HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-04-24, Page 21Page 22—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 24, 1985 32. Corning events BRUCELEA HAVEN, W ALKERTON, TEA • CRAFT AND BAKE SALE Tuesday, April 30, 1:30 7:30 p.m. Donations of bakery gratefully accepted from 10 a.m. Come out and support the Brucelea Haven Auxiliary. —16,17 HARBOURAIRES CONCERT Sunday, May 5, 8 p.m. Nile United Church. Adults $3.00, children $1.00 under 12. For tickets call Yvonne Pentland 529-7814 or Ann Feagan, .529-7563. -16,17,18 COMMUNITYOPEN HOUSE To be held at The Lucknow & District Christian School, April 26, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. We'd like to show you what Christian Education is about. Refreshments will be served. —16,17 LEGION MEETING Next regular meeting of Luclmow Legion Branch 309, April 30, 8 p.m. All members are" urged to attend. —17ar DAY TRIPS Horse races, Mowhawk, Monday, April 29; Swain's Greenhouses, Tender Tootsies and London Shopping, Wednesday, May 1; Royal Lipizzon Stallions, a new show, The White. Stallions of Vienna, Wednesday, May 8; Blossoms, Niagara Falls and tour of Sea- way Farms, buffet luncheon and more, Monday, May 13; Interiors '85, designers and .landscapers show their outstanding creations of an estate home, London, Wednesday, May 29; Kitty Wells Circle .K, Sunday, May 26. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-3424. —17 BOTTLE DRIVE The 1st Lucknow Cubs and Scouts announce that due to Trees for Canada Project, the BOTTLE DRIVE will be postponed to Saturday, May 4, 1985. Please have your bottles out at the curb by 9:30. —17x Attention Farmers! A. For sale GOOD QUALITY MIXED GRAIN from certi- fied seed. Barley, oats and spring wheat, cleaned and treated in 80 kg. bags, $10.00 per bag picked up or $11.00 delivered. Bill Wilkins, 529-7078. 17,18x DOUBLE CUT RED CLOVER seed for sale; quantity of large round bales of first cut hay. Phone 529-7604. —17 BROAD SPECTRUM ".SW INE Protection, Use the Mecaiox and Pro-Banminth team -in your starter -grower feed and obtain broad spectrum control of .scours, roundworms and ascaris pneumonia. —017 1,000 BALES OF FIRST CUT HAY; 300 bales of second cut hay. Call -7253 even- ings. —17,18 A. For sale 25 BUSHELS TRUMPE'ER Alfalfa seed for sale, grown from certified registered seed. Phone 529-7348. —16,17x ROCK-0-MATIC ROCKPICKERS and Rock W indrowers. 22 different models and sizes e.g. 12 ft. Rock Windrower $4,375. New Conception Rock Bucket for front end loader 6 pt. wide, rakes stpnes ahead then picks them up and shakes earth -out. Picks Rocks 2 inches and up. Price $1,250. Contact local implement dealer or L E. Seeley, Flesherton NOC 1E0. Phone (519)922-2389. —016,017 MASSEY HARRIS 20A seed drill on steel in good condition. Phone 524-6371. —16,17x FIRST CUT HAY at Holyrood,. no rain. Phone 529-7784. —17 PIONEER.. ©PIANO ALFALFA 'SEE D 3953 NEW 2550 HEAT UNITS *Excellent yields for Its -maturity.- •Strong roots and stalks •Fast drydown 3949 2650 HEAT UNITS *Exciting top yielding hybrid *Heavy teat weight *Outstanding response to high popula- atlons ' • Fast ' drydown 3950 2700 HEAT UNITS *Yields best at high plant populations *Easily outyields competitors •Excellent spring emergence •Strong roots and stalks Bruce Raynard R. R. 1 528-3502 LUCKNOW D. Livestock TESTED BOARS, sound, aggressive, Yorks, Hamps, Duroc, Hamp x Duroc, York x Hamps. Reasonably priced. Call Bob Robin- son, 345-2317,. —14,15,16,17 HERD REDUCTION - Arondale Registered Polled Herefords. Choice quality. 16 cows with calves, 2 heifers bred to 67K (Stick), 4 open heifers, 5 service age bulls. Free listed herd. Brinkman Arnold, Glen . Huron, Ontario, 705-466-5533. —017 ONTARIO HEREFORD PRESTIGE SALE, Barrieview Sales Arena, May 11. Selected bulls and females. Contact Ontario Hereford Association, Box 68, Langton NOE IGO. 519-175-4803. —017, 018. PFAL'ESTATE & IN'SURA`:CE LTD 528-2031. Lucknow 100 ACRES all workable, KINLOSS, farrowing barn, stable cleaner, implement shed, beef barn. 211. LEVEL ACRES, 4 bedroom brick, 41 Acres hardwood bush, $150,000.00. RIPLEY, business and living quarters, bridle, insulated, electric beat, 24,900. FARROW 'PO FINISH, 190 flat workable acres, 4 bedroom home, paved drive. 50 ACRE FARM, modern hog barn, paved road, $35,000. ON THE LAKE mobile home with addition, plus .guest house, 3 mi. front Lucknow. KINLOSS TW P.131 ac. beef fano, upright and trench silo, large barn; 3 bdr. home, drilled well, 4th concession. RIPLEY 3 bdr., 7 year old bungalow, only $39,900.00. INCOME PROPERTY LUCKNOW, 3 apartments, Main Street, 2 two bedroom and 1 three bedroom. Asking $45,000. Mortgage available. LUCKNOW HOMES 4 BDR. cement home, large attached garage, make good workshop, paved drive, $37.000. 4 BDR. brick, hot water heating, paved drive, small barn,' large lot. 4 BDR. brick, fireplace, 3 baths, swimming pool, paved drive, double lot. 10 YEAR OID 3 bdr. brick bungallav,Lhoslaidy room with fireplace, 2 baths; hot water heating, sundeck and paved driver 3 locks Eom post office. Far further information on these and other properties please call FRAS1R MacKINNON . BARRY McDONAGH / DAVID MacKINNON 395-288 528-3821, _395-2483 E. Farm services __.®_ ______........ _________ RIPLEY SPRAY YOUR CATTLE for lice and warbles. Call Ken Voisin, 392-6243. —16,17 . by Ab Wylds CLEANING AND TREATING SEED GRAIN Taking Orders for SEED GRAIN - CORN - GRASS SEED GENERAL TRUCKING ' (O. P. P. M .B. l icence ) ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL & TRUCKING Lucknow 528-3500 or 528-3110 —17,18' FARMERS WANTED who are paying too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks 'available. Phone us today! Appointment times available to process 1984 tax returns in your, home. FARM BUSINESS CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E., London N5V 2Z9. Call toll free 1-800-265-1002. In business year round helping farmers .for over 33 years. —011 BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Barn Cleaners; manure pumps, vertical, horizontal; 8" to 15.P.V.C. or S.B.T. ductile: Cow and calf tie stalls. Loose housing.Bunk Feeders, Ventilation Equipment. Hog Con- finement. Ritchie heated water bowls. Farrowing Crates. Weaner Decks. Plastic Slates and also Farm Gates. Contact Lloyd Johnston R. R. 3, Holyrood, Ontario. • Phone 395-5390 BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, " Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyors, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil-mixers, Manure Pumps. FARMATIC - Blender Hammer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Augers, Leg Eleva- tors. ACORN -Cable Barn Cleaners. W ESTEISL,ROSCO Grain Bins 1350 to 250,000 bushel, Bulk Feed Tanks.. / HEAT EXCHANGERS & VENTILATION SYSTEMS. HOULE - Liquid Manure Pumps, , Barn Cleaners, Piston Pumps. B & L and BILL'S STABLING - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. WIC - Liquid. Manure Spreaders, Elec- tric Feed Carts, Straw Choppers. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. HURST - Flex Augers. HUSKY - Replacement Cleaner Chain. ALSO - Fibre -Funnels, Ritchie Heated Bowls. W e Handle Everything - Almost LOW RY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. At Amberley IL R. 1, KINCARDINE Phone 395-5286 F. For rent FOR RENT OR SHARES, 160 acres fall ploughed, in Ashfield Township. Phone 529-7427. —17 15 ACRES PASTURE. Call after 6:30 p.m., 528-5653. —17 81 ACRES OF LAND for rent or share crop. Max Riegling, 395-5107. —17 60 ACRES CROP 'LAND, needs spring ploughing, reasonable rent- West Wawa - nosh. Phone after 6 p.m. Carey 1-471-6721. —17,18x 70 - 75 ACRES CROP LAND in Whitechurch area, Phone 357-2877. —17 Administrator/ Director of Care Required for an accredited 61 bed Nurs- ing Home in Lucknow. Applicants must have current RN qualifications. , Send resume to: Mr. Ron Gingrich 518 Queens Ave. London. N6B 1Y7 About 11:25 p.m. on Saturday evening April 15 two men in a car broke down the political poster on the lawn of Dave and Grace Murray and then on their returntrip did the same to the one in the southwest cor- ner of Gore Park at the main intersection. On the second try they succeeded with this one too. Grace Murray fixed up the one. on her lawn on Monday morning. Then on that cold raw windy Tuesday morning next day Ab Wylds, Donald Gillies, John C. MacDonald and Albert Verheye got the one reset and repaired in Gore Park. s } Last Monday afternoon, April'15, Dorothy and -Alf Beal called at tht:County of Bruce General Hospital, Walkerton to see her sister Fran Wylds there. They had been in Kincardine and Inverhuron and they were on their way back home to Stratford. It was a real super afternoon for motoring. Jean MacDonald of the Pinecrest Manor Nursing' Home staff in Lucknow spent this fine past weekend visiting with her sister Noreen MacDonald at their home on Malcolm Street in Ripley. Wes Osborne of Kincardine and formerly of the 15th two blocks north of Ripley is now a patient in the County of Bruce General Hospital in Walkerton. Cathy Fludder of Malcolm Street reports that she has completed her first year at the University of Waterloo. On Saturday she was clerking in Lynn Nicholson's Superior Grocery in Ripley. Thanks goes to Mrs. Lois (Gossell) Craig of Kincardine for letting Ab Wylds look over a couple' of old . weekly newspapers. The older of the two papers was the Kincardine Reporter dated Thursday August 21, 1913. At the time one of the newspaper men was J.J, Hunter on Princes Street just a 'few houses north of the present Davey-Linklater Funeral Home. At that time the funeral one was a boarding house operated by lrs. Matt Berry. My mother, Tena Wylds worked there all summer in,1913 and I was a three year old kid on Princes Street. One of the Kincardine merchants living in the boarding house at that time was George Larnpman, father of Fraser Lampman, pre- sent owner of the clothing store on downtown mainstreet. Others mentioned in this newspaper were E. Henry and Ed Rinker. Robert Kerr had an ad for a new Model T Ford car for sale at six hundred dollars. The three medical doctors each had an ad in the classified column stating their university degrees and experience. The doctors. were J. G. McLeod, J. Ferguson and J.A. McDonald. The two dentists with ads were Dr. W.J. Bruce and Dr. Gumaer. If the above did not get the people fixed, then followed an ad for the undertaker - J.B. Martyn and Daughter, a graduate em- balmer.It says residence over the store. We think this was a Ripley ad, the residence be- ing over the part of the Courtney Seed, Plant where Harold has his present office. The daughter embalmer would be Emma Mar- tyn, later Mrs. John McLay, and mother of Donald K. McLay, retired Ripley postmaster, The second newspaper was the Ripley Ex- press for Thursday June 17, 1920. It was printed in Ripley in the printing shop located where Klaus Heinisck has his pre- sent gasoline pumps - just north of the Shell Garage. George H. Mooney was the printer, reporter, and bookkeeper - the whole paper staff in one person. The subscription charge for the paper for a year was a dollar and .a half. In this paper there was a very short ad - it states "Restaurant J.R. White". There was a small counter at the back of the drug store where one could get a dish of ice cream - a treat at that time. Two news items were as follows, - Isabell McLeod died on 12th June 1920 age 86 years, 3 months in Goderich where she lived with, her daughter Mrs. Kenny MacKenzie. Lois explained that Mrs. Isabell McLeod was her great-grandmother. The second news item waste wedding , just the day before the paper the printed and it was held at the home of Sandy McMurchy just south of Ripley where the greenhouses were located up to last year. Briefly it stated that "Charles Liddle and Florence McMurchy were married on Wednesday, June 16, 1920 at the home of the bride".