HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-24, Page 88-'t'huraday, M.trh 24th, 1932
Cole's Book Store
1932 DOG ----TAXES
Dog Taxes are now dile and parable at ins otlice of the•
Tax Collector.
All those
license at once.
Owning or barbering a dog tatted obtain
Chief of Police.
Sailors Lose
9-2 on the Round
Crippled Team fleets Defeat et
the Hands of the Windaor
Situ MOW
The. Goderich Sallora hockey Leant
,%11,4 decisively beaten in the second
game of the series with the Windsor
Mie Macs, played to Chatham on Fri-
day night last. A Crowd of about
1,500 spectators attended the game.
The Sailors, by their lose on the round.
heing on the short end of an eight -to -
one score on Friday night. are elimin-
ated from the duals for the intermedi-
ate O:H.A. champiou"lilp. and the Mie
Mac* will compete against the winners
of the Oiskt lle.Port Colborne Berlet
The locals were Madly crippled when
they faced Windsor last Friday night,
two of their number (wing on the way
nail week we offer _a few happy suggestions and special
_ .alas hour , trdai_radaced prices on some of the well-
ism Patent Mediciao also 'Flu' Prophylactics, Alteratives
and Convalescents.
Dr. William.' Pink
44c a box
Carter's Little Laser
22c a box
Baby's Own Tablet.
22c a box
Kruschen Salts
CANDY, fresh, nicely
50c and $1.0 0
PERFUMF S. New as-
sortment in bulk.
7Sc to 33 50 os
Face Powder. Coty's
at 59c a box
Rouge's All shades
"Flu" Preventives
Lietenne, Pepsodeat
Antiseptic, Lavoris.
Yost choice -
small medium large
23c 4Sc 89c
For ' Flu" Headache
Tablet Aceto -Salicylic
2 dozen for 2Sc
With the "flu" you
lust don't feel like
Face Creams, Cold satin( Try a drink of
Cream, Cleansing Bovril, Ovaltine or
Cream, Foundation
MENTHOLATUM --mMts --- Skin F ---Is Horlick's Malted M.Ik
Regular 30c. for 211114t1 - ter. 41c
R.gylar 60c, ler 544-
base's KWsasy and
rises. Non -epi Odoru
Cute= had Polish
inertia "Flu" for a
pick -me -tap take
Wampoli s Cod Liver
Extract, Syrup of
Beef, Irma and Wine
H. C. Dunlop - J. A. Campbell
J. H. Lauder - E. R. Wigle
ment of the gases, with the poeslble
exeeptlon Of goaltending. T.eno, the
Windsor stone, was not eatied upon
to work vary hand, as the Goderich
fe•Iluwa got very few chaiu•es to get In
nn him. Doak. in goal for Goderich.
put up a brilliant game In the nets de-
spite the feet that eight counter* were
scored ou Me. The (smut eoutd have
been doph{ed and ht• would have still
had a lieu; reword On the ere-iYtutl•te
work.. •
For the Int ten minutes of the game
foderleb ltept Nice with the vlsltorx.
that but after at a bey were oitehnim d.
Nestle epeo, •1 the --coring when he
registered eta ,e poles from Mewl four-
ourtern minutes ..fte•r the gime started.
A minute later Kennedy wort
with b r musical contort. An interceding
ute to go We the assist tb amid' program e.tustated of readings by Mies
uta to before the cud of the period., Harris, King Harris. Porter's H1U.
Stoddart acorn the Goderich lads' only Mrs. N.
Wallis . vtolw .riecttuua, Rev.
BAYFIELD, March 22. --Mrs. R. H.
F. Gairdner and Miss Betty left last
Friday to spend Easter withtheform-
er's sister Ln Chicago.
Misr S. Barr, of Londesboro, is the
guest of her mister, Mrs. G. King, thisiwsear-
Yrs. J. L. Ohne and usimr4.co
xou of London ttpeut'5
at the rectory. Mrs. E. H. Paull re-
turned with them fora abort visitawls'The annual Irish awls' under the
auvrpices .rt et. Audrew'r United church
1 was Iwkl on Friday eveulug, pith lust-
' The Snit tart of the eveuing was spent
ingames of different kinds, followed
4 1101!! OR FOUND
ON SUNDAY, MARCH 20, COR 8AL111.-MASON & 11180HgelI$OH UP -
lady's d mesh purse, coat/tilting a RIGHT piano. In arstelaas condition.
bunch ofN.\t• hays. Reward on leaving at Apply SIGNAL 017101.
• kn'°luuulliuR lh
mounter atter . h for M. M. 4,aI.. vest's1 duets, Charles
1Ytaelaea.r (telex,.
At num tIcor in this rkrr 1ruk Weston: plauu duets. lays.
" VOR SALE. - TWO 8C(Y1'OH-D**P .
mum Nam* VOR
serviceable age. Also Choke Q.'=' 0• •
Mn.itTARLF: Room AND No. 21 reed barley, ekiiik-1114--.
bDM for our or M people. Oen- 10'4' e• Avui:r a. •C''
El rsa►1 as.-
venient to Square and Harbor. Apply No.
1 Auburn P. 0.; 197 Birth 'T ..
BOX 14. SIGNAL OFFICE. phone Kxchange.
*1 housekeeper or work by
day. Fully experienced and capable.
Moderate 'wages, :• Apply at SIGNAL
OFFICE: tae further information,
a North street, two houses adjacent to
reek other. let, single house, 7 rooms.
:'tui, 'south side, double house, 6 rooms.
Alt conveulencee, good tnrnaces, gar-
age's, and large gardens. Vacant April
20th. Apply to SIR. J. W. CRAIGIE or
to the owner, MISS POLi.EY. on prem -
clod two Macs more in the Irr y ala• !Jebel tkeutthmar.
pe' ItU` sad ..: awl
nits tax 11 elm•' time, bit i:.i4,ricla w"s . Afterwarda bountiful lunch was
unable to awe. wind -sir ..intlottrd to served
Lem the plQ In the p 1 l stanaa suuA Itt 1'atri. k lied tea hitter the
durlug the prrhal four ronnterx re ausp4cee of the Ledtea' Guild of Trinity
rt•gfstered. 71 -11' turot.l the trick were
in charelt, b4d at the hoose of Mn. H. R.
six minutes with Robswa rn trLag alar au 'the 17th lama, was quite
The roma- wet! Sae with
. ortag lowers and a tablett-- were
daintily decorated with shamrocks.
ilplendid music in Irish airs was given
by Mrs. F. 11. Paull, piano, and Dr. A.
+ assist. The letter bulged the t a ltw
eight minutes later un n pass from
Todd. A mltm'e later Todd hatted
the rubber Into :lie net front a scramble
in front of ti,,. goal. Two minutes
later Kennedy . ,en,1 on a peas from lewtun-Brady.
Fauna. After isles of over ten min- The annual masquerade dance given
uter due to same • lith. ulty over the fin- by the Hayfield Agricultural Society is
antes between the two sass the third I to be held on Wednesday evening,
Manch 30th, in the town ha1L First and
second prlaea are to be given for lady's
fancy costume. gent's flincy costume,
lady's .comic and gent's comic; one
prise for best dressed coupiel best boys'
and Jisat glrla' costume. liFeandinaveh
start 54- 'Y•••t:oleek. geed
music and refreshments served. _
committee hope for a good
and a large number in costume.
Master Lawrence Johns, who has
bees attending High $cbool In Wier -
ton, came on Friday to spend the East-
er racatlon with his parents, Mr. an&
lade. -FSH. Johns. ---
"Rosie" Stoddart sesees the Nie talky
period got .trier way. with Windsor
continuing to bombard Doak. Meted
bulged the twine in two minutes, and
four minutes later Kennedy got credit
for a goal when Derek accidentally
raiud bis pip,,.oatfrom the corner in -
4s -fila net. . • -. _
Goderich-Coat,"'Hoeft ; •^ bet
Marney, Woods; centre, Stoddart;
wings; McKay, Carpenter; subs, New-
combe, Allison, Sturdy, Burnatde.
Mic Macs- Goal, Trap; defence,
Proulx, 11r0e: centre. Rustic; wingsi
Boyd, Rablien; subs; Keatedy. Mem'.
Faprla, Todd.
Referee -:-Sawyer , Hifehietl: - -
to recovery from attacks of the "lu."
while others were suffering from in-
juries received in previous games. All
of the boys tried hard, but they were
no match for the more experienced
Min Macs. The first period of play
was the moat Interesting of the game,
the Sailors patting up a staunch game
and permitting only two tallies to be
made against them, while "Rosie"
Stoddart retaliated with a single. un-
listed, in the last few moments of
play in this period.
The Goderich boys were unable to
continue the pane, however, and the 1
Mic Macs had the game very much
their own way during the second and
third periods. Six more tallies were I
made by them during these two
frames. - - _....-
The Goderich -bay0 are through for
this season as far ae how hockey is
concerned, though it la possible that
an eihibltld settle ortwo may dis-
played If the ice holds out.
'ji'press Report from ('hathasll
....I>oilowhtg is the press report of "P
day night's game:
Chatham, March 1R. -Windsor Mic
Macs defeated Goderich here tonight.
A to 1, thereby eliminating the Sailors
front the Intermediate O.H.A. play -
downs by n count of 6 to 2 06 the
round. The score of tonight's gate
indicates the play. The game was not
up to the standard of 0.11.A. play -
I} downs. a++ the teams were not at all
evenly matched. The Border lads bad
' It all over Goderich in every depart -
COML!G EVENTS 1 The scarf advertised as found 1n
Social events of the post -Lenten sea- I last week's Signal was claimed by Its
.nu will include the annual dinner and
dance of the Maitland Golf. Club, to be
held at the club rooms on Wednesday
evening nest, and the Feaster at-home
of the Menesetung Canoe Club, to ile'
held at the duh rooms on Wednesday-
HUNT. -In G,ilerlch. on Wedaemdy. To he held On the farm of tlte• ate
night, March 36th. Invitations are oat March 23rd, Henry G. Hint, aged Frank Hayden, halfmile.west oft hap
I f military ball at Clinton nen
the Huron Regiment
Shop -
ia ABLE price, the home lately occupied
by Mrs. Illclaturchy on Picton street,
Goderich. The house L a solid brick,
well laid out, has a splendid basement,
good new furnace, all conveniences,
garden and lawn, and la located In a
pleasant neighborhood. For particu-
lars apply to T. OUNDRY • SON, Tete -
phone 119, Ooderlch.
AI wish to express their grateful
thanks fes the many kinduesxee ex-
tended during the Illness of their wife
mid mother and In the time of bereave-..
Ineut. Thty ala wish to thank those
who RATA theft -Pies -for the funeral --
There will be offered at pits lir' aur
tion. et Steve Martin's store, Kings-
bridge, Ont, on
at 2 o'clock:
That certain {creel or tract of land
situate. Wan sui-beiv to f4i.'-e etth half
of Imt Titter (31, in the Eighth Con-
eesstonr•tatatero Intialnn, Township of
Situate on this farm is it house and
TFJtM$.-Ten per cent. of purchase
price at this of sale. and the balance
y►Jtb16_t eAy days.
For further particulars apply to
Auctioneers, Goderich, Ontario:
HAYS & HAYS, Barristers,
Goderich, Ontario.
owner on Monday. Signal ads. bring
read()[. 1'l TII IN SALE OF FM STOCK,
- s 7'7'Rlr lf1[EI) tTArn. AnxD lY
en Years. {ardton, on
The funeral will be held from St WEDNESDAY. ¥ARCH 10th,
Georges church on Sunday. March commencing at 1 o'clock .harp:
27th. at 2.30 p.m. L,terment in Malt- _ hay Irate, T Jean old
land cemetery. 1 hay man , 9 Jenlre• ell , 1 grty 111teoi
sn ora m a
Friday, Apra 1st, under the auspices d
1 more or less. The property of the
late H. W. C. Nattel, situated at the
end of Mouth street on the southern
boundary of the town; of good clay
loam : large house and barn, drive abed,
workshop• henhouse; artesian well
1133 feet t, the very best of water; good
fruit treats. _Ideal _location• close to
school, and charnbea For further par-
ticulars apply on the premises or to
bred -to -lay Barred Rocks. Leghorn
exceptionally heavy laving strain.
Average daily production of 1500 hens
for the last three months was: De-
cember, 962; January, 1061; February,
1032. Bred for health, vigor and high
produetion. March and April prices:
Legborns lie, Barred Rocks 12e.
We have used pedigreed cockerels
for -gave learn:- . -- -
Brooder stoves 316 laying Ita.h
$1.7:, per cwt.
R. R. No. 5, Ooderich
Phone 1413 Carlow.
t eotertalnment next
ser u.o er ..
be the firemen's euchre and
week will
en ;
dxuce on Monday night, and the play to SPAIN. -in Alexandra hn.pitai, e t years ole!
Ire ,sesame( tnMrr rtw7 `!>F" 'P} erk4t, uta Wadaeeda3. !Larch 2t1iH. •. --
W.A. of V1ty' orlx street Unttrcl chnnb l Mary (ester, beloved wife of Peter iito iIam Noteworthy 188293; 1 red
on Thu *rad Friday at MacRae Spain. to her 74th Teas+. (till, 2 Stan dd (ienrral Noteworthe
Hull. Moodily and Tues,: Melo- e' The funeral will take place
from 211qµ1 : 1 roan cow, 8 ywn old -Piney
the Capital Theatre with a'luatiuis• ,n her late retaldence. Newgate street, n Ihu•he.. of Gloster 208073. 1 roan cow
,. cemetery, Colborne.
1h1fDcss of Gloater 2lBOQ3 1 red now,
lA8'! bider \ Pttlt Reuse' ill MEMO 24aRe" 1 red and wb►tr row 7 years
- R-D@VINI4 In to inn ot• yid.; -1 mark raw. 7 cm;
ieeountait, -193 Ontario street,
JInlatteyd. Fhea,.I MO. Rea. 13s0J.
Monday. will be a Iwnelit fns Ake.dr Friday, Mash 25th, at 10 oc a.m.. 4 years old -May Duchess of Gloster ' ' ' ' ' •
Interment 1. teacher of pianoforte and vocal
mimic, s preps to take pupils e
(Ira hospital. t to St. Peters ehnreh. 240e911. 1 red cow, 4 years old--IY7 ,d 1 red k II either
The fottewindt--wr.4. _ - ,
2 rod
■t their homes or ■t the rexldence d
('Ircle of Kae' ehnrrh w111 ere- ••u' •• RUM i 5 years nld Jenny Dueh eowoof 4iloeter Mr. J. R'hlttlnRhem, Waterloo street
y memoryyear.. '(neat Capital Theatre). Terms. half
-situmBELLcs A't`'THE ('APITAL - my mother. Mrs. Margurelta Devine row,. 3 mats old: 1 red cow, $ yearns hour, 50c; one hour, 75e.
The appar;anc•e of "the Dumbells" 1a Herr, who entered into rest eight
old -all .0 is be In calf ; 2 thor-
ears ago, Match 2Rth 1924. . MR. H. N. LIVENS, PUPIL OF TEl
erten the ,Bret time drew a 7 _.rip. •l calves in
liege to the Capital Thew @04 -'et ferR•,ttrn pthg; rime IinreonRbt+vvd rf lre Royal Osaterw• r
- b her D TITER h TrfaL - - - - - -.-# many.
011 Meiiy tootling. Of course, for 7 conw.
sow , 1• the 1 ease It was not the first (IRAIVDDAIJGHTF:R RLF ANOR Poultry. Al.mt 100 Plymouth Boat Teacher of Paso, eii, "golfs"'
time they Ltd been entertained by the BeMILLRIi.-In loving mess --o
esdd be-eelgr-r7e and gander.
faTerms on
mous troupers. Some had seen their Nina Mien Driver l4cMlllen, who Iaspketents---Two wagMP with HOTEL or
Performance daring wartime in France, passed away one year ago-•Idteeb reeks and Il. yea, set of slehetie, 2 good
add -many had Nim -e seen them at Tor- 21st. Frost A N' --sl mowers. 1 binder, 1
Mite or -London. ".\m Yon Were" Ia.tim Resting with Jesus: labor 1. o'er! manure stir der. 1 trailer with rack,
title of the revue which the compan7. Stilled are the rough waver of life; 1 NO loader 1 ten -Inch grain grinder,
L preagotine this year and it proved Angela sing welcome to the blest shore, 1 fanning mil, 1 riot pulper. 1 rubber-' DR. F. J. R. FORSTER,
deekledly entertaining and was received Death does but lead us to life. • tired buggy. 1 top cotter, 2 cutting EYE, EAR, NOSE. TIIROAT
.with sithnalastle applause. The cast -HUSBAND, MOTHER, FATHER boxes..ever.el pumice and tanks, I Late House Surgeon New York Opts -
Winded Copt. P1nnket, Al. Plunkett, ' and FAMILY. Pontoon h.Ietor with two -furrow thalmfc and Aural Hospital, /selstant
1 1 : at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Goldoni ,
rollev, 3 walking plows, 2 twin plows,. -Square Throat liospltal, Loudon, Eng.
g -- X10.- : --Liu•verat erns ntaof harrowi, 1 seed t 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele -
Dora Romaine. Mr. Romaine Is a new THOMAS hf
Rees Hamilton, ,"Ited" Newman. Glen - -- IHiver plows In {seal condltlwa; run'.
Itlllnmlllll!lllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111@ {IIIIIIIIIIIIIIU t r" 'k t `ie i ieTanb>H +aNttlzn,. ,
drill, 1 Net of double harness 1 art of phone 2117.
member of the company and hie um -
n At Hotel Bedford, Godertele me the
LIVES sianRlr lurne.s l set of platform Kalem
iter scare not the least entertaining of
the long :end varied program. -
i. Counh-
The Signal
has taken the local agency for one of the biggest
adian ,manufacturers and can give you the
goods at the best prices.
Can -
Look over your supply and let us have your next order.
We can furnish all the standard styles and sizes
and also. any special style.
We are here to serve you and with our new connection
can guarantee prompt and satisfactory service.
Telephone 35
for any information with regard to Sales Books. We
shall be glacLto give• ynu: call.
The SignaijjjntingCo. limited
uuaainumuuiumunimmu nuuimuuunuunnnui
TOCK AND GENERAL A large ynantlty of ropes, chile.., evening of third Monday of each month
A I'CTION forks, ahoy, I-. pelleya, and other - till the foUowisg day Tuesday at 1 Pea.
Telephone No. 119. tenth rectos tun 1•inuerons to mention
.U1. Nim AND FRiENDLY i Solea atter led to anywhere and even T4eM tun _ill sums of 110 atsl under, ,
effort made to glop eutMfaetlaa cash; over drat amount, seven mouthed
Lea Friday to I'nlire Court at i gale tsetse dtmeo.ated.
Wtngham. Howard Snyder wax eon Ferman ( credit will t'•• given on furnisW.. air
Ked cm .e charge of vagrancy and 1 -
sentenced i t thirty days fn -the counVtyrt-- -- T4REDIT0Ka
Jail here Crown Attorney D. E. 1
Holmes we- advised by telephone from --
Witi-Rhirn er •the men weeonhis way, • • - r -
and wpm asked to keep a lookout t Notke Ia hereby given to all persona
r him. Saturday, and then SundaeL having any Claim against the estate of
slipped by without Snyder'a petting MT WIII.m Daataaf4 Lite fir
Ili appeal 'nee In town. On Mouday, i of Ashfield In the county of Huron,
at mood. h ,sever: he came in on the' farmer. to 'tend name to the under -1
C.N.R. tri 5 and was at once a,lmlt-•Ixlgned on or before the 9th day of warrant to asap dlrertel by nor JOfiN
tad to the Matitntlon, having paid his "April A.D. 19;12. am nn and after that BENSON (11X, of the city of Hamid-
own fare to Goderich. His /delay in I date the exec-Moreof the meld imitate ton, to the .vrnuty of Wentworth, In-
proved Johne notes. A ( uuul of 4
autterpt for .cash un
credit amunnis.
CARMAN HAYDEN. Prod -4.44i
r -;i
T1:1O8. Ol'RURY & SON, AucUoneers
TO WIT: ) of a recta n
Guderfrb, Phase! MA. --
Equipped with eledtro-magnetie
batbt. Electronic electric treatment*
end chlroprectic. Chronic, organic ride
'weenie diseases. lady In attendanes.
Office hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m"
elteepting Monday and Thursday alba
by appointment.
It -seine* and office --Corner 61
South street and Britanniaroad.
arriving 1e re he explained by his hay.: 0411 proceerd to ma dlatrlhtltion there merit/tee aI,^et, the mortgage in a ser-
• ing had to arrange his affairs trefofee of, having regard only to the claims tain chattel mortgage made by CECiL
commencing his term In 1.11, At any f of whish they then have notice. A. BAXTER. of the township of Col -
rite. the e•ounty of iluron has been I Dated at Gorierh thta 2tlyd day et[ borne, l l.,• a onoty of Huron, farmer,
saved the rain fare, besides the mile- I March. A.D. 1032 against the goods. 504 chattele of the
age, and f, oa of a countable who ordin- 1 HAYS & HAYS, gall CECIL A. BAXTER, I have melted
only wollht have been needed to escort; , Barrister's,- e5015 °adere tri••
and taken dile property covered by the
the men to Goderich. Snyder upper- mid chattel mortgage, els.:
ently was more anxious to net some NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Live 8tnek-Five Roca) horse. and
place t0 r st his feet for a few weeks i - one colt,- to ants -two choice Hlatein
than the :aethoritlex were to provide
Node. Is hereby Riven to .11 pr o
rows, our tlflrham cow, eight H+tit In
him with it free boardIng.place.
Dons having an leis against ttIIP heifer's and two calves.
estate of Margaret Glen late of tlSr
BRIEFS town of Goderich in the county of (The cefeys are very choice. having
Rurnn, xpinmter, 'who died on or about Rr(!'1• it and xelected over werea pet-
- the frith day of February, A.D. 1012, fol of ooer twenty years and bred
The tt,tmest's Auxilisry of St. to aPnA memP to the nnd,raig ne±d nn or from nota),le slrex. Tory arP gond
Georges . hurl w•Ill held n Irxke mak' taetore March 2Rth, A.P. 11152, ee nn and' mth Pralueer*.)
Oq Saturd ey, Mamh 26th. In the vacant sitar tb•t slate the ..executor heroin nasi Claltels-- nlikin, boxes, 13arrlster, Selleltor, Eta.
More neje tO S1'Igle'm drug store• will proceed to make distribution of the r..,4116.1111....-•• MI ,- , r' haitIv t, ir111rtIl ha r• `
Mrs , .minae Mn,'trtti,r. \\'tlllnm p nexs, harrnws,.eultivator• drill. riding Ico-Hemlltoa Street, Goderich.
" t f th IA emtatP having re`Rer•l ZR2
Barrister, Etc.
Office -Hamilton street, Goderich
Phone 27. _
Barrister and Solicitor.
Office --North street, Oodericb.
Telephone 512.
Sicceasor to J. L. KlUonu.
Phone 97.
Office -The Square, Goder1tb.
name m n e eft Phone
street, typed with hoeing liquor plow, COT"
binder, walking plow, roller, only to the rlalmm rat whish he tum no- I Pr s .reader mowP .
It a{Rreeroe for corn- b 1
without :e perm Hee. Tested et Goderich thin 10th da .♦
r horse -rake
fence trPf,ere McRlxtrnte Reid on Toes- of Marc95
March, A.D. 12. fanning mill. engine. cooler, tank. milk -
day mor,irtg and was tined ltl(►0 and HAYS & HAYS, ink Utensil', milking machine. Iva, In-
rtmts. Solicitor. for the Pbrecutor herein. tenet In lee plow.
A remit received at the town hall_ Grin, ate. -All grain, hay, eropa
from the Department of itexlth labor- - --- mitnate oi, farm.
atnrles at London, on lee taken from .. - AiICTtON MLR '•tieeellane u -Other mfmmellaneone
artielee. gal'. Implements, ete.
ALT, e.1 which 7 aha11 offer for sale
by auetlat at the farm of the Bald
Coal A. Ilaxter, known as Lots 3 and
4. Conee.lon 0, We.tern'iivision, in
be pressen ed in McKay Hall, Thurs. Cerollne McWhlnnee deceased, will of- the said Township of C'othnrne.
del, Mnre-h.ilst, and Friday, April far for mole by piddle eviction. at the TERMS: (irnin feed and all articles
• let, under tile komplett. of the c men',, p remlaea, Bruer. street.. Ooderleh, eras Pte., the ptrehaae price of whlch N
Aseotelitlnn of Vietnrie street c ur't-fi. SATURDAY. Apr11 2nd. 1052 under 510.00 cloth. For amounts
-a Lake Hearse at Voleech this month,
= shows it tone Id find -clans quality, A ■D#IINIS'1'RA'POR" • SALE OF
grade "A 0011510' AND LOT
The -whale family will enjoy the
roMe(ty &rima "Just a StPpehllI." fA The Admtnletratnr of the Previte of
157 opi'i•,114.,8 p.m.,_ Tickets 53 rents, et 2 o'clock hese over elOtPO, mix mnntha' eredit will be
Mr..1..I Robertson ham been chosen of foot 315 1n.•the Town of (iolcrleh. meted be Mr .1. R. ('ox personally,
by the G,,ierleh Collegiate institute The hnnse hits maven rooms, Intending wM note. to bear Interest at the nM'
board to 1,4 a delegate to the i)utarto four bedrooms. also has plcc rale lights, of !MVP,' par rent. per annum. A
Faluratlnhat Asuoctstn» convention bath. end good eellar. straleht etiwonnt of tour per tent. wit
which w in be held during Raster week, Wove will he mold .nhject to a re- its paid all amounts over 310.00 pa)
In each.
'f1t1t'f1t$ I r.\T, THE THIRTY-FIRST
amaasaer&MA tae.rlmt. alssaDsi......-- -;
AUCTION E> ;,.George H. Elliott,
Clinton, Ont
DATED at Ooderich this 21st day
of Mamh. A.P. 1992. -
sheriff of the (Iowa; cat Huron.
chitdren 3 cents.
HiiusF •tin lot, being the MM halt" ern*, oar JnAut nasus arrpt'o'vmd and law
at Tnrnnt,.. The delegation wm' made served Md.
At the moutitly meeeng of the hoard on et Terms- Tpas cent et pnrchaee
ay ..v ,,,, coney at time of sale end liatihR'r to
of the Mission of thlrt days.
runts% • Tlp(osgnertrarCroaa," which For fort ax,,particnitin, a'bpt , to
they will pie asent in the ehilrrtl' on THOMAS GUNi)RY & RON, """
Gond Friday evening. There will alaO Anetloneen, Ooderich. Ont.
ire other rause eel numbers by fnrtner HAYS A HAYS, their -rich, Ont.
membere at the Band A silver roller Solieitora for the Administrator here -
tine will ea taken. In.
Barristers and Solicitors
R. C. Hays, K.C., and R C. Hays, R.A.
Hamilton street, Gr*lerlch
' elephote 81
Barri ter and Solicitor
Sun Life Bnllding. Aieleide and Vic-
toria streets, Toronto 2.
Telephone Eight 5601.
MB ANCE CO. -Farm and iolatsd
town property Insured.
Ofleen - John IlinniFtiella, Pres,
Brodhagen P.O.; James Connolly, Vies
Pres.. Goderleb P.O.; D. F. McGregor,
See.•Treas, Seatorth P.O.
ler,ctora--A. Rroadfoot, R.R. No. f_
Seaforth ; . James SholdIee, Walton ;
Wm. KnoxLondesboro; Robert Feria
Berle& I (Ica. McCartney, R.R. No. R
Reeforth ; Jobe Pepper, Brumfield.
Aub --W. J. Teo. R.R. No. 4., CiIn-
wart .11111iki-WItt lityve -'8. lade
1.17. SMforth : John Mur :ay. fleeter93.
Polley -holden can make all payments
and get their cards raeetpted at the
Royal Rank, Clinton: ('.1v►a okra's
Oror•ery, Rlagstcm street, anderiett, or
J Il. R.td's Oenrrml 315'.', RaveNd