HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-25, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel,. Wednesday, September 25, 1985 -Page 5 \�I Ontario IN THE MATTER OF the Consolidated Hearings Act, 1981, (S.O. 1981, C. 20); AND IN. THE MATTER OF the Environmental Assessment Act, (R.S.O. 1980, c. 140); AND IN THE MATTER OF Sections 6, 7 and 8 of the Expropriations Act; (R.S O.1980,c.148); • ' AND. IN THE MATTER OF the 'Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act. (R.S.O. 1980, c. 316); AND IN THE MATTER OF the Parkway Belt Planning and Development Act; (R.S.O. 1980, c. 368);. AND IN THE MATTER OF an undertaking of Ontario Hydroconsisting of the acquisition of property rights for, and the design, construction, oper- ation and maintenance of overhead alternating current transmission lines, and related station, communication and control facilities, located• within a, geographic area (identified on the study area map included in this notice): Between the Bruce Nuclear Power Development, near Kincardine, and the Esse Transformer Station, near Barrie; Between the Bruce Nuclear Power Development and a new trans- former station to be built In the London area; and Between the newtransformer station in the London area and the Nanticoke Generating Station, on Lake Erie. Station, NOTICE OF HEARING TAKE NOTICE THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD TO CONSIDER THE APPROVAL OF, AND IF APPROVED, THE LOCATION OF ONTARIO HYDRO'S PROPOSED TRANSMISSION FACILITIES BETWEEN: . II THE BRUCE NUCLEAR ROWER.. DEVELOPMENT, NEAR KINCARDINE, AND THE ESA TRANSFORMER STATION, NEAR BARRIE; ' THE BRUCE. NUCLEAR POWER DEVELOPMENT AND A NEW TRANSFORMER - - STATION TO BE BUILT IN.THE LONDON AREA; AND, , • THE NEW TRANSFORMER STATION IN THE LONDON AREA AND THE NANTICOKE GENERATING STATION, ON LAKE ERIE. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND AT THE HEARING, THE JOINT BOARD MAY PROCEED WITH THE"HEARING IN YOUR ABSENCE AND YOU WILL NOT BE ENTITLED TO ANY FURTHER NOTICE IN THE PROCEEDINGS. AND TAKE NOTICE THAT YOUR LAND MAYBE EXPROPRIATED FOR ANY FACILITIES WHICH MAY BE APPROVED. Ontario Hydro is proposing a majorexpansion of its bulk elec- , tricity transmission system. This would involve constructing new transmission lines, a new London area transformer station and , related. facilities. The recommended location and alternative locations are'shown on the maps in this notice. • TIME, PLACE AND PURPOSE OF THE PRELIMINARY • HEARING,/" A preliminaryhearing will be held: AT: Guelph Holiday Inn, 601 Scottsdale Road; Intersection. • of Highway 6 North, nd Stone Road, Guelph, Ontario ON: Wednesday, Octob, r 16th,1985 AT: 10:30• • a.m. At the preliminary hearing the -Joint Board will consider only procedural matters, including but not necessarily restricted to: a) identification of the parties to the hearing; b) identification of the issues to be dealt with subsequently at the main hearing; and - cpconsidering additional locations for the presentation of - • . evidence to the Joint Board as part of the main hearing. • TIME AND, PLACE.OF THE MAIN HEARING. The main hearing will commence: AT:' Guelph Holiday inn, 601 Scottsdale Road, Intersection of Highway 6 North and Stone Road, Guelph, Ontario 'ON: Tuesday, November 12, 1985 AT: 10:30 a.m. at which time the Joint Board•wili deal with any outstanding preliminary and procedural matters and immediately thereafter will commence to hear the evidence of Ontario Hydro. IF YOU WISH.TO BE HEARD BY THE JOINT BOARD 1f you are interested in participating in the hearing you are asked to,cornplete the clip -out registration coupon and mail it to the Hearings Registrar by October 7,1985. Submissions may be made in personat the hearing, either orally or presented in writing. • ' Study Area Map The shaded area on 9. m0P 01,0.45 mg appronmate sway area Site N Recommended Site for the new London ' area Transformer Station. Leq,rd • GS IS TS NPD Generating Slalwn rranvmmfr 5tanon Nuclear Pneer DeoeIOOmeoI Study Area Recommended Houle koeioaote Anernamo Roete% THE JOINT BOARD MAY CONSIDER FOR APPROVAL THE RECOMMENDED LOCATION OR ANY OF THE ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS OR ANY OTHER LOCATION WITHIN THE STUDY AREA. THE DECISION RESULTING FROM THIS HEARING WILL DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF ANY TRANSMISSION LINES. THE NEW LONDON AREA TRANSFORMER STATION, AND OTHER FACILITIES WHICH MAY BE APPROVED. AND YOUR LAND MAY BE EXPROPRIATED FOR THESE FACILITIES AS A. RESULT OF THE JOINT BOARD'S DECISION. "Map of Bruce to Esse Recommended and Alternative Facilities" Recynmeraed Rq,le AOceaahle AaanaMe Route • THE JOINT BOARD MAY CONSIDER FOR APPROVAL THE RECOMMENDED LOCATION OR ANY OF THE ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS OR ANY OTHER LOCATION WITHIN THE STUDY AREA. THE DEC. SION RESULTING'FROM THIS HEARING WILL'DETERMIN: THE LOCATION OF ANY TRANSMISSION LINES. THE NEW LONDON AREA TRANSFORMER STATION. AND OTHER FACILITIES WHICH MAY BE APPROVED. AND YOUR LAND MAY BE EXPROPRIATED FOR THESE FACILmESASA RESULT OF THE JOINT BOARD'S DECISION. • ' Map of Bruce to New London Area TS Recommended ' and Alternative Facilities .� Recommended ROOD Acceol.EN Ammo. Rowe • 'THE JOINT BOARD MAY CONSIDER FOR APPROVAL THE RECOMMENDED LOCATION OR ANY OF I THE ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS OR ANT OTHER LOCATION WITHINTHE STUDY AREA..THE 0E01. SION RESULTING FROM THIS HEARING WILL DETERMINE THE LOCATION.OF ANY TRANSMISSION LINES, THE NEW LONDON AREA TRANSFORMER STATION, AND OTHER WHICH MAY BE APPROVED, AND YOUR LAND MAY SE EXPROPRIATED FOR THESE FACILITIES AS A RESULT OF If you wish to participate in the hearing, please complete. THE JOMIT WARD'S DECISION . • • this form and mail it by October 7, 1985 to: • • ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT An Environmental Assessment of the proposed transmission lines, the new London area transformer station and related facilities has been submitted to.the Minister of the Environment and the Joir,i Board in five volumes. A summary of the Environ- mental Assessment, including 1:250,000 scale maps showing the -location of the recommended and alternative facilities, may be obtained free of charge by contacting: Ms. D. Curley Community Relations Department, Ontario Hydro , 700„University Avenue, Room, H8 G4 Toronto, Ontarlo.M5G 1X6. Tel. 416-592-2016 (collect) REVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT The Minister of the Environment will prepare and publish a Review of the Environmental. Assessment. A notice advertising the completion.of the review will be publishedbythe Minister. / POWERS OF THE JOINT BOARD . The purpose of the hearing is to enable'the jointboard to make • any decision and order: ' (a) PURSUANT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAAL ASSESSMENT ACT, regarding: (i) the acceptance or amendment and acceptance of the environmental assessment; (ii) whether approval to proceed with the undertaking In respect of whichthe environmental assessment was • < submitted, should or should not be given; and (til) whether the. approval mentioned in clause•(ii) should be given subject to 'terms and conditions, and if so, the provisions of such terms and conditions; ' • • (b) PURSUANT ,TO'THEEXPROPRIATIONS ACT, regarding: (i) whether the taking of lands is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of Ontario Hydro;.and (ii) whether approval of such expropriations, with or without modifications, as may be required to carry out this under- takingahould or should not be•given; • (c) PURSUANT TO THE NIAGARA ESCARPMENT PLANNING ACT,"regarding:• ,• , (1) any amendments tothe Niagara Escarpment Plan which .• may be necessary for alis undertaking; and 01) any development permits which maybe required for this undertaking; •' I„ (d) PURSUANT TO THE PARKWAY BELT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT, regarding: • (i) any amendments to.the Parkway, Belt Plan whioh maybe /required for this undertaking. • FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the JointBoard will give notice of its decision and reasons by placing them in the record of public hearing. "Map of New London'Area TS To Nanticoke Recommended Facilities” Ravmr,ad Route. -- AozematleMemos* Paan Wawbo•.' OMane 0141111ht. 1,*0s 300 J THE JOINT BOARD MAY CONSIDER FOR APPROVAL THE RECOMMENDED LOCATION 011 ANY OF THE ALTERNATIVE LOCATIONS OR ANY OTHER LOCATION WITHIN THE STUDY AREA THE DECISION RESULTING FROM THIS. HEARING WILL DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF ANY TRANSMISSION LINES, THE NEW LONDON AREA TRANSFORMER STATION, AND OTHER FACILITIES WNICMMAY BE APPROVED, AND YOUR LAND MAY BE EXPROPRIATED FOR THESE FACILMES AS A RESULT OF THE JOIN! BOARD'S DECISION. Ms. Yvonne Fernandes Office of Consolidated Hearings 5th Floor 1 St..„ Clair West, Toronto, Ontario M4T:2V7 ' Name: - Address* • • Phone: • (Day)(Evening) Please assist the Board with its scheduling for the hearing by providing the following information (placing a checkniark in each applicable box):' ❑1 intend to make a submission on procedural matters at the prellminary hearing. ❑ Ititend to make a Submission at the main hearing. Even though 1 do not intend to take an active part ❑ in the proceedings, 1 neVerlheless wish t6 receive ' copies of alt Orders and Decisions of, the Joint • Board. Hearing No. CH -85-03 Dated at Toronto this 30th day of August, 1985 Yvonne Fernandes Hearings Registrar Office of Cdnsolidated Hearings 1 St. Clair Avenue West 5th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4V 1K7 (416) 965.2531