HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-8-18, Page 5YDRO Power wink be on on SUNDAY; north of East and Weit Streets, from 8 a. m. to 11 a. m (tact Isom 2 p. n1.01. > _. _ Commission GODERICH e 1 HEAT FOLKS Yes MA'AM 4 -1115 15 THE PLACE WE DELIVER ONLY 14 ICL 50U COAL - Maitland Club Has Golf Tourney Over One Hundred Players Take Part in Buooessful Event Wed- nesday Afternoons THE SSCNAL CODERICH, ONT. ber of Knox Preabytertan church Matt DONNYBROOK whUe health pe Thursday August Vitt, 1961.--41 Sunday. We were pleased to wel- rmltted a regular at - come Rev. W. It. Alp of Ottawa back tendant at the services. For the past DONNYBROOK, Aug. 10.—The re - seven years of her lite, however, she Solar meeting of tie Young People's had been coufiued to her bed through Society was held On Friday eveulug, 1 Mures, and death came as a welcome with Vice-president J. A. Thompson release from suffering. Four datnsA In the chair. layer %RA offered by ter§ and tour sons survive. They are: Mrs. Ben Yeo, Detroit; Mrs. Hinman, Rochester, Mich.; Mrs. Ste art McDougall, Uoderich ; Mrs. Thos. (lsdsrich towcnit(p; Fred Her- The heavy rate yesterday morning seemed to spell "all off' for the tour- nament arrpuged by the Maitland Golf Club, but by neon It had cleared, and the golfer, bad a bright and sunny afternoon,.of Rbkh they took fell ad- vantage. The 'Course presented an, estimated scene, with over one hundred players, and much Interest was shown xarluua ezmpetitlons. Players seer from Qlint94i(?" telt . Stratford, Bayfield, Kincardine, Wing - ham, Ladino', Fordwlch sod 1As- TM shrine. events were won ar fel- lows : Low gross (813) —Me Seaforth team composed of J. Melees, W. Southgate, E. M. Little and J. Hlnchley. Low net (219)—The Goderteh team composed of C. A. Reid, Dr. W. J. Reid, Judge Costello and A. T. Har- land._, Low Stull. 14 --bole. MT—H. .A: Bruce, Stratford. Low net, 1g boles Ione gross. first o es Tt3i—Tic Elliott, G(derieb. Low gross, first 9 holes (271—R. C. Cole, Listowel. Low gross, gerund 9 holes (86t— J. Hluckley, Seaforttl._ -Low art, second 9 bele- ( )...W, D. Logan. Listowel. . urgent gross (118) -W. -Z. Patter- son. Fordwtch. - Hidden hole -tire. • . - McKib- ben. Kincardine. - Somebody's ordering some pleasure -pack- ed coal. Somebody's awake at the swtarh—end we hope St's you. Happy L the man who sees the Heat Polka tucked away in his bin before Sep- tember wanes. If you value your com- fort and pesoe-of-mind now is the time to invite the Heat polka into your cellar. If you want to !Nerve the wisdom of • man. take a.JMsk at his coed tin before October. CALL TRZ MEAT r'OIZ/ (ALL TIM• ___. fiRgeleitt J. 1. INTARQ c0 P Nle Robins' Anniversary Sale SPECIALS For SATURDAY Only Boys' Jerseys Blue trimmed with red. Si32, 1 Annzesiversary28to Sa19c le.. Men's Jersey Shirts Collar attached, in blue and brown. Sizes 38 to 42. Anniversary Sale • 49c Men's Tophin's Combinations Sizes 34 to 38. Regu- lar $1.50. Anniver- 7 9e sary Sale / Men's Caps In dark shades only. Sizes 6 5-8 in 7 1-4. An- A 5c niversary Sale �t Red Back Overalls. Medium weight, elastic back. Sizes 38 to 42. Anniversary Sale.. 8Q„ BOYS' Whoopee Pants Sizes 7 to 12. An- 69 niversary Sale.... MEN'S Railroad Shirts in blue and khaki, cwt style. Sizes 14 to 69c 17. Anniversary Sale V ✓� M;'- R�bifls Agent for Tip Top Talion Phone 3S4 (loderieh GODERICH TOWNSHIP oODERICH TOWNSHIP. Sag. 16. ""41i1011 Ruth Cnrwtn -ef--Oedericb eft wtttr'her — •e Porter, last week. Rev. 11. G. Whitfield, Mrs. Whitfield and daughter Betty, of Northville, Mich., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Davidson ou Wednes- day of last wee* Mrs. Alvin McAllister and Marlene, of Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mn. Brit. McAllister last week. Misses Evelyn and Jean and Master Gordon Anderson, of London, have re- turned home, after spending an ex- truded visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mas. Robt. Davidson. Miss Helen Davidson has returned bogie atter ,n pleasant visit with Mr. and Mas. Elwin Anderson in London. Mr. attd Mrs. Richard Johnston and Mies Johnston, of Bluevale, were ,Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. kobt. Davidson. Oath. Chords Notes—The August neeet4ag of , the ..11,MI fl, war Add Wedaeday attera000..ugust loth, the home of Mrs. Jas. Rosa, with thirteen ladies present. During the afternoon the ladies quilted a quilt. The devotional exercises were taken by I Mrs. G. Harwood, who opened the meeting with the hymn. Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying." The Scrip- ture cripture lesson (St. Mark 16:9-20) was read responsively_ Mrs. Geo. MCII- wain very kindly sans a solo. which was much -enjoyed by everyone pres- ent. The roll call was responded to with the catechism, with Mrs. (Rev.) Hamilton of Goderieh asking the ques- tion.. Mrs. Hamilton read two articles on the work of Dr. Darby at Bella ]Sella, B.C. Mrs. Forest McClure read a prayer and the hymn, "Take My Life and Let It lie," was sung, with the Lord's Prayer In unison clog- Rev. Dr. Mur ore, Willie Craig read the Scripture lesson and Miss Rebec- ca Thompson redid *to Outer paper oa "(load eltlr eu-Wp for M fits." Kr. J. 11. :—sit(iif "moi. to our church for the Sunday service. The W.M.S. Is holding its regular meeting ou Thursday- afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. Jefferson. Mr. J. W. Nixon vIRltel friends lo Lueknow one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Riagier et Ws• g,. . . r WallwrM .- re 011e •non—oodstoek *`' 1s apendlug her holidays at her home here. Miss Dow of Wingham visited friend. arouud Donnybrook over the we k• eud. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jeffersou and family of Munro visited with Mrs. C. Jefferson on Sunday. pre, Klueardlue ; Thomas, Port Stan - solos and jr.W Bamford pleased the lei: Janes, Detroit, and John, of audience with vlolla selections. Miss tioderich. Two daughters, Mrs. Sarah nylon and Mies Nor Morgan, are deceased. There are sixty-three grandchildren. The funerai was held from the home of Mr. John Morgan, Wldder street, on Monday afternoon to Maitland eemetery, Rev. D. J. Lane officiating. The pallbearers were six grandsons of the deceased: Messrs. M. McDougall, Wm. Merges, Wm. Hinman, Pred'M gars, TlYeron Betties and Loess F'ly'ers. AU of the immediate family were present, with their families, and friends and relatives came from Rochester, Mich., Detroit, Kincardine, Loudon, Port Stanley and many other points is Western Ontario, to pay a last tri- te the memory of Mrs. Morgan Floral tributes received Included a pil- low from the family; a wreath from the grandchildren; a wreath from Cap- tains Kenneth and Dan McDonald, of the Moreau Ash --heats Kincardine: a wreath from the Kincardine Bowling Club; oleo many from friends and relatives In Oodt;ich_v Elaine Bamford acted as ae'cornpau- int. It was decided to have a corn roast. The meeting cloned with the Mtapah benediction. Rev. J. C. Forrester of Londesboro had charge of the servi'e here on SUMMER SUPPLIES-- KODAKB and BROWNIES et New Low Prices. Nes 2 Brews& ts2.2t; Ni. 2A t r wnie 28.1tb No, IA F'.M g Packet Kodak.. at wily $7.N Pa.syt 2)euwNe sod . gni P+ �. Left In evening. rea4v 1 tf.el.'next dry. GREETING CARDS ter all oreaeiosm. Campbell's Goderich - TOILETRIES.—Variety you see that at our store. Leading jlaee. Richard Hudnut's, Coty, Houblput, Dubarry, Bourjols end ninny other. rase Pow- ders, Creamf, Cempsets. galore. Rouge. Lip Soak. hie Shadow. eine -• Thomas HotHeS4fra ane Strew gins, punts MS hearts. Drug Store - Phone 90 NATHAN JOHNS TIie death of Nathan Johns,`a form- er well-known resident of Colborne township, occurred on Sunday, August 7th, at his home at Watroua. Sask. The remains arrived In Goderlch on Friday sfter•twon, •econtpanied by de- ceased's son, William inline, of Zel- ma. Sask.. and were met by relatives and friends mid members of the Ma- sonde order. The htdy was taken to the home of Mrs. Alden Aldir, daugh- ter of deo-vaned, In Colborne town- ship, whenee the funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, under the au- spices of Morning Star Lodge. A.F. and A.M. The funeral was largely attended, --Mr. .nouns having been - earlier years a prominent and high- ly -respected resident of Colborne and Reeve of the township. Those pres- ent from a distance- were Mre. John Cornish, aged elghty-erveu years, de- ;reaaed'a only Meter, who resides with her non' and daughter. Thomas and Margaret Cornish, at Ripley : Mr. and Mre. John Westeott, of Hamilton; Mrs. John Galbraith, of \\-Ingham: Wesley Walter.. of Wingham; Mrs. Ansley. of Wingham; George Ansley, of Ottawa. and Mrs. McGuire, of Lueknow. The pallbearers were mem- bers of the Masonic order: Leslie Pentland, master of Morning Star Lodge; Maitland Allan, John Robert - eon, C. A. Robertson, M.P.P., Hugh Hill and Ralph Munro. Honorary pall- bearers were John Walters, John Wil son, Jahn Breen. A. McKenzie, Alex. Young and Mr. 011ver. The Intermen' was In the brolly plot is Colborne. cemetery. The servfceee were con- ducted by Rev. A. 13. Mann in the atw.ence of Rev. W. C. Patton of Ben - l . Y •' • •Mrrrx! o E rist r a'� The following story of the life of Mr. Johns le from The Watrotte (Sask.) Signal of August 11th: ,completing an active and useful career. during which time he enjoyed the conlideu.e of hundreds of ac- qualntahees, Nathan Johns, M4. for ten years a prominent figure In Wat- roue. passel to his reward on Monday, August 7, 1932. ihs•waed, a member of a pioneer family of Huron county, Ontario, was born March 20. 1434. In 1476 he woos united In marriage with Euattna Glhder, *leo of Huron cnunty who at the age of 76 years survtres her beloved huRband. For a number of years they operated the original Ing the meeting. A dainty lunch was homestead of his Parents. who came Rervcrl by the, t►oetese....The regular from Devonshire. Engined, and later meeting of the T.P.S. will the held In .•Ondnetcd's milling I.nsiness at Lon - the church du Friday evening. .Lena tion, Ontario. The Johns family came Colwell will have eharge. All young west in the year 1910 and homesteaded people are twrdlally invited to attend. in the Zelma district. Some ten. Another Interesting sermon was de- , yeara_ngn.lhe deceased disp,swl 44"4"44"444"4"-ty ltev, A.•.. !Cann.: of Bne- hie farm inteftilifilsIfint mrrrsd trr•Wa vale, on Sunday, when he preached from 1 St. Peter I :R—"Whom• having _eros to -he located near all members o[ nut Reel, ye love." During the services the family. Mr. and Mrs. Johns cele` a delightful solo, "The Sliver Voice." neaten their golden wedding In 1920. was Rung by Mrs. W. T. Maize of Mon- I The late Nathan Jdhna for twenty 'real Next Sunday, merrier?. will be I yearn In Onterio was closely .s*a'1• as usual: Sundry school at 2 p.m., *tett with municipal affair. and for a 1 preaching service at 3 p.m., with Rev. number of years was recce of his A. F. Mann in the pulpittownslnlp. He was a member of the _ _ I Canadian Order of Foresters. In P41 J he was master of Morning. Star Me- aAKY jjj sonic Lodge, 300. -(1..R.('.: at Carlow, Ont., and In P417 eves made a life- \3'ILBERRT 0. MII.LIAN nreml.er of the organization. As ilk The death' occurred sucld.v.ly at his eppncietion of services rendered. o home in Detroit on Tuesday morning M*niton Leder No. 64. Wntrous. 111 of Mr. Wilbert George Mullan, son of October. 1101. presented the deceased 11.... kittiten and the tate William Mil-+w=sit-oti-r".oar"t.ltfe iinher Ilan, of Colborne townahlp. Deceased I t'e'ased was n respected member of the was horn In Colborne township forty- I United ehttrch and in polities woe a one years ago and for a time before staunch Conmervstire. his marriage wits empinyell with the it le RR M that while a young mon Western Caminito Flour Mills. He was and at the time of the attempted married In Gtwlerich to Miss Mae Hy- Fenian Invasion of Underfelt. Ont.. the nn, (Wielder of Mr. and Mrs. John late Nathan Johns tun.wl not pronmpt- Itynn. of (i(derleh townehip. Mr. and Mrs. Milll.n Inter removed to Detroit, R'h, to they have resided Mr some years. Mr. Wilton had tw'en In ap- pnrently good health up to the time of hi. death. which came.srrdden1y, from heart fellure. as he was preparing to go to work on Tuewloy morning. Ise leave*, besides his wid"w, one (lough ter, June, and, three brothers, I'do;.r4 Milian, of the Jth cdnceiston of Col- 117 attlrn(tort. Anew" fith. The War T hearse towneldp : Thorn's.. of Fiint, t Ronne brethren orriTione Mich., and W Ilam, of Detroit ; and boring towns escorted the remains front two misters, Frances imp.. Sidney the house to the- ehnrch and from there 10 the (;NIL deed. Rev. W. P. Ewing. prttinr of the 1'n1t4s1 church eongregatlon, mooched a very 141171 forting sermon. and the ehnrch was Jailed to (opacity with rcletives and friends of tine depRrtcd, he \L•ison- nA testi n•w•• „rte. so manrt ades ofGASOLINE? You aoazwant a "second grad n_gasoline--but you don't like to pa extra for a pre 1.m —Susie. You want the best, and at regular gas price. That's just what you get in BLUE SUNOCO—the best and only grade of gasoline marketed by tbe Sun Oil Company, Ltd. No non -Petroleum agent is added none is needed. s Bits: SUNOC 14 g i. kk►ockleis.ower 72 Qc_gne Rating. 7-- BLUE+ SUNOCO adds wings of power and smoothness to your car. Remember you pay no premium for BLUE SUNOCO quality! ly es _a local volunteer Ito defenee of the town. Meade. a sorrowing widow, fhe�- lowing members of the family ri five: T. C. John.. of -Alma. reeve of Morrl, mnnlelpkllty: W. -H. Johns. at 7.elma : Mra. ('has. Treble nail Mrs .lnslw'r Fisher. of WRtrous; Mrs. Al' den AIlmn. of Carlow, (Mt. Tate funeral- service war Mid.Tam TH ON LY TRU LICE Loren of Iron Mountain. Mich., One) Nellie (Mrs. Arthur 4'hdhler)" of Do troll, Mao a halr•el•tcr, Mr.. John Mllllnn, of Tornado. MR>i WILLIAM MORGAN ' Mr. \\'I, .m Morgan. a reelrler.t ..f toeing ,. .mhlyd In the. 1 Ogderleh ler many years. plsset an IsM •- _ on Saturday .t the limn,. of her see 'l • in •tubers oL1it. George'• ehltr(t. Mr. John Morgan, with whom M,' had I:il1..' cl s•+ held their annum plena• fsAi does: > 4 name ie'lwlla MO( tregnr. 4h( The nftern.,“u, Ras spent in .R'lu.m"Tng ,ens married at the age of aeventeen hoat-riding and playing games. 4up re/r1 to William Morgan. of Grader- per was eerrwl at ;311 n'eloek. sMl the Ieh 'township, whn dial thlrtys•eight plenl.•kers returned home. after a very year. agn Mr* Morgan was a mem- enjoyable outing. ss wassomo sngkriv*+xw