HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-8-18, Page 2:amitantantershoom drat* • yaw• -116 i --Thursday• August lith, 18112 lth Onai k:•r4eu.ueso 1848 : CANADA seas*•r of casa44s• cbfbw ty R Published every Thursday morula(. 8ubseriptiuu price $2.00 per year. I advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING oil., LTD, Telephone 35 : Goderlch, Ont. W. H. BoasmTaos, Editor and Manager l'isaida7. `A 18tth, lflllt RAPIER TRi! TRADE Though the reports from Ottawa must be dlarouuted, there can be no doubt that the delegates at the Im- perial Conference are eadlag it a mat- ter of no little dielculty to reach de - Suite agreement. While "boggling" may be too crude a word to apply to discussions which no doubt are car- ried on with dignity and In the Tang- a !'` 1 ge of statesmen. there is, it we are pl to believe even a portion of what we read. a good deal of high-pressure bar- gaining golug on. Fart dominion is trying to get the best terms possible from the ether dominions, and all seem Country to risk the ruin of her world- wide commertr for .the sake of a slightly larger proportion • of trade within the Empire. No matter what the agreements at which Hie dele- gates may ultlmatety arrive, there *tt: be discontent. a feeling here and there that some other part of the Empire got a better deal than It should have got, and that as soon as possible the _ag'searent. must be revised. A _great oawatlacer expresses the hope ."that suck results will euTHt from telf g+ ering as 'Will. Irene relntiona.bliweeu Empire countries better and not -worse than formerly." Everything that has happened strengtbenw The Signal • la Its belief in the merits Of Trade within the Empire." Impossible! ---Of eourse It tie lmpnaatbte while Can- adians and Australians and South Afficenders 'rod the rest vat them re-, Vent one another a- Opponents in a� trade war. inateinIsof as partners la- the athe British Commonwealth. ----- --_. it Indiana and Massachueetts anti Missouri had pot up euatome duties against one another, the I'elte•d Staters would never have become the great, powerful and wealthy natio-it St.- Is 10 - "day. And so Wog AA Cetraria Isvtn Web gg s. and Leith an example of a greater calam- ity than that with which the world 1a at present afflicted. The Klock Plague, we are'tpld, caused tweuty-*ie m11 - km death* In Europe alone. Then, of oras, before that Wortnae the Flood, and, some slier •.111*, the Fall -though the last-mentioned catastrophe. Instead of tnrresaing un- employment. put man to work. Though the preseut state of affairs to not the worst in the bistory of man. and may not be without prece- dent, it may be described In superla- tive terms•. 1t 1* not the result of residue, or flood, or of any other na- tural cruet•. It Is at -commented by, and in many minds seems to be the result ot, • great accumulation of ma- terial wealth. talvenleutly termed 'ul'erproductiaa'_' Its distinguishing c•Iuractrristle Is sot "starving In tie midst of plente 11 ttpiellamON W present in ',good times" as wit as had: it is the vast number of people who are unable to find employment. It Is safe to_ say that never before in the world's history was teensy heli a condition to the extent that at pres- ent prevails. Thousands of fortunes hare Igen wrecked: millions of people, possibly, have found cause to cow- rie/4e slims money;" but tar worse fir the stria o workingmen,- dependent upon their day's wage, wbo have been for months or years out of work and who do not know where to turn to proeure the neressartes of life for themselves -trod ! a their families. it is not ■ etnelition for which we can unload the responsi- bility upon Providence; It is the re- sult of mankind's own mismanage - aired. of its affair., and it Is not to helremedied by an easy acceptance of e of these t'hing's that happen every now and again. ('ouditions are wrong. very much wrong, and men of affairs and leaders of while opinion have a greet responsibility in reeking to find and to apply the remedies that silt =she -eJ 1 - vat least somewhat more negrttright. — sDI'lO*IAL toTEB Already somebody is predicting aa- bther open winter. I'erhajis the some elta� that said August Timid he dry and hot. • • • 1t his -never been long I.etween! dna this 1011•011, and _ t,'tnteetsuently J lawns and fields have retained almost a "pries freshness. THE SIGNAL WHITECHURCH WIHITECAUUV , Aug. let -feet. W. J. Watt of Loam Braude Is taking the service in the Culled church ou bun - day, August 'Lt. lit, Lau Mclmals has twee serious- ly"'ttl"Vartng-glee past west with an attack of psxuouula. Mr. and Mn. Fred Clarke of Am- heratbarg end Slim Anna May Car- riek, wbo has beeu vlaiting these, •past the week-eud at the latter's home here. On aevouut ut the illness of Rev. J. Pullock, the services were wlt4drawu ou Suuday lu Catlett, Langside and Chalmers churches. r. Mr. and Mrs. leggin Weilwood and Richer, and Miss Norah Falconer, of Caledon, spent the week -end at the home of lir. and Mrs. John Falconer and other relatives here. Mrs. Joe Holmes has been slatting for a few dye with teethe. at Clin tun. Misstlgdos4peat a few diars Aug with her gesodparests. and Mrs, Nathaniel Bolt of Marnoch. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Patton of Lacs and his sister, Mies Patton of North Adams, Mase., spent the week-ead with Mrs. A. Tog. Rev. and Mrs. Watt and faintly are spending a few days title week with lira. Norris!) of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt and Merle spent Sunday ■1 Teeswater with Mr. and Mrs. Green. w.pad lttaalay . malt asla of ro1 e'ntie'1tiheves 'MOW -411/t=Yin past two weeks with Mr, and Mrs. J. 1t. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. WIII Humphrey and family of 141. Helens and Mr. and Mn, Kobe. Purdou and family visited op Sutiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker of East Wawanosh. "- Mrs. Alex. (%Ilvle and children of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Har- ris anti family of St. Marys spent the week -end with the ladies' parents, Mr. and Sire. John ("ubb. Mrs. Jas. Jtrignam and sons, and Mr. (leo. tt'ightman and Ivan. of Meth, epee Sunday with their par- ents, Mr. and Yrs. Chas. Wtghtman. Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, Janet and Dawson spent Sunday •1 the home of Me. and Mrs. Lrsjardlnes of Ethel. Mr. and -Mrs. Will Reid, Jean and Calvin returned to their home in Marie stn _Ftlday lam lire. C. It. Morns of Hamilton has hetet slsiting with Mrs. Duncan Ken- nedy and renewing old aequaintaucee around here the past week. )list Lela Leggett was *kiting last week at the home of her uncle, Mr. Alex. Moe -bray of Blues/ale, and Mas- ter Gordon visited with his uncle, Mr. tennisWerke of Teeswater. We con- gratulate' Mous Lela on passing her ih•pourtmental examination. Rev. and Mrs, H. (I. Whitfield and danger', et NgtiivWs, Mich.. made a hurried cell ea Meade la the sil- age last week. Mrs, Talton, of Wood tock, and kers. Reavata histoksagairs eft Tewwhltr.. arej visiting thea walk tidies Uri Allitly n "terms," so tmin will the frreeptre to in realization of the prosperity and malted power that it should have. 8o we refuse to be satiefi d with anything leas than Free Trade within the Empire. -CANNOT R1 JUSTIFIED The lanadian dales on textile* -having, artvfdtng to report, prove" a stumbling -block at toe Ottawa - Serener, -The Border Cities Star acme pertinent questions.. Should the imperial t'oufereltrte be wrecked for the make uf.sen- Hauing hIgn prole tion lain Canadian industries? This question is befing very gen- erally disked these days. It arises "-out-of-the desire of the British _. _delegation to secure the entrance of (Weir textile products on more favorable terms .than are now of- fered, and the reluctance of Mr. Bennett to lower the bars. Why should 1t cost so much to produce textiles in l'anada? Why should Canadian textile mannfac- turrrs not be prepared to yield tame of their protection, consid- ering that Rrittsh goods coming against them already lin ve..,tiw handielp of having to eros. the ocean? When doe. au Infant industry cease to be all infant btdustry't_ When does It grow up? Also, 11 itrRikh textiles are such a threat to Canadian .textiles, Is it not reaeonahle to inmate that ia-psJiaj -- tar more for textiles than he sbonlcl pay and he would pay If 'TEriti.h 'textiles were allowed to come In on a no-tar1R or -low tariff hast.'. There and many other.questlons are leing asked by the publie this month. People are not nearly as ".cid" 011 the high tariff idea as they used to awe--espeelslly to view of what has happened to ' American lndn.try tinder thg hlgh- ert,lnroteetIve mllry lit 811.. history of flie world. . The Star follows up these queries r.. be 'pultillilltIIg t _iblt7d;`detleer't ei. 40_ tiles Imposed bythe prettent tt'tatpa Government, .-e►Motvin;that. n a • • tion to the natural proteetlou af- forded by the f'anadtit tnskeit near- ness to market, as *gehist the Rritish goods which have to mounds the ocean, the Canadian mannfnrturere have the advantage of en.toms Jades ranging as high as 4s, tit, 781 and even 115 per • 'tint The Canadian eon.nmer• of textile* Od the ltritinf' 401,101t.a st (nt*w* °-; Would g110 t'b'tafrtra tlttrtadi�� llf't� plalning stain* Melt hupoate. THIS �'DIPUUIOM" A rontenporary. deprecating the de- arrlptlrn of the present depres.)mt aa "Untw•eeestenled." go.'.. hark to the eu fwerfetk emitter), to Aid to the Black r 1 --1r a -tieferenee by The Ma- lSrprise-Bulletln of (`ollingwood. CAF toe News -Record please take sigh's. • • • Three candidates in Sleuth Hnron are one too manys. There is no ratite faction in a three -cornered light. ex- cept for the candidate whose election ! is thus. assand. - It's sanity one of the Toronto papers didn't Interview Capt, FM Bohln-on on GODERICH, ONT. Opell-6anded Canadian Taxpayer Gives Canal to World ,The Financial Pest) titateetmeeeef the Ilasplat made very tattling. It shipping needs the canal ebarttlNag atirrs"r at t'he ojwning of e*Oogh to uta 1t sed pry the tolls to the treat 'Welland Ship Crane, but • 1t, then its worth .an 4e taken net one of thein bothered to state for granted; but if the charging of toils were to dry op tragic thea we what value the canal might have to would know we had warted our Canada or whether or not It war money. As it la, we are tor» between worth pas fluo.00t,000 it has already admiration for the sheer engineering cost and the $42,1100,000 or more filet mantel of the shipway and our lack It will cost annually to carry sad of knowledge as to Its eouomlc rattle. Every Canadian Isat that parses 05 e'''Oarge, the canal has some through the Panama ('anal pays an value to ahlpptug and it t• to he average tau In excess of 14,000 or hoped that parr of this value w111 abont 11 a ton of cargo carried. @very translate itself into dollars and cents ton of cargo carried thrower the benefits for Western farmers and Sues Canal pays about 11.50 Iu [ref - other groove •( producers. Rut this /c tolls. The Manchester Ship Canal value has never teen effectively sear 1s a profit-mekiug iurtltutlon, charging --Gassed,' 11515 built the banal tolls. largely es • g .lure of aaSent la tete The Panama Canal each year general idea that canals that lengthen makes enough proet, after operating the voyage of big beats return some expenses, depreciation •nd amortiza- econotulc .b•ucte But the twneft, Goa of the property account, to re - whatever, Its measure, will be achieved turn the United States Government by groups nisi ,:au only he raggedly about three per cent. on its invest - defined, while the Bost of construction meat. The flues Canal ordinary stock and operation sill be carried by a pays aunual dlvideuds of 76 per eent. group who sill know and feel the per year. The ilanehester Ship ('an - burden -the taxpayers of Canada. al pays interest on 150,000.00o of There 1. only one way in which the bonds and 5 per tent. dividends on people-,p--4`ann is Nu ever know $411,f%10,00 of stmt. iditilbstat awirmiisyslia,aname,Aoaar.oaer' *11 1h v nmically justiri, it and that would be all the exY�acs O vessels, of an. to charge toll,. for its use *sufficient to country In the world, passing through carry the entire .suet of the umber- the Wrllaad Cana --- -- - A Holiday in July Icy A. W. R. 1t does 't twitter where It war, bat that you had seek a weak moarent It was away trout the calls and dc- when your money and this fleetest vol - minds of m, everyday duties wed ume exchanged places In your hand. where the routine of responsible tasks Rut very deetdedly mid empeattrally did ooh reach me. To get away from I said, -"No, 1 am ret gobs to read it all for t4*e _weeks -hew blessed is that three precious days." In reading the change. Stowe years ago I heard for vseatlon -I want a fairly easy and a young Metballat minister say with enjoyable Parr. I have known some men start out with such ■ hook as Professor Orr's -God and the World," trying to Water such a ponderous phil- osophical beak la their off days. And net mtro=kir -pot E *rlyte's Past and Present,' In hi. lag. Ha never said he enjoyed it. **Three Mea .rapes and lit.• lig sky vowing down. and a Rout. to stay nothing *boot the green stretrhr- ..f eountry streaked dug?" by Jerome K. Jerome, and with the silver ..t tlw sunlit meander- "Kristin," that novel by that great Ing stream, golds?' billowy grain fields writer of Northern European weilleral end long whit.- lonesome roads. los- .toriee, le more to my taste at such Ing theism -ices in the long dlekance, time and i rut well away to hours of ado' not tire cue They rest my eyes happiness. The Ieewvler tetol ran wait and win my heart, especially when 1 for heavier days. view them in sat h in attractive MUD- In thee.• the reselon days i hear sant' ('orae* o* lite car. and how re- spswethilltg-V-.tett as -that trantlotta- . tion wachiaili itis- ehlKy outlay Mid upkeep for all the hard doses we acv having • !1 1 1 love my ear, iroaTA fast mit take a tapirs* write Mowbray and other relatives here. dor ireahlef lsokfag. For a lady or- eat H. I sin a�nylnrnstka w6a4re Quite a nuuatner from this murmurs end bey da*geter In perhaps the driving bunko them days because Icy spent Sunday at the lake. prettiest village of the eougtl, a place prices of eegga and grain sod hop and that pr. seats at every turn an en- other things did not wan -sat them In Misses Olive and Da Ly Kennedy, tram ing view ser the Iuvely views?" It was tempt- ehwsing gas. f feel sorry for them. ing to hell ber to open the eyes and but i shall drive my automobile as long as I ran nd great gusto, when steppintt out for his annual holiday. "Think of it. I am not going 10 preach am pray for torr werka: Th, .-hose the cuttnrry�. not town or city. in which to hone the vacation. Lands ty aa 1414*. One do* not need to have the art- Ist's eye to per Ave the glories of the country, to I„ at for the beautiful le a lrsk Neo glorious realise - magi be .tlnetketis I SPICTACULAR NA1UTY A assoamsr art. M dm liar Wee Alm spectacular sigaht% isp4 unu•aal - °nye/enmities so tea p sacattaa chase of lid asasoa-s *w weeks of 1 and Dow outs peray, of caw sed new 1"1"�rloerea, ow' os bsaudfiil lA{Road ... fes Printing ... �-- J]asperfia ionto Mari. thoCaoadles► RockEaa . , . tins Pectin Coast .. Vancouver sad Victoria... and Alaska -- Take sdnaaa pa of die leer Issas-- o west ands summer. Poll kafssaaatlas sod illustrated booklets from soy Apel of wets. Tal acv ..4--•—--.,,Y. �COwa1P,s. o� NATIONAL r` Mr's It A I L W A T S Job Printing at Every C ts0$ptloa at Tao Slime; r Miss Merle Gaunt, and also Miss Lena Hackett of Aahtield are spending this week in a cottage at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mackay and :011. of Wingham. Miss Bertha Mac. -key. of Stratford, and Mr. sod Mn. bet. Tiffin. of Kltilwa, were visitors on &nude,' qt the hose et Mr,. sod Mrs. Het -tor Mackay. Mr. and Stirs. Alex, Murray and fan - the lake mariner's view of the tat, Ile of Welton spent Sunday et the t La -wanes' waterway project. it would Boma vat Mr, and Mrs. gib." nillea- 1 have got something worth publishing. DieSir, *nil Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and ' f • �ehitdrea, who have been at Kinlough •"Where ran vers go to paying car Iltenets for 11Kt2 and por- we. Ti i• bash may burn with divine tiro and nothing may be perceived, or gathered . bet blacklerrle•.. May we not play Heat a mind and heart trained a 1 shalt not eonalder a- holiday complete without it. What stretrhps of undiscovered country that ear will open to one's eye as highways to a certain extent to respond to what and byways are traversed. How good t. lorelr and of goose report will cause ft 14 when tired of driving to park In the 1;70- to oven to resealed glories? a shady place with ■ iwook and read 1 foiled west marry find who take ct»huntrmp, neerllybut! It 1 maysultbemoguars* sort of s me aomdlme. to park the ear at some busy end stre- tegic corner and watch the world go hy. To give ones self tcethat for a few hour* in a holiday season,' 00- visionally, is a diversion whtok.pale dares long thought.. My space is gone and1 hare .wale nothing ■lout mtsealsd and rnmpany sad mutanhew Annday was ■ large rivet and eager. pretty, feed- spent anti the special picnics and en- TnR Area with rolling hilts and tprtatntnepeopleohmnts that were mine. Oh, tt alt good atn4 i am the tette al] obi. indulgence. f gu borne tanned face. a fresh mind, a heart and a deep thankfulness for Nett w grand holkliy, imr to vet In unsuplper•ted Dlacea, on sack rends, down farm lanes, gladden - ng view., tach and Inspiring to themind.• I have paid big tratitmortation eentrees to go a long way to see less. t is a tine hobby to explore all the pretty roues and mark the twist op/Pit- h,4 clew lglnts In a given township, and if the township aelerted is the sort In whietR 1 spent ml holiday, with Ottawa Confe - PAee ora the, lireaArw and ttnitistrla lets are nitwit alike. When they area't riling to bring Ihilhelei fo hear upon he t;orertlmiut they 170 tort Rome .teraissehrg-their-steeihueiss— -• • • • The-444bu News -Record last week need np,uearl' a column In further re- ference to The Signal's comments up- on the farmers' deputation to Ottawa. dud 1f 1t hadn't been for The 8lgnal readers of the Clinton paper world never have known 1flnies. they Irereed of./1 somewhere aLe)_.._2L/t II there was tomb au event se the fimbjI j trip to Ottawa. Jr • A girl working in a London, Ont., factory put her name end address is the Ina r rcpt snrnt tie wMtend tit 1 their home here. Mr. Thos. Rower sad her moa Joe d and Billie Kelly, of Pt. Angnstltte, sad Mr.. Addley and Mrs. Andrew Bower, of iletroit. spent Sunday with Iia. Jae -'esnellne....-..---__ Mrs. W. R. Farrier and MI0 W1mst- fre•d are spending this ween alt :11//17T-7. a ('i1mr?here. • ffappduese is a sac of life. I think It le a child of diselpline. that self-Indnlg. err is the mother of dfs- tresss, and that 501.1 Irick le a restttt of hard work intelligently planned,- Bir Harry- Lauder. w4011144nd ;ves she was peeking. and Awek eaaw a letter from Aberdeen, 44-otland. from a 'addle who Intimated his willingness to correspoxl with the London girl. There :vas n condition, however : If the girl emitted a reply she wunt.l have to enclose a stamped pr and self-addressed envelope. The mat- ter stopped right there. But yierha. eel x1 made a ;rend mistake. The careful Aberdeen lad may he the mak- inga of a mllllmnalre. GO11F;RICH SKIN :t\ EXAMPLE tt'he'ley Enterprise) ',- III e11 e441.1110111 to (bit earnnclrs Mt the pithily school bard of Goderleh we 14vletert defeated two men, one be l' :nod flit, other try 22. The Indies err 1.0111105 into their own these *Jaya Why don't Chasaley ladles here nerve enough to stand for election to the public school hoard? Surely they are a. M111-11Interested in edreation as men. l - There Is nn gnaltty more efficient In 1111'101111g lenorsbee •Man the ('(minute whlab .earns to cnuteM .kaon - flpeekfnt of (Ph +toeless. oft, ell/1 help being reminded of the occasion wMn * eonenittee nen ores .Tam(ning 1 rinse of toy* In the 1lnoth "ran any of fou," he asked, "telt the what 'amphtMno.' means. and ere • sentence to IllnatratP?" A bright little darty held 110p hl. hand "1 know, ash' lea lyhag. mo Ash atorl*,. am Moloile r The Kincardine Review -Bap rter had the following reference Ar the visit of the Ooderl'h nano fel dine on Sunder. August 7th: KIneardine music -lovers were treated to a program of marchtes waltzes, .•etures and rhara,teri t1' nutnbers by the (inderieh Citizens' Rand Sun- day evening.' Victoria Park was crowded for the cnnrrt, over .wl0 being pre sent app nal wiring aoreclatlre ap- plause to the forty mnslrinns who played tinder the baton of John E. 1tuekina. inuring the eonrnrt, eorn't 5.105 were given by Itindsmen John Huck - In.. Jr., anti Ralal•man Rotert Henry, The former'e offerings were -1 Hi Pro - /W.0 'Mr", and Swam. "Love's OM Swa Song," while the latter chose the tra• dit10ns1 ttenttlsh Hunter, "Mary Argyle," anti ae an encore. "The P feet, Day." , t� The enneert opened with_" '" aF ads, fotlewing whish the land .wring Into a march. "Tile Flyer."' 'nip first overture was "Hright Star," and later in the program "In the fetneksd'" w•0s offered. The rhararfert4tr numbers were Southern 111 origin. being "('non's Holiday" and "'Attie Rattus" The is taitTi ""rotnnet how! 44.1,41» emMeal 11 tner Mave•h" concluded t;il E etI trtetf. 2br"lrsaaP*IIe obits '"Aprea 1'0011" wa. oiI PM ns 1 wturr4 number. A .election. "Headway," and the hymn. "Abide With Me," followed by the X,iIt,,,sl Anthem, hrnnght the prngratn top d0ae. , Fnllnn;ug 11. (program the vt.ItIna n,lw Klw hsenewere bleat,. of the car- yes-- latrrsected. w-tt Winding roods, It becomes interesting. sinit.d me to reject the advice a an article I read early 111 the summer not to have a lazy holiday. On this holiday 1 really lazed. leor eleven months previous i had ju.t given my• self to my work. 1 had had no easy tacit.- So to all the suggestion' about planning to de 1111. and that In order NI& , August 17. ]Sias Ih,rothy to hare a worth -while and fruitful 1'iark of Go derieb Is visiting at the 11olL1ay' 1 paid no heed. 1 did not homeof her uncle, Mr, John Tabb, peen phis a fishing..trip-planned no- and other relative•,. here. Rev. W. G. !thaw has returned from Ids vacation and will occupy Ills pul pit again next Sunday. A .foetal flower service will he held in the Sunday school here on Sun- day, August 2110. Rev. Mr. Shaw will give an address and there w111 be othee Rem* M Interest -oft the progrw-•.--- The Mises.. Ethel Tabh, 4101111 sad NILE thing. 11 was w come -day, go -day kind of time. f had nothing parte-tiler to do' and 1 dict ft. 1 mat by the river, Occasionally I got Into It. I walked a• 11 plea -.d MP up and dowel 111e hills. Tile lake s(llivel ee drew- we and 1 pondered the 01004. of that PT pantile my bedroom window 1 watched a sun rune tip over the t eastern hilltops and at eventide oar him go to heel in the land of the love - It -hike are camping thie WPek At Point ly eobirs without planning to do it, 11 • west le a for isintsets. and oh! July. It is hard to tiey which were the nee., thrilling. tho*. an un- clouded -1,y, or when the eon. behinel thunder ,osda riven, a riot of col tir Innis :ibe world good night. Ade- line says in one of her hooks, yeer evening hang. her greet pfettire. isele-de-dmt every time." The fraud -philtre- :ma the neer rceS'irgets enthneed MP end I hid lots of time to enjoy it. Who neeldial ies holiday? "Poland, ford: -The fietene." by ft Itongise; "Seen in Pausing.- hy Francis Orihtde, them *,•re the hooka for my holltItlY fare,' ThiA literary r•zenrolott into Po- n peep into Reottigh life, flila ening islet( to the baekwoods life of the leseinifteng reek of rettowine rip 910 19Waellegi expertise,* of trr. Anew perensints me Ile- headier .liee114111, 14010e4Wle 1101114.d itipt me to read one of those /try pr,phegical religious hooka you boy from maltiontinashIe eanvtaner. at pet, thus. sad for which Ton pay s roomy .t)171, awl gin It In inapiseation to Irrf rid rtf Ole 104101. •0 r•ot to top Mien Emma Snell of Toronto is spending her vaentien at her home here and with other misfires. Rey. it Hoyle, Mrs. Royle and daughtere Molly and Amy visited On Wedne"ably laid week at the home of Mr. and lire. John Tele.. the Orange .tervice held in the United 1:11111%.11. 110r, Harry Hoyle condneted the iterytre. Mr. and Mrs. fierce, Pentland e sop John, of Trironto, event the end at the home...set/dr. Penult other, Mrs. Ff. 1Pentland. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. It Thompson and two children. of Oehert, are visiting' in this vicinity and in tioderich et Mary few' of Pontiac. Mich., exited nne deo 'tide week at the home of • Sheri Johnston their meeting last creek. Beth Ke - brother Inmala•. of Westfield, were attest. on Ptinitav at the home et Mr and Mr* rented Moak. eltlitrn• !tend to Inneh riervet Iti pear tam t411M and Irrallitionit In relit,- dere1M 0•1 cirri -merinos, bet an our. the town hall Inf. and tittle' are Retry attar/Wards Nolte. Air John 14414bork. N NATIONAIL 1 I AUG. 26 to SEPT. 10 An Inspiring Example of Uninterrupted Progress "The Triumph" 1 INDUSTRY EDUCATION PAGEANTRY Rotnantic Pageant of Empire Ascendancy, Heroism, Chivalry and SCIENCE - Sacrifice of Great Peoples -- 1500 Performers on 1000.foot stags. Spec. RECREATION FASHIONS TRAVEL SPORT ART AUTOMOTIVE and Thirty Other Benda CONSTRUCTION ExHit(i27:000T ottvoi..C7011t/S. AGRICULTURE4 Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultt7, Judging Competitions, Horticul- ture, Internalises] Dog and Cat Shows, Trotting end Pacing Ramo sod MOW Futurities • • Seventh Marathon Swims • Women, 10 miles ; Opem, 15 miles • Friday, Aug. 26th Wed., Aug. 3Ist Olympic Nstators in various vomits Ovt- board Motorboat Raves Treek Stars direct from this year's Olympic flames • • 8ftastaaAtio. Motor Owns* • it