HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-8-18, Page 8a B -Thursday, August 18th, 1932 THE SIGNAL OPTICAL SERVICE We render a complete Optical Service; give your eyes a thorough examination, and if Glasses are needed the= are from 13.41*tlg. Y s IAvitible Bifoed Leases Stied with any Frain. TCI Aimee Cole's 'Book Store p 1D PICK ALL-STAR TEAM The executive of the Huron Softball League invite faits to pick an all-star team from the player of the League. The team that 1s eboeen will In alit probability play a game with some oat - *tending team not In the League. Lists ' should be sent to the secretary of the League, A. C. McCaully, Seaforth. n X '- HENSALL At Hensall on Wednesday two God- erich rinks won prises In the Scotch doubles bowling tournament, In which five local rinks participated. W. Pow- ell and F. Cralgie were in for third prize and J. Swafileld and Chas. Grif- fith won fourth plaee. Other Goder- ich players were: A. Whiteside and F. Hunt; R. Johnston and H. McNee: J. R. Wheeler and F. Toole. Habklrk and Miller, of Wingham, and McDon- ald and partner, of Hensall. were win- ners of fire and seeoed prime, re- gpeMlvely. - KINGSBRIDGE KINO$$RIDGE, Aug. 1T.--1241. Thos. O'Neil of Winnipeg made • visit to bis relatives le Goderich and Ashfeld last week. Mr. Edmond Garvey, of St. Mich- ael's College, Toronto, is holidaying at his home here. Mr. sad Mrs, Joe Garvey and child - /141. Of TAr etti. *Peet a few days wit their parents, brother and slaters here this week. _- -- Mr. M. J. O'Connor had a friend of his boyhood visit him list week, in the person of Rev. Father Ferguson of Brantford, w g - tysa_a�/id log some y, +. , ..-- twLllederlep, Dr. and Mrs. Kasper of Detroit are having a two weeks' holiday among their friends here. Miss Veronica Mulyneaux, of Dublin, 1. visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. Tim Grilfiu. Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Reilly and fam- ily and Miss Gladys O'Reilly, of De- troit, spent a few days at the hese of Mr. Freyne recently. Mrs. C. O'Reilly returned te, e- trott this week. Hr. Ind Mies. Jack Dalton an�'s�n; of Timmins, were visitors at Mrs. Agnes Austin's over the week -end. Miss Annie Dalton of Detroit and Mr, and Mee. Pape and daughters of Kitchener are spending a while In their summer cottage here. Mr. Clare O'Reilly of Detroit visited among his friends here last week. Misses Ellen and Rose O'Reilly ac- companied their brother. Bather O'Iteilly, of Reliance, South Dakota. and Miss Annie Griffin as far as Mil- waukee, where they join in the cele- bration of the golden jubilee of their oldest sister, Sister M. Clements, In the Notre Dame order. Miss Ethel Austin of London visited her mother, Mr. A. Austin. on Sun - lay. Many of oar young people are strickeu with the measles at present, but all we knees• elf are getting along Vevey. Mr. John T. Sullivan Is still suf- fering from tbe effect" of • bad fall ---aids -roe erld Isar weeTt: ---Ws Yelriiirletetrery ret? Another accident which aroused the sympathy of the community was the fall of Mrs. Thos. Garvey on Satur- lav la"t. which resulted In a frac- tured arm and dislocated shoulder. If sympathy will lighten suffering, Mrs. Garvey has It In abundance. otaty Rinks at Sunday, A ,tggot • 14th, to Mr. sad Triples Tourney GODERICH, ONT. 11 VRAGAN.--At A�fdra hospital, e• Mrs. James ',Algae, a sou. pRItINOTl( ',1.�'tAlezaudra hoapl- tal, o. y, August 18th, 10 Wingham Trio Take First Prise Mr. and Mrs. Everett Errington, • daughter. : )ij (vent on Local Bowl- mottiuSON,-yk.G,alerieh, est Thum Lag Gretna day, Aagutt tau, to - 3!!L_1> 4 O.R..-� s. wA. - a w rink eeetwaed Meson. W. McCool, 0. Thompson_ HORS --At Onnd 1'ralrle (Alberta) J. Mason (skip) won firm prime b hospital. ori Monday. August 16, to Rev. and Mn. II' H. Mow, of Hytbe, Albert•, a son (Cedric Wil- liam). •- n .mow. Ysi* alPt MILLIAN,-•-At Detroit, on Tuesday, August 16th, Wilbert G. Millets in his 42nd year, MORGAN. -la Goderlc•h, on Satur- day, August 13th, laabella MaOre- gor, widow of the Isle Wllltam Mor- and J. Agnew, 0t Lucknow, gas, In tier 911th year. Forty rinks participated in the WAI/PERS--la Colborne township, on tournament, the first of this nature Hunday. August 14th, Mary Ana Jew- thls seaaou in Goderich. Of these, ell, widow a< tbe late William A. eighteen were local risks. the utbaz -. Walters, la bee-9Tth year< twenty-two representtu% bowling el - in Henaall, Seafortb, Clinton, Whig - ham, Lucknow, Blyth, Port Elgin salt Brtuosela. Mason of Winghest perfect teem laving i wise ea& $ the 'rah triples twilight bowling tournament held by the tiiudrrlch Lath .lissediiMl J. ft. Wheeler (skip), of team. Were in recvud place; W. Mussel, J. Bre- pbey and R, Basset, of tuwu, third; A. Taylor, W. Campbell and E. J. Nash, of Wingttam, fourth, and a fifth prise went to G. McDonald, R. Rae The Goderich softball nine defeated the Bayfield teem on Monday erening In Vietoria Park, 10 to L The final game for the Lloyd tro- phy was played nn tlte-Maitland golf .souse-oa $a •aa/ won by Mr. S. Oliver, who defeated Mr. James. Donaldson. GREAT THINGS I find the great thing In the world Js leo so much where we stand as Jo what direction w,' are moving. -O, W. l lnlmee. • USED CARS at Moore's Garage, St. Andrew's Street, Goderich W E HAW, IN STOCK THiS WEEK 19 ream Sedan, sold with New 10:2 Ford Rosdeter, R.$. Car Guarantee. 1ir_h Essex Coach. 1927 Whippet Sedan. 1927 Chevrolet Coupe, ILL --;-- - - 1927 Star Sedan, 192i Chevrolet Medea. 1927 /ford t'o upas.._--.� 1925 Cbeeroret aIieb: _ . ' " - 1925 lheerotet' dt$ . Orr Used oars are always -,flanging. We laid six .Mt 3nveP•I it Niiikerltfy I*f,� wl :' �o�a ..... Outside rinks were as follow.: 1Vingbam- C. 1'. Smith, G. Wil- liams and W. R. Hamilton (skip) ; A. Taylor, W. Campbell stud E. J. Nash (skip) ; E. Harrisou, .1. Murray and W. French; W. McCool, 0. Thompson, J. Mason; W. Van Wyck, D. B. Proc- tor, 1). Rae; Habklrk, Wilson and W. Miller. Lueknow-A. Solomon, G. H. Smith and W. "Pelt" McCoy; I. Miller, W. E. McPherson and G. Hassel; G. Mc- Donald, R. Rae and J. Agnew; C. L. Oberle, W. H. Porteous and Dr. John- ston. kine Products in the town of Goderich. MORR18.-in Colbor a 1410M11..�1 Wednesday, August 1Ttlb, Herbert F. Morris, in his 39th year. -The funeral service will take place a lift! late re• dencc,.4th-..ttlntscemltoll. Colborne, 'on Saturday, August 20th, at 2.30 o'clock. Interment in Col- borne cemetery. WANTED WANTPI).-TWO 1 NFI'RNII&IRD heated rooms, for %%Intel months. Apply to THE $ICN. '.1. OFFICE, stat- ing rate per mouth AMAN OF THE HIGHEST INTEG- RITY and of good appearance wanted to handle the sale of Wat- Port Elgin --C. Eley, A. P. Peuber and C. Starling; Perkiest, Keopke and Hales. --Seaforth-M. Malik -1/1-.-J. Duncan and 11. Jeffrey. Blyth-Hlron, Robinson and J. Cutt. irns�ela--W. C. Kerr, H. ChampT21K - R. -Bowman ; W Reott, W, Willis' and J. Logan; D. MtTavlsb, R. J. Mc- Laughlin e- Laughlin and 11. Downing; W. Bur- gess, L. M. Proctor and D. M. Scott. Hensall-G. Brock, F. Bonthron and A. Clark. Clinton -McArthur, J. E. Cook and H. Manning; J. E. Cantelon, M. J. Excellent proposition to man who Is not afraid of hart Rork and long hours. Write giving full particulars about yourself to RUPERVIMOR. Room 3-119 King street. London. 1ij 4•111 d' ORT(iAOI BALE OF FARM I M TAM1L1 OP Y „WILLIAM PROPRRTY. I r A. WALTER$ wish tC their friends and neighbors for and Under and by virtue of the power I sympathy shown them tat recent contained in a certain mortgage which I herrevemeat and especia olio will be produced at the time of sale, gave the use of earn s 1169 there will be offered for •sale by publle seat doroi trlb.tee. auction on Saturday, the 27th day of ' At:gtret, A.D. an, a' the tsar of 2 �B6c 11fl8i N • yg][_ o'clock in the afternoon, at the prem- 1LY, Wil0 Mil. , u MRS. AL - Mises, in the Township of Colborne, DMN AWN AND T Y wish to the foilowtng property: empress their thanks and eppr•ectatton Part of the south part of Lot Num- for flowers rent and also fpr letters and ber Eight, Lake Range Coacenlon, words of sympathy received la their W.D., Townsbtp of Colborne, bereavement. This L Lake ghee. larg• baro wtt'1.. ds UMW ._...mac..,.^•- n�. s MRO. JOHN ''""1101114A TRRMS-Tea per cent. Ott purchase Mand family take this mean of ex - price at time of aale, and balance n?essing their appreciation of the kind - Mo1RTGA* SALE .r i or less, to the plain' Y • • the whole containing :' lZ - . 4144 f •. the of an acre of !smellier* W1 IX- THLY-Belug enblAErlle4 }{ 269, f. the Tows of 0odeatg1 ill the Cosn4 of Huron *foresal& mad loj ryuning•• ,- number 717 in the, enld Totlfa-Rt GN' erich, aid lots meaning at•mber T1 and 72, except that part .bid to W. M. McLean under deal 'No. 10744, and that sola to Wilmer Mclean G.R. No. 6798; Also Lot 70, except that part sold to W. M. McLean asSer deed No. 10744, aid that geld to W. E. Ke - Lean G,R. Nr- 6190, than* part sold to W. It. McLean Na 133!2. that part sold to W. M. a No. 13344, a.d rot part as tl► T.:2, McLean and ' 18846: Also to Wu- Ileed N0. lea, n. t.MWcLea, s within sixty days. For further particulars apply to HAYS A HAYS, Ooderlcb, Ontario,' Solicitors for the Mortgagees hereto. THO8. GUNDRY k SON, Auctioneers, Goderich, Ontario. M°atT(a4citt 1;iAI.L . Under sail bp;alltaso1 ire powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, August 20th, A.D. 1932, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises, in the Township of Oolborne, the following property: Parts of Lots Numbers 1 and 2, in the Second Concession, W -D., Town - obit) of Colborne. The property consists of good farm land within one mile and a half of the Town of Goderich; has large barn and frame house. TERMS -Ten per ceut. of purchase price at the time of sale, and balance within sixty days. For further particulars apply to HAYS k HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee& THOMAS GUNDRY A SON, Auction- eers, Godericta, Ont. COUND. - A LADY'S WRIST •g watch. Owner will please apply to Constable Whiteside and pay for thl. advertisement, / OST. -A WHITE G nLD (WYDO) ad wrist -Watch, octaK l in slate, with &•hoenhals and Rev. K. McGoon. I'en- nehaker, of Clinton, also participated, ' his partners' names not being secured. Goderieh rinks were as follows: J. H. Lauder, J. 11. Johnston and T. Tay- lor (skip): W. Snazei, J. Brophey and R. Bisset : M. W. Hewitt, J. W. New- comboGoldthorls•Bar- low, Dr. Reid and Dr. Hall: E. D, Brown. L. Young and T. McDermott; W. Hern, W. F. Sanndera and J. R. Wheeler: W. Tehbutt, F. Toole sad --T. Pritchard; G. Mat ieson, P. Bis.et sad G. Remands; C: -K. Saunders, 3: Bisset and W. J. Powell: Sid Palmer, 881818184.-1,04i0 cilt+felR4=ap. Moine 1, 1. D E. J. Prldham; J. WoOdice3KeeSse itpmenda and 3'. -" ran It M4nrttn-7-X: L Care: )Tr. ora • am and G. MacVlear; R. C. Whateley, F. Craigie • and T. Glazier; F. Donnelly, W. E. )taxon and if McNee; Geo. Hac?wan, A. rietlef bad C. W. Abell. W. Pridhem and H. Ed- wards. ......................... : DANCE CONTEST: AT THE PAVILION, GODERICH Tuesday, Aug. 23rd. Thujsday, Aug. 25th. ■ -YOU CAN WIN A REAL PRIZE- ■ Music by Tony Farr's Orchestra (7 pieces) BE EARLY! MEET ME AT THE PAV ! • OPEN AT 8.15 P.M. ■ -FREE TAXI FROM C.P.R. CORNER ON SQUARE- S ■ ■ >•■ ■■nalial ■■■■■•w■•w•••!■■ti■ THE. "BIG HIT" IN CANADIAN SUMMER SHOEWEAR Here at last 1. a real comfort, long -wearing, non-perspfring Shoe for summer wear. The SIEMAN SCAMPER Is a development in accordance with the demand of wearers of Footwear from coast to coast .They fit the foot naturally. They enjoy exceptional flexibility. They ■re made in all sines for mea,' women and children, and the prices for these Shoes of quality will meet your approval. -ZlHEY ARE TO BI O11TAINI AT- GEO. M ACVICAR'S MUTUAL SHOE STORE NORTH SIDL OF SQUARE GODERICH • Ow is the time to Build Anyone who contemplates any build- ing operations should take advantage of the low costs now prevailing. Perhaps never again in • lifetime will prices of all building supplies, and building costs generally, be so low as they are at the present time. We shall be glad to furnish plans and estimates. erich Planing Mill NOWT, Otreet, - . Phoma 886 Vim, huger, F. C. Lalifleisch, Prop. • WiTH THE 1_%WN BOWLERS Two Goderich rinks took part in the Rcotch doubles tournament at Leek• now on Friday evening. They were ' J. W. MarVlear and T. Erttehard; R. Johnston and J. R. Wheeler. They did not bring home any prizes. in Friday evening's Scotch doubles tournament at the local greens Geo. Mathl'son and Bob Bimaet were 1n first place. Horace Flakier and S. D. Croft re winners of aw•nnd prize. P. Bisset and T. Pritchard were winners of first prize in the regular tch double", tournament at the 10- -eel greens on Wednesday night. No second priew-was Mrs. W. C. Patton and Mrs. W. Glazier were winners of first prize In the ladies' regular Scotch doubles bowling tourney on Tueaday evening. Second prize winners were Mrs. X. Nortel and Mrs. A. Grasalck. The lady howlers are planning to hold a public Scotch doubles tourna- ment at the local greens In the near future. The date as yet has not been set. white gold bracelet. Please leave at SIGNAL OTFICE. - - /OST. -ON THE HIGHWAY BM. 11ITWEEN Mitchell and Stratford, op Monday, August 1. a black leather ritrb-bag containing a boy's wearing apparel. Fleder plc,' se leave at KE:RR'S GARAGE, Stratford, or MR. PEENNINGTON'S, Goderich. A lady called at the Sparto nhurg Is.stolBrnatamp• window the other day and maid: "Oh. please. sir. let me have a quarter -a worth of *tempo." The clerk reap,nderd : '•Yes, ma'am, what denomination??" titre replied : "Why- er-lsongregatlonallmt. and. by the way, have you beard lair new pastor? I lh, ie'm ea fine. Ito glad you asked me. I've always felt that pont-office e•utplgews hart no Interest In rhurrhes REOPENING OF OOLLEOL&TE The Collegiate Institute will reopen on Thursday, September 1st, at 9 o'clock. All Intending atudentw are re- quested to be present the first day, and not to waft until September 8th, an that e1asaee may he properly or- ganised. The Coileglste provides the follow- ing coarse.: (1) A Tesehero' Conroe for second and first rlasa eertlaeate.. (2) Matriculation Course for Jun- ior and Senior entrance to a Unlver- mite. (3) A Two -Year Commenial Conroe, including Aeconntan.y and Secretarial Wort - (4) A General Conroe for three not desiring either of the ■tare. The Principal will be •t him home, the aeennd hour. Mat of South street. en the mouth .1.1. of Britannia road, during• the reesalndee of the holldaylt, .kilt» a'fabae,tn eotuG3 Leith the. eta. dente and their parents' regardlnR which a the rations courses should b. perused. particularly as to the Com - menial Course P HiUME, Principal *ware, R EAL3,-TWO 1011140 POLLED s r . -41sterie)----MeekabetYler4SAINWIFT� 3le.-trie--Range. Na reasonable of- fer refused. Apply SIGNAL OFFICE. R SALE.-iII.AOK MiLCH COW, eosdltios and giving good Saw of milk. Address BOX 78, /SIG- NAL OFFICE. TO RENT. -FURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for students or for light bou.ekeepeug. Apply to MRS. DAN- IELS, Newgate street. FOR SALE.-KiT(1HEN CI'PBOARD with glass doors. First-class condi- tion. Apply to MRS. Y. H. McMIL- LAN, Meeks street. FOIL SALE OR TO RENT. -A COM FORTARLE brick banes; three bed- rooms; all eonveilighees. Furnace, garden and lawn. Oasy terms. T. GUNDRY, Telephone 119, Goderich. FOR BENT.-44,,,-...72LAFALGAR i street, between North and Victoria erects, a comfortable seven -room house. Hardwood floor, hot and cold water, garage and garden. Immediate possession. M. W. HOWELL, Phone 3 or 213. DOUSE TO RENT. - MODERN ,,[[brick house on Nelson street. Sec- ond door from MacKay Hall. All con- veniences, including electric range. Good garage. Poeession can be given Anguat 1st. Apply ALEX. YOUNG, R.R. 5, Golerich. 'rI) RENT. - T'HE PROPERTY l• known am the I'srk House." This property will be vacated on Septem- ber 30th. For particulars apply to L. I,, KNOX. Town Clerk, Goderich, or J. W. ('RAiOIE, Chairman of Parka Committer, Goderi*, FARM FOR RALE. -FORTY educe more or lees. The property of the late H. W. C. Mattel, nitrated at the end of South street ne the southern boundary of the tows; of good dal loam ; large house and bars, drive abed, workshop, henhouse; •rt*slan wall (135 feet 1, the very heat at water: good fruit trees. Ideal location, close to schools' and churches For further par- ticulars apply nn floe premises or to PERCY or WILL KATTIL, FARM FOR SALE: - MIGHTY ACRES, more or leas, sitrned ne the Erd e' neesalon of Goderich township and four and one half mike south of the town of Goderl(h On the farm there are a large brick derailing house and bank barn, also orchard and midi trete about serer, acres gond hash and never -falling merino creek. it la within a half -mile of srhe/) and chnreh and has rural mall and telephone. For 1.- formatie apply on snot premises to WiLLIAM SOWE'RIy, R.R. 2, God- •ric�n- 1- WO" 'tts0;'tbe 1 CrY/fltlah somSfe. teen, whet 10 to wake Gar Wood "step on the gag." mt Detroit, thle sesaaer, will he at the ('sear.. Natln.al Ex MDdtirm with hu ono sniper twat "Mist Fagland III." AUCTION RAW /R.EARING AUCTION SALE OF VWHOL*E FURNISHINGS. uess and sympathy 'bows them in their recent bereavement by the of ferias of Sowers and other expree slots of sympathy ; also their thanks for cars loaned for the tumoral. BHERiFIPS SALE OF LANDS SS1CRIFF'a s, Iz OT- LANDS. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Pieri Facies issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario, to me dl- reetod, against the lands and tents meats and goods and chattels of WIL- FRED T. McLEAN and WESLEY M. McLEAN, Executors of Robert Mc- Lean Estate, at the suit of A. N. Nich- olson, Executor of Alexander Nich- olson Estate, plaintiff, and Wilfred T. McLean and Wesley M. McLean, Exe- cutor of Robert McLean Estate, de- fendants, there will be offered for sale by public auction all the right, title and interest of Wilfred T. Mcl..mn and Wesley M. McLean, Executors of Rob- ert McLean Estate, the defendants, In and to those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Goderlch In the County of Iluron and Province of Ontario, and more particularly de- THOMAS GUNDRif, (J 1AERiCH. Lot 27 excep• t item Sharman, as 10100, that part sold No. 12800, and that McLean Nos. 12I96) D j led No. 13842, and that " W. M. McLean No. 135444,e t ) The sale will be lthi9'oatMouday the Twelfth day of Septehsber, 1932, at the hoar et 10 etclock in ,the fore- noon at the 0ti a a of of the Liberi' the Cguf;� � of Hgr(1p in tie Court _ - -- Moues le the said Tows of Gglerich- C. Q. Iii Dt(A1tON, Sheriff of the Oeudty Of Huron, Sheriff's Onee, Colrt Hoose, • Goderick May 19th, 1932. CHARTERED ACC4pN*AT FRANK P. GIBRS, QUARTERED Accountant, 102 Ontario street, Stratford. Phone 1580. Res, 13001. ENGINEE2I}10 COEBEL a CARSY• BUi./1'INO vaad Municipal lInglaeletng, Drain- age, Land Surveyl*.' Masonic Temple Du Goderlch. Ont. Pbope 23U, Ifil AUCI7O scribed as follows: FIRSTLY -A por- tion of lot running number 125 In the LIVE STOCK El411�I'tERAL said Town of Ooderlch, commencing A['bone rIt at the south angle of said lot 125; Telephone' Na Ila. Gales atteaded to apyveliere and every thence north 46 degrees east along the effort made to sees' s•tiefactio.. limit Iwtwe•en lots 175 and 125, • die- Farmers' sale noteSd$*ql tepee of of 1 chain 67 links, more or less, 4 1 s to the easterly angle of lot 175; thence { MEDICiw ;1 due north 68 links, more or leas, to - • We are instructed by Mr. Geo. E. the south limit of St. Davld'a,$treet; Keble to sell by public auction at his thence due west 18 links; the due �OMN W. w'ALLAt71C,' Il� .I hose, Wart street, Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24th, intersection of the easterly side of s south 15 links, more or less, to the , Office -Wellington $*reel, Goderteb• at 2 o'clock sharp, all the contents of three -storied brie building produced • Telephone 529. the house, including: thence south-westerly following the DR• F. J. a. FORBTER, Our handsome consul table, one wal- aforesaid produced line two chains, EYE,EAR, NOSE, THROAT nut table, several fancy rocking more or les+, to the northerly side of Late Hoose ehntwes New York Opb chairs, several upholstered living Kingwton Street; thence easterly along thalmlc and Aural Hospital, aadgiest row) chairs, several wicker chairs, the northerly limit of Kingston at MEyes eros lady's secretary, our electric read the 87 *inks the place of be SquareThoorefieldroat HospitalHoopltal, Londonsad,Goldd,g be- ing lamp, one sectional bookcase (4 Llnning, the whole containing 218}, 53 Wdterloo Si 8., Stratford. 'Tyle• phone 267. At Hotel Bedford, 0.4u1 , a• the erasing of third Monday at ssgl walla till the fallowing day Tamely at 1 p. . Next visit September l9tile -_E to sections) and hook*, Including 19 vol- perches, more o• less, exeeipting that nines Muhlbach and other valuable p'rt, ,, which was conveyed to 11. A. volume', one jardiniere stand, one hall ('cements; SE('ONDLY-Aa portion of mirror, one large couch. curtains and .sold Int 173 described •s follows: orerdrapea, one dining table, six din- Commroo Ing ata point oa ilio north Ing chair, four ruga, hall runes, stair side of Klngatos Street Blatant north• carpet, one hite mel =Lebfne westerly 67 flab from the *FAA angle dishes, china*Wgin warw- two- Mkt lot " Selo ning clacks, one handsome sCiTaiifl iidrome b-wef� the ea limit of •dt��.; amt,.4eecssal-+itstwsraaf.. ••ea• alt er .�f r. a3+..e414 ng spris, one whatnot.,, one hassock, lay- to the eterly limit of one L• 4 three congoleum rugs, two iron beds, Smith's property; thence north -east - mattress and springs, two dressers, eel" following the easterly limit of one walnut dresser with swing mirror, said Smith's property 1 chain and 70 a quantity of bedding, linens, blankets links to the south aide of St. David's etc., one' coal or wood range (water- thlaed'eas%cTy slang front), one Quebec heater and pipes, south side of St. David's Street W kitchen chairs, kitchen utensils, wood, chains, more or less, to within 16 coal, garden hose, garden tools, fruit, links of north -weal angle of lot num- sealers, and numerous other articles. I've 126; thence due south 15 links, This is a splendid lot of furniture. has more or less, at right angles to St, been well taken care of, and will be I)avicl's Street, to the Intersection of sold without re+0enr. as \f r. Noble b the easterly limit of the three-storey MUSIC giving rep housekeeping. building produced; thence south west- erly following said easterly limit of RAYMOND FLEMING PLATER. TERMS.--Cash.said building 2 claire, more or less, A-T.C.M„ Organist and Choirmaster T. GUNDRYk SON, to the of North Street United Church. an - Auctioneers. place of beginning, containing Penwell to prepared to accept y4 perches, more or leas. THIRD- , pupils that in piano, organ, theory, and LY -The westerly part of lot number vocal Termor on app/kation. Red - PUBLIC NOTICE 175, Goderich, described a■ follows: domes and stndlo, Newgate Street. Commencing at the south-westerly an- *IIF. BANKRUPTCY ACT. gle of said lot: thence south 45 degrees MW H. N. LIVENS, PUPIL OF THE ■ east 761/2 links, more or leas, to the Royal Conservatory, Lethal'. Oer- iN THE ERTATE OF DAVID WiL- south-east angle of said lot; thence many. SON AND ROBERT WILSON, AU- north' 43 clegrees asst 1 chain r8% Teacher of plan, orgsa, vocal, sad PHORi7.ED ASSIGNOR/. tlinks, mere_.or lea., to the north-east p hUi eon.Y DRUGLESS PRACF!TI6tHRI +t•�:mr R AND Ooderleb, Phone SNL • -- Equipped with with eleetromaglrlg • baths Electronic electric treat ellei -- sad chiropractic. Chronic, organle and *nervous diseases. Lady In atteudsmee. hours 2 to 6, and 7 to S -MI„ excepting Monday and Thursday *ad by appointment. A. N. ATKiNSON R.'sldecc. and office -Corner of South street and Britannia road. N(1Ti(P IS HEREBY GiVEN thatangle. of the said part ; thenee north Terms on application. BEDFORD David Wilson and Robert Wilson, 45 degrees west 7614 links to the HOTEL, or KNOX CHUR08.-- trading as Wilson Brothers. of the north-westerly angle of the sold lot; Village of Nile. In the Township M thence south 45degrees west 1 chain LEGAL Colborne and Province of Ontario, lid 5'8'14 Ifnks, to the eegni (known as the KingpinEds wardofbHiotnel)ng. DUDLEY E. HOLMES. FOURTHLY -Composed of part of Barrister, Etc. farm lot 108, Maitland Concession, Office -Hamilton street, Goderich Town of Goderlch, commencing at a Phone 27. point on the south iimlt of th# Huron Road, mkt point being north-westerly, • dlatanee of 8 chains and 42 links from the north-east angle of Farm Lot 106; thence due south 42 degrees west, five chains, more or less to the south houndary of the Town of God- erich ; thence due east along mid boundary 4 chains, more or less, to the west limit of the property held by the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company ; thence north-easterly fol- lowing their west limit 2 chains and 90 Iinkn, more or less, to the month of the Hdron Road 1 chain and 88 links, more or less, to the place of beginning, HAYS & HAYS, the whole containing an area of one 11 Barristers and Solicitorsacre mere or less (known am the Red R. O. Hays, L0.; and R O. Hays ILA. Preuperty). FiT'IIILY-That Hamilton street. Goderich certain parcel or tract of land In the wlephON al Township of Goderich, containing by admeaaurenwnt 1 5-8 of an acre, he the name more or less, and being eompomed M s part of int number 107 In the Maitland Ooncesaion, more par- terelarly described as follows: Com - mewing at a post pleated nn the limit Malt - between farm Intl 106 and 107, Malt- )1I11NNCW LOANS, RIO land Coneesalon, Tows of Golerieh, said point being mouth -westerly a 41s - tense of mix chains, 64 links from the north-east angle of Sot nnmber 107; thence dna north 46 degrees and 20 minutes west 8 rhalns and 2R links to a plot; thence 411e north 42 degrees east, 1 sham and 90 links, .www or lees, to the month limit ret the Town of Goderich ; themes doe eat following salol limit a llatanee of 9 chalna sad 84 Ilnke, more or Iowa, to the westerly limit of pr party deeded to the mash, and - lith. !Jaren $allway it thee/4i sash, -..*afar y erotic geld 4 chains and an Hak., mere or lees to the side line between farm lots 106 and in7: thence south-westerly following the aide lime Ni flak., more on the 9th day of August, 1932, make an authorized assignment of all their property for the benefit of their eredl- tore and that Edmund Weld, F.agnlre, Official Receiver, has appointed us to be enstodtan Of the estate of the deb- tors until the Creditors at their first meeting shall elect a Trustee to ad- minleter the estate of the debtors'. NOTiCE iR FiURTHER GIVEN that the first meeting of creditors An the above estate will tw held at the olfleew of Meaers. Hays & Heys. Bar - Hater.. Goderich, Ontario. on the 29th day of Angnat, 1932, •t 4.00 p.m. Fleet - ern Standard time. TO ENTITLE you to vote thereat proof of your elate must he lodged with us before the meeting 1a held. PRR)XiES to be need at the meeting must he filed with no prior therein. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that If you have any claim ■galnet the debtors, for which you are entitled to rank, proof of yonr claim tenet be filed with nit, within thirty dale from the date of this antic., for, from and after the expiration of the time axed by the mid Aet, we shall dlstribnt. the proceeds of the debtors' estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the elaime of whkh we have then note*. 7)AT'PN) at Brantford, this 18th day of Anguat, 1082. THE TRINtlie AND GUARANTEE COMPANY LiMiTEM), 114 Dalhousie Rtreet, Brantford, Ontario, Cnatndlaa. HAYS a HAYR, O.deeteh. ()ret., Rnlicitor. herein. -•awmmes. Aeecee hare the fear 7e 1*0.- este** as sail se ♦1110.: hes)th M rem teethes an well as Meese.. - Aelected. W. mnat torn from ansa thinp which are agreeable sad proAsehie t,f scnm.tel.g that 11 more prn6tahl.. - 4./Er vati '. -t, of ars DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Y Barrister and Solicitor. Office -North street, Goderich. Telephone 512. F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ]0'PC. Successor to J. L. Killoran. Phone 97. OKtce--The Sgaare, Ooderlch- FRANK DONNELLY, B. A. narrlater, Solicitor, Etc. Once -Hamilton Street, Ooderieb. Phone 282. CR241i08T K. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Run Life Building. A(talaide and Vie• torts atreeft, Toronto 2. Telephone Agin 0001. • McZlLLOP MUTUAL EIRE INSUR- AMON 00. -Tars and isolated bows property bummed. OSeers - Jobs RennewMs, hast, Brodbages P.O.; James Ooseetly, Vice - Pres„ Gederlcb P.O.; D. T. McGregor. ✓ ee. -Tess&, Seafertb P.O. Directors -A. Rrosdfoot, R.R. Na. t. Sestoth; James Sbe•akv, Wales; Was. E.em, Ldedeabero; Robert Fart* Bedeck; Oce. Mr4art.ey, R -R. Ns- 3, $ s.forth; Jobe Popper, Breeedald. 1ge.nr-W. 1. llrY iNe. 3, (110. h�oottss, Jame watt. 11201liTeet1nM I•i� . Polley -holden eau make .11 permute and got their earls rue iptal at the Moral r�Moak. Ciilliates Oalvla 0.1110. 10 3. H. lapis 0ener.l Rtes Bay1101us tr 17 1 ,oN •