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The Signal, 1932-8-18, Page 7
Bvophey Bros. �� iaea AND £----t aria r tltisBt% esetr-- i-sevl: w► . Sieve 1= Mei OODERICM All calls promptly attended t day or night ANRULANCI SERVICE PHONES Store KR Reddens NSw Ramlltoa Street, O.d.rtcb THE COCIES11077 SHOP Vire Feed's Creme kilrolus Repairs for Cockehutt. Frost & Wood Farm Im- plements and Machinery. Telesse 598 L Kingdom Street (Dederick THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. - County and District W. R. Brick has leased the Royal usual health, and her parsing was bats& at Kincardine to never*. Dsvld quite unexpected. She was an acti - soa awl KUty of Listowel. worker la tit. Andrew's Putted church. her husband, tve E. C. Doswell, manager a! the [1a- She ht rs and ur daughters lad boar sons : Mn. Vern den branch of the Dominion Hank, has been appointed manager of the branch at (teaforth, surae dtug the late R. M. Jones. The marriage took place reently, at ';harlotte ReheS+Gr mow. re, Ctamploa. Brias�a. to Earl R. Sproule, .on of Mrs. Charles Sproule of Wroxeter. The young couple will reside at Wroxeter. Forded.% Iteeord : About forty turtle rigs were uuearthed to the clay lank at tbe mill dam here on Tueo- day morning. We never raw the like before. They were shout an loch in diameter. perfectly round and white. -sm. Jeanette Cawplietl, an old re- sident of Walton. passed away Sun- day -right last at the age of ninety years- Her hu,iand, Duncan Camp- bell, predeeea.ed her rtgbiesn yoara. aad she Is survived by two sone and four daughters. Carman. the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Adrtan Hogg. Brussels, was bad. ly !welded when he pulled a kettle of hot water over on himself. The burns extended from his shoulder, ou the right aide, almost to his ankle, but he Is making favorable progress. Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton of evidence that the thieve* had taken Blyth annonnee the engagement of fright.-�� [belt* daughter, Anna Jean. of Met - mite. to Albert Stewart 11111, of Ot- tawa. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 11111. of Leonard, Out., the marriage to take place In September. David A. Cantelon, who has carried Monumental Works GODERICH, ONTARIO Beet Materials Latest Designs Expert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Raao.aaM. Prices R. A. SPOTTON P. O. Baa i11 G.d.rtch, Oat. West Street • ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF J_ _ deal Appliances, Fixtures. W.. Electric Wiring of all kinds *OW OM es ARTBU 'neephone 82 - Goderich Glare:ate.'► Terryberry, of T ckersmltlh ; Mrs. Oeogbagen, of St. Catharines; Mel- ville, of lows; Vernon, of Detroit; Royal, of Chatham, and Harvey, of. Bt Catharines. Miss Syt>U Courtice left Cifatii week on her return to her work is a mlasllnary in Japan, atter epeadiag a year's furlough is Canada. At a meeting of ills Ontario street United church Women's Missionary Soe1.i0 sire was honored with gifts aad a fare- well address. Her deter, Was Hattie Courtier, acecmrpantM her u far as Vancouver. Pecan, MOM $emelt .Ana► Poultry taboos have Mea •i.e[ifas in the vletity W ErnesNS: 'Marty one morning yeeeaUy • truck was seen parked on a blind slderoad east of Brussels, and later two men made a hurried getaway In the truck from the farm of Louis Williamson. lir the morning three sacks filled with poultry, enure of them smothered, were found in the henhouse, and several empty sacks on the floor were further Auti.rohip of Poetic Gem Long Kept S.crist What a big niche In literature can be secured by a little poem Is proved by the history of that exquisite bal- lad, "Auld Rubin Ora)," wrlttan by Lady Anne Barnard In 1771. The oth- er halt dozers or so Pieces by Lady Anne are entirely negligible. For more " eat; rot= t.e•- aathorwtp of "Auld Robin Orly" was a complete mystery- 1t wee In 1y2:1 that she re- vealed her asesift--1.. Jlr Walter Scott. When Lady AiN Lindsay (as she was beforeA��IS about writing a 111.. tINh ballad tothe A pretty mummer wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bryan., 5th eoneessio° of Morris, on Saturday, when their twin daughter, Phyllis Ray. became the bride of Fred - William Fischer, nam of Mr. and h t at Aeolian for many years, has Mrs John 'lec'her, 9th concession of plains, In the nue 'meting he has ROIRO wor pro¢aiof4bong art could -bete geared would be celebrate ed for gemeridiem& In the letter to Stott In Ida (given In 'The Private Latter Book of Sir Walter Scott." edited by Wilfred Partington) 10 which Lady Anse confesses to the thnshlp of "Auld itoldn Gray,' eke says: "1 was pleased In secret with ter approbation It met «lith, but Midi was my dread of bring suspected or writing anyt411�. tkat i earefulli.k.pt my own secret. -- It was considered daring. If net b• delicate. for a lady to aspire to au- thorship to those days.-KauSae aty ttae. ._--__-..--.__ Positively the Latest in "Simplified English" what In described as "a scientific and practical methal of simplifying English *petting" has been worked out by a Swedish professor, who calls his aratenh `Anatic." It Is designed mos chilly for the we of foreign student& The professor apparen 'y has the Idea *hat "Angllc" may hecome a sort of oa a business as coal and produce met, ' eek k univerrad language, because, he ex- sold was performed sold the bnslnraa and also his rest- Grey. The ceremony devise.'. that he ..aunts to "IaP," our dents. to W. R. Davidson of Newton, by Rev. F. G. Riekard. The bride was-'langgwlg the hiest k•mmpliment pus who takes pome!siou immediately. Mr. attended by her twin ateter, Martinet.- sib' by eodererllhg to mark it nren, ('aptelon will continue to reside in Ito, and George Fieeher supported the ueul, luvd, and spree+tai:u•ted aul over Hensel'. bridegroom'. The happy couple will therid" Such a Innl;uuge-which u' Rlehard Robins, of Rrefield. died reside at L. beth. +August 7th in hie Mty-seeetslb year' Heospe lilies-- - 'N_• Hands He had bean •111n• all ..Inter. Be The Rrussels Poet has been sold by sides his widow, he leaves four daugb- the estate of the lair J. I.. Kerr to feta and one son: Mrs. Harold Tay -I A- R. Kennedy mel his son, Itoy W. tor, of I'ahorne; Wllllam, of Torouto; Cwnsedy, 01 Stratford, and will be MWm. Bell. of Kipple; Mildred I conducted by the latter. The Post labels show the .nature of the goods and Elsie, at home. was eetabllshed in 1s73 by McGill'- and. consequently. h..•. they have to be treated. For Iow!ance, one design show. a flab, • flower rind a hunch of grapes This means perishable`tn81c Which would deteriorate If not de- livered e- ow tivd quickly. THE FARM Notes and Comments on Agricultural Topics alfalfa seed. The acreage of al•lke show.. • further decline this year. in regard to fruit, pears. peaches and gra;ws will yield average orops, while plums •net apples show great- ly reduced prospects. The eommer- clel production of a-pples I° Ontario Is estimated at 556,1a10 barrels as cow Britain Waal. Goes pis/ pars' with 1,175,000 barrel." last year. Farre labor suppty 1s quite sufficient In a statement Issued rtrceaiij b7 to inset ,4hr 41911114 wale~ range H. CNA, i1r.:aiai.►u AeN•©� trove $12 to $20 a mouth for the bay- mlaclouer, In counetlou with the lug mad harvest period. but luny trio of red clover and ."'elks reed in farmers who need help badly are get - the Hrltlsh market, the following com- ment appears: 'Our growers should know that our valuable export marks( overseas pays top prices for only welt -cleaned. Mound•. lr t seed of :1 t s- hr /MIt nd should know a so that ff toot wtIl produce seed of the quality asked for to Great Britain the de- mand there for Canadian -grown seed int my be expected to continue." Collie ie Demand at (iias- rw ->IIereat- adv4e from the Canadian . Governfeut Trade is mtu saiona tan at Glasgow, Seotia:id, cattle from B.S. "Solaria," numbering head,�et Islip.Itt scltve dentate¢,, They were of exceptional quality. nearly all polled Aberdeen Angus, crosses. Hereford and Shorthorn croon... mostly good prime beet or iiulti` de for short keep p1rpoae•• The attendance of buyers was large, many farmers being present ad well al wholesale and retail beef traders from various rltice. AINwt seventy ting along without. as they cannot )shy even the low wages prevailing. BROOK Thursday, August IMth. 132-7 EAYESTROUGHING Let us leek over that leaky Eavesarougb and stake it as geed as new. D. it today. PHONE IV OR WRITE P. 0. BOX Ul Ito are headquarters ter Math- ias sad Repairs. -Time Payments ti desired -- JOHN PINDER 8t. David's St. O•deriek 'Tended for t{st D(I,sLN YHRI. ►(►K. Aug. .9.7 -The re- gular alerting ut the Y.P.S. of Donny- brook church will he held on Friday evening, with Mr. J. A. Thompson in charge. Mrs. Pearl Thompson has retaraed to her home In Wingham after a Malt with Donnybrook friends. - Mr. and lira. C. R. Jefferson visited friends at Blyth on Sunday. J. Leddy aad J. W. Nixon have the coniraet .r ahlagilog halt of school ole. fad 11n. Z. •Hale at Lock - slab visited relatives b e at the week- end. Yr. and lire• W, nasi rile. of Dungannon, visited leant' frh'nds on Monday. The hall storm un Friday evening caused. a great deal of damage to crops per cent. of the cattle would go for and gardens in this vicinity. slaughter and thirty per cent. for fur- ther feeding. The black cattle sold from £'S1 to 129 per head. while the . colored evil's brought from EIS to CiO. Beef rattle wade about £1 per head more than at the last sale. 'Reba, on July 21st. 532 head of r011/14111111 cattle from S.S. ••Airtliria" were sold at Glasgow road met with a sharp demand. The shipment was more a mixed Int than the exception• al 411111111y of the previous shipment but the etasation of whllanents from wu the Irish Free State, owing to the lea-- all W-all may read -sus !wen worked nut lelalt1401 of a tern! of twenty per brtweeu the British railways and • cent.. crented a keen demand. Prices number of foreign nes It eonglats e / were from 211 nitlltln&a .Its 12 p head a series of pieta" Int.els, asxed to or more higher than the last. The goods carried by ell, stitch are going shipment originated its tooth ()Mario from one country t , another. The sod the Western Provinets and in- - eTudtd 'Week potted lhmltoeka of exeeF lent quality and several welt -bred lots of cross Shorthorn and cross Here- ford hulla•tts suitable for short keep. The a°e•ems mf these two shipments Illu.tratea strikingly the possibilities of this market for good Canadian cattle. Arnold. the seven-year-old sat of I ruddy Bros., who afterward* came fa Yr. and Mrs. Alonzo Matortn, of Ooderlch as publishers of The Signal. Mount ('armed. had a mistortnue to W.H. Kerr purchased the paper la have the cud taken off one of his 1180 and after his death it was con thumb.. recently. He wax playing with ducted by his son, the late J. L. Kerr, the wheel of the wheelbarrow tat I so that It had been in the pnanesslou some eof the Kerr family for over fifty years. IHR pulled ' t ttwine, and the laser ba tight took cel[ the top of the of b Nixes. Leeknow. Poses thumb. In Pt. Paul's Anglican church, Wing- Joseph Nixon, of Lue•know, died ham, on Wednesday. August 11th. Tuesday. August 9th, at the age of Evelyn, eldest daughter of Mr. arse I eighty-two year*. For some time he Mrs• W. C. Lenard of W Ingham, was conducted an hotel at Whitechurch. united In marriage to James Ernest i and he also farmed in that neighbor - Greenwood of Grand Valley. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. 111. Hayes. sin ed.. 1a4. ewe _ nasi The large bask bars ei the term et MP* nus*eam, 4th �4 oft . heeds tisre',hip. was completer tfgefitilicrfir ere early Friday night last. While fall wheat threshing was In progress the elevator choked. and while the men were trying to clear 1t lire broke out In the duet on top of the separator. hood before moving to Lucknow. For a number of years he was employed la tbe furniture factory at Locknow, IAds *11. died Mien years ago. and surviving are one daughter. Mrs. 8. .1.M?wright of Oshawa.�•and fopir sons, i Jame* of thiteoff. Joseph of L ndon; Harry and Fred of lrnkmnr, 110(1 s } sister. Mrs. James .Armstrong of itlyth. i SIM Machine« I)estreyed Clinton News -Record : The too of- ficials received inetructiona from the The separator, owns! by John Ander- son of BelRrave- was a total loss. Coal Fier broke out Sunday Treleaven. at d [ the residence of Mrs. J. W. Treieaven.i two local pool Clinton, and was don. The men placing K General Attorney's Department on Sat- urday to dsluroy the slot machines which had Irca•u ordered remove tom nems recently. which before being extinguished i rin the ma• did considerable damage. Tho cootIchines here have beau made to walk' was treses' through In places and the the carpet and one sems to have die - contents of the house were damaged appeared. The motley In machines, by water and make. The origin of I something over six hundred dimes,, the blase is unknown. Mrs. Treleaven will ire used to help defray the cos15 and Miss Norma and Mis. !Abby Gib- hheurrel. The Provincial Attorney's bongs of Toronto, their guest. had re- Department de, bled that tit machines turned the day before from so ex- could be used as gambling devices and Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal tat Pea Coal Coke Pootas (2 by 4 egg) out eupP7 7oar wants t aby d the above furl. Prourpt robe and rile' avnable prices. -mantes" L. FLICK Telephone 178j Goderich tended motor trip. a-Yealdents of Ktprrn were shoekrd, .the - midden death nn Angllat Rth yin Holt, James M,'Clymont. s well• keowa member of the community. 1)e- - .u. -Gill been a ifirFeilffe''111-11'pr' THE SIGNAL'S 'Clubbing List The Signal and The Toronto x.50 (Hobe rhe Signal and The Toronto TSO Daly Etter The Menai and The London A.50 Advertiser The Signal and The London 8.6(1 Free Pres* The Signal and The Toronto 8,60 Mall and ihnpire The Signal and The Farmers'azo Sun ' The Signal and The Ftm11y Herald god Weekly Star . 11.00 The Signal and Saturday 5.50 Night The Signal and The New 2.90Outlook The Signal and Western 4 75 Home Monthly The Signal and Canadian Romeo end Gardena 485 The Miguel and The Catholic 8.T5 Record The Signal and Mclean'. Magaaine 8.75 The Rignal and Montreal Witnraa renewal 11./15 new L50 The Signal and World Wide ... , renewal 4.25 new AAA The Irignal sal The Tomato- - (''ebbing Rates With Other Part relit -ale May oto Rad on ApplleatiOa rA balm dish Taw's .~bias like PEP Bran Flakes. With milk they're almost • perfeet food. Rich ha whole• wheat newr(shnt mw. Pins enough bran .n be mildly laxative. And she famous flavor of Pop. Mud. by Kellog In Leedom. Ontario. PEP BRAN FLAKES d�• Eyes tee th• Bliwd In ever-Iocres•ins numbers Oee- man shepherd dogs. holier known In this country as pollee dogs, are be- I log employed ~'hides for the blind. The dogs used Ire generally females. for they are lees Melly distracted than mates. They require oily three M four wanks et •traistsy M lead a blind man safety through crowded streets and dangerous construction work. The a untaauds.: rlgiit.'t "left;" and *Sermons' are ketone end_ 44er by the doge toll also they are trained to disobey If cart-) mg out the order involves dnnc.•r. The Intelligence of them dogs Is beyond hellef unless sae sees then ft action. . • • British Fruit Men See Ontario. Dreher& Fire represt•utetices of the fruit A1141 l'rlsluce i::shame' 01 Greet Bri- tain. Including the managing director of that orytauization. have recently completed an inspection of the fruit - producing areas of Ontario. The par - was erhhelnetsd _ uudet -the.. sponsor- ip of the Pratt donee..' A.sselatl.e Ontario, -and;ist_the Nodsrstlou Andrew Fulton. Mr. Fulton is the co°imeralai-feprten'ottttivf`et-tbe AS . 1 r elYSTAt .✓y. ICEKrish A piece call brings it delivered to your doer Geo. Johnston - 6 Sons p NE: 499.. Ki.gstee St. Goderich THE DEPRESSION IS OVER AND MASSEY- HARRIS have moved to the old stand King Edward Hotel Block, Kingston Street .t full line of -40.k will be carried Prompt srrvlre guarantee" Repairing and tuning up your old machinery a specialty Renoir. will be sold at closest prises possible for cash WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF BUNS -EY -OIL BURNERS Installed iq your protest stoves, ao matter how old. They will Jilt 'your home, hike Tjdt"f hblscnits,--or into nate. tte.. Atctric Ot20% to SO%toot Lowest Mel coot. F.iuippsd or without picot ou the market. A CALL %%Mi. BE APPRECIATED He Phone lel CLEMENTS & SON SOLE AGENTS c:.sleri,-h Uabreakablo Glom Glass used : r the "Lull panes' - 001 portholes now -of a new liner 1s of a special 6iii i fiat has withstood a pressure of twenty tone. in one test of this glass, a pb.re of It weigh- ing fifty-six mounds was dropped eighteen feet on to a steel plate. It Came through this ordeal without showing even n crack. Rut glass now- adays can he wonderfully realatnnt, .0 could not be legally operated. In certain_ tests •,f a bullet-proof glass -.Death of Mis. Root. Knot • recently, a :'inn- diet was fired at it An old resident of Blyth and ilial at • range of ' P yards. Th.a rag - lett township. In the person -of Jae Reid, widow of Robert Knox, paired nway rill Attend 5th after an Maar of three weeks. 4tpstasd was bees in Scotland eighty-seven years ago and came to this country -as She-riatsof eleven. For nearly forty years elle reside) in Hallett township. until in 11911 she and her husband retired iron the Perm and removed to lily-tlh. Mr. Knox diel In 1910. A grandams Ar- ehie Wells. is the only deoeendant. Other surviving relatives ars two brothers, Archie, of Myth, end Alex. swer er Muttett, and one Muter, Mrs. A. F.. Elliott Myth. Death of Edward H. {lire Edward H. Wise. a former resident of Goderich township. diel Angnat 9th In ('tintnn, where he had lived the laid ten yenre. lie wain! in b1* seven- tyeeeond year, Born on the Md *Ise homeatead (n Godes++ tnwnshlp, he lived there the greeter part of his life. He Is survive' by his w ice, three sons and one daughter : William W.. Herbert L. aMl Clint. E. Wise of find- erieh township rind Mrs. Howard Clerk of t'iintnn : skim by two broth- ers. John roth-ers.John 11. Wk.. of Stanley township and A1t.Prt Wise of Toronto, who woe 'with him for a few days before hilt dcsth. i eermssl w -ns ri snreessful feruu•r. his hobby ts•Ing Shorthorn rattle. Tle was n .iIreeter 01 the C11*• tnh spring f.ir - DOUBTFUL CASE Rs•rgsh nt ' "not ytm .ar-yours- a mlhyp etn/lentY' Prisoner: "hem sir." rNllrer: "lint he an't ho! I'Ye searched him and them ain't 1 Ma• gle magasino aobneriptitm Moak M hhn." tlNnnla Miran MISUNDPRSTOOD IAt leaf the diagrareful rumor hen% been traced to it. source. and the cook no. confronted 1.y n provoked 'mistress. 1TF til plate under t- was about en -1 nd s halt 011, Ind was made up of fires layers. -II -' bullet starred tel raft layer. hot nude oo impression oa the second Fled Elephants at Bath 0o s World char you may he dos- dppolnted at not seeing elephants In l pylon. unless yon plan to make your trip with knowledge of where they may he found. Ceylon has been the great home of sI.•phants from earliest history, yel eat"' who visit Colombo or Kandy epees see one, though they search the streets of those elite* for days So, when in Kandy, get a rick she and go dorso 10 the Kntngnctots i' river, shout thn'miles away, in the findafternoon, end you will nt the river o,. dr.1 wish--+aegedAeon t animals rel. ins their bath. --Exchange. "T 1/11.1 on satin', muni, what f 'reard' from yawn ' tram- Tips," the' armeglad . :sswrsottr; ah '-thin--eAatgWst 1'hih mean fit ? femMilleer i;;ir hnsbend was In )all" ."Net In so many word..," rrnossle.l the rook. 'Sort 1 drew my own con elnslnns You said you was going to 1 ilve • coming own party to the sem aver "--Tit-RIM _t. W. Hwlgetts. secretary Fruit (iron -ere .%ssoctntiun. _.iTaTltd that the fruit praljetrs of Ontario should feel elated at the opportnn- itv .51 wrbc•omithg these visitors from the MnUherland. as this group represents the largest pertenthtl war: tet for Ontario fruit to the British Isles. l'ortrdyhtg the extent' act bual- nesR effected by the Fruit and • Per - xchange, Mr. Hodgt'tta sold that last year -a aigTrlii incli-O 10(5 British concern Md purchased one imam hesof apples. After having spent several days In thin l'rnvinee, the visitors confirmed their ' journey to New York, where they will attend a meeting of the international Appde Shippers. • • • Powderod Egg* Ten million I"xew eggs will be cracked and e. I or frozen or pow- dered by a Kilt1.1s City concern with- in the next f,'`- months. The com- pnny, one of 111;• few of Its kind la the country, sells Ik' I1gotd and powdered eggs to bakers. Andy maker,' and manefnrinrirs ••' Ice cream. needle* and mnenrnni Ken from Missouri and Karma nr,• referred because the yolks are a 0 ser yellow and the w•hitea of 11 ' rr eofletateney. The eggs are pork• I la SO -gallon Pane -sad then frozen '.efort being shipped. D nese ass baby auks,' wb. him to figure "1 know hr. L IM of, money a eat .. g'oa'l, ittrLellanMa `list vdhrnhe of biuehwrrlee reaching the merino this year le cotMldt•rably greater tbau _that of 5117 resent pre-' vinns year.,. This Is the pptofirw -off C. E. H Ga-- Rnerd. Itr. Broughton said that hith- erto Ntlelverfy picking has been .an activity confined to farmers. This yettr,--however, luny of the neem- Irlotcl have turned to the 45i1 -king 3011 w•Illntr of this fruit as a menus of l obtaining ready clod. In the Mild - Utley district alone It ie reported that - approxinhately 510 unemployed 'are PO - gaged_ In tide „work. ltaael on the Inner- frcent jlltnreO. eritiso s ship- ments from this section arta greeter than those of hhst tris• by some 3,0011 ,•Ierens)nart irnskets. • • • Crop ('onstitions Foliowbig Is a - minim ry ..f Pro) conditions in (nttarta nt the end ef-- .hilt: The harvesting of fall wheat was practically completed. field.. welt( alone 515 entre and the insult i of grain splendid except its fields dam- aged by 1bessinn fly or tndg.sl. Spring wheat. eats. barley and mixed golden were Inhprelell by reinfaII but 31(1(1} will le lower than hast year ,111• to nntsvornbie weather fit seeding aims' and in the first three week', of June. 11,rr.•stIuy of ishrlay and nate. was tinder way the hirat week of Annnot in Western (►nl'rift end. the ?niNrw•- it►R week In Eastern t►ntarlo. 1'a$toree are good fan the central end wester dlatrlets, but vow 111 the western pert. titre to -itreuffieient rainfsli- Hay -and .clover crops were goal }•h•bsli- n ie4*f. ern and central (►nterlo, ort Tke-hlij Ives damaged ha- wet weather. Al - tetra 31.1510 were hen and second ,•ratting developed rapidly. Root crops have improved 1011 will not UP up to the 11-usl stand.' rd Corn. thnu)(h backward. has mad. it oat growth. IA11 many fields Are uneven and e)rnity. Pot at. arra'' Is e.timatsl s,,-stl per cp11. I... than last h..at and prstic yion o1.1 tw•IWbe" iweiwel.--1(Ilglht autl.��. leaf h,rrrr luhre omitted damage. A lar • 11'.•.Iar of hne-k w'11eri t one .own r, `.; , Bern Aeen.taat An 1n4i*nn15•51,4 somnolent Is the mud father of new boy. A busl- nri.te Inqulrlag Shoot the her be we. upsetting e •geoid me nut of s I•,•ady," weld the par A DOLLAR'S WORTH C1lpthis.•upM and r,•ii k with SI for s six weeks' triad subscription to '11 -IE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITQ! Published ►yTam id_•Anvers 0. . shea sens e. . . r bowl: edi d m�� a10 ..flee t5. �7 1• et eh• and tui ala lsiuW . sad Ana..'. tnwrt'ra web���-- finance. education. radio,* Ino , ate. You wilt be sled to .stunrear oars. .- teazle. an advocate of peace and prohibition. Ant don't alas Snobs Our ... A. Swed, l .nd the other teaturea. pe ... rwe•ow,orm» w.a.ear ee•svar�. aarh tpf Won •• .". tie.. send mea sia eats' trial at r ldn. ii i t Nona plasm 'arm() l ae.t.1 l• commented by T'nttlaaA'k n hand. the "8s-s's o'•tk'-Rarn... will iw hoard In lour sunlit." .t the c•na- dien National FTIMMtion this year. August 27. September 1, 8 and 10, in the Coliseum i "It's lovely honey - how - much do you want ? " All her neighbors wonder how Ed. Baker's wife gets such good honey. But Mrs. prices fort IoY• Baker's secret is simple. She sells by Long Distance telephone. "It's lovely honey this summer," she telephones to the hotel in town. "Yes - i'll deliver by the esti of the week.Distance la cptickeeasr ' .., .._.. .- ...-. Law ave l as bill's ex steriem•ts-Sir tow rile begin rarabor,....r. .....0 ....,..../wedill.. -. la, .1 id hot weather has1+.s^' a /•W Fes•. -... dowel, (he tobacco w.r pr.a•tte in Nor• folk. Seel I I,.1, . tion pr..speets err alfalfa and red clover smear poor. July was too wet fdr a good wet of