HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-09-04, Page 1724. Business opportunties CASH IN ON INCOME TAX Earn Money; learn Money -Saving Tax tips by correspond- ence. U & R Tax Schools, 1345. Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba.R3T 2B6 for free brochure. —036 25. To give away TO GIVE AWAY to good homes, 2 female Border Collie cross puppies, 13 weeks old. Bright and alert. Phone 395-5332.-35,36 28. Engagements ALTON - FEDERICO Mr. Lorne Alton ispleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of his daughter Marsha to Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Corrado Federico. The ceremony to take place Saturday, September 21, 1985 at St. John the Baptist Church, Amherstburg, Ontario. 30. In memoriam BUTTON In loving -memory of Russel Button, who died September.. 4, 1984. You didn't have time to /say farewell, ` Or for me to say goodbye.' You were gone before I realized, - And only Godknows why. • I think of you in silence, And often speak. your name, And all I have are memories, And your picture in a frame. My heart still aches with sadness,. My silent' tears still flow, For what it meant to lose% you, No one will ever know. Sadly missed by .Freda and family. —36x • 31.. Cards of thanks •ALTON Sincerest thanks 'to all my friends, neigh- bours and relatives who attended my bridal shower at Dungannon United Church on August. 14,, .1985. Your , gifts are greatly appreciated and will be veryuseful in our new home. Special thanks to the ladies who planned the evening. -36x Marsha ANDRESS We would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for the gifts : and support for making our day special. Judy and Greg —36x. PAGE ' We wish to thank everyone who organized and attended my showers and the social evening in Kincardine. Your gifts and generosity are greatly appreciated. Andrew and Cathy —36x . 32. Coming ,vents 32. Coming events SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 -the induction and inaugural service of Dungannon Union Pastoral Charge, including congregations of Dungannon, Nile, Trinity and: Donnybrook, will be held at 7.30 p.m. at' the Dungannon United Church. • 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Annie and. Kitchener Finnigan wish to invite their friends and relatives to a 45th wedding anniversary open house at McKay Hall, North Street, Goderich, Satur- day, September 14, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Best wishes only please. -36,37 UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL • Will begin September 9, at 9:45 a.rn. and the following Sunday, September 15 the S. S. awards for 84-85 will' be presented during church service. —36x BLYTH FESTIVAL _Garrison's Garage: September 4; 5 ,(matinee and evening), 6, 7 (matinee and evening), 9, 10, 11, '12 (matinee and evening). Evening performances at 8 :30 p. m., matinees' at 2 :00 p.m. For tickets call Box Office 523-9300 or 9225. Car Rally, Saturday, September 14, starting from Blyth Memorial Hall, 9 a.m..- ,12 noon. A "funrurl" through Huron County with trick questions, check points, prizes, etc. Registration: $5 per car. Call 523-9300 or 9225 for, details. -736 MISS LUCKNOW'F'ALLFAIR • Will be crowned on Saturday, September 14. in the Lucknow Community Centre.' Dancing from 9 ,-. 1 to Anything Goes. Sponsored by Lucknow Agricultural Society. Admission $4.00 each or $10.00 per family.. 35,36 CARLTON SHOW BAND W ill'play for a concert and dance on Fall Fair Night, Saturday, September 21: Advance tickets may be purchased at the Community Centre on Wednesday, September 4, 2 - 4, p.m. or Saturday, September ?;10 -12 noon. Admission $8.00 and $4.00. -35,36 ' YARD SALE At Morry's Trailer Sales, Highway 4, between Hanover and .W alkerton, Saturday, August 31, Monday, September 2, 9 .- 5. Rain or shine. Paha, accessories, miscel- laneous, R V. antifreeze $4:95. =36 80TH BIRTHDAY You are oordially•invited to join in celebrat- ing the 80th birthday of Miss Clare McGowan, at an Open House 2:30 - 5:00 p.m., Sunday, September 15, at North Street United Church, Goderich.—36;37x HURON -PERTH CENTRES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH are pleased to invite you to hear Dr. M L' Simper, Psychologist, University of Western Ontario speaking on ''.Prediction . and Prev- ention reyention of Early school Failure" at the annual meeting of the Centres, Wednesday, 'Sept- ember 18 at 7:30 p.m. Clinton Town Hall, Albert,St. Clinton. —36,37 SPECIAL MEETING Of the Lucknow Agricultural Society 'on Tuesday, September 10, in. The thdmow Community Centre at 9 p.m. to finalize plans for the Fall Fair on September 21: All committee members are , requested to attend. —36x • You'll Flip Over The. Buys You'II. Find In The Classified 'Section Incknow Sentinel, Attention Farmers! A. For sale AUGUSTA WHEAT, cleaned and treated, ready to plant. Phone 395-5249 evenings, —35,36 . C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY ruptured, rhinitis or riggling pigs, any size! Phone 335-3151 —36-39 D. Livestock . PUREBRED YORKSHIRE BOARS, ROP • tested herd, health 'approved by government veterinarians. Priced reasonable. Phone Ben Van Diepenbekk, R No. 3, Goderich,_ 529-7830.-35,36,37 E. Farm services LYNN LOW RY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. R. R. No. '1, Kincardine, Ontario For all your manure, feed, and grain hand- ling requirements call 395-5286 or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - almost. —I9tf . BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Barn, Cleaners; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8" to 15 P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile. Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing: Bunk Feeders, Ventilation Equipment, Hog Con- finement, Ritchie heated water bowls.' Farrowing Crates. Weaner Decks. , Plastic ' • Slates and also Farm Gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston R R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario. Phone 395-5390 DAY,TRIPS HORSEBACKS Mohawk, Tuesday, Septem- ber 10, Masonville Mall and London Fair, Thursday, September 12. Plowing Match, 'Si. Thomas, Thursday, September 19. Phone . Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus. • Lines, 357-3424. —36 COUNTRY &WESTERN MUSIC HOEDOWN ' • Will be held at the Langside School grounds, 32/4 miles east and 33/4 miles north of tarclknow, Sunday, September. 8 at 1:30 p:m. Featuring 'a large number, of entertainers.. Please bring .lawn chairs. Everyone wet- come. Lunch booth available. -36ar- FIGURE SKATING CLUB 'MEETING, Meeting of Lucknow Figure Skating Club Thursday, September 5, at 8 p.m., Town . Hall. Any mothers interested in finding out what 'is happening this year and 'meeting new '.pro, please attend. —36 APPRECIATION NIGHT , You are cordially invited to an appreciation night in `honour' of Cord Perrott's 23 years of service to Teeswate .hoand District Co-op, at The Teeswater Cuss Community Centre, Friday, Septerrrber 6, 1985. Dancing .9 - 1.,. lunch served. —35,36 Get in the Classified Game 528-2822 Wednesday, September 4, 1985—Page 17 ...Former summer resident visits L Pat Frazer and Mary Moffitt from Grosse Point, Michigan, visited Saturday with John. and Joyce Farrell. Pat used to spend sum: mer vacations here in Purple Grove. _ Dale and. Diane Stanley of Fort'Michigan were overnight guests of John and 'Joyce. They all attended the 50th anniversary open house for Ezra and Lula Stanley. at the Anglican Hall in Lucknow, Saturday. , June and Earl Elliott also attended this celebra- tion. Last weekend Earl and June Elliott at tended the wedding of Earl's nephew, Larry Ruby in Jackson, Mich. Shirley MacDonald -spent the weekend in Pontiac, Michigan 'visiting with Mildred Grass. Isabel and Norval Stanley, Deanna and Morley. Scott attended the Blue family pic- nic at the Bradley Community Center, Saturday, . John and Marlene Collins, ' Dawn and Katie left Saturday for South End, Saskat- chewan,- where John is principal of •the" school. They enjoyed their vacation and the reunion activities while home visiting fami- ly. The Collins, Mac Gillivray and Lochhead families visited. with Glen and , Doreen .Young,:Kinloss'on Wednesday evening. Recently visiting with -Katherine Collins were Isabelle Cassidy, , Marion Anderson, Margerey Frost arid Florence MacDonald. Visiting Saturday with Don and Anne Mc-. Cosh were Gladys Mason, Gladys Arnold, Myra Norman and Jim and Isabel Brooks. History bciok " The 'Ripley Huron • New. 'Horizons Historical Group would like to thank _ everyone who helped in the production and sale of "Families and Farms 'of Huron Township, with its Hub, Ripley" Over 1,300 books of the 2,000 printed have . already been sold. The remaining. books -will • be on sale at several locations for your con- venience. Books, may `be obtained at Mike' Walsh Chev - Olds in 'Kincardine, the Pine River ,,Cheese Factory on Hwy.' 21, Bob Courtney in Point Clark, the Ripley -Huron Medical Centre and Heinisch Service Centre in Ripley. McDONAGH REAL ESTATE &^:SuRA`.CE LTD 528-2031 : Lucknow 50 ACRES, 35 workable, stone house, barn, implement shed, 5 .mi. from Ludmow, $70,000. . / ANOTHER 200 ACRES, 55 workable, 45 bush, balance reforestation, close by,. 100 -ACRES all workable, KINLOSS, farrowing barn, stable cleaner, implement shed, beef barn: 216 LEVEL ACRES, 4/bedroom brick, 41 acres hardwood .bush, $150,000.00, FARROW TO•FINISH, 200 flat workable acres, 4 bedroom home, paved road. KINLOSS, 2 storey brick, beef barn, 1 acre land. $38,900. . KINLOSS TWP. 131 acres beef farm, upright and trench silo, large barn; 3 bedroom' home, drilled well, 4th concession. 248 ACRES, 6 bedroom home, double garage, implement shed, 3 parcels.$139,000. RIPLEY, vacant store with apartment above, newly -wired, $16,500. TEESWATER, 100 acre farm, 2 storey brick house, beef barn, implement shed' plus another 88 acres available. TEESWATER, modern 3 bedroom bungalow, $66,900.00. LUCKNOW HOMES . 3. BEDROOM 'home plus large workshop, $34,900, 3 , BEDROOMbungalow, '$25,000.00. HAVELOCK ST„ 2 bedroom cement house, carpeted throughout, paved drive, and carport, double lot, asking $39,900.00. ' REST HOME, 4 bedrooms, newdeck, fully licensed and equipment to remain. BUNGALOW, 3 bedroom home on Outram St., 2 - 4 pc. baths. 11/2 STOREY, all insulated, on Wheeler SL, well insulated with new siding and deck. 2 BEDROOM frame house, Bob Street, 3 pc. bath. '! .FRASER MacKINNON 'BARRY McDONAGH DAVID MacKINNON 395-2880 528-3821 395-2483. 1;.