIOUS, IDA REDS, SPARTANS AND NORTHERN SPYS • Andrew's Orchard 1/2 mile south of LUCKNOW 529-7508 Registration will begin at 8.30,. a.m. The session will begin promptly at 9. The registration fee ($25.00) includes workshop participation and handout materials, lunch, and coffee or juice during the morning break. Preregistration is required. Please .. forward a completed registration form with payment for each interested 'person before November 8. Registration will be limited to 100 participants and are accepted on a "fust -come" basis,so return your form early The day promises to be very wo th- whileand enjoyable. 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