HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-11, Page 19' 15, Tenders MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL SERVICES TENDER for 'renovations to the property to, be known as the "Women's Nouse of,lruie county". Queen. St. North. R.R. 5 Klncerdin.. Contract No. S527. Sealed tender properly marked will be received of the office oh #.W. Knoad . Architect. 1052 3rd, Ave. test, Owen Sound Ontar t.N.K2M& .Work to Include upgrading of building to current fire end health regulations and Includes electrics and m.chanlcal renovations. 1 Tender forms may be obtained front the undersigned with a certified cheque of 130.00 which Is refundable. Telephone orders not accepted. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. E.W. Knack, S. Arch.. MIMIC 1052 3rd Ave. East, OWEN SOUND, Ontario. NE 2Me 17. Auction. Sales- s WAT-CHA CHAROLAIS seventh produe• tion sale, 5 miles north of Mount Forest on Highway 6, Saturday, September 14th, dinner -'2!-00 p.m: Sale4 p.m. 44 head sell, show string, 4 bulls, bred and open heifers. Phone (519) 334-3497. —036,037 MIN AUCTION Saturday, . Sept. 14 at 11 a.m., Legion Hall, Creemore; Ont. Over 100 rifles guns including ' antique riffles, 6 Flintlock pistols, full line British Military weapons including Brown Bess, Boarding Pistol, Blunder Buss, Muzzle loaders, Shorguns, collection of./Windiesters, Rem= ingtons, Cooey's, Marlins, Belgium .Brown- ing, Maynard, Grenade-launeher, plus many more. - Marcel de Vries, Auctioneer (705 ) 445-9367: —037 ' WAT CFHA CHAROLALS Seventh 'Produc- tion Sale, 5 miles north' of • Mount Fbrest on Hwy. 6. Sat. Sept. 14, dinner 2 p.m. Sale 4 p.m. 44 head sell, show string, 4 bills, bred and open heifers. Phone (519) 334-3497. —.037 ONTARIO'S Largest Farm Machinery Con- signment Sale, . Norwich, Ontario: Fliday, Sept. 13, 1985, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second •Fridayeach month). Approxi 150-175 tractors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignnients welcome. For moree.informa- tion call (519) 424-9998 ;or (519) 424,9093.". Proprietors K. S. Hamulecki. &' Sons. —037 •and SPECIAL from 1 Consignor Fox Forage Harrroster complete with 4 heads Macon- F.r o:On 40B M,F, 1844, 4' Wheel Drive Saturday, September 21 9:30. a.m. Brindley Auction Service Dungannon 13 mi. N.E. of Goderich 5194294625 Auctioneer: Gordon H. Brindley 18. Services 'available DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service Tower and antenna installations, refrigera- tion service, . satellite systems, sales and service. Ripley, 3953466. —2tf rsdmlow Sentinel, --«rr-•eerre.rrrrer----rr..arw,eeer 18. Services available minus REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE SERVICE Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062. —49tf ' MAW HINNEY EAV>'.STROUGHING - AND LIGHTNING RODS Phone 528-3514 or528-2735 • —29tf MACLYN CAR OILING Choose fry 3 oil, new oil or a combine- ' . tic,.. Open 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Phone 395-3352 11 miles North of Amberley, W est of Highway 21. -37-48 AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 20. Public notices ATTENTION VETERANS • EX -SERVICEMEN -AND . WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS . The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr. Harvey S. Percy, Pro- vincial Service Officer, London, Ontario, will be visiting in the area. Anyone wishing. information, advice or assistance, regar- ding: (a) War Disability Pensions • (b) Treatment for entitled veterans (c) Application for Benevolent Funds • (d) Appeals against adverse original ap- plications for War Veterans and, Widows ' Allowance. is required.to contact the Service Officer • or Secretary of .the Local Branch, whose name •appears below, not later than September 18,. 1985 to arrange an inter- view. Irvine Eed*, / Service Officer. .rri..w rrrr-rw.wrrr.. ='.21. Personal w..---rrroim.-rrrrrm.rr.-rr.rwrr..o HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderidh 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. 40tfar • DATES GALORE Fbr all ages and unattach- ed. ' Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call, toll free ' 1-800-263-9163. Noon till. 8 p.m. —013. PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357=2392., 357-1769' or. London 432- 9197 collect. --tf 22. Lost and found LOST - 3 white faced Hereford, approxi- mately 600 lbs., north of Highway 86, • Kinloss Township. Phone 528-2847 or 524-9900 after 8 p.m. -35,38x • 23: ' Miscellaneous FREE CAREER GUIDE describes 200 learn - at -home 'correspondence 'Diploma Courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping,. Business Management, Clerk typist, Secretary, Jour- nalism, Television servicing, Travel, Gran- ton (5A) 263 Adelaide • West, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. —07 24. Business opportunities -r.�rrrrr..�-..r rr.rr..._...w.,+••�r...ra�.•r��.• 24. Business opportunties DISSATISFIED? 21/2. years ago I wasbroke and dissatisfied. I now earn over $15,000 per month commission. If you have the desire to earn this typeof income. Ad Now. Contact between 9 5 (416) 863-0109. —037 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours instruction. Next class, November 16 - 23. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneer- ing. Box 145, Lnnerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO, (519:) 469.3936, (519)' 537=2115, —037-044 • .ee...e..rr•.r.ae-erwerr, 25. To give away FOUR KITTENS to give away. Phone 395-3150. —37 AUCTION SCHOOL 14th year, 1,200 gradu- ates, courses April, August and December. Write Western Canada School of Auction - ening, Box 687, La[oombe, Alberta TOC 1SO. Phone (403) 782-6215. —035 - EARN up to $2000 every week for life. Simple work at home business. Write: Robdor Sales, 1748 Main Street, Suite 103G, ' Buffalo, N.Y., 14208. —037. JOIN Canada's leading Log Home manufac- • turer. Prime dealer areas available. Contact Mr. Mike Murphy, 1867 Confederation tug Homes, P.O. Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario, KOM 1A0 (705) 738-2301. —037 30. In memoriam • McKIM In loving memory of Jack Collins McKim, who died one year ago, September 7,1984. . We're struggling to carry on without -him, And we miss him every step of the way. We thank God for the years we had together. Carroll, Kathryn, ' Lori, Scott and Dar- ren. -.737 , • IRWIN' ' In loving memory of Sherri Dawn. From "The Spence Irwin", grandparents. -37 -err....aa.......w.....,. 31. Cards of thanks . rrrr.rr.inrrrrwrM�rrrrr..Nrrrrrrrrrr.r.r SNYDER • We would like to express our appreciation to our family; friends and neighbours who helped to make our wedding so special.; Thank you for the many showers and Stag and Doe. You were all so great. Thank you, • Colin and Heather. -37x HOWALD - A sincere thank you to neighboursand friends for thelovely gifts I received at the shower held for meat the Anglican Chur- ch. hurch. Darlene Howald.-37x HACKEIT We would like to thank all those who helped the night of our barn fire with the livestock and to the ladies who provided the coffee and sandwiches. Special thanks to the Lucknow Fire Department and Dr. Mel 'Corr*. Thanks to the relatives, neighbours, and friends who came and helped in so many ways with the 'clean up and to those who sent food to our home. All these kind deeds will. not be forgotten. Lorne Hackett and family. -37x IRWIN We wish • to 'acknowledge with sincere thanks your kind- and thoughtful expres- sions of sympathy in our recent bereave- ment. We extend our deepest -appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighbours for the acts of kindness, floral tributes, cards, food, memorial donations and comforting words. Also to the Anglican Church Ladies for the lovelylunch after the service. This thoughtfulness will never be forgotten by our family. Ross, Beatty, Paul, Sandra, Patti -Lou, Robert and Amanda. -37 : STEWART' We'd like to thank friends, neighbours and' relatives for gifts and visits while in the hospitaland at home. They were , all ap- preciated. Special thanks to Doctor Ping and Dr. Shubat and the nurses on the OB ward 'at Wingham Hospital. Thank . you lagain. Sherry and Candice. -37 • McDONAID Chris and Alyson would like to thank Dr. Corin and all the second floor O.B.. nurses for their care while ' in hospital. —37x . LUTHER My sincere thanks to all my neighbous and friends who donated their 'time to take the flax off. It was greatly appreciated and will always be remembered. Special thanks again. ' Maxine Luther Get in the Classified Garme Wednesday, September 11, 1985 -Page 17 32. Conning events ••••• 45'I•I WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Annie and Kitchener Finnigan wish toinvite their friends and relatives to a 45th wedding anniversary open house at McKay Hall, North Street, Goderidi, Satur- day, September 14, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Best wishes only please., —36,37 80TH BIRTHDAY You arc cordially invited to join in Celebrat- ing the 80th. birthday of Miss Clare McGowan, at an Open House 2:36 . - 5:00 p.m., Sunday, September 15, at North Street' United Chug, Goderidr. —36,37x . HURON -PERTH CENTRES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH . . are pleased to invite you to hear Dr. M. L Simner, Psychologist, University of Western Ontario speaking on "Prediction and Prev- ention of Early school, Failure at the annual meeting of the Centres, Wednesday, Sept- ember 18 at 7:30 p.m. Clinton Town Hall, Albert St. Clinton. —36.37 • 130TH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Of Dungannon United Church, on Sunday, September 15 at 11 a.m. Guest speaker Rev. Stanley MacDonald, Hensall. Special music will be provided. Everyone welcome. —37 OCTOBER CRUISES October ,Cruises of the St. Lawrence River. Romantic cities, the world-famous 1000 Islands, the remarkable, International Sea- way and locks, Upper Canada Village spectacular shore lines and more. Fbur and six days aboard the elegant cruise vessel Canadian Empress. Spedal October rates: $528 and $850: Phone 1-800-267-0960 for brodiures and reservations. —037,038 BLYTH FESTIVAL Garrison's Garage: September1, 11, 12 (matinee and evening). Eveningperforinan- ces at 8:30 p.m., matinee at 2:00 p.m. • •Fbr tickets, call Box Office 523-9300 or 9225. CAR RALLY, Saturday, September 14, starting from Blyth Memorial Hall, .9 a.m. - 12 noon. A "fun run" through Huron County with trick: questions, check pointe,prizes, eta Registration: $5 per car.. Call 523-9300 or 9225 for details, -37 CHILD HEALTH UNIT • The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the. Child Health Clinic; held at the Health Unit office, W ingham Hospital Clinic Building on Wednesday, September 18, 1985 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: - L Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening . 3. Immunization • 4. Fluoride ADULT IMMUNIZATION W LLLALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC. ' . —37 DUNGANNON PLAY SCHOOL ' At Dungannon Senior Citizens Complex, starting Tuesday, October 1, 9:30 12:00. For more information and or registration call Brenda W yids 529-7859 or Kathy Tideswell . 529-7032. Please register by September 27: 37,38 BENEFIT DANCE For Jack and Helen Currie (Who lest ' their barn • to fire) Friday, September 20, ' Wing- • ham Legion, • Tifiin's •' Orchestra. Ladies • please bring sandwiches. --:37,38nx SUPPORT AND FR NDSHIPGROUP A self-help support, and friendship group for SEPARATED AND DIVORCED WOMEN in • Huron County will• commence Wednesday, September, at 8 p.rn. in the community mom at the • grand stand, 166 McDonald Street, Godericdh. Bring along your sugges-, tions and ideas. Coffee provided. For further information.phorne 524-4164 after 5 p.m. 37x REGISTRATION for the 1st Kingsbridge Beavers and Cubs will' be' held on Wednes- day, September. 18 at the Ashfield Township, Hall, 7:30 = ,8:30 p.m. Beaver .• meetings will be changed from Sunday morning to a Week day. -.37,38 KINLOSS BOWLING LEAGUE Any new, • bowler interested in bowling,on this league on Fridays 'at 8 p.m. starting Friday, Oc-• • tober 4. Phone,528-3942 or 357.3507.-37 • • h