HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-18, Page 15;dnesday, September 18, 1985
n $5000., 81/2% per annum.
- 237 Josephine St.,
P.O. Box 850 Wingham, Ont.
Tel: 357-2022 • . .
138 The Square,
D P.O. Box 295
Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Z2
Tel: 524-7385
at the
October 5, 1985
10:00 a.m.: 4:00 p.m.
asic, Novice 1 and 11. , $40 00
;figure Skate and CFSA';v0 •
ho wanr, to upgrade skating abilites J
es include $8.00 C.F.S.A. registration
by October 11, 1,985 for the 'following reasons:
ranee Coverage, names of players must be submitted
e coverage.. Administration cost will have to be added
is impossible to book ice time and -delegate coaches,
don't have players registered. •
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., at The Lucknow Arena
b0 'a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at The Luckihow Arena
D p.m. at The Lucknow Town Hall, in conjunction with
r Arena, continuous - beginning on September 30 till
'9:00 'a.m. to 11:00 a. n•I
lir further information call
Sympathy extended by
community to Davis'
• The community extends their sympathy"
to Mr. and' Mrs. Fred. Davis, Mark and
Scott in the passing of Dana on Monday
last and to Mrs. Agnes Farrier in the..
pass • of her granddaughter,
Word •was also received here that Gary
Duiican, husband of Muriel Moore, had
passed. away last week. The community
also extends-sympathyto Mrs. Duncan. •
Mrs; Wallace Milligan.aiid Mrs. -Steve Ir- •
win and Cody of Lucknow spent Wednes•
day shopping in, London. . n
Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer of Sarnia
visited for a few days with ,his mother,
Mrs. Cassie Mowbray.. •
On . 'Sept. 12 Mr.- and • Mrs. Meno.
Uuldricks of Freelton visited Meno with
his father. BilWuldricks. ' '
Mrs.. Elsie Lucas of Staffordshire,
• England is the English Women's Institute
member visiting with Mrs. Agnes Farrier.
Adrian, Francis, Tena and Derek of In=
gersoll were ori the village on Sept. 15.wliile
visiting in Belgrave.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John A. Currie
and their. English Institute friend Mrs. J.
Wooliscroft, Mrs. Agnes' Farrier and her
"English guest Elsie Lucas of Staffordshire,
spent the day at Elora visiting the scenery
and museum. •
Attending the -wedding on Saturday in
Brantford • of Crystal Henderson 'from
Whitechurch .,were Mrs. Wesley Tiffin,
Mrs. Cassie Mowbray, Mrs. Isobel Tiffin of
Luck_ now and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer.
The now
Rumble. conducted.the service in .
sign. language for the parents bath use it
and also did the service in. the English
language. A dinner and dance was held,
after the wedding at the club. The -father of
the bride thanked all using sign language.
The Rev. Rumble ,interpreted that the
father .was saying thank you in sigh
language. . •
The railroad track of the G.T.R. built by
' our pioneers is now being torn up.
Truckloads of ties have been passing up
the village street where they were loaded;
On Sept. .15 the children of the Sunday
School in Lucknuw Presbyterian Church.
took part in the service and received their
awards for 'attendance for the past/year. •
Jennifer Cranston, gave the prayer' of in-
vocation. Alesh'a Moffat led the congrega-
tion for the responsive reading of Psalm
63. Jason Cameron and Luke Cranston
read the Scripture lessons and Mrs. Ram-
say told a flannelgraph story on "Joseph,
The Dreamer." June Gilchrist gave the
pastoral •prayer and offering was taken by
Jenny Cooper, Jackie Wilson, . Brock .
Raynard and Luke Cranston. . /
. The fallowing is a list of. children receiv-
ing awards. Perfect attendance is 39 Sun-
" days,
un-`days, a,pin is received for 34 Sundays, a
seal 'for 29 days and attendance cards fur
all other attendance levels. •
Pre -beginners were taught by Mrs.. John
Emberlin, Mrs. Jim Wilson, Mrs. Noble
•Johnston, and Mrs. Bill Moffat and awards
went to: Mark Nobert, First Certificate,
First Pin; Kristi Cranston, Second Pin, Se-
cond Seal; Michael Cranston, Second Pin,
'Second Seal; Alicia deBoer, First. Cer-.
tificate; First Pin; Matthew deBoer, Third
Pin, Third Seal; Jolene Emberlin, First.
Certificate, First Pin; Joshua Emberlin,
Thirad Seal; Lisa Kuran,: Third .Pin, Third
Seal; Paula Kwan, First Pin, Second Seal;
Craig Moffat, Second Pin, Second Seal; Se.-
cond Seal Ean Moffat, Perfect Attendance,
by Valetta t«rersan
ui the track. We .are all sorry to see the
finish of our railroad.
• Guests on Sept.. 15 with •Mr. and Mrs.
E.W:'Beecroft were Ronald,, Kevin, Shan-
non •and Heather Beecroft of. Wingham;,
Leon Russel, Cathy Wickhorst and' Mark
.and Ken Sinnamon, Wingham.
A mistake was made Ain not adding
r)enise Kikkert's name to the• list of new
beginners at the Christian Reform school,.
Highway 88. .
Mrs. Joe Dueharme of. Goderich. un.
. Wednesday visited with her parents Mr. •
and Mrs:' Elroy Laidlaw and attended the
funeral.of Dana Davis at Wingham.
Preparations are being completed for
the.. building of a new house where the feed
• mill used to be.•
The dry cool weather is' enabling- the
farmers -to complete the harvest with dry •
grain. Many are now putting the straw
under cover.
Mrs. Walter Elliott and Mrs,. Wardrop
attended the workshop on Wednesday last
at Teeswater for .the course Action Wear.
Mr. and Mrs.' John Hunter -of Ashfield
visited' Friday evening .with Mr. and Mrs.
Orland, '
Weekend guests with Mrs. Norma Rin -
foul were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oberholtzer,
.Jeffery and Julie of Waterloo and Steve •
.and Stuart Rintoul.
Mr. and Mrs, N.ei1. Rintoul..attended the
15th anniversary dinner and dance for 1970
-nursing graduates of .Victoria Hospital at
the downtown Holiday Inn, London.
• • Scott Rintoul visited Mark Robinson for
the weekend.
-On Sept. 15 guests with Mrs. Norma Rin=
toul.were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson;
Mark; Tracy . and •Tini ,,.f Belgrave and
Scott Rintoul.
Second. Pin and attendance cards went to
Jeffrey :Cranston, Julie Cleland, Cherie
Conley and Jeffrey. Rumble.
Grades 1 and., teachers were Mrs. Altair
• Murray; . Mae Baynard and Mrs. Birt,
Cranston. 'Those receiving awards were:
Angela Cranston, Third Pin; Fourth Seal;
Michael deBoer,` Third Pin, Third. Seal;
Lee.Drennan, First Certificate, First Pin;
Chad Moffat, Perfect Attendance, 50) Pui. •
5th Seal; Trevor • Moffat, Fourth Pur.
Fourth Seal and attendance cards went tr
Katrina Abbott., Sara Cameron and Ali -
drew Cleland.
• Grades 3 and 4 teachers were Mrs..Jin,
'.deBoer and Mrs. Lorne Forster -and award
winners were: Alesha ••Moffat, "Fifth Pin, r
Fifth Seal;, Jennifer Cranston; 6th year: _)
guard Seventh Seal; Bruck Raynard,
Perfect Attendance, '7t1 guard; •7th seal
and attendance cards to, Tanya Rumble;
Chrisssy Conley and Sarali Nelson.
The Grades 5 and 6 teacher was Mrs.
Gilchrist and winners Were: Luke
Cranston, Second, Certificate t eight years
with Jackie Wilson,11th year guard, 11th
Seal; with attendance cards Bto Jason
.'Cameron, Cathy Conley, Jonathan Nelson,
Colleen, Conley, and Jenny Cooper'.. ,
Bibles were. presented t,o Aleslra Moffat': .
and Jenny Cooper. ,
The dedication of Sunday School
teachers and superintendent was taken by
.Rev. Allison Ramsay.
urse speaks to UCW
The Dungannon United Church Women,.
met at Camp Menesetung at noon on Sept.
12 for a potluck dinner. Karen Roberts, in
charge of the program, gave a reading en-
titled "Corning Home Again". Karen then '
introduced Sherry Alton,, a registered
nurse as our, guest speaker.. Sherry chose
"Nutrition and Canada's Food Guide" as
her topic. Sherry also spoke on "Nutrition;
The Ally for,1985". A question and answer
period followed. Tinie Logtenberg thanked
Sherry for her very informative presenta-
tion: A lively sing -song followed . wit i
Roberta Lindskill at the piano and Tinie
Logtenberg leading. • • .
The business meeting followed with
plans being made for the beef barbecue a.
Brookside on Sept. 22 and the West -Huron-•'
.Presbyterial meeting, to be field at
Holmesville on Sept. 30.
The meeting closed with everyone
repeating themispali benediction.