The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-05-22, Page 9Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 22, 1985—Page 9 May Tea huge success The May Tea of the Lucknow District Horticultural Society was a huge success once again. The hall looked lovely with all the spring flowers . and the different "displays. The guests were welcomed by the ,�iesident,. Mary MacGillivray and the music was supplied by Edith Webster, Blanche Needham, Dorothy, Brown and Norman Taylor. The registration was in charge of Evelyn Henderson and Joyce Swan. The sales table was in charge of Mary Loth and Ruth Bogues. The committee in charge of the tea tables were Lenore Glenn, Mary Boyle, Dawna/Richardson, Alene Trommer, June Brenner and Deanna Reavie. Belle Mole looked after the membership table. The historical book was on display. Myrtle and Harlow Stonehouse are keeping this up to date and it looks most interesting. The winners, of the lucky tickets were Allene Trommer, Belle Mole, Mary Col- linson, Ruby McDonald, Margaret Mole, Winnifred Gammie, Myrtle Stonehouse, Mary Belle Peddle. Contestants needed The Ripley -Huron Reunion is approaching quickly. The, committee in charge of the Il Reunion Queen Pageant would like any girls, aged 16 to 18, living within the boun- daries of the Ripley Public School area, who are interested in entering to cpntact Barb Liddle at 395-5466. Anyone willing to sponsor a girl for the Reunion Queen Pageant should also contact Barb. Girls must be 16 by Aug. 1, 1985, and the Pageant will take place on Thursday evening, Aug. 1. The deadline for entries will be June 30. Mrs. Jean Hughes (left) and Mrs. Jean Jardine served as the tea hostesses for the afternoon when the Lucknow Horticultural Society held it's May Tea at the .Legion Wednesday. In addition to this event, the Legion was also taking orders for fall tulips: (Photo by Alan Rivett) Mrs. Irene Haldenby (left), Mrs. Annie Kilpatrick, and Miss Ada Webster enjoy tea and cake at the Lucknow Horticultural Society's May Tea Wednesday. The event also featured the sale of flowers and baked goods. (Photo by Alan Rivett) Plans made for Brwelea Haven visit in June By M ay Boyle - Kinlough W .M.S. Mrs. Don Robertson was hostess for the Kinlough Presbyterian W .M.S. meeting on Wednesday afternoon. Sixteen ladies were in attendance. Mrs. Don Bushell presided and extended a welcome and read a poem. Mrs. Don Reid read the minutes of the previous meeting and the correspondence in the form of a letter encouraging the rewording of the purpose which is repeated at each meeting. Mrs. Robertson gave the treasurer''§ report. The monthly offering and the special offering for the adopted child was taken. Plans were made for the luncheon following the both morning and evening anniversary services on Sunday,. May 26. Mrs. Tom McDonald had the devotions from Proverbs and her meditation was four poems on Mother. She dosed with a prayer. Mrs. Glen Haldenby took charge for the program. She divided the ladies into three groups and handed a set of two questions to each group. She supplied information from which the groups found the answers. MEV 1.. �t v� A discussion followed. Of great interest was learning that the largest Presbyterian congregation in. the world is in South Korea as 323 missionaries are Korean. Some have already gone to West Germany to proclaim the gospel message. They are devoted Christian people. For many Koreans, Sunday is a truly Holy day. They walk distances to workshop and remain the entire day. Some felt they should pray for missionaries to be send to Canada with the Christian gospel and devotion. Hymns were sung throughout the meet- ing and prayer brought the meeting to a close. The hostess served delicious refresh- ments which was/ followed by a bake sale and a sale of plants and flower slips. The May meeting of the Anglican Church Women was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ronald Thacker with an attendance of 16. Mrs. Delbert Hedley presided and wel- comed everyone and it being Ascension day Mrs. Roy Collins read the scripture for the day and all joined in singing a .hymn. Mrs. Ronald Thacker read the minutes of the last meeting and the roll call was TKliThi:ii;PANIM: Phone 357-1630 for 24 hour movie information What The Creators Of "Police Academy" Did For Law Enforcement Is Nothing Compared To What They're .Doing To Traffic School! PLAYING FROM FRIDAY to TUESDAY May 24th to 28th SHOW TIMES: Friday and Saturday at 7:00 and 9:00p.m. SUNDAY -TUESDAY AT8:00 P.M. ONLY answered with a verse or poem in keeping with the day. Prayers followed. A generous donation was made towards the paintingof the interior of the church which is underway at present. Plans for a visit to Brucelea Haven were made for the June meeting. Agnes Hod- gins and May Boyle are in charge of planning. May Boyle read a poem and Gertrude Walsh told an interesting story. A reading was given -by Mrs. Roy Collins and Mrs. Delbert Hedley read a poem. Janet Goldspink of Kincardine spoke on Women's House of Bruce County, which is located next to the Kincardine and District Hospital. This is a shelter for women and children with family problems. She said there is a great need here as well as in Turn to page 18 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 26 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Rev. Warren McDougall B.A.M.Div. Nursery and junior congregation provided EVERYONE WELCOME i LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY,IMAY 26 COMMUNION SERVICE WorshlffService.11:00 a.m Junior Church Service, ages 4 - 8, 11 ELM. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. REV. ALLLSON J. RAMSAY, MINISTER Nursery Downstairs Fbr little Ones Under Fbur LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Invites You To Worship With Them On SUNDAY, MAY 26 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m Nursery downstairs morning & afternoon EVERYONE WELCOME T,I LpV 1�1 1 4001110. 111 1111 • Look for our FULL-PAGE AD in the Midnight Madness in this week's paper for what's showing at the Park & Mustang. (James Bond is coming) LUCKNOW DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE OPEN DATES AVAILABLE FRIDAY May 24 June 7, 14 July 12, 28 SATURDAY, MAY 25 Karen Metzger and Dave Atkinson FRIDAY, MAY31 Brian Howes and Debbie Karcz SATURDAY, JUNE 8 -Paul Calhoun and Mary Ann Ritchie SATURDAY, JUNE 15 Harold and Jessie France CALL THIS NUMBER BETWEEN. 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. ONLY 528-3532 jd. LUCKNOW AND DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL REGISTRATION Saturday, June 1 Saturday, June 8 9:00 A.M. - 12 NOON 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. at Lucknow Town Hal' -There will be two summer swimming sessions starting July 8 and August 5, 19 PLEASE NOTE The size of the Yellow and Orange swimming classes Is limited. So corns early and gat the time of your choke. The Red and White Classes aro not restricted. ON REGISTRATION DAY PLEASE KNOW • SWIMMING LEVEL ATTAINED • TIME PERIOD DESIRED •IN WHICH SWIMMING SESSION YOU WANT TO BE ENROLLED [July or August or both) DON'T ENROLL SMALL CHILDREN WHO ARE LESS THAN 44" TALL