HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-06-19, Page 17... o®mmms®®®®m®e®®.m®®mo ®mom 20. Public notices NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS Township of West Wawanosh The 1st Instalment of 1985 taxes is due on June 28, 1985, and is 60 per cent of the total taxes. The remaining 40 per cent is due on November 29, 1985. NOTE: The Towi iship of West Wawanosh will no longer pay the collection charge for taxes paid at the banks. The fee will now be payable by the taxpayer. 20. Public notices The Royal Canadian Legion .has put consid- erable trine and money into restoring the cenotaph and its surroundings. Please show your appreciation of their efforts by refraining from damaging. it .in any way. The Council, Village of Lucknow. TOWNSHIP OF HURON Notice to Property Owners D•E STRO Y WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1980 Sections 4, 14 and 21, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Township of Huron are destroyed by date of July 3rd, 1985 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land In taxes, as set outin the Act. The co-operation of all citizens Is earnestly solicited. Lorne Robinson Weed Inspector Marlene Colling Clerk Municipality of Township of Huron 21. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655.-=40tfar PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432- 9197 collect. —tf SMOKING! Have you tried to quit and failed because of will power? Cybernetics is the answer for many problems. Results guaran- teed. Free sample cassette. Call 1-800-263- 0512. —024 DATES GALORE For all ages and unattach- ed. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call, toll free 1-800-263-9163. Noon till 8 p.m. —013 PROBLEMS? Most phobias, smoking, alco- hol, drugs, overeating, depression, stress, insomnia, self-image, etc. Cybernetics is the answer. Results guaranteed: Fbr free details and cassette call: 1-800-263-0512. —025 LOST TRACK OF A FRIEND OR RELA- TIVE? Maybe we can help - $10. Call 1 -800 -FINDERS (free brochure). Friend Finders International, 314 Lloyd Building, Seattle, WA 98101. —025 22. Lost and found LAST, WIDE GOLD WEDDING BAND, be- tween funeral home and Willoughby Street, early Sunday afternoon. Phone 528-2133. —25x 23. Miscellaneous FREE CAREER GUIDE describes 200 iearn- at-home correspondence Diploma Courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping. Business Management, Clerk typist, Secretary, Jour- nalism, Television servicing, Travel: Gran- ton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. —07 AUCTION SCIOOL- 14th year, 1,200 grad- uates, courses April, August and December. Write Western Canada School of Auction- eering, Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta, TOC 1S0. Phone (403) 782-6215. —021-024 HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO new home study, course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed! For FREE information, write: Popular Music Systems, Studio 11, 3284 Bocuherie Road, Kelowna, B.C. VIZ 2H2. —025 24. Business opportunities SUCCESSFUL SALES PERSONS wanted for growth of our Canadian Corporation. Shares available for this. Certified. Send resume by June 25 to St. Cal Agencies Ltd., Suite 194, 3017 St. Clair Avenue, Burlington, Ontario L7N 3P5. —025 CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class "A" license.. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training. London (519) .432-1726, Cambridge (519) 623-2430. —019 28. Engagements Van OSCH - KEMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kempton, R. No. 1, Ripley . are pleased to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Helen Ann to Brian Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Osch, R R No. 3, Lucknow. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 6, 1985, at 3 p.m. in St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Kings- bridge. Reception to follow in Ripley. de BOER- MacINTYRE Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Maclntyre are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Margaret Anna to Frederick de Boer, son of Mrs.. Roely de Boer and the late Mr. Peiter.de. Boer. The wedding is to take place on Ftiday, July 5, 1985 at 5 p.m. in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. Reception in Lucknow. 31. Cards of thanks JAMIESON Words cannot express how much we apprec- iated our friends and relatives presence and also the gifts and cards we received at our 40th wedding anniversary. Thanks to Joe Tiffin and his family for their great music. A special thanks go out to our family for all the, time and effort they put into arranging the evening to make it one we will never forget. Pearl and Stuart , —25 RITCHIE Thank you to all neighbours and relatives attending the community shower held for me at Trinity Church. Special thanks to those who organized and took part in the program. All gifts received are very special and sincerely appreciated. Please accept this as my thanks. —25 Elva Ritchie Lucknow Se 31. Cards of thanks MacDONALD The family of the late Donald Grant MacDonald would like toexpress our sincere thanks and appreciation for the many kindnesses extended by relatives, friends and neighbours who remembered a dear father and grandfather during our time of sorrow. W e wish also to thank Drs. Knox, Gergovich and Thompson, as well as all the staff on first floor at Kincardine District Hospital for their gentle and compassionate care through Dad's illness. Dianne, Jack, Bonnie and families -25 IRWIN Words cannot express the feelings I have for the caring people in this area. The support, prayers, visits, flowers, phone calls and cards from our family, friends and neigh- bours, will never be forgotten. Thanks to everyone who brought food during and since my stay in the hospital. ' A very special thanks to Nancy for everything she did for us. Thanks also to Warren, Dr. Massel, Dr. Passi and all the nurses on fifth and 8th floors. May God bless you all. —25., Elaine Irwin 32. Coming eves LOCHALSH CEME: rritY MEETING The annual meeting of the Lochalsh Cemetery will be held Saturday,. June 22, 2 p.m., at Lochalsh Cemetery grounds. All interested shareholders please attend. Ewan.Maclean, Chairman Anne Pritchard, Secretary-Treasurer —24,25x ONTARIO W ATERW AY CRUISES On Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Water- way; aterway; private cabins and all meals on board; 2 to 6 days; June 1 to October 14; brochure. Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7. (705) 748-3666. —024,025,026 STRAW BERRY SUPPER Knox Presbyterian Church, Teeswater, will hold their strawberry supper on Thursday, June 20th, from 5 - 7:30 p.m. in the basement of the church. ' Adults $5.00; children under 12, $2.00; preschoolers free. —24,25x 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Gordon and Marjorie Wall invites friends, neighbours and relatives to a dance in honour of their parents' 40th wedding anniversary Saturday, June 22nd at the Wingham Legion. Dancing 9 to 1 to the Siddon Brothers. Let your presence be your gift. —24,25x GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 22, 10 a.m., St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge. Vendors welcome to set up their own table and sell their own goods with a fee of 10 per cent of sales. Large baking table and produce booth. Coffee, hot dogs, etc. available. Phone 529-7151, 529-7346 or 529-7405 for more information. —24,25 PEACE FAIR AND FAMILY PICNIC Camp Menesetung, north of Goderich, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., June 22nd. Come to workshops to discuss peace and disarma- ment, as well as music, children's activities, theatre and non competitive games. Free admission. Sponsored by the Ontario Rural Learning Association.. -24,25 ARTS AND.CRAFTS FESTIVAL Komoka and District Arts and Crafts Festival, Saturday; June 22, 10 `a.m. to 6 p.m., Tri -Township Arena, Hwy. No. 81 Mt. Brydges. Admission $1.00. —025 SQUARE AND STEP COMPETITION Plan to attend Dundalk's 28th annual square and step dancing competition 7 p.m. Friday, June 21, $4.00. Saturday, June 22, $6.00. Children $2.00. Camp sites available. Pre- schoolers free. —025 ntinel, Wednesday, June 19, 1985—Page 17 32. Coming events BRUCE COUNTY AttT COMPETITION All .permanent and seasonal:. residents of Bruce County are invited to submit up to three works of art; oil, watercolour or pastels, on any Bruce County Subject. First Prize, $300.00; Second Prize, $250.00; Third Prize, $200.00. The prize winners will become the property of the Corp. of the County of Bruce, on permanent display in the County Administrative Building in W alkerton. All entries must remain on display at the Bruce County Museum from July 27, 1985 to September 3, 1985. For further information and registration forms contact: The Bruce County Museum, South- ampton 797-3644 or Mrs. Bernice Limpert, Wiarton 534-1714 or Mr. Howard Collins, Port Elgin 832-2796. —24,25 REGULAR MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society will hold its regular meeting at the Community Centre, Tuesday, June 25, 9 p.m. —25 BRIDAL SHOWER Miscellaneous bridal shower for Kim Dodds, at the Whitechurch Community Hall, at 8 p.m. Friday, June 28. Everyone welcome. —25 W INGHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAL Auxiliary Monday, June 24, 2 p.m. in the Hospital Board Room. Speaker: Mrs. Marion Finnie of St. Marys, Chairman, Region 2, Ontario Association' of Hospital. Auxiliaries. Everyone welcome. —25 CRUISE Cruise the fabulous Thirty -Thousand Islands in /your own house cruiser. Still some vacancies for July and August. Also House- keeping Cottages on beautiful Georgian Bay. Call (705) 366-2220, or write Hangdog Camp, Pointe-au-Baril, Ontario POG 1KO. —025 QUILT AUCTION July 27, 1985 Arnprior, Ontario (40 miles west of Ottawa). Enter your craft in our Lionettes Heritage Quilt Auction. Call 613- 623-3277 or 613-623-3762. —025 RETIREMENT PARTY You are invited to a retirement party for Mrs. Mabel Wheeler, Friday, June 21, at Lucknow Central Public School. • Family dance at 8 p.m. —25 MEMORIAL SERVICE Fbr Dungannon Cemetery, Sunday, June 30, $ p.m.—25,26x ANNUAL MEETING Women Today annual meeting 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 26, Clinton Town Hall. Theme, Women and Art. Everyone wel- come. —25 CEMErr:itY MEETING The annual meeting of South Kinloss Cemetery Corporation will be held Wednes- day, June 26, 8 p.m. in South Kinloss Presbyterian Church. All lot owners and interested persons are urged to attend. Harold Campbell, Secretary —25 BLYTH FESTIVAL Pblderland: June 20 (preview), 21 (gala opening), 22, 27 Moose County: June 25 (opening), 26, 27 (matinee). Unless other- wise therwise indicated all performances are at 8:30 p.m. ; matinees are at 2:00 p.m. —25 CLOSING SERVICE Of Calvin United Church, St. Helens will be held Sunday, June 30 at 11 a.m. Rev. Harley Moore of Merlin, our former minister, is guest speaker. Special presentations will be held at this_ event. Also special music. A social hour to be held following the service. Everyone. welcome. —25,26 Too late to classify FOR SALE - 6 Bauman pig feeders, 2 sizes. Phone 528-2420. —25x BUS \TRIPS • - Cullen Gardens, Whitby, Wednesday, June 26. W alter Ostanek and Canadian Fiddlesticks, Bingeman Park, Kit- chener, 12 noon - 6 p.m., . Monday, July 1. Anyone can go on our trips. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-3424. 25 the Ciasitfted-