The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-05-29, Page 1724. Business opportunities AERIAL ADVERTISING ,with your own money -making helium blimp for less than $2,500. Tis the Season. Reply now! Crystal Clear Promotions, Box 626, Crystal Beach, Ontario IAS 1130. —022 20. Public notices NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons. in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Act, R.S.O. 1980 Sections 4, 14 and 21, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Township of Kinloss are destroyed by date of June 17, 1985, and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said ands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnest- ly solicited. LORNE ROBINSON Weed Inspector W. F. HAWTHORNE Clerk TOW NSHIP OF KINLOSS 31. Cards of thanks AITCHISON Sincere thanks' to my family, friends and neighbours who made my birthday such a, memorable occasion and to all who attended the open house at the Salvation Army Citadel. To the Home League ladies a special thank you for lovely decorations and food: Relatives attended from Markham, W ind- sor, Paris, Stroud, Malton, Harriston and vicinity. Beautiful flowers, cards and gifts made May 17, 1985 a wonderful day to remember. Thanks to all. Jean Aitchison —22 LUCK NOW BROWNIES, GIRL GUIDES, PATHFINDERS AND RANGERS Would like to thank everyone who supported them on cookie day and also for the paper drive. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please save your newspapers for our next drive' in the fall. —22 MILLER We would like to thank our family, friends and neighbours for helping `make our 50th anniversary a very memorable occasion. Also many thanks for all the lovely cards and gifts and phone calls. They were all. very much appreciated. Thanks again. • Eldon and Dorothy Miller —22x NOTICE In order to improve the local availability of information on geology and mineral re- sources, the following publications are now available for purchase at the Wingham District office of the Ministry of Natural Resources, on Highway No. 4, south of W Ingham: The Phsyiography of Southern Ontario $20.00 and accompanying maps 510.00 Geological Highway Map of Southern Ontario S1.0Q Rocks and Minerals of Ontario S2.00 A geologist is also available to provide technical information and advice -' inquiries should be directed to Terry • Carter. Telephone: 357-3131. MINISTRY OF . Hon. Michael Harris Minister NATURAL Mary Mogford RESOURCES Deputy Minister NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PURSUANT TO SECTION 34 (L 2) OF THE PLANNING ACT, 1983 Concerning a proposed amendment to the comprehensive zoning by-law of the Township of Kinloss TAKE NOTICE that tho Council of tho Township of Klntoss will hold a PUBLIC MEETING ON THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1985 at 8:00 P.M. In the Kinloss Township Municipal Offices, Holyrood, 'Ontario In order t0 consider a proposed amendment to the Township's Comprehensive Zoning By -Law No. 7-1981, as amended. The proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment Is designed to reflect the Bruce County Plbnning policies recently adopted for the lands In the vicinity of Silver Lake; and Is intended to change the existing zoning of various parcels of land in this area to Residential, Restricted Agriculture, Environmental, Protection, Open Space and Planned Development Zoning categories. Lands affected by the proposed amendment are generally located on Part of Lots 16 - 24, Ranges 1 and 2, S.D.R., In the Township of Kinloss. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATSON relating to the proposed Zoning Amendment can be obtained from the Bruce County Planning Department, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, or at the Municipal Clerk's Office (Telephone:.' 1519] 395-3575j. DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS THIS 29TH DAY OF MAY, 1085. / Frank Hawthorne Clerk -Treasurer Township of Kinloss HOLYROOD, Ontario. NOG 2B0 Iircknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 29, 1985—Page 17 31. Cards of thank$ FLNLAYSON I wish to thank my many Lucknow friends for their kindness in sending me get well cards and newsy letters, flowers and goodies galore , during my long stay . in hospital and since coming home. Liella Finlayson. -22 SHACKLETON I would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, and treats while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Florence Shackleton. +22 STEER I shall always remember your many kind- nesses, your prayers, cards, letters, gifts of flowers etc. It all did soy much for me. Thanks also to Doctors and nurses at the Wingham Hospital and London for their wonderful care. I shall always in my heart remember you all. Yours truly, Ena Steer. 4:22 ROBINSON I wish to sincerely thank my relatives, neighbours and friends for their acts of kindness, cards, letters and flowers while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don and since returning home. Annette Robinson. +22 GEERTSMA \ Sincere • thanks to all who remembered us with cards and flowers on the occasion of our 50th anniversary. • Eldert and Grace Geertsma -22x CHISHOLM Wilma Chisholm woule like to express sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their kindness, flowers, cards and prayers following her recent surgery and invites friends •to drop in during her long convalescence. —22 MORRLSON We would like to thank Dr. Shalom and the obstetric nurses, especially Mrs. Goria Dow, for the care received during our stay in the hospital. Thank you for all the cards and gifts we received. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Glenda and Lesley Morrison —22x CUNNINGHAM We wish to thank everyone who came to help celebrate our 25th anniversary. Thanks for gifts, flowers, cards and best wishes. We can never thank our family enough for their time and hard work. It was just super, . Ford and Eunice Cunningham —22 32. Coming events MAITLAND VALLEY REGION FLEA MARKET •Clifford, June 8 and 9, antique cars and parts, antique fashion show, antique car show. Beef BBQ Saturday 5 - 8 p.im. Barber Shop Quartet. Vendors welcome. Call 924-3480. —21,22 F. E. MADILLDRAMA CLUB Presents The Spirit of Broadway • at F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham, May 30 - 31 and June 1 at 8 p.m. Adults $2,00, children 12 and under $1.00. —20,21,22 FIDDLE AND STEP DANCE CONTEST July 12 and 13. Fergus Community Centre, Fergus, Ontario. Camping available. For information call Mery W cods (519) 843-1630. —021-024 T L.A W N BOW LING Anyone interested in lawn bowling call Isobel Miller, 528-6942 or Donald MacKin- non, 528-3043. Bowling Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:30. Fee $6.00 for first year. Bowls available. —22x PRE REGISTRATION W INGHAM NURSERY SCHOOL For 1985-86 school term will be held on June 4; 5, 6, 7 from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Children must be 21 years old and toilet trained. Come in and see us at Josephine Street, mess from the Town Hall or call 357-2362 for more information. —22 32. Coming events BRIDAL SHOWER For Vicki Delbergue, June 5, 8 p.m., St. Augustine Parish Hall. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome --22 --EDUCATION DISCUSSION Public School supporters in Ashfield and West Wawanosh are., invited to meet with their trustee, Tony McQuaid, on Thursday, May 30, 8:00 p.m., Brookside School. Superintendent Paul Carroll will lead a dis- cussion on Special Education in Huron County. A Trustee's report and discussion will follow. —22 40TH ANNIVERSARY The family of Stuart and Pearl Jamieson would like to invite al -friends and relatives to the 40th wedding anniversary of their parents, June 8, Lucknow Legion. Best wishes only: —22,23 GARDEN PARTY Trinity UCW Garden Party, Tuesday, June 4, 5. - 7 :311 p. rn. at Brookside Public School. Adults, $5:50.,, children 6 = 12, $2.00, preschool free Everyone weclome. —22 USED BOOK SALE Huron County's largest used book sale on Saturday, June 1, 10 - 7:30, and Sunday, June 2, 12 - 4 in Memorial Hall, Blyth. Books and magazines, tours of the theatre, bake table and refreshments. Art exhibit featur- ing Morris Darling. Readings at 2 p.m. by story teller Mickie McClear (Saturday) and author Gisele Ireland (Sunday). Admission free. Proceeds to Blyth Festival. -22 ONTARIO WATERWAY CRUISES On Rideau Canal and Trent -Severn Water- way; private cabins and all meals onboard, 2 - 6 days; June 1 to October 14, brochure, Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3606. —022 JUNE LEGION DANCE Saturday, June 1 Lucknow Legion 9 :00 - 1:00 "J.B,s„ Smorgasbord Lurch $10.00 per couple TROUSSEAU TEA In honour of Mary Ann Ritchie, bride-to-be at the home of Mrs. Clarence Ritchie, 619 Canning Street, Lucknow Monday, June 3, 2 - 5 or 7 - 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. —22x SLIDE PRESENTATION by Bill and Hilda Vanderklippe on their work with the CRWRC in Mexico for the last five years, on Tuesday, June 4, 8 p.m., in. The Christian Reformed Church. Everyone welcome. Refreshments will be served afterwards:+22 GARAGE SALE Sat., June tat 580 Outram St. from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.+22x ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Will be held at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church, Sunday, June 9, 1985 at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Glenn Noble of Swift Current, Saskatchewan will be guest minist- er. —22 LUCKNOW KIN SUMMERFEST '85 June 21-22-23 MEN'S AND LADIES SLOW PITCH TOURNAMENT Friday 9 - 1 Monte Carlo Night' Saturday 1 - 6:30 Summerfest Gardens Open Large screen videos, free movies for Idds Garage sale at Arena Beef Barbecue 5:30 p.m. Free Dance 9:30 -1:00 "By Special Request" Monte Carlo licence No. 493861 TEEO1F TO VILUES in classifieds