HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-10-02, Page 5The Toy Town Troupers from Hamilton presenteda scary tale Ws. Yfoungsters'at the.town hall the evening of September 30. Aunt Chatterbox and King Crispin are terrorized by a chess playing ghost in the production which saw an excellent turnout according to librarian Fran McQuail. Society assesses 'fall -fair Lucknow Agricultural , Society held a regular meeting on September 24 ' with president Bruce Skillen in the chair. There were 16 members present. It was decided to pUrchase a half page ad in the Pcsint Clark Beach Association booklet toadvertise the Craft Festival in 1986. • A. full report of this year's fair was given by the treasurers. Attendance On Friday night .was down, slightly while Saturday afternoon was the best since 1982. Both booths did a brisk business and were sold out of many items. The chain saw compe- ' tition attracted ,close to 60 entries. By popular request the Carlton Show Band is going to be back for Fall Fair night 1 on September 20 in 1986 for a concert and dance • • Landowners reject brainwashing session • .Dear Editor: Of course the attendance was low at 0 Next year the official opening wili take • place • on the Friday night with Miss Lucknow Fall Fair doing the honours. • • The society is sponsoring a logo contest In - October for .any resident in West Wawanosh, Ashfield, Kinloss and, the village of Lucknow. The art. work is' to be .done on 81/i x 11 paper. First prize will ;receive $20 and kplaque donated by the NOthers Trophies. This logo Will be used on the rosettes 'and stationery for the fair. . Final plans were made for the benefit dance for the. Hackett family on October 18. It was decided to purchase an ice cream freezer from Allan Miller for use at the Craft Festival and the Fall' Fair. The annual meeting was set for January 21 at the Lucknow United Church. ' -,Ontario Hydro's Public Information Cen- ED I T OR tres. Landowners on the proposed South- western Ontario Transmission Corridor could seelittle pOint in attending a second brainwashing session to hear high pitched salesmen trying to sell. them • something they don't 'want I. The. weather was perfect, , the bean crop ready for harvest- rarely do these two phenomena occur together. Financially strapped farmers, already digging into their pocketa to oppose Ontario Hydro, were not about to leave their harvesting operationS, to hear a lot of "hogwash,: by highly paid smooth talkers.. Basically nothing has changed; the same costly, meaningless. literature adorns the , table; the routes from the Bruce Nuclear • Plan to London are essentially unaltered except that one bears the label "recoil - mended" and the other "acceptahle" ; the Use of well known Hydro P.R. thetoric is even predictable - what•is changing is agricultural community. They are sick of being. 'kicked around by bureaucratic bodies. We vehementaly oppose Hydro's recommended system on the basis of • improper Use, of a natural; irreplaceable resource • - prime agricultural land. • kconcerned landowner at one of the well attended information centres in Nairn, asked a Hydro representative, "What is your overall impression of the issues raised today at this information session?" His answer was quick and well rehearsed, "People are responsive, concerned and objectiVe." When the landowner indicated the inadequacy of his statement he • retorted, "Well, people weren't yelling, screaming, kicking or crying!" Ontario Hydro is positive it will get the transmission corridor between the Bruce Nuclear Plant and thndon - . when it is turned down at the public hearings, I hope Hydrndoesn't yell, kick, scream and cry, it • would tarnish the polish of the smooth talkers! • Yours truly, • Jane Rose. Query about Lucknow ancestor Dear Editor: It seems that everyone is becoming interested in their ancestors. As Research Co-ordinator for Bruce •Grey Genealogical Branch OGS, I receive many queries. Recently Mrs. James Coyne, Wiarton, Ontario is seeking information on a brother of her mother, named Percy Malcolm Crooks,.who had come from England and worked in the, Lucknow area. ge received his Mail at a Cameron's address. They never heard from hitti after 1913. Did anyone hear of him? Mrs. Gladys Arnold 395-2958 Lacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 2, 1985—Page 5 BARKER CERAMALITE • Wall Panels FOR KITCHENS AND BATHROOMS LIMITED TIME OFFER 00 Per Panel DIRECT FACTORY REBATE BY BARKER ON THE PURCHASE OF CERAM ALffE W ALL TILE PANELS STOP HEAT LOSS • WE W ILL REPLACE BROKEN GLASS IN WOOD OR ALUMINUM WINDOWS. NOW LS THE TIME TO REPT ACE BROKEN OR CRACKED WINDOWS. ST. LAWRENCE CEMENT PORTIAND AND MASONRY HENDERSON care BUILDING CENTRE \._ • J. 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