HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-8-18, Page 44-- Thuradry, August 18th, 1932
Better Clothing Valves
-Fine English Worsteds,
Made to Your Measure
We invite your inspection
New FALL HATS are in
W. C. Pridham &Son
-Men's and Boys' Wear-
Telepsoee 57 - Goderich
COURRI®'$ CORNERS, Aug. 13.-
Mkrs Edith Johnston Is visiting friends
Ja London.
Mr. •ud Mrs. John little visited o0
1 Sunday with Mr. red Yrs. Percy
+4Z10,1ekls of 8hetrpardtoa. _-�
Miss Freda McQuold'
here spending the last fed
tier sister, Mrs. Jaa LlttL&
Miss Mildred Melee of Toronto
vistted last week with her trleud,
Miss Anna Mae Farrtsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul *Meier and two
children and Mr. Frederick Stieler, or
Detroit. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. John-
ston, of London, spent last Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Freak Johnston.
Miss Jean Lednor of Sheppardton
has been engaged to teach In 8.S. No.
ID. We wish her all success.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Helm, of Zion,
visited at Mr. George Drennan's on
Mr. Jas. Johnston of Goderich Ie
saending_Aggee time with his uncle,
Me. Frank Johnston.
Born-ou really, August --12th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little, a daughter.
Signal adverflisrtg kW, results.
Arch -Corrective SHOES
Cinder - y Ontario
and Restaurant
Pure Cream Caramels 39c
Mixed Chocolates 34c
Salted Peanuts 39c
Sugared - -29c
French Butpt._artta• • . • • 29c
Cocoanut - Bina Bots 39c
MAO N11 TOWN H1P, Aug. 1.7.
-Miss .Ljla Young has returned to
Toronto iii�[�� atter spending her vaeatton
at her home here,
Mrs. Wm. Howell, from the West,
o Handsome I
dress. An heJ Junior
halt beeu ex-
iHi`oa fe'e't to the Juulor lurtltutr to be
�r a present else. Aut the regular meeting alt the Men'r
Brides of August I Mr. lieu. llionu Ir impro.Fag hlr
August ttouar by the rddltlou ut r rerrudru t Jou last Tuesday e�rnlayf, Mr. R. O•
and siding the house with asphalt Thompson, towuehtp clerk, gave a talk
shingles. on municipal affairs, and Mr. N. W.
satfanel from page 1) Mr. Douglas Nickel, who has been Trewartha, Mayor M Clinton,gave a
%lrlttug his cousin, Thorntuo ledy, bas talk on county business, the members
ret* us4 to his home 11t 9irattent. atf MP Phil) eettselleglate file disettiO
slons wholeheertedIPt At the club
meeting on Tuesday next, Mr. (Roman,
a teacher In one of the travelling
schools; will give a talk on bis work
In the North. The Cub members ex-
pect is distribute about 900 to prises
at their Labor Day celebration on
'September ate.
B!JF, L41) ..
spent the week-ead with her '!phew, WM-hated In the presence oil about
Mr. Wm. Wanton. twenty guests, all immediate relatives
Mr. t►enuvit. Alli::, ;:f Detroit, spent of toe eoatrac'ung parties. Frecusely
the week end t his home here. at 12 ''dock, to the *trains of the
Mr. and Mrl Alden Alibi and Mr. Hrldai Chorus trout luheugrlu played
Wm. Johne of Watroua, Sask., visited by Mlas Kathhcu Reed, of Elora,
with friends at Ripley on Tuesday• yoanger deter of the bride, the
Mr. and errs. AIIm•u and children bride entered the drawing room on the
and Mrs. Hickman of Toronto have arm of her father and the bridal par -
been righting friends here. ty' took their pines In front of the
Mr. and Mrs.', Amos Stoll visited ba,y, WIDOW bsukcd high with teras
a•lth frieade t a Colllnzwood on awn- and gladlotL The bride, who was tkn-
day.atteeded looked very charming in •
Miss 1reneilitoll has returned after becoming costume of blege crepe georg-
elslting with friends at Rob Roy. ette with brown and green trimmings.
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Johnston and She carried a shower bouquet of
daughter Emma, of Bluevale, called Brlaren:la roars. valley lilies and
on Mr. slid Mrs. Wm i[cllwalo on maidenhair fern. Mrs. D. J. Lane sang
Sunday. very sweetly ' Banshee and Yon,"
Mr. A and Ds, 900 ouglaof during the signing of the register.
Detroit Wet log at the home of After the cerewouy and cougratula-
Mr. Wm. edi.. - " tion* the wedding dhmer was served,
Mr. aa4t Mra. tidbit McPhee, -id- 1 the dining -room and table lookingArbor, kcoompsufed by Mrs. Edmonds particularly pretty in their color
of 1171901131. Mich . and Mrs. Marsh- scheme of pink and white Wedding
all of Vittoria. B.C., motored over and
spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Woe.
MP i I w aIti. .
On Mondry evening, August ::. Me
Carlow Iterticpltnral Society will bold
a meetln ''In the township hall at 8
Rhee are i tt i
are to
KIN'Jl''A�y 17. -Dr. John Mac-
D.ean of I{?It [ Is spending some
Wf.18TFIELD, Aug. 18. -Mise Lot -
timer of Morrie township slatted last
week with her aunt, Mrs. T. Walsh.
Miss Marjorie Frltaworrla, of In-
gersoll, spent a couple of days a any weep with her friend Miss a J
Miss Hazel Pitta of London was a
guest last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Cook.
Mrs. Fisher and Miss Pearl FtahS5
of Goderich, visited on Friday with
their friend, Mrs. W. A. Campbell.
Mr. Donald Clark and sou Colin, of
Ottawa, returned home last week atter
spending some time visiting the forme
erns mother, Mrs. P. Clark, tit_-�M
home of Mrs. Marvla McDowell.
Mr. and Mrs. FA. Erwin and fam-
` fly, of Goderich, visited on Sunday
Behr were teach in evidence through- with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell.
out the bowie sad the table with its Mr. and Mrs. John ('awptwll and
long plait'Marr atp thalelltre tad It.
family of Aylmer visited en 4'ttursdas
Indlvidtsal 'owcr Teaks eontafnthe a sister, Mrs. A. Walsh,
with the lady'
pink rose4�by s bt'e�th• lily of the "sod rawuy.
valley and ire nude s. pleasing al' Yhcs \rani! Blair, R.N., of Hamilton.
tM�.elaaaaarw The tuhls.+t:ar.k'antreflJ�
electric liendome, from whtcb were her home here.
suspended ou tiny white streamers Mr. and Mrs. Bert ('aster and fam-
sume pink dowers. After dinner fly, of Ethyl, were guest.* nn Sunday
speeches were made and toasts pro at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A
posed, Rev. D. J. Lane *etlttg as Walsh.
toast master. The bride was the re Re*. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm sad
Miss Aleta, of New York City, visited
last week with the latter's aunt, Mrs.
.1. E. Ellis.
Mr. Wm. McDowell,- Mr._ Norman
McDowell and Miss Mildred Thornton
thou f at khe home of his brothers, (Apical e[ very wally beautiful and
Alex. and Donald MacLean. costly weddlug gifts, which were
Misr Edith Johnston has returued showered upou her by -Ler friends.
home trod) Loudon after a pleasant The bridegroom's gift to the bride war
visit among friends.
Miss Mildred Felc•ca of Toronto is
visiting at the home of Wilfrid Fat-
A dart/liter was born on August let a pair of Ion skiver candleholders.
12th to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Little. Con- i In the afternoon Mr: and Mrs. Carter
gratulatlons. left by motor, *miff -shewa4w44-roo0
Mrs. Will Taylor and daughter of ' wishes and confetti. for a short hooey -
Marie called on *ereral of
r Fold', neighbors recently.
Kira Bertha Naclrer of Detroit is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert D.
BA Y FI Eld), Aug. ltk-Miss Lola
Elliott of Detroit sod little Mlle
&Oiewary Miller of Mt. Clemens are
holidaying with the former's mother.
Miss Alma McKay of Toronto ar-
rived ou Saturday to spend her vaca-
tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
13. H. McKay.
Lewis, who spent
the pant week as' guests with Mrs. N.,
BENMILLER, Aug. 14. -Mr. sad
Mrs. Joe LaRueque are away en a tee
weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Esther Moore of Moutreel and
Mrs. Florence Echlin of Toronto are
hutldaylag at the home of .! Aha
Mrs` J. W. Gledhill.
,Yr. and Mit. Charles Bolan and
eblldren and Ilia. and Mrs. Herb.
Bolduc were holidaying ❑i the village
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Karmen and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Turner of Clinton spent
Sunday with Mr. and MM. MettYhtn-
Mrs. Ida Oke has returnid from De-
trolt Milers aleodlag+Mt vaeatlon ss.
Her son Leo and grandson Ronald re-
turned with her and are spending a
few days here.
Many from around here attended the
funeral of the tate Nathan Johns...
LOYAL _�.._..
LOW., Aug 17. -Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. L. Young on Sunday visited Mr.
Youngs ■tint, Mrs. Thos. Garvey,
W. Woods, returued to Toronto on
King bridge, who unfortunately Bell
Tuesday last week In the barn and broke her
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brletot and shoulderbladc. We hope she may sown
nephew, Mr. Clue. Mothersead, of et. ii again.
Washington, arrived on Soften to Rev and Mrs. Ashdown of Blyth -
spend some time at their cottage. called on Hrs. A. Johnston on Sat
Rev. W. A. Townshend, rector of the uMay afternoon.
Church ut.tha Redeemer, preached an Mr. Donald MacGregor and his
j.. J a0 Magas. •j f'_ 1 r
lug last las Triulty church. During llro'gor, of Llx'tnow, visited at Mr. "a•i
the offertory Mrs. Pauli and Miss Jean Alex. .Tums on Monday.
\\'oats sang the duet, "One Sweetly Mr. and Mrs. George W. Patersos
S01%11111 Thought." and daughter Martha returned to Tor
Anniversary seniors will be ob• onto on Thursday after a pleasant two
served in St Andrew's United church weeks' holiday with relatives here.
on Sunday August 218t at tl cm. We are glad to may that Mrs. A.
and 7.30 p.w. special music will be Johnston, who has been suffering from
given by the choir. The following an attack of jaundice, Is slowly re -
evening, Monday, August 22nd, a sac- t•orering.
red Mmert will be given to the Mr. and Hee John A. Young. Ruby
a baudeome black leather travelling
bag with blur silk linings; to tete plan- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan church by "The Yokefellows' Band" and Hazel visited Mew. Young's brother,
ley Slh horpe of Blyth. of Stratford.
Mt. \'alentlne Fisher. and Mrs. Fish
1st • white gold etas with ststttsgs of W. R AI and .n Donald, of C. 1't I d Al- er on Sunday last.
emrraki (her birtheteae)l to the solo -
moon trip to es -tern points. On thetr
return they will reside at 47 Spring -
mount airtime. Toronto. The bride
donned for trsr,:Hee a pretty dress of
bred ebaasi..- i , Iu '_.felC )cxi of tun
j�0p -- - " 64,
4 dIiMsaC ostyahc+da
*tlI , an ra-Wilown, of near aaasd •habit ttrr seat waste_
. spoil Sunday with the latters matching acce...'rh•s. were gnlliM iqf lntmts� at 110' trtrmr"LPzhthlrlon of Yt Tiros t'trdpst
brother, George Collinson. The bride, el,- ha+ spent nearly i of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cnn of Bel- Gift Shop. Those who are book-lov-
Many of the members of the Mary servo years with the -teff of the Roy- grwre- I ars will no doubt he loterselcd la
Hardie Mission Itand are enjoying a1 Bank, has ts•, n in the supervisor's MIs. EIsle Ptonebouse entertained • seeing thio fine tollro•tbu.
themselves at lamp Klntall this week. department at 'r'..uto during the
number of her del trlend+ at a birth Rev. Mt Ling Fool rand Airs. Lang
W. M. S. Meeting. -The monthly past two and s 1.ilf rears and is well cl*v pests on Friday. Fort, and daughter. Mrs. R. Bricker,
meeting of the W.12 8. of Ashaeld and favorably t, 'nn both in Goder- Mr.. W. H. Carstrirell 1...piending the and son. of Kitchener, and Rev. and
l'r'sbt'terian church was held last lch and to Toronto. haring been prom -
with her daughter. Nr.. WIII Mrs. Pogsoo, of Fssex, are occupying
heat la church sod ental circles Creraler rat Crewe. their cottages recently built on the
Welnrsctey at the home of Mrs. Bos..' ' Mr. and 3tr.. Iteneon Trerman and lake front.
Kintail. FKty-one ladies were pees- , The bridegroom h.,. been • member of
Sat -
est. Mrs. MacRae, the president, ort the staff of tetaeh, r. In Toronto for the Nis. Ada Tyerm•n of Seaforth were R*.v. Carew Halliwell left on Sat -
be f p IncI Wet slz -u t., t. rat WesMeld visitors on Monday. urday for his home at Brantford. hav-
ets�ied tilt Pest s
Rev. li a n Mrs. R. its, ; Nett[ ar ru
Ottawa. were renewing old aoqualn- beet Pitts of New 1 amburg lett ou The grain crops In this district are
tane.s on the Auburn clrenit over the Wednesday after spending two weeks slant ■II cut and stook threshing is
weekend. camping on their property on the lake In full awing. Them Is an ahnndanee
]i r. and �Ir ltc:llll. lir: and Wis. goat. er grata and straw. Now if prides_
McDonald. and Master Graham Me- Mr. E. 11. Jobna is the owner of a
Donald of roderleh were guests on collection of very rare brooks, all over
Sunder at the home of Mr. and Mrs three hundred years okl. They Include
W A. Campbell a History of Scotland printed In 1812
would only advance, the farmer would
feel somewhat relieved.
The funeral of the late Nathan
Johns was held from the home of his
Mr. and Mrs. Fred .1 Cook and fam A nu r of these books of the elf- daughter. Mrs. Alden ABM. on Satin -
the chair. A number ro rend rat ions -- Ing visited with D. and 4., Pitts.
t>rt noon auxiltary were r ora, extend ' nagratulatloas sad
-aissber of ladies from wishes _ Nr. 1), Hewereft of Detroit was a
who were at lamp Klutall. A rend.
week -end sliest with Hca. M. Elliott.
Ing was given by Miss Clara Mae-
et ft -
t Margaret Pestis
c•oet/Belted nfir(Nt." NT.. 'B. Mc
Presbyterial president, sped
x' ellent address outlining the wart
of the home helpers, and also spoke
about the women of the Bible. Mrs.
Maize to * few well-chosen word. gave
au interesting de'erlption of the Hunt-
ingdon eb of home In (Juele. Mrs.
McWhluney cloned the meeting with
prayer. Luncheon was served out of
doors and a social half-hour spent.
Busiuese Yen's Lunches and Meals served at all hours.
Our Up-to-date Soda Fountain is at your service at
all hours.
West Side of Square . - Gtiderich. On
• Masori. W. C. Prldham and Walter
Bern left Tuesday morning on • mo-
tor trip to Bnrlingtnn. Hamilton and
the Niageret district. They will also
take In Toronto before returning home
en Saturday.
p ) � lit -Rev. )dim. and
linea ssasuy, et a tllfMli,
aa,. saw. • shies minim erre iii'
Miss SJeasor Miami swot the
west -end in froderich.
Rev. W. R.,Alp ed Ottawa hr visiting
friends Pere.
Nr. and Mrs. Frank Jtalthby, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Ralthby, and Mrs. 8.
Johnson motored to Kincardine and
vicinity ou Monday.
Mr. J. Howatt 1s assisting his Bon -
In -law, Mr. Pi Manning,, with his har-
vest. ��`` �
Miss Josepmoe Weir is visiting re-
latives at Stralkr0y•
Mr. and Jrf.-Walker and daughter,
of Toronto. ine'visiting at the home
of Mr. A. M. McKenzie for a fort-
- Mt J& al.D!)lik)d of Ailsa Craig has
Improved the •ppenranee of the
Mears- wt -air, i. Carter and Mr. J.
Symington by a coat of atneco.
We are riffle -jelling our afore -
and business will go ' ori 'as
usual, but. during alterations
everything -in stock is offered- ---
at greatly reduced prices.
Lade.,Special for this week. Celanese Sport
Dresses Frocks, a limited number only at ....
of printed silks and tricosh 1r
Dresses Smart styles. Special price
one. Sizes 4 to 44
tSliqS P Ce ilk Slips, princess styles, form fitting. Special
A ]� % Shirt and Shorts in matching colors.
�/ r��- G tQd .V nd�%ear Made of fine quality broadcloth and
rayon. Regular $I.95' suit. SPECIAL; PRICE.. $1.49 suit
•,•...t•••• • ....•
. RN!
Ladies' sad Mea's Wear - S><"Shop where you are invited to shop"
West Side of Square, !:oderich
Pion 418.
x -••ala
Mrs. Jabs Make sad
of whaling.. *semi, part'
.ncr,,.tanir farm here.
•wife, aatr tits. & J. Kilpatrick. Rich-
ard slid Olive Kilpatrick. To An- the contest proved to be one of the
derson and MIAs Jamie Andrew spent most Interesting and erenly-matched
Sunday afternoon with Rev. 1. W. In the history of the Club. The play
Kilpatrick and family at Bruce Beach, ended with three men tied with net
Miss Blanche McDougall of Kin- score* of Ill and Dr. Lewin of Tor -
ben was the guest of her friend. Miss onto right next with t1.1. Metiers. How -
Jean Anderson, last week, returning croft of Detroit, Cameron and Mc -
home on Sunday. Curdy of Hayfield played off next day
MI..P. Greve and Olive Blake ere and again the name score of 64. On
camping at Point Clark this week. the third day Tom McCurdy, that old
Miss Olive Anderson accompanied warrior of bawling and curling fame,
Mis. Ada HPIm on Sunday to London. went down to defeat. hut by only one
where they are gttestn of Mrs. Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Stothers and
daughter. Mary Frances. of Pleton,
%l.lted Mr. and Mex. Horton lest week.
Congratulstlonn are due Milnes
rnifral Blake and Jean Anderson. who
pn..eb on all the middle eehnol exam-
ination paper* they wrote this year_
Golf Y .. erecter r,,qu Saturday.
Y�the Golf and
(( ntrj'-('Ibb itfiid as W1'hand1-
cap tournament for the Alexander cap.
Twenty-one competitors teed off and
01'NRANSpN. Aug. 17. ---Mr. Mel-
vin Reed of Toronto spent the week
end with, Mr+1 Reed. who lA holldaying
with her !h r. Nr.. Jai. (Brain.
Mr. end Vitra. G. 8 Howard and
daughter, \lis* Evelyn, et i.'teter.
were guests of Nr. mad Mrs. aired
Rows rtes M 'itdsy.
Mr. and 11,.. Heber F.edy and faro-
_!srniday with - -friend* •51
Mr. le. 'M Robertson of Goderich
mt'aplyd the pulpit of the United
Ichsrclt 1..4 Sunday.
Mr. And Mrs. I:eo. Swnn of Ash-
field spent Sunday with their . ,'Mr
Nr. and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and
.Tackle. of Detroit, were gneats of Mr.
and Mrs. Herb. Curren on Sunday.
3t1:' Fiala! •ll tar'ttfve f-
home nn Monday from London. where
he had taken a summer eollrsP
Mr. Cmirsd Treleaven of Toronto if
•vtslttng rclatives here.
Mr. Ernest Hall gave a very Inter-
esting and Instrnetive address at the
morning eerrle• at Blake. which wee
1n charge of the Yoking People's So-
ciety. The Junior choir sang a chor.
flu' 1Ahd Mies Olive Blake sang 0
There was a Inrge congregation.
Mt.. Norma Proctor of Toronto
visited her eonstn, Corn Thnntpenn,
last week.
Mary Cranston r•tnrned nn Satur-
day from a week'. visit at London.
iia. end -Mee.. Wesley -Aliww awl
family of London spent the week -end
with relatives here.
Return from Western Trip. -
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston
vtbting her :nmt. Miss 1,. Dreiny, 1021 11/IVP returned from a three weeks' mo-
on Mandan to visit her Meter, Mrs. tor trip which took them as far west
['has. Whit, ,}-, Goderich, township. es Henley. Sask. ' 'They visited Dr.
Mi.. L. !'releevcn and Gorton Matthew Blake. Mrs. Johnston's broth-
Yhnitz, w6" underwent operations er, and other friends to Winnipeg;
List tenets" -.lay In \['Ingham hospital Mr. and Mrs. .Toseph Smcltzer and
for rennNe of tonsils. are *11' to Ia' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crispin. a1
ottt 551111
Mr. tWm. 'tolsn of St. Lambert. Que.,
is visiting Is mother. Mrs. W. 11.
\1°104 nil ..cher friends •
Mlws Iten,-I/Wan is visiting .1 the
tonne. Of -Mt- had Mrs. Archie Johp-
•Ione. AnTrtirt
Rev, Mx_ 1�-�-m .of Ripley o Pl}9
•4e pope, r tea Pr'sbyterinn church
Inst Sunda) aternoon. Next Sun -
(I Ill UM K'esaeth McLenll will tw-
ill, ln11nR
1 MI** 1.neu1P and Irvine malt bate
i returner} home after vlsltlor t-thglr
emt.lu+ 1n stratfotd.
Miss I/.•iltin Dnrnln. who has .been
Oltenia ; Mr. ifhd Mrs. Anson Finlay,
Jin.. Wm..1. Treleaven and other mem-
bers of her family, and Mrs. J. 11. Rib
patrfek at Hanley. Ttn'y found the
Province of Snskatc•hcwan In the midst
-a dry spell. w'hk•h coming wh.t
111! erntn was filing hex spoiled he
•t of a good harvest sea
Therewill le' little more grain Atni
folder this season than last. They
sew many old friend.. t e'Ived a
hearty welcome *rad thornnghty en -
lit. Oen. M00%, who has leen *all- 1 jored their holiday. Mcsstw. Cecil
fns the lakes an *rammer, I+ vieltIng and Elmer Johnston met them Sim-
i his yerent.. Mr..ud Mrs. Robb. Mewre. d*v et the 110m0 of Mr. and Mr.. FF.
Moffat of Sande. with when they
mode the trip.
Mt and lir*. Eimer Shackleton and
fmtaU7, wl r. lave Iwen vlMttng the
fol _puµt, Mrs Wm. Shnckie
tear- have retitled to their home Iii
Ail to f'id'es. ctmw�
as_ ffQ21r
elating minister, and the Masonic Lodge
afterwards took charge under Dr. B.
C. Weir, district deputy, and conducted
the burial rites at the cemetery. Mr.
John, was a resident of this township
for ninny year, and ■ member of the
council and ■Iso reeve of Colborne
before going to Saskatchewan twenty- - -
one years ago. Our sympathy goes to
the wklow, formerly Miss (Anders, and
to the sons and daughters.
stroke after playing fifty-nine holes:
net wore 62 and 61. Jim Cameron.
the lucky eompetltnr, Is a Hayfield Old
boy, although now principal of Earls -
court .chisel, Toronto. Dr. Alex/Hid-1
ens citp was presented to the winner
by Mr. J. Jowett, preefdent of the;
The Ooderleh bend took part In t
lit• tit'1� tiiGtt+a
*rofisnuolit flWileadiNtk"tl.'TM 4•So-+gad..,
Edna M. Campbell
Beauty Culture Shop
-On the Sojusre at North ,ytreet-
Pbone 334 Ooderleh
mmmluIoxxx c?cxxxxmmmaIXXXXXXXXuunlI n
Vi MM.* Ih•'Ittite uIu, ew 114.01 at 11,5' 1'.7''' t - s,. -
bome of \l,. •carton Roaeh on Thor" 1 More than 710.09k0 :i)iool children of
qrs., t„ n .. trill 1511 fn Is I attend the Canadian National F.xhlhl
iY1t •n 1n+titalta at*mMt Mrs. (rot Hone. gra f of f management
day Augml slab at 1l ''clove. Re- Ontario have received invitations to
W ,r 1
r.. the ane ement en MATiNRL4 R'K!)' FSIM1 and MITI RDA% et 1 em
Xtwrhar14? erctrk' 47
-Now Playing -Tom MI\ in "The Rider et heath Valley:' --
310N11:11, Tl'ESI),t and WEI)NESD:1Y-
"Miss Pinkerton"
lay-Bus.mdatresr_ut n>yxtery. MARRY ROBERT& LNEHART....
A sleuth In .kirt, soiree a crime thnt made the twat detectives
.11.9. 1 their own grandmothers.
are a great team it* this mystery ma*tltplece '
\ N I) Yf I \\'i )N'T WALK (lt!T ON •x .s ' Y e7.:iT vie
11, erten'a most ravishing heAtity in her ttr.t starring rule. Get
the lowdown n1 leap rear from a d,ingrerniia brunette
"Man Wanted"
1 i*riug the above olid all successive "double bills" it I. 000*.'i ry
to 1.• in fire fl4etre• by 5.42 P.m. fn .e• the entire program!
rUt RADAl', FRiD.11 and S:1TF'Ri).11'-
In answer to ninny of our patrons, alio Imre rrpne.terb a. Rririeb
Production. we are proud to Irresent
"Man of Mayfair"
ew'Ith nu *11 British cast. .tory r.nd 'troth's -Hon This 1e one of
Knalaml's latent and beset and ,narks -a new eta In Nmplre
Arid ion P11tire«.
it-Pm04 tr►Jlw- i rrewt weer M' 1.at* iii
• hr w oeplfi4M'rtl Part Of 1LMTffeFt' IfYfllrtlf.'"
--4'enrlwg -Greta Garbo In "As Von Dewire
l' Bl.ry•1 ,'betrlet preadenf. I. rc 1 Young 1'anaaln-. 1)sv. Monday. August
Parted rat.rad glee an1119Yth.
• r>r
4h v;
• s .•f'S.r.Y'•Fr. 'G.•sz.. :.a. .&'Ye''S;.''"i;r6 .iA„ .,; arait.';1 ...'tii.:uw"'aa1;i'iQ!',tre ".. t';; ': •...'�#'° .lfa,:i"i�Tti•R