HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-09, Page 10Pave 10—Ltcknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 9, 1985
Re: Southwestern Ontario Transmission Study. Environmental Assessment
Proponent: Ontario Hydro EA File No.: 1-76-0002-002
Theshaded area on ;hlh map shows the Approximate study area.
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TAKE NOTICE that an Environmental Assessment has '
been received from the proponent of the above
undertaking and a.Review of it prepared by Ontario
Government Ministries and agencies:
Ontario .Hydro's undertaking is to acquire property . •
rights for and to design; construct, operate, and •
maintain an integrated system of overhead alternat-'
• ing current transmission lines and related station
communication and control facilities located yvithiii
the boundaries ' of the shaded geographic area
shown on Figure 1. •
Ontario Hydro has indicated that an essential
component of their undertaking is that the facilities to .
be constructed and operated must comprise a •
complete set of facilities fully integrated into, and
compatible with, the existing bulk electricity system.
Ontario Hydro is specifically requesting approval for
the integrated set of facilities they nave designated
"System Plan 7".'System Plan 7 consists of:
• A single circuit.500,000 volt (500 kV) transmission
line 'from the/ Bruce Nuclear 'Power Development
(NPD) to 'the.Essa Transformer Station, (TS) near
Barrie: This line would run north of Chesley,
southwest of Markdale and Flesherton, and cross ,
the Niagara Escarpment near Lavender: '
• A. new, 500/230 kV transformer station west of
London and three four circuit, 230 .kV lines 'from
the new transformer station to existing 230 kV lines
in the area. This station would be located in Lots 1
to4; Concession ill of Caradoc Township.
•. A double circuit 500 kV transmission line from the
Bruce NPD to the new transformer station. ThiSrline
would pass east of Ripley and Zurich, and west of
Ailsa Craig. '
A single circuit 500 kV transmission line
eastwardly from the new transformer station;
• mostly 'following existing rights of way, to the
Nanticoke Generating Station. This line would
pass northof the Caradoc Indian Reserve, and:
. follow an existing 115 ,kV right of way east of St.
Thomas, just south of Otterville and north • of
• Boston to the Six Nations Indian Reserve,' then turn
south and follow an existing 500 kV right of way to
' the Nanticoke Generating Station.
The recommended „routes and • Hydro's' acceptable
• alternative routes for these facilities are shown on
Figure' 1.
A copy of the Environmental /Assessment and the
Review may be inspected in the Public Record File
during normal business hours at the following
location: .
Ministry of the Environment
Environmental Assessment Branch
• 7th Floor, 135 St. Clair Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5
Files containing the Environmental Assessment and
the Review are available at the following Regional
Ministry of the Environment
Central Region
4th Floor,.7 Overlea Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario M4H IAB.
1 •
Ministry of the Environment
Cambridge District.Office
PO. Box 219, 400. Clyde Road
Cambridge, Ontario N1R 5T8
Ministry of the Environment
Owen. Sound District Office
1180 -20th Street
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 6H6
Ministry of the Environment
Southwestern Region
985 Adelaide Street
London; Ontario N6E.1V3
Ministry of the Environment
Barrie District Office
12 Fairview Road
Barrie, Ontario L4N 4P3
Ministry of the Environment
Clinton Sub -Office
c/o Ministry. of Agriculture and Food
P.O. Box 688
Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0
A .copy of the •Review of • the Environmental
Assessment will be forwarded to County; Regional
Municipality and Township offices in the study area
prior to the commencement of the hearing mentioned
below. It is my understanding that Ontario Hydro has '
forwarded copies of the Environmental Assessment
to -these locations. •
The Review is intended to assist the public in the
consideration of the Environmental Assessment and •
the undertaking. The Review represents a preliminary'
position- based on the comments of the staff of the
Provincial Ministries and agencies involved in the
Review. It does not represent a decision.
Preliminary Public Hearings will be held beginning
on October 16, 1985, commencing at 10:30 o'clock in
the morning'' at the Holiday Inn, 601 Scottsdale Road
in Guelph. At that time the Joint Board will consider
procedural matters, including but not necessarily
restricted' to: identification of'parties and participants,
identification of issues, and, considering additional
locations for the presentation of evidence to the Joint
Board as part of the main hearing. '
Persons desiring to be a party or participant in the
hearing or wishing to make submissions to the Joint
Board ion procedural matters should contact the
Joint Board by writing to the Hearings Registrar or
attend or be represented at the Preliminary Hearing.
The address of the Joint Board is:
Hearings Registrar Joint Boards,
5th Floor, 1St. Clair Avenue West
.Toronto, Ontario M4V 1K6
(416) .965-2531 •
Before these matters are considered, any person '
• may make a written submission pursuant to.
Subsection '7(2) of the Environmental Assessment
Act with regard to the undertaking, the Environmental
Assessment andthe Review thereof. The submission.
should be sent by registered mail or delivered to me
at theaddress below. A submission may be made in
any form that clearly indicates the purpose of the
document. Regulation 293 under ,the Act provides a
form which may be used for a submission, but use of
the form is not mandatory. Any submission; should be
received, by me no later than November 11, 1985...
All submissions received by me will be forwarded to
the Joint Board for their consideration in the' hearing
into'this matter. Persons making a submission to me
will be placed oh the Joint Board's mailing list for all
subsequent notices 'or orders that the Joint Board
may issue,
Dated the 199. of September, 1985 at Toronto:
The Honourable Jim Bradley
Minister, of the Environment
15th Floor
135 St. Clair Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5
Ministry . Hon. Jim Bradley
of the Minister
• Rod McLeod, O.C.
Environment Deputy Minister
Ontario .
Bruce County
Cross -Country
meet on Oct. 17
On Oct. 17, beginning at 10.30 a.m.,.
runners from allover Bruce County will be
meeting at the Saugeen Valley Conserva-
onservation Authority to participate in the Bniee
County Cross -Country Meet.
The age categories for this event are as
follows: Senior - 12 years old and up as of
Sept. 1; Junior 10 and 11 years old, • as of
Sept. 1 and Tyke - 9 years old and' younger
as of Sept. 1.
Awards will be presented to all first,
second and third place runners for their
age group. Also there will be trophies
presented to the first place teams for each
division. All •runners who participate will
receive a ribbon acknowledging their parti-
cipation. a
In the event of rain on Oct. 7, the meet
will be rescheduled to Oct. 18. Buses
should beleaving to return home by
appn ximately 2.30 p.m. If a cancellation is
necessary, it will be, announced on CKNX
radio early in the morning. /
Atlas Day coming
The A Day or Atlas Day is drawing nigh,
After three years and some controversy,
the Huron County historical atlas will be
released on : Wednesday, October 23,
Goderich Township Reeve Grant Stirling
announced at the September session of
county council. •
A "corning out" event is in the process of
being organized for that day, when the atlas
arrives from the printing company in St.
Catherines. Although' no confirmations ..
have been received, Premier David Peter-
son, Minister of Health Murray Elston and
Minister of Agriculture Jack Riddell will be
invited as will Huron -Bruce MP Murray
When undertaken by Huron County Coun-
cil in late 1983, the atlas contemplated was
similar in size and style to the original
Beldon Atlas of 1879 and a subsequent Perth
atlas published in 1982. However, Reeve
Stirling said increasing public interest and
participation have resulted in a much larger
book consisting .of 350 pages.
Atlas Co-ordinator Bev Browncautioned
that people arriving to pick up atlases
should note that the books are heavy. Editor
.A.Y. McLean said each book weighs . 7.5
Special arrangements have been Made to
assist patrons and those who have purchas-
ed pre -publication copies of the atlas to pick
up their copies on presentation of their cer-
tificate and receipt. A temporary office in a
Laidlaw transport van will be located next
to the north entrance to the Court House in
Goderich. It was noted that Laidlaw donated
the use of the transport van.
Brown said copies of the atlas will be
available for distribution from the Court
House location commencing at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, October 23, continuing daily
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
for two weeks until November 6. After those. •
dates, copies of the atlas may be picked up
from inside the Court House or by delivery
after paying $6 per copy to cover shipping
and handling.
Brown also noted that pictures which have
been on loan for use in the atlas may bepick-
ed' up at the temporary office.
Reeve Stirling pointed out that the present
pre-publiction . price of $45 for the pre-
publication certificate would continue to be
in effect until October 22, the day before the
atlases actually arrive in Goderich. Apr
plications for this specialprice should be
forwarded to the atlas office. The post -
publication price of $59.50 will become effec-
tive with the publication and release of the
;atlas on October 23.
Following publication, copies of the atlas
will also be available at •a number of retail
outlets in the county, Reeve Stirling said.
Containing nearly one million words and
1,000 pictures, the atlas includes 16 township
maps showing property, owners, nearly 50
maps of towns, villages and hamlets, and
lists of small lot owners (under 40 acres ), In
addition, the stories of some 600 families,
organizations, churches and businesses, as
well as 26 Huron municipalities, are
featured in the atlas. •
"It will be a bench mark," said Brown
about the atlas.