HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-24, Page 6--Theiraday, Harsh 24th, 1I6:
tom seervka see
Satt SC .oa guaranteed
elf .-r. 'T E I
Haberdasher and Dry
Telephone 339 Wes$ Street
Mrs. MacGillivray
at Shanghai
rich, Ont.
Mete of ariatian Literature So-
ciety kvsd by Removal to
West Street
Electrical Appliances,
Fixtures, etc.
Electric Wiring of all
Estimates given .e amnesties
Telephone 82 - Goderich
-- -There be_ infallible men. But
'nee* `YAR'-sw=taM lemellitedeltta
shoe strings before they busted.
Cakes and _
We maks S/etial Rolls .
or arca► kind of dainties
for bridge parties. •
Have you tried cur IImZ-
MADE BREAD? 1f net, why
nes$? It ls greatly io dewed.
Yon have tried the rest, NOW
try the BEST.
Chaos an
And took
Seeds mot
,Let teem
Wax ,o
darkness heard
:it- night,
hwubly pray,
the go$Inel day
glorious ray,
--John elarrlott.
'nl•rii .,-;1,
frit of Guth and love, be with ell
who Aimee One forth carrying the
go,ye( et age: and good -will to all
men. Blest their own sono that there-
by oteem ete> be blessed. In Jesus'
name bio prop. Amen.
8. $, LESSON FOR APRIL led, 1532
Lesson ,od in Creation.
Lesson e-(ieeesta 1:1-6, 25.31.
Golden Text -(:caw Ia 1:1.
lhtrtng the quarter beginning with
today's team we are to receive mes-
sages from fie• (took of Geuesls. The
aim of theft messages is to lad the
students to de over In tine Biblical
stories of beginnings a revelation of
God. and to geek dotter fellowship with
Illm and right relations with their
In the l+le eclopatrlla of Knowledge
we read that, "One of the points to
which Judaf/m differ' most eonaplcv-
oualy from fie'Paganism of antiquity
is its 11941M out s creation t of no-
thing, andogreeeing through nix
Hebrew d
lue o
the very basis of the Christian view
of nature." •
Verses 14: Here we Ind the first
article of ear creel. that OM the
Father AhWghe Is tbe Mnker of
TThe two models have been 'how -
ing at the Chateau-d►Ram.-
say` Montreal, recently in an
exhibition of a century a[ _locomo-
tives. iUght, is the "Dor est r',
oersted In 1836 to 1860 on the
Chem Isla and St. Lawrence Rail-
road between St. John's and La
Prairie. Quebec, the arst train to
run in Canada. - Left, in the 2300
type Canadian Pacific Railway
locomotive, a model of the great
machine that draws modern
senger trains across the Dominion.
of the two locomotives
home the immense
develepreent in the pa
The fodr driving wheels of the
"Dorchester" were 48 inches in
Might. The sir driving wheels of
the 2s00 type locomotive are 75
inches is height. Engine and ten-
der weight of the "Dorchester"
was just over 10,000 lbs; of the
2300 it in 648,900 lbs. Tractive
force of the "Dorchester' to not
elves, but it must have been
1..e than the 45,000 lbs of
anadian Pathe scare.• Ele-
gise and tender of both tomato -
three had respectively .I bt wbsls
and twenty wheels. A further
indication of the vast spread in
operation values between the old
and the new is seen i n the figures of
the latest and most powerful
Canadian Pacific engine, the
B000" t capable o pulling a
freight tram of 160 can, or over a
in length- -- _
It Is as though we say—"Here Is a pic-
ture which must have had a painter."
*0 we u*e.1• the Artist and credit him Yr.n•k 'll. --Thr St
We:STFI}a.1e Manch 21.—!ties
with the plchnn•, If we remove the tit• .HIL •'. Walsh of Duugaunun visited recently
term 1:o1 from this tempter of begin- Heleta b.d•ring comment es olwratlnne with Moi (lraor Itedmoaed.
renes we leave behind a mystery, cit on Thutarli j, Man'h 31. All tuemiserr"' Mr. Ge.e. Brown, o[ Woodstock. V
darkness. When we reinsert the term kludly tatlil:nediee. I visiting at the home of Mr. Geo. W
God we impart the metier mystery of The III.-jfle•n. Wrmteu's Inatltute resile
will meat gee the home of Mn. W. I. plaiu
/3o &deck item exit-liwimeicanlag Geld Unita" ehur•h on Sunday, ow
light. Inn very visible
se do there be Miller on Thursday. March *Lt, at Service was withdrawn in the West -
• far as the ytalble enation is coo- tug
cPnurt, less mystery with a Creator i hints. The meet wllt-he le chs to the fin which is very prevalent in
the (hrlxt n standpoint, rf: Yrs'
Chriatlau resting ground--alol the tion Is eitended to all the Ladies.
mighty and holy Maker of all thing.. Mr. Alan Edwards. of Toronh0 '
if the things themselves were not here, the guest elf Mr. and eine F..G Todd
we might have some difficulty about Iasi week. lir. Edwanle takes a great
G.a1, but theme things embody him. re- littered in tl c rlceu .tugs cattle.
heaven sect earth.- -- t 'Present him, make him. in -some degree, . A `44. Patrick's moi' -Friday even -
Ur. Je"xyi I'erker ttr wrktnR .of, the even -
manifest to our naked eyes. We bow lag marked the end of the contest the
:creation hag this to MY: "Tile action ay -l. - mono' net (log has been. held 1n the Young People's
pan ! Gad is great.
w'JJlanee duty ell#M .,
tai' and hen•
e wa of efee flitted Church, when
ter a momee+nt : hen busy and we know Ilocletty
wonderful thing It was for
any mind. eupposlug It to he a finite
thought, to introduce the word God
into human mpeec•b. Yes; eoW that
sena ohs 11;''"pet into tbt'--erred the
lira of God. we cannot get rid of It.
"The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth his handi-
work." A voice has whispered into
the ear of 'reaeon the mysterious word
(}od, and reason cannot silence the
solemn music. "The fool hath Raid In
his heart, There Is no God," but the
world has not accepted the fool's
meeeh. God is in a8 creation.
Verses 28.31. God created man In
His own llkenet's, yet when we look on
ourselves we do not see God, but when
we look upon the fact of HI. Son we
see God's conception of man. Man 1a
God's child and we see the mystery of
human greatness represented by the
majesty of Christ. We have to bear
his image; we have to be what'he is,
for God expected great things of man
when He create] him. He placbel great
responsibilities upon him from the very eine
fret -dominion and power were in his 1 la t
band and the blessing of the Creator evapor$te l I milk
rented upon him. Almightiness aloca- ... cep len et. juice
exceeded the greatness of nen and Grated rine! 1 Iemon
purity was wltbtn his heart ;.,,.,, ,, _et.. 2 egg yolks, !,eaten
Pour Into pie shell, S -Inch sine.
Cover vette meringue made of
2 egg whites beaten stiff with
2 tablespoons muter
Bake to a moderate Dues (350' F.)
and vee
are the days, and how active, the night lila not. A the lasing *laic•, of which Mtge Edith
Durnin was captain. entertained the
members whose captain was Miss Dor-
othy MIlier. Tlw school room was fit- here
.Mx. and Mrs. Norman . ThompM11
visited at the home of Mr. Bert MUM
one day last week.
taint of Ireland. -\ singsong of Irish I There was no church service here on
gongs. with Mrs. Phillips as pianist, ' Sunday, owing to Dr. Morttmore's hay -
wee ,enjoyed. A 011ie eelo by Mian Ing a severe cold. The Y.P.B. meeting
Laurette MUh r. violin music by Mr. on Friday night also was withdrawn.
(leedeu McPherson, reading. by Mise The W.M.B. has Invited. the young
Kuthurforl and Mies leobel all!"
people of Benmlller to present their
ler, a male chorus-MiNre. Harry play. "Madam. the Bose." in Donny -
Webb, Gorden Mriberson. Elmer and brook reboot on Weduesday evening,
Ted Hoare and risme Wi08et-and a March 30. This play comer' well re-
tainers' chomps by Mrs. G. Stuart. Mrs. egmmentiel and t'r'eryone 1s Invited to
Earl Gaunt told Mtas - Helen Miller, come and enjoy an evenings enter -
were all meet enjoyed. Several In- talnment.
teresting and amnetng eonteets gave We regret to announce the serious
variety *unmixed the splendid crowd. Ulnae of Mrs. John Chamney. Miss
A bountiful lunch and "Auld Lang !.aura Robinson is in attendance.
Syne" bra tt the evening to a close.
in star-ligrldng: in the waters is a
great stir et life; the woods are burn-
ing with (Wore the earth U alive with
raga thaterrep,-tbe' - ee-wiib
the clap of wings. And where Is the
cause Of
created" -
aa w" -"A
blessed" --nal ! That 1s the cause;
Personality, Mind, Purpolae, Govern-
ment—The mysteries of the creation
are but edladows of the mystery of
the Create,. If nature is great, God
must be greater; if nature displays
wisdom. Qed must be wiser; If nature
indicates power, it indicates It in such
a degree gra to make God all-powerful.
this to he found? "God
td God said"- "And God
God called" -"And God
God set"—"And God
The (-Pi-Palest Bo ntcit( ijl
in iTourisliisient
i 141i°
1 •
Ilia ether fad yen sus U. Pin sea yen es
muds daisies esertlhwent for stet Usds
'vies i atom atAND 00e34 ITRUPs.ebs
Memo seetsq Med. awq Pure truer
1deed Me ter ••Oleads'e ea
TBa A riLimited.,
and ar e1A .e -tea.'. Pete.
a.drd'I . —sae. be maid
ITEMS Wen es`da' T AVE y ° d taliOurdNEZ.
Tomato Soup . . 2 tins 15c
Tomatoes FRESH LUX
No. 2 Squat Sia. Rolled Oats Toilet Soap
4 tins 25c 7 lbs. 25c 3 Cakes 21c
P. & G. SOAP _ 6 bars 25c
Sweet Mixed Pickles, 'argot family jar 29c
White H. P. Bean. 4 Ib.. 10c
Readycut Macaroni 2 Ib.. 1Se
Del Maize Corn. No. 2 ties each 1Se
Sariflmb tin 29e
Special—Pere Lard
1 Ib. Carts., 9c
Corn Flakes
Reap. se Straw. JAM
L'iiiM'. Jar 33c
. e a 2 pkgs. l5c
ICL „Nowe
3 4.... ................ tee
Golden Hallows Date*
2 lbs. . 19c
Pork & Beans . . linage 21 Sills 10C
McEwen J. Calvin Cutt
Mr. Walter Zook had several to
engaged for a couple of days last week
wing heading to Whitechurch.
Miss (;race Redmond resumed her
dntim en Monday morning after a
week's raeatioi, laving leen laid up
"du "
From thi-Iatermit Baal Settlemedt
$ n that, wItb_ limbs and shells
berethng sat tar amp, hire. Donald
MacGillivray, widow of the former
general -ecretary of the Christian
Literature Boelety for China, writes a
vivid Inter on war conditions and
Divine oeerruling of events. •
"This city is now the centre of wiser -,-
writes l.
Mrs. MaeGlillvray to Re -"'Rei
1C. Arm-troag, D.D., Toronto. "We saga
hardly believe what we see for our-
selves. Many shells have burst in
the torreen 'settlement, and two days
ago a teed) burn just five or six
minutes away from this building.
Ye/eerie. they had to evacuate 8t.
Luke's hospital. The Japanese have
last, 1 should think, the respect and
eopddeper of all nations."
The writees husband. Rev. Donald
MacGWlvrary, D.D., LLD., shortly be-
fore his death had arranged for the
removal set the "C.L.S." headquarters
to a new Ate. Today the old site U
a ruined battleground, the letter re-
cords, awl so the transfer of offices,
workrooms and some material to the
present building, undertaken hurriedly
ro-tilives andpro-
we had remained in North Sze-
-obese Mead all would have been
„aapa -We- Jdac1%11,1teelle.e
*Ions of gratitude to Goa' sh_ ',Meowtot' t'he''
escape of all the staff with their lives
if without their personal and house-
hold effects.—Toronto Globe.
Warm Water
Car Washing
Corner Elgin Ave. and`
Victoria Street.
— Phone 259—
Is INN Y BROOK, March 21.—Miss
Reta Devereaux 1. visiting at her home
thistly ,recee.ls'4.fer 8t.r1t '._D.y.
Mr. Lorne Woods weeded, and gave
ROMP information nett the patron
I By Betty Barclay)
When you hear that unexpected
testa are tend g for dinner, there Is
r peed for worry about the dessert at
'Rent. Here ere two recipes that are
Ideal for such t wergenelex :
Commit Apricot Yhil
2 cups scooted apricots
*4 cup powdered sugar
r,4 cup scream, whipped
% can coconut. southern style
irony apricots through sieve. Add
anger. fold in cream and one-quarter
can ...menet. ('hill. Sprinkle with
one-quarter cin coconut. Serves six.
Commit Banana Scow
3 banana's. cut in small pieces
% cep powdered stager
2 tea -aeons lemon juice
1 egg wblte, stiffly beaten
% cup cream, whipped
% cup coconut, southern style
C41111 ..111. bananas, sugar, and lemon
jnlee. Chill. Force through sieve.
Fold pulp into egg white; then fold In
slaw one plel WH}TFCHi'R(7FI; Marcie 31. --Mr. cream xnd cocaina.- (tents ea.
ed the funeral of
'onghly rgoaland (train attend
vortene,l cuud,vuned (eat his aunt, Mfao Annie Whelan. -in
Elora on Monday. Many old friends
will remember Miss Nicholan, when
else lived with her hmther, the late
Mr. Henry Grain, on the farm now
owned by Mr. Frank Coulter. • see •'
Mr. Robert J. Ross has purchased
tine farm on the 2nd concession of KW -
logs known' as the Morehouse farm.
The Read Leading I"pwerd in Korea
In one of our earliest 'studies of
Korea we learned there is still to be until n1rfngtfe Is brown (six to twelveKoss has lived on thin place.
seen an altar hullt before the days of minuteal (-hill before serving. Miss Mary Laidlaw, who has been
Abraham, and many other relics in this
Country whose history dates back tour
1 thousand years. For many of these
centuries Korea lived to herself, pro-
hibiting her subjects to leave the court-
' try and refusing to tradeawlth or grant
I the freedom of Korea to any other na-
I tion; thus she became known as "The
Hermit Nation." As a result there
was little progress for the Koreans
Since moving from Belmorelaet spring
along any line until sixty years ago
(By N. .1. Wether, in The Owen
Sosnd $ten Thrum) -
Methinks. my friend, you're much 1D
To diose who tamed you Margaret. I Mr. Ezra her mother. Mrs.rs. .\ A. ud, who with his
Amble renal, though old and Wald,wife and family came home from
serionely i11. has commenced to Im-
Quite a number enjoyed the St. Pat-
rlek's Aerial In the United chun•h on
Friday evening last.
Ma. Roy Patton of Lm -an event a
few days last week at the home of
it Rraeem well a charming meld. easkatchewan last year, Is moving to
when her ports were first opened to The 'alas otnts any your came means the farm formerly owned by air. Cecil
foreign trade. Ten years later Pro- peaty: Falconer. We welcome them to our
testant missionaries entered and began it well leets so fine s girl. community.
work. Since then wonderful changes For as a . wei loved you are Mr. and Mrs. Vert Taylor enter-
tained a nnmtwer of their friends and
relatives In their home on Friday
evening. All report a good time.
Mrs. Jas. MacGregor and Mrs. Mal-
eailm Rosa spent a few days last week
at the-bonie of tbe miters debgbter,
Mrs . Jack Henderson of ?Eramount
Mks Catharine McKenzie, R.N., who
have taken plaee, until Korea now
claims to be "the hub of the world," lo- One dray. era fax remote.
Bated as she Is on the direct line of A Pe ay. +Crax' a remot wrote:
travel between: the countries oS,,.the E'en thenaIt rubeweals tate gnftwrote
.western world and the Orient. But the Whale parents to ,thelr children told.
question M Ing asked, What has been The raster, of the sea, they said.
accomplished as a result of the Invest-
win worship of the moon were lel
went of money, time and liven through
the miselonarles sent to Korea? Has Gest upon the wave
It really paid?
Since Japan annexed Korea to 1910
the country has benefited In the matter
d education• trade, improve) roadspm
and transportation, and national de-
5eleent, but this has not done much
to change the character of the people,
frames many franioth neer and far
To rime and os u po -
Wlth open shells they rev'renee gave. was vatting the
p(st elk with
ted her
Her Nebel devotee,' to thank. her poaltem In North Bay on Satur-
The mom eelthin each shell then sank div.
A drop of slew, congealed to nee A great number of sleighs are on
in tiny mu.* her eplend'rona shape. the road,' these days drawing barrel
The,'P credal dewdrop. (plel,'Ing heading to Mr. Wilmrn'a mill.
Mrs. Green of Teeswater visited far
a few days last week with Mr. and
'.iiia.. EA. Gaunt.
Mims Florence I'urdon spent a few
day' paint week with her sister, Mrs.
George Tiffin of KInlomm.
Mina Isabel Kennedy of Culross Is
veining with her eleteet, !Mrs. Wm.
Coal and Wood
G a g ler love A.Otr
Chestnut Coal
Pea Coal
1 can supply your wants in
Many of the above foel. Prompt
ssrvioe and reasonable Pries.
Telephone 178j Goderich
"It i- no good pteteeding haat —
women are artlstfc," says a writer.
But it can't be denied that stay d
them am ,teatgntng. --
_ 4
"I suppose you play golf?"
"No." replied Mr. Cumrox. "I
can't may that I play It. But I am still
working at it.
and the Koreans resent,being control- Were called "the children of the
led by Japan. In becoming Christian. llgh("- .
and accepting the teachings of Jesus Murwsrl was the Persian name.
Christ that we lore our neighbor's as Which word -Aad meaning „wee the
ourselves, tine Koreans find the "great earn.,.
enminandment" a very difficult one to When Grecae'?rom Porten took the
put Into practice.
We untimely think of missionary
work as preaching, teaching, healing,
hut In living among the Koreans ate'
missionaries learn how keenly they suf-
fer for lack of the barest necessities of
life and by Introducing Improved
methods of farming and tetter crndi-
tlrn' In factories and business they
are seting to show what Jetta
when he mild, "I was hungry and ye
gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye
gave me drink."- -By F. C. Stephen-
(To bre continued)
There ars many stories from the new
oil deka of the effect of auddeniy
aequirel wealth. Ninny, 'mooed to
money, have squandered their thous-
and. with reckless abandon. while
others have continued the even tenor of
their way, undtstnrbed by chili ltna.
An elderly couple had never known
anything tint drudgery. They lived on
a sandy farm of a few acres, which
was teat poor to celelrate profitably,
so they eked out an existence by cut-
ting down merth oak and selling IL The
wife did most of the cutting. while the
Wieland drove the wagon and sold the
An oil eompsny drilled a wildest
well on their land and atrnek s gusher.
Thin raised the pslr to the millionaire
Wass. The glad news was told the
dk s7sed>totarbown, weo*amM apoa
tn1ng W44
sssergraNeAr ft „It.. k f tete ]lops ' 11M1 1.J net 14 LwadtRl
and MIss Reiter* Kirk at Termite. fie
will he much meshed In Me community,
as ha took an setae Intermit In every
thing, and was a contractor there.
name Hogan of ashfield.
It . Margerites next became. The W.M.S. of the United church
And furtlwr thangea
ngIIsh which It met heli) their sewing meeting and tea at
Garr us of
las crowned Margaret. the home of Mem. Ben. McClenaghan
A hest of ladle• by fame ecu \1•ednPslay.
And houond maids have borne the MIN,' Margaret Cook of Belem*d
name, spent the work -end with Miss May
erl hlblistery and mag: Wightman.
pAnd blistery
may yon join their a1 r. Albert McQuaid of Teeawater
thus -Ig.
spent the week -end with Mr. George
sod Mime ida McQoid. went
A number of our young people
to Winghem to play over the radio
from the broadcasting station, 10111'.
Word was reeived by Mrs. Jas.
Dow of the death of Mrs.' Wm. Mc-
Burney of Coronach, Sask., on Wed -
needs'', March 2. Deceased had been
In her natal health and died very sud-
denly. Be,'Ides her husband, mho
leaves a grown-up family to mourn her.
We are sorry to hear that little AL.
lett Turner, mon of Mr. and Mr*. John
Turner, 1s very 111 with spinal minder
i nI -
gltfa' Many .M
Mr, entre Kirk Pasaraa.•-
Wawanosh and Ashfield friends will be
sorry to hear of tee Midden pa.Mtnt''*1
Mr. Will Kirk of (7anew, B.C., on Mtn -
day, March 13. He had teen suffering
from a Wrote for • few weeks, and after
taking the second one never rallied.
11e was the son of the late Yr. Robert
Kirk. who lived formerly an the 2nd
'on of West Wawaseah, on
farm now owned by Kr. Ila ld Mc-
c(}rattan. neeides Milk wife, be leaves
two grown up dangbters; also two do -
i eeldem the Margaret. who reigned
As queens avid great distinction gamed
in Engine) Wetland, Holland, France,
And other guropean lands.
We find • tee other Margaret'
Who soon toecame the pthite's pets
Through pbtying well upon the stage
Or pleaileer well as writer' 'age.
Though on dlagufsed as Marge and
A' Maggs Wargot. Peal. PeT.'- 7'
A' Malsee• Marjorie and May,
And often -pmied in entity way; `--'"
Aa (freta. 1)a1*Y Ire it found,
As Metes. Iters carried 'round,
And oft x• Marry, Gritty knowie,
Tour name Will ever hold its 6W11:
in French toy call yon Margoerltl,
A fitting feels for maiden sweet;
While Or, lobes, German name for
Will sereeld we11 for modeat pestle.
Though trletiH9* from these (mayhap
to trace e
Will chrpew •e abode which may not
wife. She might kava been expected To those win sawed yse WargerK.
to drop her axe with a sigh of relief, ►-
hot this 1■ what aha embed : "Well.{1 The reel4. a< life 1a short. Live
wh*h ymi'd hey me a new axe-handhl" i on a mntophhi:-etarese Aurellss
.s rraa:wss v'kwe emse
Ai 5
' ..eei•'•+V i144,-10,01
„ :tee,efa.*ritr
Washington Evening
F. Bell & Bros.
for Cement and
Gravel Contracts
bead Cessna Forms and
Gey Gavel Grads Machine
Write, Telephone or tree Us
ToisphsesM Gehrith„ 10251k
l 5116r33.
Lt. M5. 1, Gederia.
Residtuca at Parts?' Ha
tree our new line of Men's heavy and medium heavy Work
Boot. They are solid leather throughout. Moderately priced at
$2.15, $2.75, $3.35, $3.50 and $4.00
Examine and fit them and you will readily appreciate
their value.
Clip this coupon anti mail h with Slier a ■1z week! trial .ubs.wipNe. to
Pubil.h.d ar 7''aa Caarsruw .cral.te 1`".trar.na nocran
eaaam, Ma..aehwtta, S. .
rim ul,w..eerMi+a1.4 5.. rb res a... ' tae errs tv 1e aM .o.ew .reeve.
1 arwl i res ew•a.■•..14 .YMr '. 1at.rwl. .o.rta. sale.
e. .aa.sYw. rr1a. Os. .a *1p M etJ le v.W'r. tote rent hem. ..
'i.+. ea adverts of pont .aa Pa*MtM.. Aa/ ..act .r sub.. Our nes.
and :he wn/rl aa/ the Ober t5tares
ixr C'aenarr.a ete.w terarees, nsIs e atson. Poseen. M*..
r: -•as awe we a she waif . M~alm. t maws se. sonar u1*.
y` 3' e'Ma) tae..)
caem Orr watts
Building- Supplies
We handle everything in BUILDIXG SUPPLIER, RAIU
3x and 5x Shingles
Gaderich Planing Mill
Oho. Weatbroek, lltanager. % 0, Eatbe iseh, Proprietor.