HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-09, Page 8Page 8—Ladmow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 9, 1985
The Lucknow 1JnItd Church celebrated a milestone the evening of
Oct. 4 with /the unveiling of a. history of • the . ,church and its
congregation called, "What do these stones. mean to you?" The
book was initiated.to commemorate the. 100th anniversary of
construction of the church building but covers the years the
congregation has been together. Lois Walden, Gordon Morrison
and Maris Mathers, all of the Historical Comnuttee, unveil the 'book
during the evening.
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Tree program
for Grade 3 class .
By Jennifer Dalton
and Madonna Bradley
Grade 3s from Mrs. Otteweirs class'
travelled to West W awanosh Conservation
Area Oct. 2 to participate in a tree
identification program in conjunction with
a study of trees. -
Mrs. Young's class has just begun their
first reader. They,are learning shapes and
made shape people out of. circles, triangles .
rectangles and squares.
Patricia Tebow moved last Friday. Grade
1 had a jello party for her farewell.
Grade 3 and 4, room 7 and 9, took a trip .
• around the periphery -of the school district, •
This was to assist in the -study of Mapping
the lodal community.
This week. Miss Mathers' Grade 1
• started their first reader. They are very
excited about learning new worth and
They have been working with shapes and
they made a wise owl from the different
Mrs. Worsell's Grade 5 class „celebrated
a Food Festival this week.- Each, child
presented a project on food, telling differ-
• ent ways it could be prepared. They pre-•
pared it one way and brought a taste for
everyone in the class.
• W
to our Grade
class. •
t Mrs, Clarke's Grade 1 class is finishing
their "Me Hooka". Next week they start a
theme about something to eat. Tyler
BrookS is our special "Me" this week.
They loved the Red Balloon film and they
made balloons! '
Season begins
with wild teas
A choice of Suinac, Mint or Labrador tea
was a fitting beginning to a new season, of
outings and indoor programs for the
Saugeen Field Naturalists.
On September 14, Geno Ferri lead the
first field outing of the season, pointing out
the twigs, leaves, seeds, flowers and roots
• of many wild plants that can be used to
make' a variety of teas, foods and
medicines. He did not fail to caution the
group not to use sprayed plants from. the
roadside or plants whose identities are not
At the first indoor meeting of the season
on Monday evening, September 16, Len
Simser of the Royal•Botanical Gardens in
•'Hamilton spoke on the mysteries .of bird •
migration. •, • •
Since early times, the sudden disappe,ar-
ante of birds1in the fall and their reappear-
• ance in the Spring have been the subject of
numerous superstitions and beliefs as 'veil
as many scientific studies: Since swallows
were often seen flying over water and
gathering mud for the nests along the
banks of pond a and streams, early people
believed that they hibernated in the mud,
With the aid of excellent coloured slides,
• Mr. Simser reviewed some .of the early
beliefs about migration, the history of
research on the topic .and current know-
ledge of 'why, • how and where birds
migrate. There are still many questions to
be answered on these fascinating topics.
He concluded with a vivid account of the'
procedures used in bird, banding and, of '
• how it has contributed to our knowledge of'
bird behaviour.
The next indoor meeting of the Saugeen
Field Naturalists will be held at 7.30,
• October 21 •at the Outdoor Education •
Centre of the Saugeen Valley Conservation
' Authority Headquarters, south of Hanover,
off Grey County,Road 10. The topic will be
"Enjoying the Night Sky".