HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-09, Page 1BEST ALL ROUND COMMUNITY
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C,C.N.A, Better Newspaper Competition 1905
PC delegates selected
The Huron -Bruce Progressive Conserva: Youth Vote
tive Association decided to cut off. issuing - The Huron -Bruce Progressive Conserva- •
of new memberships 14 days before an tive riding association decided to amend its
election: The cutoff point before was 72 bylaws to extend adult .voting privileges to
hours or , three days before the election. any youth -member last week.
About 90 association members voted the Doug Earle, president --of the, Huron -
constitution change Oct. 2 at a nomination Bruce: Progressive. Conservative Youth
meeting in .Kincardine. Association said, "Over the last years
Riding President .Barb Fisher said the there has not been . a . recognized 'youth •
executive wanted to put a stop to the "fire section in the riding;"
sales" of memberships before an election,- For that reason, he asked that .the
She also said 72 hours was too short a time association give all youths the option, or
for the party to process an "accurate" list "privilege" of voting in both youth, and
of eligible voters for meetings. ' adult matters.. He said many other •
"There was a strong feeling by the , provincial. ridings had passed the same
executive and, outside members that 'this motion.
"The youth, in. • the . Gurbin campaign
(now MP, . Bruce -Grey), leaned ,;over
had to be resolved," she said. -
The association executive looked at the
option of selecting delegates using a ward 10,000 windshields, and were quote 'the •
system. Asan example, she said five polls energy'and dynamism of the campaign,"
in Teeswater could pre -select delegates 'said Earle.
who would have voting power. That idea , ' . He said extension of youth voting .privil-
was turned down by the executive, eges would make them "feel .more
however, because they felt it would restrict. welcome": He said by not doing it, they
the number of eligible voters. • 'would show they donot value active
- 'Tie want Conservatives voting and not participation in the party by youth.
liberals, that's all we're saying," said • Association Treasurer Joe Reiclienback.
• association naeu her. Don. Alton, said;."I think that.the yquth:areextremely
,The 14 day cutoff; -date only applies4t: important and encouraging iri the govern-
new members joining the party. People 'mental process. I think it's: mandatory that,
who have expired memberships, will have we encourage people like Doug and friends -
voting privileges the day they renew. to°develop.the party....I'm all for him, and
Mrs. Fisher said extension of ,the cutoff I think he should have: just as much chance
• date will not affect those •considering
running or nominating, "because .they
would be thinking seriously and decide in
good time."
to vote as I should:" •
He later added that since there was not a
quorum of. 10 youths • at themeeting, adults.
would be taking part in the nomination pf
youth delegates for the . upcoming leader •
Nomination Meeting's ship convention.
The PC association also decided that "I think it is a sorry thing if we can't get
• announcing • upcoming nomination meet:. 10 (youth) here tonight," said Mr. Reich-
ings by mail was., too costly and time enbach. •
consuming. They voted a . constitution Mr. Alton, however, rose in opposition'
amendment that left newspaper advertis- to Mr. Earle's proposition: He said youth
ing of an upcoming meeting mandatory but voting rights should not be extended:;
not mailing. notices.. John Slade, who was later elected a..
time andmoney is available, however, delegate to the leadership convention, also
membership may still get notification wondered if giving youth a chance to vote
through ..the mail, said Mrs. Fisher. as adult `and youth members was fair,
"There is' a 1,688 ,membership' in the
association and the cost is high to mail
notices. The second .problem was time
, •con)Straints, In the last election we spent
campaigning time 'in administration be- ' ship. It's just Saving them $5," •
cause of the ' time restriction through •. Members aged14. to 30 can hold a youth
mailing," she said.
She said the newspaper advertisement
must be compulsory, becau; ^ public notice
of an event must 'be given.
"...But they're just getting a. free
membership as an adult," . said, Ken
• Campbell. "They have the right now to' •
vote • twice by buying a $ 5' senior member=
card. At the same time they can also; at
age 14, hold a• senior card.
Mr. Earle said the association has 36
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Still time for children to register ,
There is still time for children interested Bill Hunter, but there are still spots left on
in playing in • the. Lucknow and: district the nine teams filled- by Lucknow and area: ,
hockey system or taking' figure skating or boys. Registration closes .Oct. 11. Hunter
power skating lessons to register. said parents pay a penalty if they register
Last Saturday, Oct. 5, .was a good day for their childrep after the season's insurance
hockey registration said recreation director ' application has been submitted:
"Every name submitted after the last
day is charged a fee on top of registration
to cover the administration costs of adding
the name to the insurance list," he, saod.
The ice machine has been turned oil said
H tand "Mother Nature will let us
Advertisers and, Correspondents ' are
reminded that because Thanksgiving is
on Mon. Oct. 14, deadlines for adver-
tising and editorial copy have been
moved to Friday, Oct.: 11. Just as on a
nortnal Monday, Friday's copy dead-
lines will be 12 neon for 'classified
advertising and 3 p.m. for both display
advertising ' andeditorial copy.
un er,
know when we have ice."
The. Luckrtow Figure Skating Club will
end registration on the first day of skating
said treasurer Elaine Steer. Although the „
number of ' applications, has yet to be
tallied, she estimated that between 80 and
90 children signed up for figure skating
and about 10 youngsters will be in power
skating classes.
Rc;ta Morrison of Kinloss Township has been painting for seven years, and finds her
work very p pular; keeping her very busy. She paints on barn board and fungus.
Artist finds •
Origmahty important
By James s garden FEATURE
Reta Morrison.'s, garden must have
gasped its last .breath during the last
'few days of cold weather, rain and even
hall. There were still some tomatoes
left, and some flowers, and she made
plans before the onset of this stretch of
'wild climatic change to cover the plants
over to get the last of the tomatoes off
the vine and see the flowers bloom just
a little longer. '
The care of the garden is one of the
many things Reta tries to schedule into
her busy 'day, along' with finishing off
the house 'she and her husband Mel
built a year ago after, selling theirfarm
and all the day to things the have to
be done in a home, , Reta laughs when
she remembers that people asked her,
"What are you going to do all day now
you're off the farm?" ,
Woven through her , schedule she
threads the time to paint, something
that began as a hobby and became quite
a business, one she keeps threatening
, to end, but one she continues because of
the many requestsshe gets, for her
Reta was interested in painting while
a girl in school but never really explored
her potential until, she saw a barn board
/ painting, by a woman near Elmira and
thought, "I• think I can do that." .
•"I wasn't interested in working 'on
• canvasbecause so .manj- other people
• are. doing that.. I 'Wanted something
different now' I've been at it - oh -it's
seven years since I started." ' `. .
• "After the family grew up ' (she
proudly showed a photograph of her
•• three children at her son• Marvin's
wedding.' Marvin lives in Mitchell,
Lucy, who looks much like, her mother,.
lives "towards Ripley" and Brenda and
family lives in •Wingham: The Morri-
sons are also grandparents six timws
over). I looked for something I could do
on my own and make a little money," ,
and painting turned out to'be about the
Oest thing she could have worked at:
She wasn't very good at .first she
readily ,admits, but practice improved
• her skills until, at the beginning of the
month, she has completed 70 paintings
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