HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-24, Page 3T'i Clubbing Rates ,: - The Signal can save you money on almost any periodical. For instance, The Signal and The London Ad,ver- tiser for $6.50. Save 50 cents. jowl Job Printing J Job printing in'all its branches at The Signal. First-class printing at reasonable prices. Telephone 35. -.alt r, PablidbML s Y� .j. W 'AWante � Real blab Dominion, Provincial, and Municipal Bonds .,GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 24, 1932 tourist edition Was rent to the special • SXTRAI OPTICAL 0i''FRR 4 commlttte. ESTIMATES FOR 1932 [Timely Address_ Illgh grade, sty ll.h and up-to-date A comm 01 Trade from the (leder- Hotly 1�ctaeIes, riot or Amides. Your choices Leh deiced of of auggreting serious to shell, white or pink gold-Allud, with consideration of the advisability of al- Following are the estimates of the Rev. T. P. 1Ftusse�r lancer crompleb, for only $8.50. Double lowing the town's bre equipment to collegiate, Institute board for the year son • proceed to the country, except in case 1932 which were submitted to the Work!! Hydro Gang ooLLEavT>� INSTITUTE krisvrriweaar :.�Jr Protested vision t coereeWudingly low prices. There prices taclude a thorough ex- amination of your eyes by our well- known speciallat, lir. Hughsou. Over twenty years eomtug to Ooderich. You are assured at the beet optical work to be obtained and at lowest possible coat. Thursday asci Friday, April 7th and 8th. SMITH'S ART STORE, Godertch. War Trophies toTa Loaned to of extreme hazard, was ordered filed. town conceit at At* last meeting: Two applications for building per EXPENDITURES Canadi&n Legion --Requisitions mita were receive': One from Fred- (•net of Inatructton for Tax Levies for 1932 Brick H. Jenner for three tourist cab- Teacher' arlarle x_'9,300.09 fns to be built on the Huron rued, Teachers' tears _ - north ride, between Maple street and 'Substors cr Mill road, at au estimated cost of $300, Supplle* - I,k. and one from I. B. Oke to rebuild a "IlAraistraag `-, to tbe receiving of deputations, ea frame house on Regent street at an chalk, typing chair, ribbons, Kral ported elaewherc in these columns estimated cont of $200. etc. . - No , _' Reports �-� .-ad When the hearing of these. and the recommended finance elmmlttPe rmmended Yf y • ems. e jrifirkais nom consequent dlacus.siona, were mtteinded, a int of gee to the GederMhore nae A great part of the ^ town council meeting on Friday night was occupied fa. Sale the council promoted with routine Lodge towards the expenses of the die- !~ aimako ie- t .am' --L_ listed be 4rlaaaeIssue. buMnees. trio eelebntlon In Ooderleh on July The tax collect yr reported 12th this year. Up to Mareh lith the collected since last reportand $3,449 29 sum of $8,955.36 had been expended on See to write , the sewer relief work. and the eom- J. W. ARKST):ON(i for the year to date. mittee recommended that a statement Requisitions ier Leviesbe sent to the Government with a re =AL arms Requlaltlons re eived from various quest for a payment on amount, and Ran M - (ieisrf& bodies for levies for the year 1982 I also that the time epe•iflcd In the agreement with the Government be ex- tended to April 80. The public work* committee re- ported, regarding the petition to have -Skim attar( rand - gr dei e gravelled, that they would look In the matter as noon as weather eondt- tlone would permit. The epeeist eommitte• reported: "Regarding the war trophies now 131 the town hall. consisting of two ma- chine guns and an anti-tank ride, we recommend that these be loaned 111E,CARandACCIDENT INSURANCE W. ]. POWELL Ryan WS r. 0. Bei 43$ eo. W illiams Dealer la DOMINION. PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL AND CORPO- RATiON IONDS p1tr.. Ateldent. Aa sMMM. mad General laearlusee - Offoe, next to Bank of Commerce Phone 53 (lodericb were as follows: Separate school board -11,325. (This L about 1100 Wore than last yaetr, bet figures opt at about the s 14111 � .assert :;.»,....�.,.....,...w..� ,.. Public school board -421,506 (ea as lad year). Collegiate Institute Board -414,480.- 54-$11,913.65 for general levy and $2,566.89 for debenture and m$49than last Interest payment. (About 0 me year.) - Public llbr'srY Lea- es 41, (*ante Ia Jess)• Ude (;oderleh bunch of the Canadlaa Teae were +R -� the anew, i.egion to be kepi TA flesh ratM11: • d committee. trophies not to be loaned or to leave A commmlcatlon from the council town and to be kept by the Legion only of the co ch township calledattentionthe pleasure of the town council. o the condition of the boundary road We have Inetrected the chief o[ putting [adios to the town dump g the and po11Pe Ie whores the traffic bylaws, and offered co-operation to puttinn g broad especially those dealing with regale- in good condition Referred to public tions when firemen and equipment are works committee. answering a fire call, and when at"a An application from the Ontario fire. (local Roads Association for a member- "Regarding the statement from the ship fee of$10itt was sent o the publicGoderlch branch of the Canadian Le - works committee. 61on that they have spent $85.60 mi A letter from The Border tlafea ; meal relief, we recommend that they rallcfting an advertMssem' he paid the cam of $35 towards relict spent on William Turner." ,w tea_ The fire 4-nmmittee reported: WHIPPING CREAM I Col - "We have ''"asidered the matter tee making serer arrangements with Col- ts sleek your Easter desserts borne township whereby the town fire- fighting wlufpulrpt could be r GODERICH DAIRY Piss 451 Haerilto. Surest Cost of keeping 1a•hool open for --tea instruction -- Caretaker's sal - cry t 1,000.00 Supplies' for cleaning sad varnishing 50.00 Fuel $7110 ; water and light $J� 908.W Telephone $33: miscellaneous $32 67.00 175.00 200.00 $20,675.00 hilts** building And grounds -- Ordinary y repairs to building And grounds f 200.00 la/prance, taxes 100.00 Praises Enactment of BritishOv ernment which Emancipsbi --- the the Isiah People Rev. T. P. Iluaery of Klnkora was the speaker at the meeting of the Ro- tary o tary Club of Stratford on Thursday last, St. Patrick's Day• and gave a verr4----1PARM H0RS&I COMB BACK lutereating and timely address. Father 1hi, present low peke of orfs and Hussey Is an Askfield township old boy other feeds In contrast with the higher and a feces n n r student and pea •,,,cost; of gas and oil required in tractor 1 the Dominim Animal Husbandman suggests, o lode este that the immix rapidly regaining favor as a medium' of farm tower. that the next few years will see a revival la horse breeding and the use of heavy draft horses int the farms of Canada. both east and welt. As he points out, ander pres•ut condi- done horses emu )e bred and reared cheaply and when they have reached working age, the charges fur deprecia- tion, • dear to readers of The >11gnal will be ace -operation combine, rte see a report of his address, which 1k d republished herewith from The Strat- ford Beacon -Herald. Ile predicts Father Hussey was introduced by the president of the Rotary Clph, Mr. T. J. Dolan, and spoke, in pmfrt, as follows: 'Three yeses ago today I had the honor and pleasure of being your guest speaker on n 'subject that be tion fuel end rewire are surprisingly 1 the heart of an I ere' hiss•, for the .elf-uiuug p a 'deist to sails -list mere', wlula4xmec ••a for - of the feet that I am highly elated heavy draft hors- and flattered with the compliment - • THE EMPIRE LIFE PS DURING THE WEEK J. R. Wheeler Ft tweet- trier a(td- Flerniture Dealer . Ilam f let, 6siaich PHOIiEii. Store 336; Res, $Mw A of the ab. uni 4 THE Bank is indispensable to modern civiliza- tion. Its activities are bound up with the welfare of the community, to which it both gives and owes its life daily. It must be conservative, yet it must move to meet the times. It must fill worthily a position of honour, responsibility and trust. You will Nie Aanalnd at the Regal The Royal -Bank TM,- •- �-t Canada_ , .. r Coat of adnial- wtratlon of school .751em- Salaries of sec- retary aud treasurer and his bond $ 175.00 (Mice supplies. printing, sta- tionery Examinations Colt 'of recreation (including Cadet Corps)' - (lames, supplies and equipoise' used In i l'ennanent lm provementr- that township, and we recommend that ILibrary $75; we communicating with the Canadian Fire the township be notified that after I epee equip - Inert 150 . , , . 1 t►derwr1trr+ Association we and 11e Debt ("bargee - council would not be justified lax rased- li benture to Mg the fire apparatus out of town. as demptlon and it would Increase the town insurance Ingot r- ates." (it ; to taw These were all adopted, the only � •--. classes dials/Won being a brief one on the report of . the finance committee, Councillor Turner objecting to an item of an Invitation to come back again and address the same audience on the same subject, in title year, which Is the fifteenth centenary of St. Patrick's landing In Ireland, 432. When a select body of men. such $k I know you to be, express a deslre_1'a-$eat' -ale lame person a second time -,-4t Is ler- deed deed a compliment which I esteem very highly. 00 any last appearance before you three years ago, 1 attempted to re- --in eeedeneed form the glory of Ireland's past. from the day; of St. Yatriek down to the present time. -I_thovglt 1 had exhausted my theme. -,0.00 At that time Ireland had just sue - 400.00 ensiled in obtaining a limited measure of independence, which made her a Free State within the British Common-' wealth. We hesitated to eonjerture then what future political developments might evolve from that historic char -1 26.00 ter of 1921. Irishmen the world over,'. and especially the Itrleh within the [(rltish Empire, were delighted _ that Ireland had finally won her long and bitter struggle for Il meoRuRule, ta d 126.00 they enthusiastically - s - young Irish sister Into the family of British I)ominlons. But it was evident to anyone and 3,990.72 everyone acquaincholog-v and w[th temper offsadi- the Lienal pwy 100.00 Irish people, and the historical back- ground of Ireland, that they would be satisfied with nothing ove absolute independence.The rebel, - elet tion -.al•19j.8; by whfeb ,jour -fifths of the population put i)e Valera at the head M a Republican Govern- ment. was surely evidence *enough to -show what thpolitical were. d_tAe Irish people Accepted Under Duress •- While there 1s no questlou or doubt about the good falth and sin- cerity of the signatories to the Irish Treaty, it in just no certain that the great majority' of the Irish people ae- eept4sl the treaty under duces', tee a noctissary compromise at the time, but nevertheless in their milds it was a mere makeshift and a step towards their ultimate goal, which was total ludependence. Now, within the .last six months, two events of • historic Importance ance have taken place, which may 11,030.18. noon determine the political future of Ireland. One was the enactment of the Statute of Wewtmin.ter. which became effective on the lot of last December. Thr other w hichherecent retutned iec- o n Ireland, power 11 Ytepii - 406,00 headed by that arch-mbet De -»(sea_ 1 was amam41 at the lack of public interest which (narked the passage of that historic piece of legt.latton, "The Statute of Westminster." cher Canadian press gave It no more spare than 1f it were some bylaw passed by a county council ; when, ow a matter of fact, 11 spelled "finis," It wrote the epitaph of that long and hitter struggle 14,480.54 for irlah independence which how filled the pages of English history since the $27 866.72 year 1541. Mr. Winston Churchill. a familiar and powerful figure In the 625.00 Nopompammetas l LUIITY-FlF•TII YEAR, NO. 12 Are yes properly protected b Psi INSURANCE! --CONSULT- F. WOOLLCOMBE Hamilton street or Plane 111 If you want to save on or Furniture --- GO TO Blackstone's "On the Broadway of 7Z In i.ngineer Johnson's account -ter Lea Protr tt 11landt- . from his home at Stratford to Ood l4vMcal._ $v01 erich. The se uuut was passed with- batted at sal- toles, wluip- meat, a,rrom- me;teflon. rte. :111'1.100:81)-------L-. Special grant, support of Ca- , dot corps • out change. Wank of Hyl Gang Pesledted Councillor Worsell put in an em- phatic protest against the operations of a Hydro gang who last week caioe e to town and without asking permission dug holes and anchored guy wires intersections 011 the streets where the high tension line tuns. Other councillors joined In tbe pro - to(the proceedinge hutbetseed in said 11 waasnga question as to just what rights the Hydro people had on the public streets. Councll(Oor Worrell said the Hydro poles were of Idaho cedar rnl would $ 1,950.00 County grants - (leneral grout ..g-^4AMJa- Speeclal crant,r. • under see. :15 (2), chap. 326, R.6.0. 1927 1,425.7E County Mao re of . debenture and rot and fall down.interest comp'. " ops ' ri4 f.100.00 Councillor Turner pointed- out that when the Bell Telephone Co. wanted , 10 put up poles they sIltonttted the pro- posal to the council, and the Hydro' Mts•ellaneolls -- people should do the same ly.thinog. The gang Typewriting fes. guy wires put-. up_bT the _ spoiled tbe appearance of 110 sir n; fees $110 - `e- be mid. Examination t Deputy Reeve Moser asked who would be liable If there were an aori- dent through someone's tripping over taxc*- a guy -wire. There was no reply. pa A motion was mowed "that the pub- Goderich share of lie works committee look Into thewires have already been placed on and lie ter of hydro poles and guy on $ 2•566.x9 some of our town streets, an we feel 4;eneral muntck.--- -13.96- Me matter should have come before pal levy ...... our council before anything was done In thin matter." To Preserve Histories' Material Councillor Brown said that consider - Imperial Parliament. Kahl of this en - hands ofr the material bed been late O. W. Black r andthe he ENGLAND IMPORTING actment, when addr.e4l 14 the House -it would be open to the Irish I'erlia- wondered If it would be poneible to RU:BIAN TIMBE$ recut at any time to repudiate legally make some arrangement with the ppb end with full sanction of law end etc which bopre for the owe mof ga roam Mar n 16--1t was con Parliamentary pra•w1011 all prond in which to preserve It. It mill.[ tie- London, of rumor, Mona of the Irish Treaty." And The come, he old, the nucleus of a very concerning rninged alts negotiation that a con London Spectator, am quoted by The Interesting collection dal core tract has been entered into between Literary Dieted, December 12, l931, Tbe The teemed asked the matterimporters ease. "If the Irish Free State one day mutes to look Into the and re- 1nglieh timber ire ers and Armlet should make up her m1pc1 to withdrew port at the next meeting of recuterteincii. Ruselau exporter _ter a supply M from the British mi nweattll there Bylaw No. x, given 11* is for 2.100.0(N1 cubic n"'ties a{ timber during in no clause inserted I1 the Statute of road oiling In 1931, was given its three the present year. ray ••etltied "Timber i)1. Westminster to atop her. if ('hunch readings and peened, and the Connell w molal company have organised a or South Africa derided to withdraw adjourned at 9.15. trtbntors, i.imit d," comprlalnR 160 from the Commonwealth. ,,not a Brl- NOT 80 PUNCTUAL firma, sharer' in ettdch are ct g Motel fish bayonet would be nasi to pre hotel among tlm•r b.importer* vent it." Seeforth Newt': The trains from out England. Now It in only theses who are fore- Ooder sharp ch home for many year basedWhen the first word eoncernln3 the liter with the history of Ireland for sharp on time, but seem to be losing propclwel was hex rd law( December, re the la at tour hundrel yea re who .tart p„unctualfty reputation since they precentathts of tl>t Canadian Govern can fully appreciate the 1r.•rnendono started to 1Heel the Huron and Brines pleat In London :end Certain Fnglteh In importance and Weenie tr,,,wcance Itnlnat Chilton n the etartNcicln. s i protests with ter On Tuesdaythe221 train was half d°atrlaltatr eels• p of this resent pin* M Rrittah IP w- an hour late, more or laws, having had. 00vernment latlrn. Atter four centnrfea of bloody In (big eeen^'tlee the Government war and rebellion, penal lawn, perm.- ( to wall at Clinton for the tardy 1., has Introduced in the Howie of Com Mltlon, confiscation and endless agt- f H. & R. rerun a hill whbir would prohibit Ire tatkm, during which time every alt - AIR / A NATIVE OF SEAFORTH portstlon of good+ ma'P In toner. glide means of coercion wax made eonntriew hy forced hut Its effort use of In an attempt to crush the t(eaforth Expositor: John Alrd, jr., on the timber contract labor,l ranntt 11e seen national life and soul out of a raeP he of the mystery $125,(100,000, wheals ■t 111P moment densis has a general of D"ODIe who leveed their country theunc13s financial transactions with ernhergo against EtnsMan product+ with a p..alosate love, and who the Beenharnola Corporation have whelp the l'niiw1 State' has restricting t'tuhtslrnly rc•fuwect tris. M either tia, of nationwide I interest, n n nae •n't crushed or cou4100rod, we of Ala gen- le•glt'lntlrn but d�•ee not imisat b it of butrih. Ile was born y the under prevent Bros la powerless to Ire eratton are privileged to witness this bullfrog but lately, aipi ed by the pos a general 14, Op Rn.alan pro peaceful, bloodless revolution of 1951, Seafrrth MPvnorlal }lpapital, wMMh, at ducts this last and gracious and generous was the Bank of Commerce .., T - grwt°re hy the King and Parliament •eww.. Hie tither, new SSr.Y1ta Aited.� that time, w ,., . 1((► Prat e4►,A. 1sJlb�4 of nlaat Britain. wiping out with a 1 wee teenager of the local branch of I shpt to die per eta "r y 'rad 91m'ri).ek cat 1)aiNp abort forty Alp,. Rostra, *, dais, tits haat! premien eUour centuries of time. Tia rtrure rearm ago. showing In the slat (Oentineed on pap 7) ��S�sk, Q�alit Local municipal INA 1 1,... w 1 and Niue You'll find all these in our Made-to•otder Clothes --and this season the prices are lower. GOOMICWITHES: CIV£ A -A cQN IDE . -- PEAL _GREY_ is MEN'S HAT [fie ellimis f(K SOW f 1 •mss DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING SERVICL --Frank IV -Martin PHONE FOUR NINE THOS AID likiT, Lloyds estment Brokers DF3 IN T AND MUNICIPAL BONDS INVESTMENT TRUSTS ISTRIAL SECURITIES We recommend the purchase of C stiaeatal Gas Corporation Offkes.--Goderich, West Street. • Toronto` 33-43 Adelaide Street. Why gamble on -the_erti_arioe of -safety cosf,�i so little? When you place a deed in an unlocked wooden drawer; an insurance policy in apigeon- hole; a will in some hiding - place; a bond in a cash box ... you are gambling on a mere chance of safety. You are gambling with theft, with fire, with carelessness, with short memories. The Safety Deposit Boxes of The CanaclianBank of (ommerceare - placed m vaults built to provide protection for the Bank's own valuables. The Bank cannot afford to Gamble on a chance of safety ... neither can you. . The rentals of this Bank's Safety Deposit Bozos aro low. • CANADIAN ,BANK OF COMMERCE 1,11 iispital Paid-np - S0 Million Dom &serve Pane - • f10 Millis* Mew -1 edam • r �4- s .ire - ' t