HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-04-24, Page 13.
Page 14— Lucknow Sentinel, W ednesday, 'April 24, 1984
Hospital briefs
Allergist appointed to board
By Henry Hess
The Wingham and District Hospital -
Board has approved the appointment to the
medical staff 'of Dr. Andrew Chelbus, a
.specialist in adult and children's allergies. .
• The. appointment was recommended by
the medical staff, with Dr. • Walter Wong
informing the board that Dr. Chelbus
comes very highly qualified, with a long, list
Of appointments at hospitals including the
Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
- He told the board that the doctor plans to
hold clinics here one day a month initially;
possibly increasing • the frequency if.
The board also approved a recommenda-
tion by the medical staff .that 'selected
registered nurses and registered nursing
assistants' be permitted ''kto place a
maximumof one skin suture in • patients
coming ..to the hospital with minor lacera-
This would eliminate the need to call a
doctor for very minor wounds, although a
doctor would still be called .if •the cut
required more than one stitch, if it were on .
the face or.if the _patient objected to, being
stitched by a nurse.
The board deferred until its May ,
meeting discussion of a proposal for
changes to the hospital . bylaws which
would, among other things, raise to• $5.00
from $1.00 the yearly .fee required to join
the . hospital association and vote at the
annual meeting. The contribution required
for .a life membership would also rise to
$500 from $100. •
Thea proposals are part of a general
review of the bylaws by the management
committee. However action was deferred
because a number of board` members had
not brought along copies of the proposed
With $87,515 still. needed to attain the
$400,000 goal in the hospital fund. raising
campaign, the fund raising committee
plans to send out another bulk mailing in
an effort to put it over the top. The meeting
was . delayed, however, when some board
members objected to the tone of the
accompanying letter. -
The letter suggested that if every
household were to give an additional $20
the goal would be reached: But Marilyn
Wood and Mary Lou Thompson, members •
of the board's public relations committee;
said it would not be fair to ask for more.
money from people who may already have
• given all • they could afford.
Eventually it was suggested, the letter be
reworded as a reminder to those who may
not yet have contributed or an invitation to
those who want to give more.
"I don't think you have to worry about
offending anyone," Alex Graham, who
gave the fund raising report, told, the
board. "I bought a record from People's
Church five Years ago and I get a letter
,every week asking for money."
"Yes, but what do you do with that
letter?" another board member respond-
ed. •
In 'response to a :question from board
member Robert -Middleton, Administrator
Norman Hayes said he really does not
understand why admissions to the hospital
declined by 15 per tent during the past
year. . ,
`If the physicians would admit more
patients to the hospital it would change the
figures," he Commented, adding he does
not know if people are healthier, if they are
going somewhere'else or'if more are using.
the out patient services, which have shown
an increase. •
Asked by Hans Kuyvenhoven if hospital
funding might,be reduced,, M. Hayes said
he does not expect this to happen,,though
he was not as emphatic as on past
occasions. It is possible funding could be
reduced if equivalent patient days fall; he
Study nearing completion
By Randy Threndyle
• A study of the problems facing agricul-
ture in Bruce Countyis expected . to be
completed by May 21, .
Bruce County Council began the study
earlier this year in an attempt to identify
some of the major problems facing agricul-
ture in the county, and recommend ways
for the county to help area farmers.
Councillor Roy Pennington of Culross
Township says 139 farmers were interview-
ed during the three month study conducted
by the consulting firm of Deloitte Haskins
and Sells. In addition over 40 people
representing small businesses, feed mills
and lending institutions in the county were
also interviewed.
The. county hopes the study can be used
by governments and lendingui'stitutions to
help form more comprehensive and
up to. date farm policies.
Pennington said ' in the past, county
council has not spent a lot of money on
agriculture, . or the problems facing the
industry. As agriculture and tourism are
the two major industries, in the county he
feels the study will help lending institu-
tions better assess the problems facing
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The Kingsbridge Beavers held their investiture ceremonies In March. New members are,
left to right, Constantine Ritgen, Drew Black, ;Beau. Riegling, Edward Courtney and Corey
said. So far this has not happened because
,the length of stay is up. -,
"Whatever we're faced withwe'll
manage with," he concluded.
Earlier Mr. Hayes had reported to the
board of a meeting of CEOs and board
chairmen from -1.85 hospitals, which he and
Mrs. Vair had attended at the OHA Centre
in Torontq. The 'question of hospital
funding was discussed, he said, with
warnings of problems ahead if the level of
funding ..does not increase.
Asked what this -could mean to the
W ingham hospital, Mr. Hayes said he does
notexpect the impact will be very hard: He
suggested letting "the' big boys do the
fighting for us", since, the larger hospitals
will be hardest hit.
He also noted that, "W e've'done reason-
ably well this year."
The financial report showed the hospital
with .a surplus of $487,000 for the past
year, more than double what it had
At thestart of the board meeting, Mary
Lou Thompson, chairman of the public
relations committee, presented certificates
to three hospital employees who are
retiring after many years of service.
Murdean MacLeod and Dorothy Mac-
Leod are retiring after 20 and 19 years
respectively as registered nursing assist-
ants, while Robert Hickey had worked for.
14 years as an orderly and ambulance
Jean Whitby gave a report to the board
on. two . conferences she had attended
recently. One was an OHA regional confer-
ence on the theme of aging and the elderly
and 1 the other was a conference on
bio -ethics at Parkwood Hospital. Both were
very interesting and informative, she
reported. • •
Board members also' were reminded of
the peer review session scheduled for
Saturday at the Benmiller Inn. Other area
hospitals- .1so are taking part in.. the
sessions and Mr. Hayesreported dear two
very good speakers had . been lined up.
Quite a number of members indicated they
• • planned to attend. . •
Lions to lead
fundraising effort
The Lucknow anal District lions Club will
spearhead the fdnd raising for = a new
recreation and arena complex for Lucknow.
Lucknow council, after meetings with the
municipalcouncils, agreed to let them
proceed with the proposal.
Fund raising committees are now being
set up along with building committees to
determine the most satisfactory direction
to be taken. More details will be available
in the near future.
Summer fun
Turn clocks dor Lucknow
this weeken
With hockey season wrapped up, it's
time to get involved in summer activities.
dThe Lucknow Recreation Department has a
• full slate of events operating throughout
Daylight Saving Time starts this week- the summer months.
end. Turn your clock ahead one hour The department' is planning a junior and
Sunday, April 28, at 2 a.m. senior girls and boys recreational league-
eague .
Kinloss Township
Hydro meeting
A nomination meeting for a Kinloss
Township director to slit on the Foodland
Hydro Committee• was held on Monday,
April 17 at the Township Hall in Holyrood.
Gerald Doelman of R R 2 Holymod was
narned the director for Kinloss with Eric
Exel of R R 5, Lucknow to serve as
alternative director.
During the meeting, the,proposed Hydro
routes through Huron County were outlin-
ed along with a projected schedule for
,future mute decisions. The Foodland
Hydro Committee is in the process of
organizing on a township basis with
individual memberships.
soccer and softball program. In addition, it
will operate Lucknow's WOAA baseball
entry for Mites, Squirts, and Pee Wee aged
There is an intention to form an umpires
association in Lucknow. Anyone interested
in becoming an umpire of little league
games or if anyone is interested in helping
in any program or starting a new program,
or if you need further information, please
call the recreation office.
Initiatives no help...
from page 3
by the government. "Miller forget the
primary producer. Farmers could use ad-
vice, but would they qualify for this type of
training program."
Robertson says he expects the bona fide
farmer cannot participate. •