HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-08-14, Page 18Page 18—Lucknow. Sentinel.. Wednesday, August 14, 1985 17. Auction Sales AUCTION SAIF Of Farm Machinery and. some • Household Effects will be held for DOUG LACKEY Lot 14, conc. 4, Huron Township SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 at 10:30 A.M. AUCTIONEERS: • Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, 392-6170 AUCTIONSALE Of Some Household Effects, Tools and Antiques will be held for GEORGE BEATON 654 Stauffet Street, Lucknow on SATURDAY; AUGUST 17 at 10:30 A.M. Bedroom suite; bed, dresser and chest of drawers; Captain's chair; marble. top table; small table with arborite top; small .lamp. tables;. lamps; T.V. tables; coffee table; Moffat regrigerator, 15 cu. ft.; Woods upright deep freeze; Simplicity' spin washer -dryer; dresser; dock radios; books; hand vibrators; .CCM 'exercise bicycle; dishes and cooking utensils Eledrohome humidifier; heaters; grinder and motor; table saw; WEN 14," electric chain saw; .DeW alt 9" radial am saW; B & D wortmrate vice; %" drill; 3A" .drill press; 11/2 ton ratchet hoist; hand vice; step ladders; B & D weed eater; bicycle; 22" Mastereraft lawn mower; wheelbar- row, like .new; fertilizer. spreader. Other articles too, numerous to mention. LUNCH BOOTH TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE ' Owner and auctioneers not responsible for accidents connected with the sale. CLERK: BOB GILCHRIST AUCTIONEERS • Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353. W allace.Baiagh; Teeswater, 392-6170 Classified Deadline 12 noon Monday SHERIFF'S SALE of. Personal 'Property UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an exe.- cution issued out of the District Court of ,Ontario, to me directed, against a 1985 Nissan bearing serial number- ' JN6NDO6S8FW001838 of Hugh Nichols and Carmel Nichols, Defendants; at fhe suit of .Bank of Montreal, Plaintiff, I have seized and token in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redem- ption of Hugh Nichols and Carmel Nichols, Defendants in and to; A 1985 Nissan, truck bearing serial number JN6NDO6S8FW001838.! Description: 1985 Nissan truck, Model 720, beige in colour, king cab, ' long box, standard tran- smission, selling as is. Purchaser to arrange. SafetyStandard Certificate for transfer of ownership. All of which said right, title, in- terest and 'equity of redemption of Hugh . Nichols and Carmel Nichols; Defendants in the said 1985'Nissan, serial number/ JN6NDO6S8FW001838, I shall offer for sale by public auc- tion at the Mildmay Recreation Complex, Vincent Street, Mildmay, Ontario on Tuesday, August 27th, 1985 at 8:30 P.M. DATED at Walkerton, this 9th day of August, 1985. l TERMS: Cash or Certified Cheque. Deposit 10% bid price at time of sale. • Minimum $500.00 or 10% (whichever is greater). Ten days to arrange fin- ancing. Delivery only on payment in full. 1 This sale is subject to cancellation up 'to time of sale without any fur- ther notice: Charles F. Reid!, • Sheriff, County of Bruce. 17. Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and Antiques for ' HURBO.URM ADAMS Lot 1, con. 4 West Division Ashfield Twp. 5 miles west of Dungannon or 12 miles North of Goderich on 21 Highway then 1 Mile East TUESDAY, AUGUST27 at 11 A.M. International 886 cab tractor with air cond. and 2550 • hrs. (good); ,set of duals 18-4-34; Int. 684 tractor with 2250 loader has down pressure, new clutch, 1150 hrs, •18-34 chains, 3 yr. old (good); Int. 710 semi mount, .automatic reset 4x16 plow; Graham chisel plow; Int. 161/2 ft. cultivator with cylinder and mid W est harrow; chain harrow. 16 ft. with stretcher; 3 section diamond harrow; Int. trail 32 plate disc; 6 row corn scuffler 2 yr. old; Massey Ferguson 68 roto mower; Smoker 32"ft. bale elevator, has motor; New Idea 324 coni picker; Int. 37 baler good condition; New Idea 216 flail 165 bu. manure spreader; 2 wagons with 16 ft. flat racks; Helm 6 ton wagon with Turnco 225 bu. gravity box; Helm 6 ton wagon with 3501 ,bu. Killbros box; Helm 6 ton wagon has 12 L, .,tires; Martin 14 ton wagon his 16 - 5 tires; 10 ft. grain auger. and motor , has 4 ft. extension;', grain aerator;'grain thermometer; Gehl 100 mix mill has hydraulic unloader; Smyth 8 ft. double auger pto snow blower; 3 pt.H. . tractor weight; 80 ft. chain for little Giant elevator; cement tile; cement blocks; cattle oiler; set of 12 - 38 tractor chains; pig crate; 4 pig feeders;. round bale' .feeder; feed cart; 200 gal. lick tank; turnip sower; turnip pulper; 2 - 100 Ib.. front mount tractor weights; 6 - 80, lb,,_ tractor weights; steel posts; electric fence stakes; ' link fence; lumber i5 sheets tentest; drill press as new; electric drill; Skil saw; air compressor; 2 tarps; air wrench and 'sockets; . electric welder;. sprays 3 cylinders with, hose; 20 ft. log .chains; rack for 14. ton truck; Calsa pressure Washer as new; whipple trees; grain cradle; gas engine; pump and pump jack; cistern pump: pulley jack; cattle dehorner; wheel barrow; John Deere X4 snowmobile' has new track (good); lantern;/ apron for. New Idea manure :spreader; 2 windows for model T Ford car; door track numerous tires and rims; wooden wash machine; wash tub; wood battery radio; 2 oil stoves; sad irons;' rocking chair; cross cut saw; T.V. antenna; picture frames;' numerous artic- les. FOR INEORMAT ON PHONE 529-7731 .. TERMS CASH ; LUNCH BOOTH' Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents NOTE: This iswell, maintained machin- ery. Kept inside. Plan to attend, owner has other interests. " AUCTIONEER: BRIAN,RINTOUL 18. Services: available DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Sales and Service. Tower: and antenna installations, refrigera- tion, service, satellite systems, sales and service. ' Ripley, 395-3466. —2tf AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All .Types Phone Ripley 395-5353. Teeswater 392-6170 ' PAVING -POWER SEALING Drivewaysj, parking lots. 'Phone Robert . Byrnes Construction, Lucknow, 528-3047. —l6tf MAW HINNEY EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS Phone 528-3514 or 528-2735 —29tf FRILL'S RE FIUGERATION & APPLIANCE SERVICE • Dependable repairs to all makes and models of major appliances. Phone 1-887-9062. 49tf' lj 17. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Antique Furniture and Effects. AT WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE. FOR ROMELDA TAYLOR. WINGHAM and a small consignment AUGUST 17th, 1985 SATURDAY 11:00 A.M. ANTIQUES: Excellent ornate sideboard; excellent solid brass bed; cherry 5 - drawer chest; love• seat; 4 rockers; child's Boston' rocker; Iron bed' with brass spindles;. 2 matching sets washstands and dressers; wardrobe; parlor table; lovely oak dining room table with 3 leaves; 3 pine. blanket boxes; bobsled with full decal; drop leaf table; wicker fernery;, counter beam scales; hip rest chain; treadle sewing machine; mantel clock; excellent wall • ,clock; crocks, lugs, boiler; 2 coaloil lamps; set cutter shaft bells; quantity of ornate picture frames; excellent period Helnt:man piano and stool; over 100 pieces old sheet music; odd tables; lawn chain; table lamps; card table and chairs; vacuum cleaners; coat racks; 2 electric stoves; small fridge; quantityof bedding -quilts, blankets, +tablecloths, sheets, towels; etc.; mirrors; collectors' perfume bottles; 5 trays,of cosmetics; antique comport; cake stands; fruit bowls; 25 pcs. Bridal Rose fine china; chest of Roger Bros. flatware;. several items of 'silverware; cruet set; butter dish; vegetable dish; pint' Beaver sealer; cups and saucers;' Nippon, dishes and much more. , PREVIEW: Friday. 7 - 4 p.m. AUCTIONEER: Jack Alexander 18. Services available W . B. TV & APPUANCE SERVICE Repairs to T.V.s & Appliances Small Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners, Razors, Etc. ' Phone 528-3619 —32-36x 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ' IN THE ESTATE OF NORMAN ' KROFT, late of the Town of Listowel, in the County of Perth, and Province of Ontario,, deceased. Date of Death: May 24th, 1985. Creditors and others having claims against the above Estate are required to send 'full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of August, 1985 after which time. the Estate's Assets will be • distributed having regard only to the Claims that have been received. . Edna Avery Aministrator of the Estate 'of Norman Kroft • by their solidtor, Joseph A. Reichenbach Banister & Solicitor 3 Colborne Street North . Walkerton, Ontario NOG 2V0 —31,32,33 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF. DONALD GRANT MacDONALD, .late of Ripley, Ontario, Gasoline Distributor, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to file full particulars with the undersigned onor before August 30th, 1985 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. CRAM & ASSOCIATES 514-200 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario, N6A 1J3 Solicitors for Executors. —32,33,34 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS AU claims against the estate of BERTRUM GORDON JAMES BUSHED. late of the Township of Kiiiloss, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about the 30th day of April, 1985, must be filed with the undersigned on. or before August 28th, 1985; thereafter the Administ- rator of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated July 26, 1985. Wayne Bushell, - Administrator, c -o . GEORGE J. BROPHY, Banisters & Solicit- ors, Box 610, L'ucknow, Ontario NOG 2H0. —32,33,34 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of ARCHIBALD LORNE LUTHER late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of June, 1985, must be filed with 'the undersigned on or before August 21, 1985;. thereafter the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Dated July 25, 1985. Malone Luther, Executrix, c -o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barristers and Solicitors, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2H0.* —31,32',33• NOTICE TO CREDITORS, ' ' AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of MARL`"JEAN PORTER late of the Village of Lucknow, in the: County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about:the 13th day of June, 1985, must be filed with the, undersigned on or before August 28, .1985; thereafter the Executors of the estate will: distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed then has notice. Dated July 29, 1985. Glenn Porter and Douglas Porter, Executors, c -o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barristers ` & Solicitors, Box 610, Lucknow, ow, Ontario NOG 2H0. ,-32,33,34 20. Public notices , NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS The Huron and Kinloss Municipal Telephone System has filed an applica- tion with the Ontario telephone Service Commission, pursuant' to section 105 of the Telephone Act R.S.O. 1980, c.496, as amended by 1983,,c.71, for approval of a Long Distance ,Director Assistance serv- ice eryice charge' of ;150 per call to the United States per access line only when the number of such Long Distance' Directory Assistance calls exceed two hundred and fifty (250) calls per access line per month. A copy of the Application is available forreview at the telephone business office; located at Huron Street Ripley during normal working hours 9 - 5. If you have any comments or submis- sions to make with respect to the applica- tion, you must file them by August 21, 1985 to the Ontario Telephone Service Commission, at the following address:. Ontario Telephone Service Commission 3625. Dufferin Street, Suite 200, Downsview, Ontario, M3K 1Z2 Telephone: (416)248-3831 Attn: Peter G. Schofield, Secretary -Registrar