The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-05-01, Page 3Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 1, 1985—Page 3 Grant Chisholm of Lucknow proudly displays a quilt given to him, at the District A9 Lions convention in Owen! Sound April 10. Thirteen lioness Clubs from the area contributed to the quilt and also gave Mr. Chisholm a colour t.v. for his nine years of working with the Lioness Clubs. (Photo by Alan Rivett) Presented with quilt.... from page 1 .running smoothly; he says: The following year, in 1975, Mr. Chisholm became the lions district gover- nor. At this time he was head over 63 lions clubs from as far north as Ferndale -lions Head to Drumbo in the south ' to Orange- ille in the east. He says this number has een cut in half since then because .of the amount. of travelling connected with it. He was responsible forvisiting and speaking to each of the clubs, as well as organizing a budget for the clubs. • Training Centre One of the projects ,,that was initiated during that year was the beginning of blind school wrestling in 'Brantford. Since. that time, the lions have been active ' in 7. supporting projects for the blind with the recent opening of a blind training centre in Oakville where they are with a leader dog. . The lions contributed $700,000 across Canada towards- the training centre, he said. In addition, Mr. Chisholm himself, through the oil company he works for, raised $10,000 for the blind training school in Oakville. Internationally, the Lions have identified a number of projects Which deserve support this year. The International pres- ident, as his "pet" projects, has been concerned with drug anddiabetes aware= ness. locally, the Lions sponsored a drug awareness seminar last year at the Turn to page 4 Mother's - Deserve & Appreciate Koret - Fransica Co-ordinates Misses Sizes 10-20 Easycare polycotton Bomber jackets - Pull -on Skirts - Loose Jackets Divided Skirts Front Pleat Pants - Cullottes Rugby Pants - Wrap Skirts - Claimdiggers Co-ordinating T-shirts - . Walking Shorts Azela - Marine Blue - White - Khaki ! Surf Green SUMMER HOURS: May 1- Aug.17 - Mon..- Sat. 10-6 arr ./.4.1:kr tie is LUCKNOW 4:Cab `t° ear 528-3533 Mission statement... froth page 1 "In order to meet the changing .health care needs of the community the Board of Governors shall be responsible fir the establishment and ongoing review of short and long range plans for the hospital. "The Board of Governors shall review the mission statement everythree years." This statement, . which must still be ratified at theannual meeting of the hospital association in June, replaces a much vaguer preamble to the hospital bylaws which identified the objectives of the hospital in terms such as:. . To give care and treatment to the sick," and "to provide as •wide a range of services as are applicable to an institution of our size." ' The new mission statement, which wab brought to, the board by the joint conference committee (a committee made up of several board members, doctors and the hospital administrator) was approved unanimously. The board, however, delayed taking action on a second recommendation,' to establish .a quality appraisal committee to ' monitor how well the hospital is 'meeting its objectives, after several board members raised questions about whether the com- mittee as proposed would be adequate to carry out its functions: Board chairman Mary Vair said the' job, Of the committee would be, among other. things: to ensure the mission .statement is upheld, that care provided is of thehighest . calibre,that resources are used appropri- ately and that staff morale is boosted. Administrator Norman Hayes also told the board that every accredited :hospital now has such a committee. Robert Middleton, however; expressed concern that the 'committee, which would be composed of doctors, heads of depart- ments and other hospital staff, would have no way of reporting directly to the board so that its recommendations could 'be "derail- ed" without the board ever hearing about them. . "I'll try not to do that (derail them)," Mr. Hayes told him, but he confirmed -that the committee would report primarily to department heads and not to, the board. Nancy MacDonald-Exel and Hans Kuy- venhoven then asked whether such a committee, which would consist basically of hospital staff reviewing each other, would have the expertise to carry out the kind of appraisal being asked of it. Describing the committee as "basically an internal audit department", Mrs. Mac- Donald-Exel asked, "Do you have qualified people on staff to do an internal audit?" Mr. Hayes didn't object t� her descrip- tion but said staff are qualified to judge some things. Dr. Walter Wong, however, said it is wrong to consider this an audit committee; its task is merely appraisal, to look around and "report what it sees". At. the same time, he complimented Mrs. MacDonald-Exel on raising these ques- tions andr urged her to ask for more time to study the proposal if she 'wished. 'It was also emphasized that the com- mittee would have no "teeth" but would simply make reports and recommendations to the appropriate departments. Following an extended discussion, Mrs. Vair agreed to hold the matter over until the May board meeting to give members more time to study it. Six percent increase expected The Huron County Board of Education ex- pects to bring its 1985 budget in ata six per cent increase or 1eSs. Although no specific information has been released, the board's eftecutive" cominittee says preliminary expenditure estimates show that six per cent is a "reasonable cur- rent projection". The board's 1984 budget was $37 million. The executive committee has considered a tentative list of capital projects amounting to slightly more than $550,000 in total. No date has been set for the board's special budget session because up to last week the board• had not received informa- tion from the. ministry of education in- dicating how much money the Huron school system will receive from the province. Last year, this information' was received by the second week of January. ./FORTHE LOVE of GOD GIVE. The untforni is like a beacon on to take responsibility for • the street It signals help Compassion' Providing help, and then hope, for Caring the people who need it most But not many,eople kno41°how • But they know much it takes to be a soldier to the Anyone whose life the Salvation Salvation .Arnw The inhuman hours Army has touched knows The incredible patience The Ansi we ask for them that hru'tal situations vcw grt c TaktnW responsthtltn for As much as you can those whom sxtery is unable IeAlga rvl For the love of God For more information, please contact: RED SHIELD APPEAL W HOLE MONTH OF MAY Village of Lucknow Canvassed By LUCKNOW BONS CLU