HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-24, Page 7County and District Little Miss Dorothy Taman while Her son James is ou the home farm at the btoken. Ilamrecently wl 1 Wl: �. ?hnmrenn of London t■ IUrk• died lsd re cautiq at thee hom playingEpuoudvllle school had Elizabeth , low I0 iron. e the Ing a shoe and gents' furnishings s ��� at ^81 a ens s at store in Seaforth. res of eighty lytta She war a termer W. Collins, a member of the W resident of Drysdale and was the last In[- rurtivlug member o1 the family of Me taw High School staff, fell whole skat- and Iles. Robert Drysdale. Several Ing and broke his nose. her old neighbors t• Stanley attended • ti THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. - r' rntiabu•'t the Empires And especial Timely Address by Rev. T. P. Hussey (rnptInned from more RI pen 15. Indeed. mss4Iter tt•••n the sword. George V. thn* gr. •Ino•ly M lair the wronae of Wore, i. 11 . ••rad jiiI. Rsm•av McDonald moved her baps by the memorte. of hl. oneient • Pkottleb kinsmen, of Edward and R•,h- uf ert Bruce. who were the Mends -nd allies of ancient Ireland. Ramsay Me - Donald snd his Government thus gen- areusly timed, to the Irish people their sovereign rights as a free people to work out their own national destiny AS they tbelOselree Per ,flt.. ther,hy rigbting the wrongs and eraring the odious memories of e•enturies of op- pression. What WW De Valera Dot Hon. Thos. L. Kennedy, Provincial the funIn M Michigan. Sondes at Minister of Agriculture, has accepted To Held y th an invitation to open the Wtngham fall Roth Blyth charge* of the � Unnited fair en October 8th. church hare voted In favor of holding Simon Miller, of 1)asbwood, passed union servicer In the two churches for away Manch Ilth In his sixty-ninth'-ati'mantha alternately. It is expected year. Hisahrw wifell of 1tedaugbters and that the new arrangement will be put Ave cod, survive. Into effect the dot Sunday In July. The congregation of Knox United Both the present Minister. will resign hurch, leoderboru, has decided to and a new pastor will be appointed at enter Into union with the turner Meth- the Conference to June. relist cbur•h at Loudesboro op terms Taylor—Robins agreed upon by the oMelal boards of A pretty wedding toot place at the both charges. home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robins, Mrs. Susanna Driver, of Fofdwtch,' ltreccdsld, on Wednesday, March 10th, leased away last Thursday at the age s -hens thea of about elght7-ave years TheLyd1A k.' r es°est da t Hilda fir► tteati, was united in ;Dadra - vows day she had fallen In her bons I nage tit Harold John 'favour, eldest and fractured her leg, and the shock eon of Frank Tuylur of Exeter. The brought about her death. The death of Mary Ann Lee, widow 1 eerrmou y was performed by Bev. W. of John Brown, occurred In Hullett 1 A. Bremner, In the presen a of thirty township March 10th. In her seventy- guests. Mr. and Mr. Taylor after - second year. Deceased Is survived by If wards left on a motor trip to Sarnia two daughters.Mn, A. Austin and • I and Detroit and atter the honeymoon Mrs. Win. Trewln, both of Willett. groom's will make their home on the Intends and neighbors of Mr, and Rrwm's farm east o[ Exeter. ug tier, Mrs. Rotel. Altcheaon and family, who Tragle Event near I.ttekaew are removingfrom Blaeval i'"rpie °f the Lucknow destrlct were e to gip. Dr ley, held a Nodal gathering In startled a tied by the news of the selfde• MnIR doss oaaaaated lion wlti a Zit - structtun of ■ young wan. Clarence wdl addt'eaa seri a!,/sstpslate ' y, son of Mt. and dva. Garner At Ilse March meeting of the W.M.S. Wt*trlmy_ theah-Ont the •lswestary about of Wesley -Willis rutted church, Clin- t°n, a letter was read apprising the members Ihat,the late Min P711ssbeth Washington had bequeathed a ruhstau- W1 sum to the Societe,-- The_dreesoed rally ohm tett a sus tar ______ _ r, Medina (iratugey alt AMID' __settler of Hayrick tow-u.hlp, died on Ma 7th In his aeveutyoreenth year. lie had been an Invalid for over twenty year and for the last eight years was quite blind. He Is survived by his wife and three- -solar-----Flanlog,_. of Jamestown. Clayton and Wilbert at home. After an Illness of several moothe Mary Jane Morrow, wklow of William Rtroug, died on Monday, March 14th, et the family home In Howlett. Dr- •caetd was In her eighty-eighth year, and had been ■ resident of Howlck The eeremony *55 performed by Rev. over sixty-five years, Her husband J. W. Herbert. Afterwards the wed - died eight teat* ago sod she briar. ding repast was served at the home .1 a mile west of the village The sad event occurred on Tuesday of teat week, when the lifeless issly was found hanging to a rafter in his father's tarn. The young man, who was In his tweuty•csgbth year..t!•anl-ltfr ind ldrInen and mist-yesng-aest.-_Ille-load bet'ajn poor hcwltb foe some tole and It 1* thought that despondene-1 resulting front hos lidless was the .Huse of the rash act. Dowses—Pearson At the United church parsonage, HotM*ilrllle, on- Sartarday. Mareb . the marriage was solemnised Frances Olive Pearson of London, youngest daughter of B. Pearson, God - retch townshtp, to Elroy S. Dawson, eldest son of William Dowson and The late Mn. Dowson of Stanley township. Now the question arises, what MIA 11)e Valera choose to do? WiU honor hos pre-election pledges by break- ing away from the British Common- s wealth? Be may do so if he wishes, according to the Statute of Westmin- ster. For Ireland's own good, It is bei ire hoped he w111 not. But If Ireland now choo*ea to resume her place among the sovereign independent na- tions of the world, that is her business and nobody else's. I still look forward hopefully to the union of the North and South Into a single Irish nation. I fear, however, that a Government headed by Ulster's archenemy. De Valera, will not be very conducive to the. realisation of such a hope. However, the responsibility of government will, we doubt, tram lea some softe(tl eth'et es elte.holima as It has on such extremist's who promise radical changes in their bid for power. And we must also bear in mind, In emsldertag the problem of North and South. that the division between Northern cid Southern Ireland is political as �r eel as nNlgtome- --The Bettie ..f the .I oyut _-gMUN5dlrettri *e- eentuate the cleavage betireen North and South. but that rivalry and Jeal - 17 now that he has attach,i his royal denature to • document whle•h cow- T H E FAR M .•1 'e':r m 1 •IM'I people end maker It pos.lble fp(! thew to sever the Imperial He it t so choose. I Note. rind Cummrnta on feel sure that this us set on the port of our beloved King will hate Agricultural Topics COLDS DOUBLY DAII OUS NOW In 'This Semen tot PII Iesenia, Wll� Many Scatters/ Cane sl Flu Res toy effect of handing Irishmen more - parted. ('olds thane Be closely to the throne, rather than of ( Buy Quality t;esd tempting them to abandon It. Such "AN never before la the history of to the parchoivgv et the lriah ehar e. i erre in the Godes-lob families ale ter. Kindness Is more effiriie coercion. They are alwayM readyfor spring." g" this 'take maned' with e*ie tot not l.... � • p ng." is the advice If one well- raduee body reslntanew and often pave a dart, but they ace lilac equally ready known authority, who eddy that it is the way for -Flu" SW pneumonia. to forgive and forget. d;Yubly finPortnnt to wake sure the LEMON SPONGE PIE ( Makes one plc t 3 egg yolks. beaten thick 5 tablespoons lemon Juice L..tes.poon grated tenon 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons Sour 54 teaspoon salt • 1 tablespoon melted butter 1% cups milk •- 8 egg whites Uncooked pastry Combine alt Ingredients, toiding 1n Inst stiffly beaten egg whites- Turn Into pie tin lined with uncooked pastry and put into bot oven (450° F.) After len minutes reduce heat to moderate (1150• le.) and bake twenty mlintes longer, or until fllling is fins. POULTRY—A FARM ASSET °metal reeords show that the poul- try population of Canada has doubled each ten years during the period of the thin c past y .ran. Each succeeding period of low prices for farm products ands the poultry flock coming to the farmer's rescue At the prevent time It can easily be shown that the poul- try. dock properly bred, housed, and aII'�0baa afters (e, twain the stat al 4[ � Iplk1-ineast saint and toed _nowt' of the twat paying lines of farm effort. iaeJn sic,eedlug year appears to make It more clear that the farm is the logl- laar•haaes bare been Government -tested es a result of last year's drought and the reduced supply of hlghquatM7 ettti�k. ole warns sgalust buying oar - Lid seeds where price is the only de- nerlption given, because retlitble seeds - dem do not approve of adrertlsenents in which seeds are offered at stipulated prices without any Indication sr to their quality or origin. It would actu- ally be cheaper to buy the best the mar- ket affords than to take the poorest as SUL_ha.•Ooncludes, A Farming ,barna! An example which might well he followed to other counties le that et the-Nortdk-1.hambrr• of Commerce -la issuing an annual Agricultural Jour- nal. The fourth annual issue has Just been distributed free of charge to 5,000 fanners in the county. It Is au eight - page pubUe•*tlon and contains a wealth of information relating to the terming Ind rat v u r Almost moss t every phase of agri- culture as tarried en 1n the Bounty is At this season wh5Syse•uruonla Luker Its heaviest toll --04 *1111 wvttrnal CANON of "Flu" reporMd from want' ste•tlona of the D°adde every cold should he checked i plt•,INptl}. Start at the "SidSign" At the first sign ot! "patching told" —that uumlatakable 'Stuffy, enemyfeeling—snuff Nome Men lapoltub up the nose several ulnae a day. This winoften cheek a cold at the start. It Is a wipe plan, if passible, to avoid exposure lo those with colds, or to eondltiong usually foll0we4 by colds. Vigorous Treataseme l'rged If a eotd has developed, don't neg- lect It. At bedtime, rub the• chest and throat vigorously with Vicks VapoRub. Spread on thick and cover with warm" flannel. If 4he head ei clogged with muds or there le RUM eoughlug, melt a Roomful of Vides in boiling stamenwater and Inhale the stamenvapors. If possible, stay at home until the cold Is broken. Complete reNt- preferably In beat --help to maintain Indy rc'sls- dtw mlaooed, such as poultry breeding, re- tater and throw off the cold more toren tati, pillar„ raining, fertilisers, quickly fruit and vegetable growing. Sumer- FoOD To suer tot. i IT ons pictures of local Interest are used to brighten -the pages. The local a pylic is al of Commerce, has been Iargidy /wpm. ethic. for the entrees of- {Iiiamineable Many tnedMld men are urging house- 7tlgfe'!c_4Mi-j1.. waussta to� Heim _ of diet whirr are knots tocombat Odds and ward off Infection. cal ponce for the development of the Publiratiun.•Milk. e•gg•. butter anti c,nnin fruits poultry hulustry with resps-t to bent ( which till t"utalis the anti-htfevtive and west yrolluetlun. Thr farm Weekly (sup Krtwrt vhnmiu -\ ,1111 whole wheat foods 15a t'ni oedinw for The• mark- A alfaifa *sol clu-cr, role nr. retained n latch impart body heat are partltin s badly dnwxgel Lu rl}`Tg111snbte. ----- fsaor---.heating. - .1n. lu the form of eggs and pinery meat''�tmO �'ntith*• 'Por ret'ebtteiA-spool-- `tlin$ilal Wheat 1s '117 Buck.,. and Ivan cuwpanae•. idol the eau be x'rcel In wauy • td amu whirls has a poultry d.s•k a mach had been started lu POMP dlntrh•ts. pp''tl ug com- winer ri k.tltanA a oiiur Iris; �laa 'truce county reports and ormer bLutluns with 11* rhliutlu A foods' ! g are either gsuggested. Shredded Wheat Is trade flinging to hare It chem. l and _that entirely_ of ('sundial' whole Nhiwt with APPLES BEAUTIri. D - ; roomy tar —male* authi tt is ittr:p tAufil� 1 -.—tE i prartivally all classes of erups. ltraul BY SCIENTIFIC PROCE�l eAutty reports a shutter condition. Pon ••tits of it serval with odor• uitlk and tante' hart bean reetlfug rat tw'cntytfrr fruit' maks' w iwr[ettly balnn.- d weal New York. Manch I(.—R.-:. u.,• can't I •' flta_na bag in Ilhldhvrx. kYeld till" I fur rlilldre n or adulfs, paint the lily yet, but 11 Is witting the_wer• buil- at the farm of John ((add,! Mesh on apples -and I' liens peachiest. -Inglewood. Pal rout}. and ntcerely Fruit blushes base high comtnerelal -slue. auto scletti*ts sari. fpr several yeses to aitaeagiar their oozy was there ewe the days of the; Neale and the Engeulans. When Ire-, land was not united W Sts fight against I 1 _nee: iia.- Nasn*UR..nttd 11.x' Sax- ons. well. then, they were fighting amongst themselves, especially the North against the South. Fight lug wile their national pastime. t oh. no! the Battle of the Boyne esu' not primarily • religious affair. • That was a scrap William of Orange and the English' awes DI. for the possession of the biome of England and Ireland. Tben•.. were good Papists In the .array of William and good Protestants In the aeobite ataxy, within and without the walls of Derry, on both banks of the fiver Boyne. Some or the most Illustrious Cham-, pions of Irish sell -government were -psatriotic _Web ._Protestants. Flood. , Swift, Grattan. Burke, Sheridan. -Em- met, Parnell; (lrt4t s, sad issue Ad the most ndlav-lrslhortrof„lhe race were Catholles, each a* Derrald McMurtOSb who mkt his country to the Normans in 1167. Tots division of North and!, Suutb Is older than St. Patrick. It; i hi geographical, pont-lent. wditloTaL i at let us hope sod pray that this na- turist schlep of the iHet, people will et tot happily healed. s a 111 Iced In the a tthe If i had 1t aye of my, anteetors. I would Bare I h sen with Sarsfield at Limerick. with vived by four sons and two daughters- of the brtde's sister, Mrs. P. McCu)- t lough, Maitland converse on, and dusk the afternoon the ydhng Couple lett By foaming new, rich Moa Dr. Oar's Nen s Flood ra• items the airhsuread nerves and removes the cause of Simpliaa- nem Irritability, Headaches Nervo Inds Dr. chase's NERVE F000 Monumental Works GODLRICH, ONTARIO Beet Materials L&teat Detrigns Expert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed %saswablo Prices R. A. SPOTTON P. 0 Bea 181 God.rieb, Ort HYDRO STORE BUY AN Electric Stove Quick - Clean - Economical aid cool to cook with on a honeymoon trip to Detroit and t J Flint. Mich. On their return they will rewlde at Varna. - ' 1 Fenner Htsreetius !• M_IIIMlt Mr. sod Mrs. Joseph G. (aldkIL Pion- eer settlers of Morden.-Man.._.t tl tr114.rtel the fiftieth Anniversary of their wedding. 31r. Oodkan, who le Jia hos Meventy-fifth eear, wait -tom et Whlgbsm and went to the' We when a young Ivan of twenty. After making a plate for himself he came back for 51* weddtng an tRit;, his Vie. wag Margaret Rainey.. a At. Rados ptt.i ](r.8odttlir erre trip to tis West put a atop to sealing operations whirl, -.644-4"444- SW 418 w•TiO-ttlt utt Proitat-•whleb-; girllei over 1110 twenty:year-old Spy attempted end ltuidwtn trees. The orchard was -ebeiel-313.-t wsl mulch which liarhnred Ort. Secrete Is suwtMneld tcntky -io hn»dnrls It( threw pmt•. .Lr,cu;etc of HP Iudnsttia1 Itultetin. a I'anlbridgr lime wheel with cornmeal proved *n I seteutllh• piblh•atlou. 'the method Wal rfiedlre poison tall when 'preset in a I drams -ere] et the Bute• Thompson in• e•iri•Ie ;lemma phi. hese of the tree. Lire statute for phut research at 'conker shirk -is wluterieg 1•: cx,e:Ielit ..ends - by i' .,....... ,__ ! Ito -violet Rglxtd,t•es it but that tion Iu Trmisk:nuiug, with t:u t,fiund-' ,•tie,• id glssl hit and n dsn.hh•r,ebM is ut11J flip lrrglnnhlg °f the story. ,Itruttitr of gMln. .tipples Nutt p*CIPs are cot t sv sloop •_ y .e..._..-. widens n tys at tight they will irtnsh for. ; should (-Reck grertoneyer - I Dor. Arthur worked ou tics ttr1u11gne y In fruit for two years. Ilii is the .e ,.sa Inc ,; too•• lay. in lois experiment -ate appb•- htushrd - tiliri rs ,into it 1*. hutsertnat that reautlfnlly brut, sad to retste. also dt) taruncrn Mhontil knells bt,W fir prphs t ;eloped wrinkltw. Dr. Arthur dimly!, I thenru•lvt•• in is eking sum that they Bred loupe --tote snatre of tam wrinkee, Ire.dei1 n1L t11c kind still analyaas of f,'rtltix ` `- er• vrliltli tree w-aw lsrsltWag entirely Ist•lsild,•, the , imp”'":... - fra-Rett rayls, unreels wove lengths a Fah rnl Fertilisers Act requires that pN•r•Iwrpied with heal. i'ltiuut, Ir t'v"ifh"'�•1�•Ir•Met4tet'ircl to s farmer r Mr -milled the Idttah omits as alts., 4a1i1 Is' Isla•Uecl with tole gtlseshteed chat rat shote wore lc•nekh* with the � analysis In terms of nttnrpren, plww,: + to acid and I. _- was by train from Ontario to Oslnth, t the»ee errors country to Rt. Jo, on the . Rei Rover. uorth by flat-hottoned boat to *Sweeten, and across vomitry by ox- ,1 eart to Morden. Ilia return trip with his bride was try train to Emers„n, the R raliway being then built that tar. hat the ox -cart had to be used for the reit of the way. Mr. (lodkln served .•veral years on the council of lath wnnl,•Ipage ley. THE DEBUTANTE 11 u 1 .the r light filtered out. . , phot pawls Therefore tote Wath thaw light lee -ruts the rel on ' farmer should cheek the gumrapteed eInteeslt apple; ;Rica fort.) -eight hours'analyds of the fcrtatizer when at atm- u•n they are pleke'd 'Mite green rives. If short one per stmt. nitrogen thered at fair rtpeless _the) twirl :1Z is worth nlout $2.,'(i a ton hens than 1144y-ehx hours to tern real, but only the purchase price, anti !dimple -tele aeld routhfut apples ran-kdunh. After Nil 1 and potash are worth about Al for - 1 peening tone [cult 1pauew Oliopower, is- I i is tar (ent. I'tin'ha*ers *re advised use I1* Wash eelhs die. Ito refu*e• ae,yRauce fit fertlllzer which __T � in »,t labelled pra•lsely the name guar -- Ianted) anAlysls as flat pur•lra,tel. Should any farmer hers' reason to donut the value of a f*rtillxer delivered r to hint, he IN'ad sise 1 to Mnm»nieate with the nearest fertilizer Writes -tor or the district representative of ■grkvl- tnr•. Today dawned not upon Oh •eitli as other days had done: A throng of little virgin etowt. sited waiting for the son. Till the herald -wind* aligned them, and they filindted, and stool aside, As the mar*hals of the morning dung the esateen portals wide. So natnre lit her playhouse for _ the play that May begone, • And Ids. Isla - of lwify*U kle sawed like little violins • la -the down tbere_4Ze • E whI .•ytseence that was new, For the Mender Rprfng was at the wing. and waiting for her cue' - As yet I could not see her, and the stage was wide and hare; As yet the Winter'* chorus echoed faintly on the air With r dying wall of tempest and of dry and tortured turas. But a promise of new music lent en- chantment to the hreese. in the weft,.'. ssindrd earner any the snow -drifts. .till nwenre: But the murmur of their melting enog another 'Wert ore I Than the brooks of brown NQ ,-ober, and .I Widened. and 1 knew • paper Is famtened down with lona Norden*. end it+nntt--ilea-colt- fae'Mr That bine-eyed Spring WAN at the home-made staples rat cheap black wire, over whit h II"' owner Iu,s *Reroute wing. snd waiting Inc her rue! between the rows, with only an Inch control. As the cost hi au) cq! la but or so of space between stripe for the a few cents, there should be no MVP - The world was all attention, and the lowed. In the ease of tnmatoe*, cabbage, MVP - ration to *acrfficr quality, bot only the h,-tnlc,ek, stood, a -row, 1 and other plente, their are Inserted In 'eery hest sti°nid he need; :end this eh. Usher*. never changing eo.tdme holes. pinched In the paper, and thole talntd from Canadian *°ter e•a In orh+t through the Semitone' wonder .how, regetaldee planted in bilis ere hendletl that cue get* st'el aeltctel with (eh- sdlau conditions In mind. •tete use of Med Raved from the home garden eau - not 11 rr•ommendel. MOS till, is almost were to ts, very tnixel. 1',I-. one gores of Hugh O'Neil at Tyr -few or with Saxe at Fontemy. But 1 hare the It good fortune to lite in the twentieth nt.t century under is sovereign whom I not , t:a only reverence and respect. but one • tit whop, 1 love with a genuine peraomtl affection. and 1 sin 'satisfied that such r) s.e the seutluents of every hishnan to rithe�:7ar• e •t..,, -Gordon Lindsay Smith- • • • Register Your 4ereige tot on the 17stent '44 4.4v4' r•glstrtinn. ('harles 1•:. Broughton, M the Ontario Marketing Board, said, ge o very -. - ".... 1'apffr mnich in the vegetable garlenlfilhat in in orlOr to rucnitrs iidlshYadPtr tart•rtvt' I►r arrv'rtlf t,�l,,• -,w.*-. st'a' this ex L- etegc. 1 515.1 ,irvf l Qa p•rlmOnta II e9 minent. At- learn three.}iaativsi are_iutlntte. 1n my estimation ami results obtained at both private •• feet of rttrlebeteg support 44.. -aIle. -form of if thea. aystem. If token up eutlntatastl- hrnsh. ,it don's. or paIItr netting, ••ally by the ludlrldu*1 grower, mould t* the means of eliminating two of the greatest menee(5 to snccensful agrlenl- ture, namely,. over-produethat anti un- decided advantages. The paper isIll'Mld nlannre•, or gar•,Ierc cowmerclalI der-prtaluctlou.• the inter dilicese1 ir, rs *'"r, dnrtngl "(hilt' the °then dory," eonthtntrl Ilr. quite shame t0 t11e ordinary black the enrl} rage. of grown, Blcsmnlug 111 Bronghtnn, "It was reiw,rtwl to roe that building kind, though 11 1* tougher, aio should -tart In .1111y, and it one wants the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable that It w111 stand a fair amount of test• to have 111• c(1uthuu1• nn1ii frost. pick (Jrrwers• Market CottncIi, at Haniiltoh, . lac and wpohertm. It may he ehtmaed the 11(.1-5-,-* drily, umking ahreolntety hare Inquiries on 1ptnl for sevetity-five , from practically any *ealsman In dot- *lira that. n(1 need pod. ,n-• allowed to meted* 0f (Whirler dins,. which that I_ dei clop. ferent widthM to suit the particular Seed organisation (ion y i*n, All. Thos condi- vegetable helve grown. After the sol Goer Is doubly lamentable bns•ause of Is thoroughly prepared for sealing, the Seed is tilt very foundnri,nt of gond the fact I nn 'quite t•e•rtain these In-,, guitiaa -could he fillet if taw.. grower would advise the Markets Connell an to what he has for sale, and that bitch Mint ons can be avoided If the grower *111 eo-nperete with the Connell by re ' td»terig hos acreage." • • • Free Trees and Government places would indicate that under certain conditions thio new method of hurrying growth has some *houlci i*• provided. Soak thoroughly In water daring ctrl- wen Ht r. and it is a quo*! thing to glue nor n lgd&Catlon of 1 Thursday, March Seth, 1935- 7 Brophey Bros. THE LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Ambulance service at all heard day or *1glri PHONES: Store 120 Rol TIT towssicht J. R. Wheeler FuneralE Embalmer act A11 calls promptly attended to day or night AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES Store 333 Residence 365w Hamilton Street, Goderlcb —HAVE YOUR— Plumbing Alterations made before housecleaning time. Tice Payments If Desired Johne Pinder Noisy$. Mutiq, faesstriegliq PHONE 127 P. O. Box 131 (lodertch a 1 THE COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENT SHOP_ Nlirs iacins Chili 3epars -Repairs for-£ockehutt Frost & Wood Farm Im- plements and Machinery. Telephone 598 Kingston Street Goderich REAL BARGAINS IN USED WASHING MACHINES 2 Beatty copper Tub k Ieetric Astable, Ma'eb1res Thea. were used lees than s:x mouths, were $145 00 _ ..... Melo $0a O0 These mnrltinre were Ia., n Lack for the reason that the purcttanra could not He- t flet-tr it:,smenl..Ind they are as gond as new. 1 Time Saver Electric Washer $s0.�- 1 Laurel Electric Washer $w 1 Ned Star Hand Washer -.u.., 1)0.00 1 Water Motor Washer $10.00 1' The Tart kser ,' ashen hsu• all been reconditioned and are therefore in __• z ' _ Al shape. a full line of Hardware, Plum 1::: Steam-fitting Supplies Let 115 li_ur,- ton yt.ur Plnhlbing, lleaning and Tinosnittiing. All work~ and ntatMtal (ally .usrsiltvrl. W. always have hi seek the Idg►est-,trod. Aathncrte, Bituminous and Pocahontas Coal and Coke, which are trisitbeti on sour own scalp --the town maybe( eseleas -CHAS. C. LEE; at he Harbor - PHONES—Stift 211. Mae. 112— While the day, below the Mlle& tried her colors, one by one, (lis the donde experimenting, till the coming of the tnan, In the vines ahOnt the window• w-h,re the sparrows all convene, They were praetl*Ing the chore- that 'should Usher In the Queen, And the sod-Imprlsnned flowers ,•raved the word to 'shoulder through Green -girdled Spring was at the wing, and waiting for her enc! She *hall muter to the d*rat rat of the erystsl-ringing hronk*, She /shall tread on frail arhntns to the waist and mosey nooks; Shp shall to eh the bleak drop -eve -rain of the Winter with her wand Till it 1fits, and *hove* the *owe of the apple blooms beyond! Yet with all her golden sunlight and her twlltghta of p erPome, Yet with all the myotic splendor of her nights of starlit gloom, She dull bring no sweeter moment than idle one In whirls i knew to the **MO way. This' mulch not,. only keepe cloven practically all weed growth but It also hent* tip the soil and sthttuiete•,e very quirk and ren, early growth. Anyone *h., iws laid to the trouble of 'cra•nh,g individual adhered to, and any land owner In the hos hand on a tsrpp•r mrd when the Ihpner. ream her, std ti-eets, and l'rovin', of lingerie may procure addi- nttn 15 shining will meterst*nt) the prtn- emee-polleritxing• it in ■b-'1U1ply Im- clonal quantities free of eller'', by ep eiple upon whtch thio new method of possible 10 prereat mlxlnc of curare plying to the Ontario Forestry Branch. gardening Is bowed. Atter early crops 1n flowers and of ',Vim.' iu *egytahtea, 1'arllsment ISulhllilgN. Toronto, tm- nf ;wee, epinseh and heed lettuce here Then, too, in order to /*Peru,• esthetes terlo. been need. later thong* may ts• hrnnght and quality, 11 la often necc• Heirs that Thr atoll r111111X handed doyen pre. on while the paper is In place. head he secured from a di.trlrt where -ends n wonderful nprportnulty that Sweet Peau the *1•se4111 IN mteh longer than our may nilly be it reliable thin year. Plant• good of the difficulty In growing gl own. Ing •tuck Is clnsRlgdl as: +wt•et peas 1* due tin late planting. P'erT Hest. or even satisfactory remits, th bowers must he own Jun ■m early In the 'tiring am it Is posslhle to dig the ground in moot parts of the mantel, this *fit meow -March or early April. The eery finest Memos are proe111 Owing to the fact that the Forestry 1 Branch hes a kfirpl6�i or ti' i-0 Ih hood this year. the former limit of 213(10 trees for reforestation purposes will not ire 1 Larva Nnlsalrs tis 5 Trees far refers...ttng i:'*rty miring ha the prnl.•r time et band. attend to those !see spots in the burn lb) Tres for elndbreek ponewen. One pail s°ntetimpa re -*enc the., posy Antilleatleu* Mendel he anbinftt.,I on *owisg during one of the cast .now .sr before :fist Merr•h, 1932. Further 11 thin case, no .oitivatlem !s Information alsort type of trees heel in those section* of /'roads where the • plop- u1011-{ Mlrw•-Aa„Ant t1,.., •sp4ttd-to_ s rhos soil condition. ran seed Into the moll. if PP leave the 1*• pns•Ilrtst from TYie -ro-T tijilrauch. ground I. high and the night* cool. al• work until later, we ehnnln -tar up the The (1111.) expense to the hornier I. though w•Ith the proper method thin hare 'mote thoronghly site • rake. I the expre5M on the. tree*. Thin to mol Mower may be grown alewife anywhere. sprinkle liberally with a mixture of ,t large M11111. e* the trees Are *moll. 1 fond In t ger*' aroyl. roll sr pmnA i weer. r « • ' t must mNkt, Its growth during the nrly canal weather and the root system �c('twing, and waiting for her cue) Immo& sneer r...gaata*-.tangtsi* 9pring WIN at the must go deep down Into the so11. Die 1 this vide ang I�YpI�US ... -,- . .. .�....�,r....... Into Sur * > >:rrss at f`' iJNX"thtr =wow iairaar.e.• ra$wr..+f •• ' • . tfhnnre 81+� asti�,�ntm •. , +,�I�f1f't� . M��•t-.oat tif..� .r_ey^ ��1�<nl � �e TORE two Itreloea at foe galaten moll. Thv spanM mradittinnr,� h a (1' t 110 ?�itfti'�NRe�f •Y fr p. She=-7Yt►.i, rant marry yea. You're ►rawttcany triter*. sect 1a planaat 1s tri.. Aldi* threw ledgens wls1 crowd pmt 'n wdl ( acyl et , pod M my name' Ho--TMt'a nothing The Cater of i debts apart and an inch deep, and as , hot the abet kind 1s not in won 1 is has rrety hal hilIP *hrl tmp in h e- dtaafll was Nieholsa I growth starts the termer to giu4t stay ' to offer moneh rn*latsntr• floe from 'r.r h*rrer n: moor" wan poor res tort. -Boehm Tranmrript I hornughle. aqd rover with a bit of i (Y1llTtitlt.>Eyr .rash or poultry netting to keep bj�tt � the A (-Weer plisMeR a hasdcart M ttAAire . .lt tAiollult. !y *h p� emoted a pm ----- R cOemt•rrlal-�j '. tiiiM l- in -lis fffi rii;•ifive. wins ordered "Quick yuick... the barn's on fire" Dick Johnson's wife was making pies when she glanced out the win- dow and saw smoke curling up from the barn. And Dick was over; at the Blay's helping with a load of hogs! She ran to the telephone. Dick rushed home with Fred Bitty and in a few minutes they had stamped out the smouldering hay before the fire got really started. "That was a dose shave", Dick said. "We might have loot every it: Jock we'd/ -f our '1* WU