HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-8-18, Page 1Ws 1 r Club Subscriptions Tile Signal can furnish Clubbing Rates which will save you money in your renewals for papere, magazines, ete. Ask for prieee or phone 86. : . Fir the Personal Column f you have a visitor, or 1f you are going • is a holiday trip, let The Signal know - abeat It, It will help make the Per- sonal dietitian cetumu more iuterestit-g to you and your frtlyda. . � -TELEPHONE *5 - G aka 8t. We •• • oro int ata wa At a1 ser e•.- - o - • w GODERICH, ONTARIO, TH Y, AUGUST 18, 1982 TRZ SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Pabllabent IgliHTx•riraa ammo., ...... - ' - _-_-- r MEET i PERSONAL MENTION Two Handsome Brides of Augusi MENTION r Eye Centre %.AHO$ DAY 8 ir; • lady in Fall Fair Prize Kermess PERSONAL Birds An attrxetios of r he the tat minima Mr. Msr W'. A. Ooolwnrat rand a Big Success Mw MaltlOrte Mactle L holidaying at Mr. .& tock. Athol McQaarHs, of Toronto, oft. the Local Ma pederich w411 flwtute. mart will i l.11 r la. lent,. This M• 1.+1 out at e harbor under the_ not. o[ Mr. -tor. �. ; Lists Are Out and were visitore at the Martyrs' Shrine at Mid- load this week. Mr. Wm. Craigte la vl=ttiag with - MU Aileen BaeClder Wadded t Prof. V. J. BOurka �� Mo.-Qarter-]Wed Ihtptlals was • week -and visits* in town. M. Taylor and i tt 1. Hill, pbyo ted „ There Ill be r program of t. ter girls Some Notes of the tlioderich In his daughter, Mrs. Bender, and Mr. for MRS b Mr. and Mrr. J. family are Wide/Oil at Pellet Clark. Unique Celebration on Bat and boy"• } dnatrial 11,><hibition, to Be Held Oder at Tomato. �iejj A �tt•d8a� w� = Meas Hales Archat returned from a vacation witk tires at Col- Iralecua lbs to Be at e LIIneheOri POPULATION t .. .1� Be mbar 20 and 21 I� Miss Ida Hodgson, of Toronto, L the gees[ of her cousins, tae Missal - Interest -- -- yy , A new [x>plly pet �' reed at the Robertson, Victoria street A kappy event which created wid utero was the on MIS& 1 Merest wedding. _f MIas �..- last, Mb* Elizabeth AKIN !Its of OaUIaiwood. U the la- 4ete ut Mr. and M r1 \Vorsell, The prise list of the Geld sties Ulla Bock has + M r -. berinkkeglers held la /M bleat sba� ting rink, uatdR Ir a getout of May Loyd Wright, Hellen- ata Jet( '�° children moi- Vis' Ey a Centre" rx tel - SIM- h was postponed Mut +bat- •''wM be on bigger and Ifitter of a small durtreal Exhlbltlew, to be hold Brptrm- $lays street, to the Se ,tppjlltry. The aatm•1; to be the bar eta_ and flat, is e,lII the ptwy only monkey in cap• n Goderltie .ODM bad on application to Toronto atter rpendeag yarn t. M.. holidays with Mrr Swanson. ._._. Misses Lottie end jLaura Jackson morning of e{dNt-Aas�tcr of )lit' ab Mrs. J. E. BaecDler, to Mr. Vernon . Bourke, M.A., of Bt Louis, Mo., so of Mr. and Mn. J. W. Bourke North Bay, Ont. The ceremony for place at Bt. Peter's church at 1 o'clock, Rev. Philip Pocock °ditetic In the presence of a large number t guests. A profusion of gladioli d ,orated the church and the guest pews were marked with flowers tie 1i.1th- white n The iowerstei . • ablate . .stir id teutert ill hcta[rin wedding march and w, [ vee In marriage byher father. Si lei [ as charming In a gown of wht satin, the folies cut in diagonal Ile with flaring skirt The -long teal fashioned in coat resect at the Shot deer, tell gractafully Drneath a v+ of tulle, of cap design, which w g caught at the neck with white Prem caught flowers. White ansae and gloves co tete(' the caecums and she carr a shower bouquet of Sweetheart t and lily of the valley. Meas Ja Mt�►n, -t} its vet, was brWrrm and-Mas-ptettUy attired la t bine net embroidered in pink, o blue silk. Site wore a large hat I pink beku with trimming of blue a pink circ ribbon and shoes and gloi (w match. Her lwuquet was of Brit d117e rosea. Little Miss Vietorlx trite Itaec ler, sister of the bride, is s rl- and _wore -a ds t d of pink crepe with blue hat. She ried a bouquet of volunial deetgn. bridegroom w'ns attended by Mr. rice Klug, of Stratford. air. Raeehter, brother of the bride, Mr. John Persons were the ugh Mrs. Henchley, of Whal,or, sung " during the service and " cause" while the register was be I efgaed, Miss Martina Hanley being organist. To the strains of the delaeohn wedding march the bri i ----.....1,,,.. t_re .y,..r,..,r.•" epi )�, _�. �d 1W lee h#"!-'Baechler' chntch. dnesday of this weak. proved to be popular event, attracting large wds, particularly on Wednesday fret»formal on Saturday for s Matt with at Hamilton Mr.; and Mrs Os! Stotteitou.e and son, Donald, have returned from a week's Tea at I,esmingtoo. than ever oo "Saturday of this vl beth Huckiae' Bfrde' Myo (]Mttrli band will meet the C.N.B.ele 0ti and the p pp noon on de lyes shipped to them - t)se secretary, Dr. W. F. Clark, God r4lMttve !n Toronto. *�t has the ertch. Mile the flat varies but Utile nlosaur of t ,u 11 terrier, comp• a erUl he no from year to year, it b always of in- at to ensure that has tereust to prospective exhibitors, and key . + this year there will. be_ Toned statteego spent the week sad vdth tbutr aunt, Mrr. Wm. Jackson, otingham, Miss olive Hill, oroato, spent the week end with parents, Mr. and M_re. UWU, , nmlller. fit. The big rtuk was d a large hamar with gaily deco, d booths on every hand in whk1, res of various keels were on sale, tits west end were tables ■t which teuletltul and appetizing wooer was Ted by the ladies, and these tables tars. Atkin, of Niagara Falls, Ont., with her two daughters, la visiting her father, Mr. A. Kneeehaw, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Croft and tams -business I are away on a holiday trip to ton, Durham and other points' ynald • Mr . Mrs, Harold Liebig andGurdon gad d. , t)tea7 ti Int w111 iaciudr the welTidovTo rhatscte .; "Bird's Eye Celt of "'linnet." which ire"carte n. which is one of the �°pa. lar teat°. •w it the Star Saiv Ille procescsfoo will end asp at' BalBurdJ .yftterr - „theist a•rlcume win be e•�e ekedbusiness,,a . :t. *itTiacbed to r and the sty is thus through the various dosser a number Hoffil ted antitropeof special prises contributed by the cted. wen of the town and others. • CHARt:D tl1LT There are fro uumrrouS to be leafed herr, but some of them are u[ rtlen- ("Gans") hes lar interest. For instant*, Mr. H. J. asaswtarL-.arid ,• • ._, ! ixb roma'aeti aacr•,rw _Heck Min Q -*arena. " 9ktoria, B.C., is spending two w li town, the guest of her cousin, May Glen. Miss Verna McVitde•, of Toronto, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mn. Il. slc•\Ittir_ on f)etlt evenings SOS fsaDih '>w V jams, fel at Datto"}f,•�J�i 6h tb;nday. ..one oto. A-tgt, . - %edit - rr�� v - pear for twtizp!'!�!h`trl'lBF"Caplta r'OR I<[atsilk e b at tl,u home' bf n-ereii eenadted no. charge of Mrs. M. H. Marten, Mrs. J. Bowler, Mn. McLaughlin, Mlle steno, Mn. Fred Cr•Igfe and Miss ee Fox" 1'be 'country ,tote was conducted Mrs. Wm, Young, Mn. Willard remotes, Miss Josephine Chisholm d Mies Anode Moser. Mn. W. A. Coaithnnt had charge for dower tooth, and the candy win irtrnda in tows Mfr, i. E.shaman has returned from • t to Port William and Win- rep LA...., where she visited relatives- Mr. WUl J0105, et Zelma, Bask., was the guts% of his drtrr•ln-law, Mrs. W11soa Brownlee, on Sunday Mr. A. B. Matfie and Mr. Murdock, of Cayuga, spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. jlitede. fetta,se that ghoul rlment t At 130, a luncheon will be served at Menesetung Park, for geatiemeti only, and ticket' will be available:framer officials of the Board of Tradd, a should be secured at ones. I. $, It b het -erten that Goderich hgs aye opportunity of hearing details bt k' world fou- b one of Canada's. beg/ Jher known nee. s ,men, and there wit paw n and her b , . is ,barges Theantrr,geaal for two weeks, the other were IoW by the. f the pair,her wit claims tit ,ht used a pars to the theatre for one person fl for two weeks -to be iwsrded to the thnentening inn serious na• eel o•c ,red exhibitors obtaining the largest and[ flee. The !acid-, •- V second largest amounts In the Marti- arse Crich'. st a barn dna• cultural department.' The T. Eaton Co.,Toronto Ito aa cal,lart of %wen-- idem on the IL.• ri lbeonal tee evening of lb:Donald scats when ty-six placer of It°gore "Empire" pat - a said to have tern flatware, valve $11.95, for the b� girl's brow assist- F junior fernier winning the highest ame as she McDou- live spent the wurk7ad rout, airs. J. W. tIl Brock ,Herne. lire. Merton Davi., of (](fawn, •r- rived today on d %telt to her Gdderlch [tirade and i• theet Mr. and "guest Sint. LI. Martin. 'Lie i iii cis � ]&1T Mrs. R. FI.p Billy, left today for liiyavlile en route to tivair�bosu (n` Gibotlee a Visit - ' ah was in care d lira Q 3. 61d nr, Mn. W. J• adissla sod Niall - Mr. and Mrs Itotwrt F. (Nadi, of Postage, Mich., were in town on • -Wait father, Dr. doubtless ire a very large attewlancy of p•oml.-ent people in the deltric It is wide number of points in the stock alis In the e ' claa,ee. Dr. J. B. Whitely offers $25, ma feasts° by Mrs G. R. Rdsatt aged grabdwnu e retareed to Walkereille after ode Baechler. Messrs. Fd. Spirt and Harold Hog- 's.offIt the former's W. F. Clark. Several officials of the Huron OI n, lotion Toronto Cleo young in three prizes, for the beet foal of ]ielrooald. in l2 sinal by Jerry its boo ter. • Luling ewe mouths wittiltie nrrr rte teSpsrff-at the refreshment treed, and at the taoeywork and sew- r booth conducted by the Sodality els Mipea May Griffin, Miami Brien, Mary Crowe and Alma G'Br1- were in charge. Messes C•rrle O'Neil, Hetes Pap Mew F. B. 8ihay, who has gaunt the peat ender months ♦lrltlag relatives la ay, Au, rolls for Canada ou Satur- dry. August �• Mrs. John Johnstonand Meas Hllde pfd Jotutston, of Marquette, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Norman Baker. Boys' A• �a of on hand. t . The (:•wlerteh people are •sktat ' turn out for the parade to give t guests a royal welcome, Tickets for the luncheon may obtained :n The Miptal or 8 °Ake, Cole'+ book store or W. C. P -The 14011 t(gT'11Te1°de • 2.2e trot TIQIEB = 1 PRICES or pare. purse $150. 2.17 trot or pace. puree $'100: a relay running racy lfiundreds .'rT► °m' D( pe 11� cscaut a u n to the townshi u[ [God h, Col - n••nte►on, den estate ,: borne and ARbtfleid and the town of When the h• ' the late Goderich, purer $:,0; and n running s Mary 4 old at'ser open to the county, puree $M • c.. era and • Titer. M a Ism sertlos.ror pools muster, Yrs. Swaim -- . - _- .,, lire. A. It Farrow, of Ckeawold, De!L, is a visitor' with torr. "Mother at the homy M her'abter, firs. Martin Mugford. ('L::weae tea'uhlR. Mies E'l At:le l{palerby, °orae -la• training at Vi,iorla 1. •s;dtal, London, 'i ut t e `tct•k-end '•Ith her parents, al Bowie Tobin.eyantrd a sN: .Mrs. W. J. lluoaldsne and son(, ham & Buu'e store public aur• ,.Y. t .lass" tit* r. Saw . ,s, »! Sullivantol.-fort tw paws* 1Vp,adtbtl at - _ - - e parcel goat. Bingo was a popular game and was ndncted by Mr. Lader Graf with a Arps 01 aortune ; while a busy heel of fortune was operated in, assn. J. J.' Hayes, D. M. O'Brien, r. L Wong and P. Turner. _ QmtisL of Netles Corsets, an the d Mr. and Mrs. O. IL 1�ntDer Mrs. L. Donaldsoe. toadlags, lir. Calton Watts has returned to Culver- kb bogie Den from Columbiataking d New York, where he was taking a' Mal Sommer coarse, •aper Mr. and M Wet. s. Dunnadge and SOLDIERS' PENSION ADf,'OIiA'1'� LL -Call. Sr °freers, of London. wai• to town on ]d• tidily and Tue,day and will be here agate tomorrow soldi.rs ( Fridays In his capacity as soldteri advocate in the matter Of prosioo applications and adjustments. He is a Government oftieer appointed to assist applicants antiettr Tito .• a re or other for r int- 4 ancient e pa bra. a. y high " 'mu!! t'ru'e` et t III flu square S y !shed and tq • -hewing 011 its el used at $20 anti - t re theMarla" the cotttaf�, which shonid bring out a keen among the hnvn a cvrastetttton g ire'. The directors trust that the pru4ic of town and of the surround) des- Lrlet wilt the exhibttlon In mind keep and will eo oprnte with them. as to Year*, to tpaiRtain a Y;oderlch rang Was 1tTu %rare u f!� Mho fox___•1 few da ha wee and w t nisei aa trlend, •+OOmp° tiles germ; slap of Totatlkt. ler. J. J_ Pinfold sat daughter, MI II. P[nfoW, of Sartttaatoon, and guests atnst14 B. Ball, of Toronto, gee true of stirs M. J. Doyle, %Vest' f et't. y1µ starts Thoma., nntm4i�Tn-train- Krt. P. Ore and Mrs. $arolA 1fe!` t?M Of Inhast L1s�n gas mind- Yr m and are in putting their cases before the pea• close. si ` Park the °t *tad- industrial" as an Inrtitntton e[ !n• in g at Stretford D°Rp(ta1, vlrlLlug and tercet, imsled value 1e the her trth bad th.rge eg elemllant N► ,. j)i, tribunal. A score or so of kMal was "Peal" at the home of p•n141s. - - "= Y weeps a°�agy01t;' tib lie. �I,e�l.em $�L, a were braagh4 tAki r�tntle0 ear NO k ashlers i d tt community. _ Stn. L V. s, st>e(n a 0. _..see- JIM 1-dtBtle& have nrbed MSS. arise addresses were gives by y ypk• f,Ltktw• Cents. Oso. Spot • tan, M.P., and W. H. Robertson. Rev. Father Pocock, acting parish was present on both evenings, fed other clergymen in ■ttelidance H. Humber. were Itev. Fathers McCardle of Kings- Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Weir have bridge, Sullivan of Clinton, Paquette returned from a week's vielt to their of St Augustine, T. McCarthy or 'no Mr. - W. Weir, who is doing pat rE toral work itt Ravenna. Grey county, Strethroy, H. Pocock of London and for the simmer. Ferguson of Brantford. Dr. Hugh flaretson, of Detroit, old Little ]lies. 1'. H. Sehweyer and daughtet. June, have returned to their home a1 Nelles Corners after visiting with. Mrs, Scbweyer's parrots, Mr. and Mrs. C.- An . An orchestra from Drysdale, com- posed of Jas. Dcnomme, Vincent Jef- frey, Lawrence l'orrlvesu out Mer- vyn Stelck, gave a musical program, and Father Sullivan showed his ver- satility by contributing whistle's solos on Wednesday night spent several days last week with kis wife and little son, who are viitttag Mrs. Harrison's parents, Mr. and Mr". John S. Howrie. MI•. Florence Crawford, of Kenotaa who has been spending some weeks visiting at cariou* points In the ('Det-'. The Looky Ones $tate., Ix a visitor with her sister, Miss The drawing for the prixee was Katherine Crawford. • awaited with much interest, and the The Misses Florence and Evelyn results were announced late Wednes- Dougherty returnee this week froaa--- day night, as follows: trip to England. Ireland, France sod Ton of coal (contributed by 14. L. the Netherlands. They were abroad Demi)-R. ('. Hays, sr. $10 gold about six week, and had a most en - piece (contributed by Mee. (Judge) joyahle hotlday. (modelle)-Mrs. ROM. flowand.--ILO .._(.pain William &Lerwick left on 7, Lncknow. $10 gold piece (croute- Wednewlay for Sarni■ to rejoin -11 ' Doled by J. B. Reynolds! -Michael oil tanker locolite, of the imperial M. Doyle, Mount Carmel. $5 (eontri- OB fleet. The eaptiln Is serving ■s buted by Deputy Reeve J. J. Moser) first mate on the ineollte. He had -F. B. Holman, Brunswick street. been enjoying a visit at hie home here Stratford. 100 lbs. sugar (contributed the past two weeks. by J. Rparrl-Albert Bebade, Erie Mayor C. M. llezeau and Mr. and street, Stratford. Box of candy (con' Mn. Mortimer Beeceu, of Kitchener,W tressd by Mint Hogan) -Mn. 1I• were in town at the week -end. Mrs. Nelms. Iamb (donated by W. L. (;. tianderaon of town, who had been Toaeg)-Albert Kneeshaw. Anntver- visiting for a week at Kitchener, 'T- eary wedding cake (donated by Mrs. turned home with them. R. J. Phelan I -Mn. Peter Graf. Mrs. R. A. King, of Detroit, and Mr. Iambs donated by Frank Young and and Mrs. Henry Davin and son Billie. Harry Young went by way of the a Loa A. Devi ,go A, arengeles Deee tguests sof Mrs. wheel of fortune to tacky investors and - It was long after midnight before niece of Mrs. King and Mn. David - the paid kermem of 1932 was brought son and a granddaughter orf Mn. Rob- - t0 a S. and although rain poured in torrent' outside It did not dampen the enthusiasm of the crowds who at midnight watched the spinning of the wheel of fortune or planted beans on the bingo boards. The flnandel results of the Hader taking will not be known meetly for some days, but Father Pageek eg• pressed himself as well pleated with the patronage extended. Ex -Warden Hayes an chairman of the men's com- mittee and Mrs. P. Graf as the head of the ladles' rommlttee eome in for s epeeist word of e•ongratulatioe r►n the .ncress of the event. o t e -r- -week, and l down to Mr. W. 't and at • A 4tarian Clith aa, fs,•tlstne4. tod these of the corresponding week of i beautiful high walnut dresseg was so- (Thursday ), ow[ng to unfivonble last year, were recorded by Mr. J. E. cured by Mr. Stavin Green fog x3( and weather rondltionI, The outing will Thomas, jr„ of Detrott, spent the past I ranged with silver, pink roses end Mutch, oftcial weather +Ahaerver, 'se video -!L ••M- Reid gat a Ilea cabint t be Iwid tomorrow ( Friday)_ afir:ne n { wick to tlw homoo_af_Me Murphy's tapers. goes. ltaechter, mother of the - follows: at $15. Two walnut hack horsehair at St. Patrick's Park. parents., Mr. and Mira T, T. Murphy. I bride, wore a becoming dress of beige 1932 1031 I rockers went for $15.75 and 110.50 j ser. and sire. W. H. Doak, Miss respectively to Mrs. (cwton-Brady, of IT HOTEL SUNSET Evelyn iii t Mr. And Mrs. ID Doak, Doak I georgette with 1n its of lace, a beige Max. Min. alas. min I Ve' y het and shoes and gloves to match. 16; Hayfield, and Mrs. Tr.mblay, A solid Guests at hotel Sunset during the and son Barry slant Monday 1n Onelph 55 l wiilnut table with reimoable top went pat week were: Mr.. Harry F.Tier corsage WAR of Talisman rosea. the guests et Mr. and Mrs. H. B. 04.1 to Mr. Green for $4. Bridges and Mise Evelyn Bridger, St„w.,,. and Mr. Thos. mealy= et Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Murphy and awn d. f n, as ch col Jar aid tonal ver of ad res e r - Es• was on ca r- Tbe Itlau- Ted and ere. Ave Her - lug the sieo- dal { re•epfloo was •^•' - • re of flowers ltd palms were used effect- ively, and the bride's table wa,t ar- Thurs., Aug. 11 ..77 :+lei Frt. Ang. 12 .... 70 St; Sat., Aug. 13 75 54 Sun., Aug. 14 76 :+3 Mon., Aug. 15- 7R 54 Tues., Aug. 18 -82 00 Wed., Aug. 17 RI t« 72 is 74 75 R3 741 444 411. Mr. Thos. Gundry, auctioneer, was Windsor; Mrs. C. A. House, Wheeling, Mrs. L. R. Render and ren. Mrs. Bourke, mother of the groom, chose a gown of black lace and crepe mu �1n his element and under his skilful Miss Marie McGarrell Cleve Yvonne and Bobbie, have returned to with becoming black hat and tnatch- W. \'e.l $1 eIng shoes and gloves, and wore a ant.maga. Imuquet of Talisman room Later - 69 handling the bidding hrink land; Mr. Joe. B. Hoff, Wheeling, W. their home In Toronto after a two n 4Nn Va.; sir, and Mn. O. L. Morrow and week" visit at the 'parental home. CHURCH NOTES T,t1'mtty, Brighton:. Dr: and ;firs. ca• W. peon- ,trere;a- Finnerud and Mr. and Mn. 11..1. Wit- 1pr. P. L and sirs. Tye of Wirer - conduct Chicago; airy. 2. F. Conley,,, tam *pent timidity with the former's F.. Mann, of Blueviae, will Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ander-cooduct tits services l0 victorstreet Rev. A.mbther, afro. w.'n. Tye. Mi,: Flor- Itilted church nest Buudap. The ger. seen, Toronto;Mr. and Mrs. A. L. once Thulditombe of New Hembnry THEFT OF WINE Morley Wright and Heber Melwrod, young men of Howick township, were charged in Police Court on Monday with theft. They pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of wine from Peter 'Ackert, farmer near Lakelet, and were placed on suspended sentence for two years, with payment of colts. They were given a stern lecture by Magis- trate Reid. Entry was made Into the 4arm--beme of Mr. Dlckert by forcing NOWIiANW RiD FIST 2. Bowman's bird won first place In the weekly pigeon fight for young Mrd. held by the Oaderieh Homing Pigeon Aawocfation, hut week -rod. The bird.. released at Sarnia at 7 as.., began to arrive shortly after 8 o'elack• Mr. Bowman'* bird beteg re- ported at 9.03 a.m. Some minutes lat- er Ave birds were reported almost sim- niteneomily. Those arriving first were. •o...., 15 J. Bowman 9.08 ym. 904 W Raker - 9116 "fit J. Bowman ,:(,i, veer •-•-• . b¢r PUb diose. * Rii'ftW . SM W. Geromett - .a.1fiX !! 1, Rowoaa 9.141 !84 P. Jelmatsa a.11t iNS P. Jwhrasatt x.141 mon subjects will be: 11 a.m., "A Strouse 'and Mr. Leon Bayes, Albion, ( i eeomi anit' l them. Perplexed ,Prophet ; 7 P.m., "A Place N'T' ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex..,j;endne, Miss I Meagre. George and Reg. Sowerby by Me." Sunday school at a m. M. Campbell, Mr. A. Campbell and returned home laic week from a mo- onto, Is a professor In the department Mrs. T. Mitchell, Hamilton; Mr. and , for trip through New Ontario, crass- of philosophy of the University of St. Ing at the "Soo" and returning through.tovra' ttuests included: silo hignn vDetroit. Mr. and Mrs. Bourke, North Bay; Mrs. Thom$s ia Ceawforrl. Mhut Cask-. Mrs. Jennie MecDunald. Port HuronT a rine and' Mr. Lyn) Crawford. Well-' MLg Tredeau, Ottawa; Miall' Agnes"'- cslcy street, are away on a trip to O'Brien. Messrs. Nell, tieorRe and 001' 001- Measeereffiateffireffiler .and I- - �a' Rlo Grande,--in-the -Poses_.Biver_dia- def-•O'iieiM.s $a+iit_i-Afis�iLo+wiy^•- ,,..._.: Dayton, 41.; Mr. W. E. Whipp, fid- triad. They will he away for a month. Stratford; Miss Cairns, Camlachle, ' ney, (1. ; Mr.. N. E. McLaren andMr. 1 Rev. M. D. O'Neil. of nes Moines. l ,and Mr. Pat Flynn, Preston. . A. D. McLaren, Toronto; Mr. 1'. J. Iowa. Mr. T. J. O'Neil, of Winnipeg. -- Mr. and Mrs. Bourke left by motor for an extended motet trip %davit wily in- chule the Saguenay River. The bride - travelled It, a suit of beige Reaehnnara crepe, with brown felt hat and brown accessories. They will resale at St. Lolls, Mo., where the bridegroom, who to a graduate of the University of Tor. ser%tees at eke Moeda "grit sea w tom Sabbath ill be tastes•by the MrL ''k r-' blDoles, ea, pastor, Rev. W. T. Bunt. Wbjeeta: Alto Mr' and Mrs. N. J. Maloney, 11 a.m., "A Comforting A en rise- I LOMf,•-Verner J' Band One Never -Failing /ma: -7 -shin. .0",1fathtterer, L, Mr, Bourke, sr., St. Louis; Mr. and Yrs. W. --rvi 16a Toronto; the cellar door. The wine was first' Seven -Fold Duty.' ' Bilrlc oohed at hidden in a clump of boahes and later._...._.. removed. The boys were brought to The pn►pit of kmoz chileek next Goderich In care of County Constable Rurlday vat tee occupied by Rev. Galloway of Corrie, who laid the James Wilson, D.D., of Termite. Dr. charges. Wilson who is one of the leaden MOTORCYCLE THIEF CAUGHT of the Perlan ovand In Can - MOTORCYCLE Is a Heron old hey ,end a gnda- A local motorcycle dealer's suapieious ate of Goderich High S. l of and will materially assisted In the apprehension he heard with special interest. on Friday last of a motorcycle thief, Rev. A. O. W. Foreman, B.A., of and the recovery of the stolen ma- Erin, Hamilton Conference. will preach chine. Two weeks ago a young trans- at both eervlcea Is rem>: street tent, astride an "Indite" machine, at- 1'nited church on (tenthly next. The tempted to sell Mr. William Lnmby a pastor, Rev. G. T. Watt. is returning couple of motorcycles. The price was to Erin circuit for anniversary 'ter- se low as to make Mr. Lumby swipe vier,. Erin tieing a former pastoral clous that all was not as It should be, charge of Mr. Watts. and before completing the deal be Rev. John Mifflin. It..t . M.R.E., of Baltimore, Maryland, wa< the speaker at the morning service in `Orth street. United chur•hh on Rnwlny. Mr. M11- lian in director of religions education In the Baltimore Conference of the Methodist ElptacopOl Chnr. h. He is a former Goderich boy. the .on of Mr. Andrew Milian, Britannia road. Mr. Mifflin spoke on the theme "A Won- derful Diseovery," hearing hie dfaronr•se on the story of the eoncersion of the Apostle Paul. Musie•loveru enjoyed n treat on Sunday when Mr. Bert ('tett, of Galt, sang before eongregatlonR in Knox Presbyterian aro! North 'tri t Malted ehnrehei. He wan £erotnttanhtd on Me visit to his old home fowl by Mr. James Watton, hartfone. of Oalt. At Knox ehnreh to the morning Mt. ('off sang a onto, "The Great .lwakening," and Mr. Watson an*lated him In the duet, "How Sweet the Nome of Jenna Rotted.." In the evening the coupe- ration ongerBatton of North street rhnreb was augmented by Nny from other chnrehee. Mends. Cott And Watso repeated their duet, "HOW ifweet the Name," and Mr. Cott rendered a solo, entitled "The Penitent." ""`*".."� • A gentleman with an etbrrvant ape ert Bisset, of Edmonton, Alta., ■ form- stated that he would like to make sure the mat'hinea were paid for. No more dickering was done by the stranger that day. Mr. Lumby located him a couple of days later and the man at- tempted to postpone the deal. Ills suspicions by this time fully arousal, Mr. Immhy took careful note of the Beense member of the stranger's motor- cycle, and reported to the local po lice hie hellet that the machine was a stolen one. In the meantime the fellow made his getaway. The Milkers took up the•chase for a short distance, but call. to Dungan- non and Lueknow revealed that the rider had passed through both those plaera and the attempt to overtake him wee dieeontlnued. On Friday the pollee here were notified of the theft of a motorcycle from Preston. A check-up of license numbers with Mr. Lomtty showed that the number of the Orden vehicle tallied with that of the machine driven by the stranger. ' - That evening at Walkerton a young man who gave the name of Prank Hon.. but whose right name 1s he - ',loved to he Fred Frank, et Toronto, was arrested. He 'eras v'1Ateg the stolen motorcycle. He has been re- moved to Preston. to flier charge* of theft, 'ioStrilltrefesee. wmss le 1 m.'pten. at- tempted to sail Mo mntarcycles to several ether ettlsens. and also aeenn.d s sepply of gasoline and other artlelen seder felon pretene ea er r,. ddent .of this' viektit?. Mr. sod Mn. J. J. Hail were at London on Tuesday attending a cere- mony at Sacred Heart convent at which Blshop Kidd officiated in rarely - Ing a number of young women as re- ligion. sisters. Their Mere, Miss Mary Hall, of Mount Carmel, was one of those who took the holy habit. Mr. and Mn. John 1.. Aitken, Mar- ket street, had a* their guests the past week their grandson. Master Arden Douglas Aitken. of London, and Dr. Moss, of Edmonton University, Mn. Moss and daughter Marlon, of Edmon- ton, Alberta, who are enjoying a two month** motor trip through Oeiario. ()nests at Meneeetnng Park : Mrs. Harry L. Barnes, Master Robert Barnes, Maker Walter Bernet', Mi•, Elizabeth Barnett. Miss M. Mcisaac, Goderich; H. G. Bnehanan, London; Mims Elisabeth Carrell, Toronto; W. H. Falls, Toronto; Mr. and Mr.. G. Ken- dall. London: Mr. and Mrs, G. Thompsnn, Walkerville ; Mr. and Yrs. 11. M. Long, Mina Rhtrley Tong, Lea" den ; Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Chantey, Throats; Mr. J. C Masters, Miss. E Mae res. Kra W. Madero. New estrtle, Pa : Dr. and Mr. .3 C Fitzgerald, n, SeyMoar Toon, Pet ("sthartne0; i. aid lyes. A. i4 ( fee, t1Yttent ; 'air, and Mrs W D Sannderi .04 famfiy, Getderheh : Mr and Mrs. C. J. Berns. Landon; Mr. Gen. M. Seymour. De- troit ti Flynn, Preston; Mr. and Mn. Guy 1'. Mr. Daniel Wlnalow, of Council Bluffs. Morton, Cleveland ; E. H. Rhiuleworth, Iowa, end Mr. John McDonald, of De. London; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hess, Cincinnati; Mr. and sirs. Jame' 3. Miller, Detroit; Mr. and sirs. C. E. Markus, Cincinnati; Mrs. Joseph Har- ry and Miss Constance and Joan Har- ry, Orreme Pointe, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, Toronto; E.- W. Lewis, jr.,, Grosse Pointe: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. ('.111n,, of Iakewood, Mr. Wm. Knox and Miss Margaret Knox indianapolti, Ind.; E. De Harte. Montreal. BRIEFS The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospftel Auxiliary will he held In the public library board room on Monday, August 22nd, at 4 p.m. A hill attendance le requested. The W. L. Forreat Dredging Com- pany has completed the dredging of the Kincardine harbor channel. At present the crew are auatsting the Ber- mingham & Rot Constrnetlon Company in I.y1n* a new water intake pipe at Kincardine. Dr. I,M. Mabee received today from Ottawa a three -menthe -old pedigreed cocker spaniel, to tike the piece in hie menages of (typ TM1. who pressed away a few menthe ago. The new ar- rival le black and white. like hitt pre- d.ecaiora, and will he known as Gyp 1 V. Baron Lulwater, Dr. Whitely's speedy pacer, made s splendid allow- ing at i.ondon on WMneaday of last week. The horse- made a fired and two aer•oads In the 2.20 clews. The time for the three heats wait 2.15, 2.15,4, and 2.17. John Mullen bandied the rein.. Mr A 1. Mwxwell. who has been seat tit t thin M onrrat ll this "Pee~trim golf' trim suggests tA.e �St " eros n W etrsP(rrAtafhr stereos -mg r'4seiidesy:lSMe-91NK p"' stye .herald he fkken down. They are two wefi-kaer%ai, •tared and property In mnner•tovh of pease now that the evert Is over t and sr. iemewhat (lee early for sett year'► meet. herewithbeside the river at Bay Sold Mr and Mr. Maxwell Intewd to berolsie remedied" of Raafleld trolt, are visiting with relatives here this week. Mr. and Mee. Frank Donnelly a tended the welding at Chepsw toon W,rinetelay' of the former', Meter.Mertes, daughter of Senator .J, J. and Donnelly. onnelly. to Wlflhim Manriee Flannery of North Bac. (leo. Bnehanan. K.C. and Mrs. Bu- chanan, of Sudbury. vi,Itel in God- erleh for A few day, this week. Mr. Buchanan le a native of Zurich and attended Goderieh Collegiate Ttitute before tektite h$, law entirse. Me. --wed Men, George B. Dunlop of Toronto were among the week -end vial - tors In town and were the Retests Rof Mr. and Mr'. avenhill. Mr. Dunlop Itt r sot of the late Hugh Dunlop of Gralerich township, hitt thin was ht. flet silt to Goderlch in twenty -flee• yea re. Mr. end Mrn. A. E. Tholes and fam fly, of Ottawa. .reompanled by Mr R. H. Tye of Colborne, motored to Goferich on Ratnrday. Mr. Thome and Mr. Tye returned on Monday. Mid. Thome hs remaining for a atilt with her mother, Mrs. Tye. CARTER --REED .t pre y midsummer wedding took pis. • t the home of Mr. R. L. heed, brill road, Go+Ierlch; on Wednes- day, August 17th. when his serond daughter, Mary Evelyn, of Toronto, and Mr. It. Raymond Carter, of Tor- onto, yormger son of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Carter, Clinton, were malted In the bond, of holy matrimony. Rev. 1)..1'. Lane, pastor of Knox Presbyter - len church. and cousin of the bride, (Continued on page 4) AT THE HARBOR The freighter Georgian arrived at nevem on Tee,d*y with a cargo elf - grain. About 53,000 bushels of wheat were discharged at the Western Can- ada Fiona Neillto elevator and the hal- ene•e. 61,000 huibela of wheat and ,w•recning,, went to the Ooderleh Ele- vator and Tnn.it Co. The *termer also earned a number of empty oil drums. to he unloaded at Sarnia. The tng W. T. Forret arrived at the harbor nn Ratnrday evening. it hronght elf* ft the drill .'ow belong Mg 10 the W L. Ferrrrst Dredging Oommatt from CollingwoOd, where 11 std- beef. ~twat for the Just .alio, :ltaaU: 'rho tug loft an flwrtday mete Ing for KtecardTne. wketair .fie (tom- iMttY 1. cendmettng dredging operations at the harlot channel SUCCUMBS TO HEART £TTACK r- - Death of Herbert F. Morris a (heat Leas to Colborne Townshlp Colborne township has loot Its muni- cipal clerk and a much respected re - trident by the death, on Wedne.day afternoon, of Mr. Herbert F. Morris, atter an illness of a few day,. Mr. Morris for venue years had been nub - Jon to nevem heart attacks, and It was one of these that proved fatal. The funeral w111 take place on Saturday afternoon from the family resldenee, 4th concennion of Colborne, to the Col- borne townahtp eesnetery. Mr. Morris was in hie fifty-nlntk pear.- a wan a native of Caehorne, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morrie, and with the exreptlon of name years spent to Menthol)* Aad lived all 10I Tide in his native township. He U survived by his wife, two daughters, Mary, of Anstln, Man., and Jesan, grad- uate none, and a son, Dongald, at home, and two brother., F.dwin, of Auatln, Man., and Joseph, of RnRala. Reeve A. J. Goldthorpe today e•t- prM.M Tet* Aero n'gret et the leas .netafmd be Nee angavasalp Mr Mor- rie wart appointed municipal clerk two ffiff-leo (8 -Mfr. rratitbnrpe's Biel• w+ r" year as rie e. aid getrefld alduPit d&1I'' ",!,'M!a!'.'"'! !;",'.;',`, -rteellemt offidal--"the best towed*. ' clerk In Canoes." in the Reeve's esti- option.