HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-06-05, Page 2018. Services available. DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 18. Services available Horst Feige D.T. • 58 .West Street (Kitty corner from Police Station) 524-668.8 GODERICH /// • 'By Appointment Only (If busy phone 1-800-265-141.5 toll free) DENTURE WEARERS Did you know... that it is important to have your dentures examined regularly? Your'rno.uth is one of ' the most important areas of your body, but often the most neglected when dentures are worn. Improperly fitting or neglected dentures can cause severe health problems.'The lack of public information regarding dentures is alarming and often leads to problems and unnecessary expense. Your local denture therapist (denturist) is a professional specializing in the construction, repair and modification of dentures and Provides this service directly to the public. If you have problems with your present dentures or think of getting new ones, see your local denture therapist, consultation is usually free. You will find denture therapists (denturists) listed in the yellow pages. This information is supplied through the Denturist Association of Ontario and your local therapist. AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Rip ley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of All Types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 DOUG BROWN. TRENCHING *Water Line,' . * Hydro Line', *Short Tile Drain., *Ploughing in Cahle...eR . R.R. 6 GODERICH ONTARIO CALL 529-7416 20. Public notices ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of the twenty stocking chairs taken from the basement•of Ashfield Presbyterian Church, please return immediately. Board of Managers. ---23 2t. Personal • HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-36'55. —40tfar IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 88'1-3113, God- erich, 524-6001. FAMILY PLANNING & CONCEPTION CONTROL CLINIC, Bruce County Health Unit„ 2nd Monday of each ilnonth. Next Clinic: Monday, June 10, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. County Building, Walkerton. Please call 881-1920 for an appointment. —22,23 DATES GALORE For all ages and unattach- ed. Thousands f members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call, toll free 1-800-263-9163. Noon till 8 p.m. —013 LONELY? Don't he! CHRISTIAN PEO- PLE, Canada -U.S.A. seek correspondence - companionship - all ages -free details. Ashgrove P.O. Box 205, Shushwap Ave., Chase, British Columbia, VOE IMO or phone 604-679-8513, 1 '- 7 p.m. Monday - Fri- day. -023 PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 357- 1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432- 9197 collect. —tf 22. Lost and found STRAYED FROM lot 38, Kinloss Concession 1, one Hereford steer 750 lbs. Phone , 528- 6042.-23 23. Miscellaneous • FREE CAREER GUIDE describes 200 learn - at -home correspondence Diploma Courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping. Business Management, Clerk typist, Secretary, Jour- nalism, Television servicing, Travel. Gran- ton (5A) 263 Adelaide West; Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. —07 CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class ' 'A" license. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Training. London (519) 432-1726, Cambridge (519) 623-2430. —019 AUCTION SCHOOL- 14th year, 1,200 grad- uates, courses April, August and December. Write Western Canada School of Auction- eering, Box• 687, Lacombe, Alberta, TOC ISO. Phone (403) 782-6215. —021-024 Get in the Classified Game 24. 'Business' opportunities •'BUSINESSMAN' Open steel building dealership High Potential profits available part-time or full time in your area. Some areas taken. Call 13031 759-3200. Ext. 2407.-023 • 30. In memoriam George Clarence Greer In loving memory of a dear husband and father George Clarence who passed away one year ago June 7th, 1984. Little we knew when we -awoke that morning The sorrow the day would bring The call was sudden, the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget But time so far haspnly proved How much we miss you yet To know we never said goodbye Will always bring regret But the hearts that loved you dearly Are the hearts that won't forget. A thousand times we have needed you A thousand times we have cried If our love could have saved you You never would have died. Sadly missed and always remembered by wife Marie, daughter ,Donna and son Bob. -23x Lucknow Sentinel,Wednesday, June 5, 1985—Page 21 31. Cards of thanks FAIR We Would like to thank Dr. Knox and his great staff of nurses who took care of us while we were patients at Kincardine and District Hospital. Thanks also to our family and friends who visited us, phoned, and sent cards, flowers and gifts. Jeannette and Jason. -23 SIMPSON Many thanks to all those who attended our wedding reception in Teeswater on May 11, 1985. Your presence made for an enjoyable time not to be forgotten. The ,gifts were much appreciated. Kim and Murray Simp- son. -23 . READMAN We would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers, gifts and visits we received while .in the hospital and since returning 'home. Special thanks to the Doctors and staff of Lucknow Medical Centre and the nurses in obstetrics for the excellent care we were given. Dianne and Kyle. -23 WHYTOCK We would like to express o'ur sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbours for their kind words, flowers, cards and food at the loss of our dear father and grandfather, Alex Whytock. Your kindness will never be forgotten. Lloyd, Roberta and family. 23x HACKETT We wish to extend heartfelt thanks to our relatives, neighbours and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy during the re- cent passing of a dear wife and 'mother, Virginia Margaret Hackett. We thank you for the floral tributes, donations to the Cana- dian Cancer Society and the many sym- pathy cards. We are truly grateful to Reverend Arthur Scott and his•wife Betty, who spent so much time -with us during our bereavement. Special thanks to the, MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home, the „pallbearers, flowerbearers and the ladies of Trinity United Church for arrang- ing the fellowship at the Church following the funeral service. We will . remember always.. Wilfred. Jim and Trix Hackett. -23x ' HAMILTON --__ We wish to sincerely thank everyone for the cards. gifts -and visits we, received during our stay in the hospital and since coming home. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin and the O.B. nurses for their excellent care. Nancy and Tyler/Hamilton.-23 MacKINNON The family of the late Mary Isabelle MacKinnon wish to acknowledge the many acts and expressions of kindness shown to our mother during her stay at Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home. To our friends. relatives and neighbours for all, their help and expressions of sympathy during our bereavement we give our grateful thanks. The floral tributes, memorial donations, and food sent to our homes was deeply ap- preciated. A special thanks goes to Rev. Allison Ramsay, the South Kinloss W.M.S. for the bountiful lunch, the pallbearers and the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home. The Family. -23x ' BROWN I wish' to sincerely thank my neighbors, friends and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in University hospital. Also our thanks and ap- preciation for food, phone calls and visits since I returned home, also our thanks to Dr. Corrin and his staff, and to . Rev. McDougall for visits. The many acts of kind- ness will always be remembered and ap- preciated by us. Thelma Brown. -23x 32. Coming events FIDDLE AND STEP DANCE CONTEST July 12 and 13, Fergus Community Centre, Fergus, Ontario. 'Camping available; For information call Mery Woods (519) 843-1630. —021-024 YARD SALE Saturday, June 8, 455•Havelock Street South, Lucknow, 1 - 4 p.m. Postponed if rain- : ing:-23 RECYCLING COLLECTION The Lucknow Recycling Collection will be on Thursday, June 13th - 3 - 8:30 p.m. at the Poultry Building south of arena. -23,24 32. Coming events ONTARIO W ATERW AY CRUISES On- Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Water- way; aterway; private cabins and all meals on. board, 2 - 6 days; June 1 to October 14, brochure, Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3606. —022 LARGE GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 8, 8 - 2, 9th concession Ashfield 11/2 miles west of Brookside School, antiques, dishes, books, • miscellaneous household items. -23 40111 ANNIVERSARY The family of Stuart and Pearl Jamieson would like to invite all friends and relatives to the 40th wedding anniversary of their parents, June 8, 9 -1 p.m. Lucknow, Legion. Best wishes only. -22,23 HOMECOMING WEEKEND St. George's Anglican Church, June 29, 30,. July 1, 1985. Contact Ruth Gorrie for details. Box 378, Haliburton, Ontario KOM 1S0.-023 GIRL'S GUEST RANCH Relaxed program specializing in horseback Tiding and water -front activities. Founded 1958. 50 girls 9-14 years. Brochure, Frontier Ranch, RR 2'White Lake, Ontario KOA 3L0. Phone (613) 623-3577.-023 HAGAR SCHOOL (Grimsby, Ontario) Homecoming, Satur- day, June 22, 1-5 p.m. Graduates, staff and friends are welcome. For information call Judy 416-945-5125 or Sharon 945-3540.-023 80TH BIRTHDAY Friends and neighbours of Ray Dalton of Kingsbridge-Kintail area, are invited to help celebrate his 80th birthday, Saturday, July 13, in FERGUS, Ontario. Mass at 4 p.m. at St. Joseph's Church, 460 St. George St., West, Fergus. 'At Royal Canadian Legion Fergus, 5 p.m. Reception, 6:30 din- ner, 7:30 Roast an octogenarian, 8 - 12 p.m. - Dance. A bus will be going. For more infor- mation Call Anne Dalton 529-7765 or Betty Lou Dalton 529-7346.-23 ' HAM, SALAD SUPPER Wednesday, June 12th - Nile United Church at 5 and 7 p.m. Admission $5.50 for adults and $2.50 for children under 12. Phone for tickets 529-7543 or 529-7312.-23. SATURDAY, JUNE 8th, Dungannon United Church is holding an Auction Sale, 10:00 a.m. Miscellaneous articles. Food Booth and Bake Table. -23 MUSIC RECITAL Students of Marilyn '.Murray will hold their recital at Lucknow Public School, Thursday, June 6, 8 p.ni and at Kinloss Cen- tral, Monday, June '10, 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. -23. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Lucknow PICsbyterian Church, June 18, three sittings - 5,6 and 7 o'clock. Adults $5.00 childrer 4.00. Tickets available at Loree's Ladies Wear, Henderson Lumber, Agnew Jew .lery,-23,24x BUCK & DOE DANCE ; une 22, Moorefield Community Centre, to celebrate the upcoming marriage of Shirley Loree, Lucknow and Brad Kalbfleisch, RR 2, Moorefield. Dancing from 9 p.m. to "Turntable", lunch included. Tickets $5.00 from Judith McMichael, 335-3975 or Kendra McKague 357-2388.-23,24 3 FAMILY YARD SALE June 15, 9 - 3. Rain date June 22. Children's and adult clothing, appliances, home bak- ing, housgehold goods, etc'. 1114 mi. N. of Lucknow on Bruce Rd. 1, then 4 mi. E or 2% mi. W. of Whitechurch then 11/4 N and one- third mi. W.-23,24 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Jessie and Harold France, re- quest the pleasure of your company at a reception in honour of their parents' 40th wedding anniversary, on Saturday, June 15, 1985, at 9 p.m., Lucknow Community Cen- tre. —23,24 BLUE JAY GAME The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 309 are sponsoring a bus trip to a Blue Jay ame June 23, 1985. Anyone interested in please contact Shirley Montgomery at 5 2706 after 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $22.00 per person.-23ar g