HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-08-14, Page 5444 loc know Sentinel, Wednesday' August 14, 1985 --Page• 5 oris of family fun at Dungannon Fall Fair, August promises to be an exciting month in the hamlet of Dungannon! Family Fun Day was held on Sunday,. August 11, while the 126th Dungannon Fair will be held this.. weekend, Friday evening and Saturday, August 16 and 17. Both events arc nsored by the Dungan- non Agriculture. . ciety. Oh Friday evening, the adult admission of only $1 will let you take part in or at least watch a variety of events. From 7 p.m: on, the indoor exhibits and displays and demonstrations will be open. Included, is a demonstration of All Terrain Vehicles by Hully Gully. Also at 7 p,m. is the Kid's Pet Parade where elementary school children can show their favourite pets in a variety of classes. The best part is that everyone wins a.prize! Other competitions include chainsawing, log sawing, bale throwing and arm wrest- ling. Enter and have some fun. An added feature this year is the musical entertainment from? to 9 p.m. by"Street Cleaners By Day". Sattirday brings the Heavy Horse Show and the English and Western Horse Show starting at 10.30 a.m. and continuing throughout the day. Many of the heavy horses which attend the Dungannon Fair also compete at .the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto so make a point of,viewing these high quality horses! At noon the parade will travel from the United Church corner to the fair grounds. There are 11 classes in the parade so entef a float, a vintage vehicle, horses or what- ever you like. Thisyear a special class has been included for -an organization or club floatdepicting the theme, "Year of the Youth". The Bayfield lions Club will have their children's midway at. the lair while the Dungannon Kinsmen Club will be manning various games and contests. me Dungan- non Kinettes will again be transformed into colourful clowns who will be selling helium filled balloons to raise money towards Cystic Fibrosis. At 1 p.m. the Horseshoe Pitching com- petition begins with a class for male partners and a class for female partners. Prize money will total $36. From 1 to 3 p.m. the Nine Mile River Boys' will supply -musical' entertainment. Make a point of taking in this good toe -tapping music., The 441 judging commences at 1.30' p.m. as does the baby show. Classes include under four months, four to eight months, eight to 12 months and twins up to 12 months. Each baby receives- a gift, compliments of Gerber Baby. Foods Ltd. and must be registered in advance in the hall. Bicycle,races will; be held on thetrack at 2.30 p.m, with a class for children seven and under, children eight to 12, children 13 and over. • „Young and old alike.can enjoy the water melon seed -spitting contest scheduled for 3 p.m. near the barn, At the hall, at 3; p.m. Cletus Dalton of First Choice Auction will conductt a bake auction of '30 items from the baking exhibits. This is a new feature and should prove to be a lot of fun so come bid on dessert foryour supper. Souti, Kinloss WMS receives cheque By Elizabeth Dickie. The August meeting of :South Kinloss W . M. S: was held in the church the evening. of August 6. Mrs. Allan MacDougall was hostess. . • ti The president; Mrs. John Mowbray, welcomed all and after the opening hymn, prayers of thankfulness were -given by Mrs. Allan Maclntyre, Mrs. Ray Buchmeier and Mrs. Don Bell. M Mrs, Don Bell read the poem, "My God • is no Stranger" and else the r��rreditation on our many blessings. We have so much -to give thanks for in our Gives each day. f The offering was dedicated by Mrs. 0. Needham: The treasurer, Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon; reported givings to the end of 11 June as $1040. Mrs. Harry Levis read a letter received. with cheque for $97 .from Zehr, for turning in sales slips This money is to be used for purchase of church Bibles. Mrs. Fraser.. MacKinnon and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall were chosen.. as, an inquiry committee. Mrs. Steer, waswelcomed back and she sang a lovely -sold, "His Name is Wonder ful", aceomnanied by Mrs. Jed( Needham. Nancy Maclntyre showed a splendid film of Korea. There were scenes of home life and school. The children were so charming and showed great respect for their .elders. Nancy Maclntyre gave the courtesies - and Ruth Buclhmeier the closing prayer. . A delicious, nutritious lunch was served by the hostess and directors. FORM 1 THE PL ANNING_ACT' NOTICE OF THE PASSING OFA ZONING BYLAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOW NSHIP OF KINLOSS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Kinlosspassed By -Law No. 15-1985 on the' 6th day of August, 1985, under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. . AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario. Municipal Board in respect of the By -Law by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Kinloss not later than the 9th day of September, 1985, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By -Law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the By -Law, describing the lands to which the By -Law applies, and a key map showing the location of the lands to, which the By -Law applies, are attached. The complete By-Lawis available for inspection in my office during regular office hours. , DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS THIS 14TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1985. Frank Hawthorne Clerk -Treasurer Township of Kinloss HOLYROOD, Ontario. NOG 2B0 Telephone:.. (519) 395-3575 EXPLANATORY NOTE ZONINGBYIAW NO. 15-19810F THE ' CORPORATION. OF THE TOW NSHIP OF KINLOSS • Zoning By-law No. 15-1985 was passed under Section 34 of The Planning Act, 1983. It : amends the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By -Law, By -Law No. 7/1981, as amended: The, purpose of Zoning By -Law No. 15-1985 is to certain lands in the periphery of Silver Lake to the "A2", "EP", "OS1-15-1985-A", "OSi-154985-B", "R2", "PD", and "Al"•Zoning classifications,. This By -Law is designedto implement the recently -approved land use policies that have been applied to this area by Amendment No: 26 of the Bruce' County South Official Plan. By -Law No. 15-1985• would have the following effect:,. The "A2" Zoe would permit, among other things, a wide range of non -intensive • agricultural urges, but not liquid manure storage facilities, • provided that certain 'development standardsare diet. The "EP" Zone would permit certain conservation and recreationuses, but would not permit the erection Qf buildings or structures, except those necessary for flood and or erosion control. purposes. The "OS1-15-1985}A" Zone would permit an existing church camp.. The "OS1-15-1985-B" Zone would permit an existing travel trailer and coimnreraal campground. • l The,"R2" Zone would permit a seasonal dwelling and the conversation thereof for permanent occupancy, on a lot, provided that certain development standards and .or approvals are met and -or are obtained. The "PD" Zone would.pernut, existing uses, buildings and structures and those us- es permitted in the "EP"'Zone, provided that no buildings or structures are erect- ed. The "Al" Zone would permit, among other things; a wide range of intensive and non -intensive agricultural uses, provided that. certain development standards are met. The lands affected by By -Law No. 15-1985 are situated within Lots 17 to 21, -inclusive, 1st Range, •S. D. R., and lots 17 to 26, inclusive, 2nd Range, S:D. H., in. the Township of Kinloss, and are shown in more detail on ,the `Key Map' provided below. KEY MAP • •-..+-.r.+ SUBJECT LANDS E-1 LAWS' TO E. ZONED 1,42' LANDS TO BE ZONED 'EP' LANDS, TO 8E ZONED 'OSl 5-1985-A' LANDS TO BE ZONED '051-15`-I085•B' LANDS TO BE. ZONED 'R2' LANDS TO BE ZONED°PD' LANDS TO 8C ZONE() 'Al' ?0,10 sr,/ f+'�,r0.: `t �f �7;i' ii;,Ll /ice id .rt/L .,,.i �J CJ