The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-18, Page 1BEST ALL ROUND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER IN CANADA (Circulation Class under 2200) C.C.N.A. Better. Newspaper Competition 1985 Non-residents warned of eventual water severance By James Friel. Councillor Herb Clarke suggested a water 'rate increase for non-residents at the Sept: 10 council meeting and the result was a letter of warning to non-residents, that the 33 -year-old agreementto supply water to non-residents. on County Road south of Lucknow has almost beencom- pleted. Fourteen residences would be .affected by the village's decision not to replace the. old one and a quarter inch pipe. Cow cil felt the warning letter at this time would give the residents a chance to angle for a . main from the •townships of West Wawanosh or Ashfield or drill wells if a main wasn't to be built. • Clarke investigated non-resident rates with neighboring municipalities and found that Wingham, the only area municipality with a non-resident rate, charged an addi- tional 50 per cent. "If we pull a pump to have a look at it, it costs, us $107 an hour: It don't seem to nie we're breaking even and it's not fair our residents have to pay for it, "said the coun- cillor. "It won't be long till we're severing the connections anyway," said Reeve George • Joynt. The water main,.. which had been in- stalled. in 1952, is "deteriorating" said the reeve and Lucknow's responsibility to maintain a water supply ends when the • line is no longer 'Suitable. ' Councillor Al) Murray suggested inviting West Wawanosh and Ashfield township councils to Lucknow to encourage possible, replacement of the line though the. coun- cillors agreed they didn't "think the townships would even consider a program (of construction)." "With the number of users we ,wouldn't get enough money to pay for the main," said the reeve •as he estimated that the village Would receive about $1,400 per year from 14 residences on the line. "We should receive costs for the main," said Clarke to the agreement of the rest of council. "They're reaping the same benefits as you are," said Eldon Mann. ".I think they should be brou ht into "the town," he stated,, adding knew twist to the discus= sign. Whencontacted on Sept. 13, Clerk' Ber- • tha Whitcroft said the notices which the village office was attempting to complete that day, should be received by those af- fected early this week. Enginee rs 10 discuss sewage plan at ratepayers' meeting Engineer Steve' Burns of the firm B.M. Ross and Associates will be at the Lucknow Ratepayers' Meeting on Sept. 27 to update village, residents on the progress the sewage environmental assessment is making. The . meeting will be treated as one of the public meetings the village is required to hold to- inform the public and handle con- cerns. . Burns 'said the assessment is divided into' five phas a: probleth definition,, a review of alternative solutions, a final review of design' concepts for best" solu- tion, a public 'and .government official review of proposals and finally, con- struction. Phases one and two have, been com- pleted, said the engineer, and .govern- ment and public input on, the proposals is now being sought. The two phases and the resulting report concentrate on which parts of Lucknow should have sewage service, information ` gleaned after testing forcontamination of drains and investigating soils and the water table; and from discussion with residents, council; the Ministry of En- vironment (MOE) and the health unit. Four alternatives were looked at by B.M. 1#,oss and Associates during their consideration of the problem, which in- cludes serving the whole town with 'a System, which they concluded is not necessary; solving all areas with ex- isting orpotential problems • with sewers;. which was deemed not as finan- cially viable an alternative as number three: serve all areas with existing or potentialproblems with a combination of sewers, and new septic systems. ' Doing nothing about, the sewage situation in the village, the fourth solu- tion, was unacceptable because "the problem is too serious," said Burns. He noted. the -new service area, the area now being discussed for the new System;is 15 to 20 per cent larger than The 'Lucknow Fair Queen was selecte' at t e community centre, • Sept. 14, The lucky contestant was Melissa Becker, sitting centre, sponsored by.. the Lucknow Lions Club. With the 1985 Fair Queen are, sitting,• left to right, Laurie West, sponsored by First Choice Ayctions; second runner up Clianne Wilson, sponsored by Super Scoop; Melissa Becker; first rimier up Helen McIntyre, sponsored by Branch 309 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Lucknow;. and Wilma Vander Velde, sponsored by the Lueknow Kinettes. Stan- ding from left to right are: Kim McArthur, sponsored by Fisher- man's Cove; Donaada Thompson, sponsored, by Lucknow Videe; Lindell Cross, 19$4 'Lucknow pair Queen; Janice Cook, sponsor cd by the Lucknow Kinsmen Club; and Mae Raynard, sponsored by Lucknow Farm Supply. the one in the proposal made in 1980. , Burns said a plan showing the area under considerationwill be in the town clerk's office along with a copy of the report,' both available for study before 'the Sept. 27 meeting, Another meeting will be held in mid October after concerns from this meetipg have been resolved. At that tithe, the staff of BM. Ross hope to pre - /Sent information on the treatment facility sites,and.types et facilities. "It's better to get all the problems out in the air during these public meetings instead of later ' in the sewage pro- gram," said Burns. County asks for flood zone' meeting The Bruce County Planning Depart ment in a letter read at Lucknow eoun- cil's.meeting Sept. 10, asked the Village ' to hold a public meeting to facilitate the development of the village's secondary plan. The tart of the plan on which the meeting will focus is the usage of the municipality's land zoned under the flood plain designation. The public meeting; a chance for citizens to voice any concerns about the flood plain designation ofthe secondary plan, will be held Oct. 2 at the town hall. The county's planning department will have a .representative to field . ques- tions, said planner Bob Aggerholm in his letter to council. Subdivision approval extended , Council approved an extension Of the subdivision permit held by Bud Glen. The permit has been' extended for three successive years. Reeve George Joynt asked whether Glen wanted the renewal or not and learned that the potential developer would agree to it if that 'was council's wish. • "It makes no difference to us," $aid Councillor Ab Murray, before council carried. the proposal for extension. Village applies for subsidy . Lucknow Village. t:ouncil has decided to apply 'to the Ministry of Transportation and Commtinicati'ons (MTC) for an interim road subsidy. The deadline is Nov. 29, 1985. "We might as well have it now Turn to pagel5