HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-08-21, Page 8a
Page 8--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 21, 1985
Try Outs.
September. 2/85.3-5 9-11 p.m.
• ' September 4/85 9-11 p.m.
Can .
524-9391 or 524-2232
'Friday 23, 30,
Friday 6, 13, 27
Friday 4, 11, 18, 25
Royy Neureuther and.
Mary -Ann Miltenburg,
Shawn Dalton and Laurie Gibson..
9:00 a.m. and 6 i00 p.m. ONLY
The children of Jim and •Jean Young invite
everyone to help celebrate their parents'
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Open recep-
tion - Friday, August 30, 1985, 9:00 p.m. at
the Wingham Legion. , •
Everyone Welcome - No Gifts Please.
The Man
To See IS
8.5 ACRES with good 4 bdrm. home, recently constructed barn, insulated workshop,
West Wawanosh Township.
LUCKNOW 4 bedroom home, well maintained, one bedroom down. Priced right,
immediate possession.
LUCKNOW desirable building lot, owner has •reduced asking•,price, prime location.
Give us an After. • .
L,UCKNOWI%2 bedroom bungalow' located Close to downtown. • •)
KINLOUGH 5 bedroom home on 1.26. acres, reduced to $23,500. •
9 YEAR OLD 3 bedroom home with 2 lots In Lucknow.
CUSTOM BUILT home Hwy. location,' Lucknow area, shown by appointment, 3 baths,
fireplace, immaculate throughout. . •
DUNGANNON. 3 bedroom home, priced to sell.
KINGSBRIDGE 5 bedroom. home with workshop.
QUNGANNON nice 2 bedroom mobile, asking 813,500, Including stove, fridge, 40 ft.
T.V. tower.
WEST WAWANOSH 4 bedroom country dwelling on 2 acres.
• LUCKNOW SALES BARN, financial statement evallable.
150 ACRES Kinloss, dairy set up for 70 cows, pipeline; attractive home. •
62 ACRES, Culross, 30 workable, balance bush, 829,500.
149 ACRES East Wawanosh, Hwy. location, above average home.
397 ACRES Huron, cash crop, comfortable home, older barn.
100 ACRES West Wawanosh, cash. crop. s. /"'/
89.5 ACRES Ashfield, buildings good, systematic 111e, bief feedlot.
300 ACRES Kinloss, .cash crop: i
100 ACRES Ashfield. recreation, good home and barn. .
149 ACRES West Wawanosh, Hwy. loction, Above average buildings and land.
179 ACRES West Wawanosh, Improved dwelling, beef pastureland.
100 ACRES West Wawanosh, cash crop.
239.5 ACRES Ashfield, Immaculate home,''cash crop.
100 ACRES West Wawanosh; no' buildings, good cash crop land.
50 ACRES Ashlidtl, good. bulldings, all workable.
'528-3710 •" ' 395.3174 529-7350
Fern Stewart celebrated her 90th birthday August 16 in Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home,
Lucknow. Her 90 years have seen several moves around the country and the raising of 11
children. (Photo by James Friel)
Fern Stewart celebrates 90th year
Mrs. Thomas Stewart' celebrated he She has : one brother, Perce Larrett in
90th birthday August 16 in Pinecrest • Portland, Oregon; a sister, Florence Irish
Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow: in Seattle, Washington and a sister, Gladys
Nattress in Spencer, Iowa. She is prede-
She was born in. Black River, Michigan, ceased by one brother, Ralph in Eugene,
August 16, 1895, daughter of the late. Mr. Oregon. She has 38 grandchildren and 54
and Mrs. John.Iarrett. She moved with her great grandchildren. •
family to Briercrest where she met and She moved with her husband and family
married herr husband, the . late Thomas to ' Kincardine during ° the drought and .
Stewart in 1919. They farmed at Glenavon, depression.in the west in 1938 where they
Saskatchewan, where their eleven children took up farming for a year at Millarton and
were bom and raised: Ila Wilkie, prede- then moved to concession 14, Culross.
ceased; Ellen (Mrs. Ken Rowe), Kincar They farmed until.972 when they sold
dine; John Stewart, Crediton Gerald their farm arid tod up residence in a
Stewart, Kincardine; ' Eva (Mrs. Ian country home on the South Line; where
McPherson), Teeswater; Ernest,/ R • R 4, their son Eeriest : still resides.
Kincardine; Mable Cornish, Winnipeg; Their homewas a haven of hospitality to
Alex Stewart, Orangeville; . Mildred (Mrs. their many friends. They were happiest
Ron Stanley), R. R. 4,Kincardine; Cpl. when all their family were around them...
Russell Stewart, C.F.B. Trenton; and Mrs: Stewart received 'Congratulations
Harold Stewart, R R 4, Kincardine. Her from the Prime Minister and. members of
husband predeceased her, in 1984. • parliament. /
Quiz, skits for Kairshect WI meeting- ;
Kinloss Kairshea .Women's Institute
held their Education and Cultural Activit-
ies meeting at the Institute Hall on August
.15. Mrs/ Farish Moffat and Mrs. Gordon
W all,4were the hostesses "
The president, Mrs. Robert Gilchrist,
welcomed members and guests, and gave a
reading, The Passing of Schools. Mrs. Ira
Dickie read the scripture.
Mrs. Evan Keith reported on the Craft
Festival dinner and thanked everyone who
contributed and helped make: the day a
success. Kairshea Institute will be canvas-
sing for the Arthritis Society the middle of
Mrs. Ira Dickie led a• sing song to start
the evening program: Mrs. Ian Clarke gave
a thoughtful and well prepared motto
entitled, You're Never Too Old To Learn.
Sheila reminded us of the..many talented
people of all ages that our community is
blessed with. W e can continue to learn new
ideas and skills from each other all our
Mrs. Gordon Wall gave a quiz which
resulted in the majority of the ladies
receiving . a' rating of not being sneaky
enough. We won't mention the names of
the winning minority group or what their
rating was.
Meagan and Cailin Clarke demonstrated
a flair for comedy in a'well prepared skit'
they actedout. It concerned the hiring
practices of a West Virginia school board/in
the'year 1915. The audience decided ditch.
digging in the middle of the winter would
have been preferable to teaching in 1915:
, Mrs. Ira Dickie gave a°humorous reading
on education, Passing the Buck. Mrs..,
Dickie then introduced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Don Bell. Ruth spoke on the Farm
Safety Program which she has taught in the
South Bruce elementary schools for the
past three years. The members all come
from safety conscious families but they
• learned, valuable new information • to help
protect their families.
Mrs. Clarke. closed the evening's
program with a reading, I'm Glad I'm/ a
Teacher, 'Sometimes.
Mrs. Robert Gilchrist gave the courtes-
ies and thanked everyone who took, part .in
the evenings program. Lunch was served
by the directors, Mrs. Virdin Mowbray and
Mrs. Cliff Roulston.