HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-08-21, Page 17• WOMEN'S HOUSE OF BRUCE COUNTY is seeking a CO,C7►RDINATOR OF VOLU NTE.E RS --Part-time Position The Women's House of Bruce County is seeking an empathetic personyvith an awareness of •• women's issues and family violence. The successful applicant must possess the following: 1) excellent written and oral communication skills 2) good knowledge of community•resources 3) strong organizational skills 4) related: work and volunteer experience an asset 5) post -secondary training (social sciences) an asset 61be willing to relocate, if necessary, to Kincardine , Salary is negotiable. Closing date: Tuesday, August 27, 1985 . Secretary Women's House of Bruce County • Box1461 Kincardine; Ontario NOG•2GO Please apply in handwritirig, with resume to: jet 171. uction Sales' LARGE CLEARANCE & ' CONSIGNMENT Auction, Friday, August 23rd 10 a.m. sharp. Sales held 4th Friday, of every month at Wayne Ward Farm Equipment, Hwy. 6, ' • Wiarton, Ontario. Approx. 50 tractors, 15 combines and over 250 pieces of new and used farm equipment. For more information • dial (519) 5344638: —034 SHERIFF'S SALE of 1 Personal Property • UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an exe- cution issued out of the District, Court of Ontario, 'to me directed, against a 1985 Nissan bearing • serial number ' JN6NDO6S8FW001838 of Hugh Nichols and Carmel Nichols, Defendants, at the suit of Bank of Montreal, Plaintiff, 1 have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redem " ption of Hugh Nichols and Carmel Nichols,. Defendants in and to: A• 1985 Nissan, truck bearing serial number'. JN6NDO6S8FW001838! Description:. 1985 Nissan truck, Model 720, beige, in' colour, king, cab, long 'box, ' 'standard tran- smission, selling as is. Purchaser to arrange Safety Standard Certificate for transfer of ownership. All of which' said right, title,; in- terest and equity of redemption of Hugh NiEhols and Carmel Nichols,. Defendants in the said 1985 Nissan, serial nurnber JN6NDO6S8FW001838, 1 shall offer for sale/ by public auc- tion at the Mildmay Recreation Complex, Vincent Street, Mildmay, Ontario on Tuesday, August 27th, 1985 at 8:30 P.M. DATED. at Walkerton, this 9th day of.August, 1985... • TERMS: Cash or Certified Cheque. Deposit 10% bid price at time of sale. Minimum $500.00 or ,10%: whichever is greater). Ten days to arrange 'fin- ancing. Delivery only on payment in full. . • . This sale is subject to cancellation up to time of sale without any fur- ther notice.. Charles F. Reidl, - Sheriff, County of Bruce. • AUCTION SALE Of Household Articles will be held for MRS. RUBY LYNCH OF'TROW BRIDGE plus our consignment sale of cars, writing desk, electric fence posts, new watches and•new tools. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 at 11 A.M. LUNCH BOOTH ' ;Anyone wishing to consignitems to this sale Phone 392-8240 or 395-3157. IANGSIDE AUCTION CENTRE Auctioneers: Allan. It. Miller Bill Iialdenby CLEARING AUCTION SALE, Of Farm Machinery and Antiques for HURBOURM ADAMS Lot 1, con..4 West Division Ashfield Twp: .5 miles west of Dungannon or 12 miles - North of Goderich on 21..Highway then 1 Mile East TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 at 11. A.M. International 886 cab tractor with . air cond. •anti 2550 firs. (good); set of duals 18-4-34; Int. 684 tractor with 2250 loader his down pressure, new clutch, 1150 hrs, 18-34 chains, 3 -yr. old (good); Int." .710 semi mount, automatic reset 4x16 plow; Grahamchisel plow; Int. .16% ,ft. cultivator with cylinder and mid West harrow;. chain harrow " 16" ft. with stretcher; 3 section diamond harrow; Int. trail 32 plate disc; 6 row corn scuffler. 2 yr. old; Massey Ferguson .68 rota mower;" Smoker 32 ft. bale elevator, has motor; New Idea 324 coin picker; Int: 37 baler good condition; New Idea flail 165: bu. manure spreader; 2 •.Wagons with 16 ft. flat racks; .Hehn 6 ton wagon with Turned 225 bu. gravity box;. Helm 6 ton wagon with ' 350 bu. ISiilbros•' box; Helm 6 'ton wagon has. 12 L 'tires; Martin 14 ton wagon has 16 - 5 tires; 10 ft. grain auger and motor has '4 ft. , extension; ' grain 'aerator; grain thermometer; Gehl 100 mix mill has hydraulic unloader; Smyth 8 , ft. double auger pto snow blower,; 3 pt.H. tractor weight; 80 ft. chain for little Giant elevator; 'cement tile;; cement blocks; cattle oiler; set. of 12 - . 38 tractor chains; pig crate; 4 pig feeders; roUnd bale feeder; feed cart; 200 'gal. lick tank; turnip sower; turnip pulper; 2 -'100' lb. front mount tractor weights; 6 - 80 ib. tractor weights; steel posts; electric fence stakes; link fence; lumberj; 5 sheets. tentest; drill press . as new; electric drill; skil saw; air compressor; 2 tarps; air wrench and sockets; electric . welder; sprays 3 cylinders with hose; 20 ft. log Chains; rack for "'ys ton truck Cairn. pressure washer•as new; whipple trees; grain cradle; gas engine; pump anal pump jack; cistern • pump; pulley jack; cattle dehomer; wheel barrow; John Deere X4 snowmobile has new • track (good); lantern; apron for New Idea manure spreader; 2 windows for model. T Ford car; door track; numerous tires and rims; wooden wash ;machine; wash tub; wood' battery radio; 2 oil stoves; sad irons; rocking chair; cross cut saw; T.V. antenna; picture frames; numerous artic- hes. • FOR INFORMATION'PHONE 529-7731 TERMS CASH , ' LUNCH BOOTH Owner Or auctioneer not responsible for accidents NOTE: This is well maintained machin ery. Kept inside. -Plan to attend, °owner has otherfrnterests." •• AUCTIONEER: BRIAN RINTOUL "I need you." Please Give CANADIAN SO( IErt CANCER CANADIENNE 'OOFTY DU(ANCER 15.. Tenders Luclutow Sentinel, Wednesday/ August 21, 1985—Page 17 15. Tenders TENDER CALL WIN,GHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAL. RE SHINGLING ROOF OF THE NURSING ASSISTANT TRAINING CENTRE CATHERINE ST., WINGHAM, ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS CORRESPONDING TOTHE - TITLED PROJECT AND ADDRESSED TO: • EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WINGHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAL 270 CARLING TERRACE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO NOG 2WO will be received up to 3:00 P.M. local time, on September 4th, 1985. Tender Form and Specifications may be obtained -from the office of the Executive Director, W Ingham and District Hospital, during normal working hours. The lowest or any" tender not necessarily accepted. - N. M. HAYES,, Secretary Board of Governors • AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and some Household Effects will be held for ; DOUG LACKEY Lot 14, con. 4, Huron Twp., 21/2 miles South of Ripley then V mile east on Con.'4, Huron Township SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 at 10:30 A.M. MACHINERY: 434 IH. tractor with • No. 1501 Int. loader and hydraulic' bucket; 3 furrow 3 pth. I.H. 14" bottom plow; 3 furrow 3 pth. Case 14" bottom plow; I.H. 3 pth. cultivator; 9' J.D. 3 pth. cultivator on wheels; 11' chain " harrows; I.H. 14 r plate disc, trail type; Cocksbutt drill (for parts); Spread Master single axle 'manure spreader, pto. ; 1.11. manure spreader (for parts); Smalley portable 8" hammer mW, pto.; Lilly pull type fertilizer spreader; LH. 3 pth. mower; 7' M.F. 3 pth. mower; 4 bar Cockshutt' rake; 4 •bar Cockshutt side delivery rake; No. 37 I.H. baler; bale stooker; bale loader; •24' skelton elevator and motor; 8 ton Martin wagon with flo- tation. tires and hay rack; grain wagons; farrowing crates; hog feeders; water trough; heat /lamps; " electric fencer; lumber, plywood, fence posts; tools. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 4 pc. Chester- field suite;" 30" M"eClary electric stove,;. Singer treadle sewing machine; Quebec Coal and wood heater; double laundry tubs. ...Other articles too numerous to. mention. • LUNCH ' TERMS CASH DAY OF SAIF AUCTIONEERS • Grant McDona1d;.Ripley, 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 392-6170,. 18: ,Services available DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service Tower and antenna installations, refrigera- tion service, satellite systems, sales and service. Ripley, 395-3466. —2tf , AUCTIONEER SERVICE - Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed. Auctioneers Sales of AU Types' ' 1 Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170,. 18. Services available W. B. TV & APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to T.V.s & Appliances Small' Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners, Razors, Etc. Phone 528-3619 —32-36x 20. Public notices MARY LOU'S BEAUTY LOUNGE will be closed from Friday, "August 23 to Thursday, August 29th. —33,34x PAVING -POW ER SEALING Driveways, parking lots. 'Phone Robert - Symes Construction, Iucknow; 528-3047. —16tf • MAW HINNEY EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS Phone 528-3514 ' or528-2735 —29tf MILL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCE SEIItVICE Dependablezepairs to all makes and models of major - appliances. Phone 1'-8 7.9062. —49tf ' o:o slug PUBLIC. MEETING COUNTY OF BRUCE COMIVILTLEE OF COUNCIL DEALING W NTH PLANNING MATTERS Invites property owners and interested parties to attend a PUBLIC MEETING to discuss a.proposed Official Plan Amend- ment under/ Section ' 17 and 21 of the Planning Act. • The purpose of the proposed amendment is to amend the Bruce Peninsula and' the Bruce County South. Official Ilan In order to incorporate HOLDING PROVISIONS within the subject Official Plans. The Public 'Meeting‘ will be 'held on September 6th, 1985 at 10:30 A.M. UPSTAIRS MEETING ROOM BRUCE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 30 PARK STREET, WALKERTON, ONTARIO Any person niay' attend the public meeting and make written and or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to, the proposed. amendment. Additional information relating " to the proposed amendment may be obtained from the Bruce County Planning Depart - Anent, 30 Park Street, Walkerton, Ontario' NOG 2V0 (Phone 519:8811782)' or 542 Berford Street, W carton, Ontario NOH 210 (Phone 519: 534-2092). Get hi the Classified Game 528-2822