HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-24, Page 111 -.fir 1.. Advertising is the life of business. It pays dividends in quicker turnover and larger profits at the end of the year. C rater Check Books ' r I he Signal is asirat for one The largest manufayhtrers of Se Bcx.ka in Canada andquote closest prices. Tele i5 'if your supply needs replenish*. PROPOSAL FOR REORGANIZATION OF BOARD OF MacKAY HALL Effort Being Made to Straighten Out the Tangle Caused by Loss of Agreement Nude -when Ball Was Erected—Town Codndl Unr,- sponsive to Proposal to Give It Minority Representation on the Board—Request from Colborne Township for Fire Protection ' Turined Down—Would Increase Insurance Ratee in Town ' The town e•otlnetl had a meeting of more than usual interest on Friday night last. A deputation brought a re- quest from the board of MacKay Hall for eooperstlon In regularising mat- ters to connection with the control of that Inetitutlon, and Reeve ,M..1. Gold- thorpe of Colborne township renewed the request for an nrrangement with the town for the use of the town's Are- tighting Pqulpment In Page of neecestty. These crane preceded by the_ Preeeo- tads= of a segigalll 71y'Yr Wilmot', who stated that a _ ielinkr was keeping rhlckena too close to his houae-within four or five Leet of his door. The special committee was asked ter look -into -this matter and tee. ter," he said: "to hay an equtpxnent and give 4t to you." Reeve Goldthorpe said that a tiro in town and one in the township at the same time might not occur once in a hundred yuan. Counelllor Humber, -"We all want to help you out: but we cannot see how It can be dour. We have spent n15,000 or more on epdipment to keep down our Insurance rate. and even to con- sent to allow the ,.ryipmeut to go out of town would send up the rate." Serve Goldthorpe said the farmers were "right up against it." If a barn •were bombed, tt wta trihali e -+ad rite-aasaeeoent. "ilia can't agord an ertrripmeat of our own. If it were the other way around, I'd sew that Colborne helped out Goderieh." Reeve Cralgte proposed that things be left as they where, hinting that the protection would be available -When re- Port - A. M. Robertson and J. W. Taylors Turner declared this would not be composed the MacKay 13x11 depotatlm fair --g world place the respon.ibility Mr. Robertson put the ease before the on the chairman of the fire committee council, stating that there was some and if anything went wrong he would doubt regarding the ownership and be blamed. eootrul of the building whish It would Councillor Turner, wbe is chairman be well to hare cleared nii: espeeiatly4- - f th lire tom- aftf(e, ,.1 gutted; but Counelllors Humber and la view of the fact that the bequest of the late Robert MacKay would prob- ably not be available until the matter of control was decided. The property on wht•h MacKay Hall is built (and on which the Temperance Hall stood for many years) was con- veyed by the town council In 1878 to a board of trustees, Mr. Ro it the stated, the deed being registered registry odlce. Thin document set forth the dutlee of the trustee% and made provision for their replacement might be nece.sary. When the prceent hall was erected by the late Mr. Retied MacKay an agreement between Mr. MacKay and the trustees of the Temperance Rall was drawn up. but unfortunately no copy of thin agreement could now be fouled, Dud those who at that time. re- presrntrd the temperance interests were deee•aned or had removed from town. she at the last year Mr. Taylor, of the late Mr MacKay had ROIL JAI. was put on the books lad year to tbe effect tbat the eQulpment was not to go outside of, Goderleh, and eo long as fthat wax on the books they would have to abide by It. The matter war dropped. but the re - I port of the fire committee adopted a few minutes later contained the 101- lowing clause: "We pace considered the matter of making some arr•:/ngement$ with Col- borne township whereby the town dew dghting equipment conid be need in that township, and we recommend that the township be notified that after 'ommunleaUng wltb the Canadian Fire Underwriters' Association We sad the council would not he justified li .cads-• Ing the fire apparatus out of town. as I it would inwreaae tbe town I ranee rates." Mee Vale it for farther resort at eoentel meet lap). whlf-h t)teWi s1 • . It was prope.ect that a board he formed composed of roar representa- tives of the tenrataranee bodies and three appointee' of the town can nelL Mr. Rotertenn mid he wan asked by the W.C.T.tT. to act es one of the Metres. and be prowled that the or- iginal deed be modified, an provided for In that document. and the amended document be duly registered, so that the new board of trustees might -fusee tion properly. He ptoponed that the town ermined appoint • committee to cruder with repreeenta}�en of thll to ee'a ct- ing board of MacKay ach a formal agreement lu tbe platter. Mr. MaeKay's Wishes Mr. Taylor told of him efforts to have the tangle straightened out. Ile was Id to —Cdr raon. Ise ne the hall with Mr itat'Kay before the to carry out no far as he could - the widens of Mr. MacKay. wbo had given httm a list of etflTr41R Whom he wished to be members of the board of manage- ment. Financially the hall was pretty well provided r; what WOW required and protection f the was management property. The hall was erected M Mr. MacKay as a gift to the town ooand itit wen open for all public purpn Mr. Taylor. Reeve Craigte and t9ittirctllor Hum- ber stated that the matter bed been lad year's council, and diocese the matter o latter's death. and had endeavored the prepoitttara was not considered in fav- orably. as the Detainees of ,the he conn- id- b ell wone In a minority. cl, they pointed out. was now supply- ing water andligihtthafor rept he ball and making a grant for Mr. Robertson stated that the annual revenue from the a.XaI bequest • would probably be i210 to $$00 and Ude with tbe income from the use of the hall *tumid he sufficient to maintain tt, and a portion qf the revenue 'hoald be set- aside witeht year to provide for repairs and any extra ' errs. tinit might b' tneurred. l The argument of membere of the mond!, however, waa that If the coun- cil were to +ttanme any responsibilig It The Iabmmies majority rescinded with a reference of the matter to the special eotirmtttee. nre Protection inr Township Reeve Goldthorpe son« next heard, and he presented again the request of the township council „f Colborne that seals arrangement be made under which the townehlp could wall npoa the teten'a fire -brigsde In rase of Are an the town.hlp. The tnwnthfp. he repeated, was ready to pay for We prote etinn. On hi. former appearance, a few weeks before. with thio reined. Wave (tatdthorpe was r..relvel with opin arms and wee given to believe that the '.mall wee Otte prepared to enter into such an agreement ; but on this ne•chatnw the atmosphere wee dlatinctly +► air.'._ Mengel »_ Mn .,r Tee void the conned had cmn- richelented with the are unlerwrtters equipment to go 0111 of town would ROOT an Increase In insurance rates which would he a hardship to (P4 town4pnOple "1t would pay nm het - rah Tt WA count se Rheas shoe the m .tent of the session. ling. James Ma1- CODERICH, ONTARIO, '1`IU KSDAY• ?MARCH 24, 1932 The News of the .Town HIS 71st BIRTHDAY Harry G. Hunt The Roeder Cate. Star on It. Pat- Harry olek'a Day .gave a paragraph to Mr. O. E. Ensuing. K C, well known In God- pneumonia Victim roach. It said: "March 17 has a special significance to Mr. Fleming. He is celebrating his ' net•enty.9rst birthday today. Seriously Well -Known Citizen Called Away ill • recently, he is now convalescing at Wednesday Even t!S Ma home and 1s improving steadily. A y mg prominent Windsor barrluter, Mr. Two Weeks' Illness Fleming is also president of the Can- adlan Deep Waterway. and Power As- A well-known and highly esteemed sortation, and a member of the Utili- ties Board." resident of Goderieh. In the person of THE ARTHUR CIRCLE PLAY The annual production of the Arthur -Circle players, to which the people of Goderieh look forward from year to year, will tbis year be presented in the lecture room of Knox church on the evenings of April 7th and Sth. The May selected to "A Full Howse," a farce in three acts, and the east in- cludes half-adozen or more names familiar and popular with Oodeelels audiences, 111 addition to some budding talent. Mr. Harry G. Hunt, passed.away at his, DR. W. K. ROSS RETIRES home on Picton street on , Wednesday Dr. W. K. Boss, anperinteudent of evening. The deceased had been 111 -the Ontario mental hospital In Tor- for the pant two Weeks with pleurisy onto, is retiring this month, after tor- and pneumonia and for the put two ty-three lard service In the mental or threw days had been kept alivethy hospitals of the Prgvtnee. Dr. Ross Is' a native of Godertch, a son of the late the use of ozygea •dela-•J.•Y.-•Ross. w.„.rt- I.4s•h_Ls• Mttat wlaa ter ines4-shwas end-•- aiae Provincial . Treasurer under Sir Mr. George 8. t and the late Mrs. Oliver Mowat. Dr. Rous took the med- jaunt. Early In life he learned the Sat, Marsh 19 ..34 28 40 teal eourme at McGill. and after -some Made of machlnlest with the Doty Sub-, March 20 ....80 20 39 poet graduate work In Edinburgh en- Engineering Works. For a number of tered the Provincial service in 1889. years he was emplayed with Mr. Thom- Mon., March 21 ..81 20 4.1 u Bandy In lrtswmpcbtne shop, but for SEASON'S HEAVIEST SNOWFALL Goderleh's heaviest snowfall of this winter fell on Monday evening, con- tinuing through the nlgL_ and well into Tuesday moring. Although the tem- peratures of the past week, as given below, were generally lower than those of the corresponding week of 1931, they were not the lowest of the season. 1932 a 1881 Thurs.. !I(art'n 7-..84 18 87 Fri., March 18 , ..33 25 87 - SEE -THIS NEW PLAY A group of local young people are rehearsing a new play, "Just a Step- child," which is to be presented in Mc- Kay Hall on the evenings of Thursday, March 81st, and Friday, April 1st, er-the-aawpieeref -tbe•-WiseaVaAs. soeiation of Victoria street United church. The play 1s a comedy drama In three acts, with twelve characters, and sparkles with life and animation in which lively humor 1. cleverly inter- woven In the movement of the Interest- ing plot. "Ind a Stepchild" will be well worth seeing, from the standpoint loth of the merit' of the play Itself sod of the pullet-atlou' and training of the act- or" and aettr„we•a. McKay Hall should he- well filled .,n both nights. Tieketw-adul,s 2Sc and children 2 -ie• -may 1e obtained from members of the Aasoctatlon or at the Victoria street parsonage. ST. PATRICK'S PASTA Membra and friends of the Young People's Sou-letles of North street and Vktoria strut United churches greeny enjoyed a St. Patrick's party held tore• the basement of Victoria street ,bnrch on Monday evening, when menders of the No ' s t ,� ety were Tues., March 22 ..31 21 ' 47 they lad two yea be had been con- Wed.,. March 23 , .33 20 50 nested -with the iltou R d M chinery Company4 . • on June 14th, 1,11, he was married to Mis" Mabel lipliers, daughter of Mr, and Mra. H. O. Walters of God- erich township amides his wife and 1 ant a- 96 80 } r Wegtderine es indecision 28 tenured tbe a 28 connection wi 80 league; but th 30 tournament of Rh Bridge Club welt attend* tournament t Mr Le Bank staff * days at. bis Mr. Rod. ti lois Rood Ma badness trip Ws. Wl111 returned to Vending a her slater, street. Miss Laura accompanied .rot . end rat the and Mrs. IL _ Mini- tt left ♦'jj for Milltown, K " wirk, where she will Amy R for as ltadefln- Ite time. r eke will rant at Toronto and Mon Godericb Meed Miss Eleanor Smith, N will be glad to know that la idly improving from her opare• mother, Mrs. Lorne Smith, • cd W Niag- ara Fall' pen 1 Ilsspkll and expee•ta to undergo an • , to Mare% 2Rt11. f ' Y!11Ha SIGNAL TION dl, of the Royal kik is spending boll - here, dlr. of the Domin- (lempaay, made a 4101 this ween- , of Rolmesvtlle, on .Monday after the home of tb, Brock R.N•; d Toronto, fend, Muff Men - silent the week - her parents, Mr. intima --Y' • Nit the 1eP-skating ; eerily to have of activities In alley bowling eplh•ate bridge -lledmtotou and 141 regularly and is Tuesday nigbt'a vers !rare, for •Ytad4Mrs atilett ; third, • P. F. ('arey. It tend B. a flouter daee. ADDS IlY MISS F. 8. GRAY - Miss F. 8. (fray, missionary to La- mont, Alberta, was the special speaker at the morning service in Victoria street United church last Sunday. The tww-weeeeloat -_wathe- r. eetehttnn nt the coming anniversary of the Women's Missionary Society. Miss Grsy, who has been a missionary to the Ukrain- ians and a teacher In the Girls' Home at Lamont for several years, gave an Interesting address on her work 'there. At the evenlnQ service Rev.`7'. W. Cralk delivered an Inspiring sermon helpful particularly to young men. The Christian Service Group, a newly organized young men's class, occupied the choir seats and rendered appropri- ate selections. Mr. Russel Bloomfield, the president, read the Scripture lea - non. get 'lather, one tepee -curt brothers, Charles,,lof Toronto, and Fred, 01 Oodertcb, survive. His mother predeceased him tilree years. Mr. Hunt was of a quiet, unassum- , ing nature and was held in high re gaol by all we," Inew him. He was i _member of e's Anglican church and also- eels Lodge, No. rte. L0.0.F. (1OMiTRIAL At Seaforth an •def TRIAL. Andrew A. Moore, al ihmoattrille. was brought before Ma it Reid and won r•ommltted I no a charge ;of eriminsl Che charge • grew nett of thus datl1g. datailg in Ea- mondvUIe on the . February 12th, when Mrs. lesworth and Mrs. Sawn. leilg)t , tt is alleged, 'run do driven by Moo truck y killed. A coroner'. ju , : lit`1t>Fsa verdict of arte{dental ,y'.. se will probably be North and E. C. Basco& Flenld and Mr.. Dr. -A. C. ILun IFR.. t D. lianas woo (Int bleat partners 110onee tltd and ,!ahem,* wt4 cutting and ing of this e• by the major! week, though' gang of men atuday of splenglt fromdid eightquto HEAli�1 W}TH APPRECIATION nem The A large smelter•of music -lovers at- a few hods tended the service 1n,Knox chor'eh on itenmiller la Sunday evening, when the Mitchell ' there and e Male Qdartette contributed several cutting mac sele•eltona.to tbe musical part of the lake al a service. amides the members of the estat tit congregation of Knox church, many been visitors from other churches to town Rag bey t - • mounding dist lifthatella was appropriately slid at- rutively decorated in green. The singing of a hymn, followed by a 4 { astir!!/la •the -till harvest - wee completed engaged last II. Graham's Ming on Wed- -The lee is tif r and resists 1. hes to that- ifter hauling a pend neat enda�e ratlens (Tt'tiifanes pe- lt* co-ice from -the the Magnates -Graham LI Is It Winter's ' Parting Kick? )' Monday Night's Snowstorm_ ` Skit Heaviest of the Winter= Roads Blocked The people of Goderieh woke up Tuesday morning to• find the ground heavlly btauketed. wltA snow. The dor7.i, which commenced Rte Monday aftereiotsn, eontinued all through the night, the snowfall being the heaviest of the winter. Godericb and district were cut off, so far as motor transpor- tation was eoneerned, from other centres. most of the roar •fist of town being blocked, while the streets of the town were banked nigh - with snow, eaaslug eonsidereble difficulty to mo- toilets. otoilets. Extensive shovelling opera- tions In many eases were necessary be- fore motorists could use their care. The Arrow bus driver on Tuesday teeming attemptei bin regular run from (loderlch to Stratford, but after Nettling bis way through the drifts to ileeferth wee fom,lr-tms-retwen aro Rede erlch. He alio- experienced engine trouble and the chains were ripped from the tear wheels of his machine. After effecting repairs to town. he left shortly after 4 o'clock in the afternoon and this time was able to get through to Jetgatford. rho storm caused little delay (tt railway schedule, and It wan not f necesary to resort to the snowplow a open up a passage. The C.P.R. trate from the End to Guelph Junction was delayed for a time and as a result the Lola Letweau Guderich atld. the Juice - tion was about three-quarters Of an hour late In arriving 1n Ooderlc'h on Tuesday. The C.N.It. train from Strat- ford was only fifteen minutes behind time, having been delayed at Stratford. On MVedneelay afternoon the huge snowplow of the Ontario Department of Highways arrived from Stratford and lett imtnetllately on Its return, so that No. 8 highway between Goderick and Stratford Is clear for motor traffic. .F • BIG CROWD EXPECTED Kingsbridge expects a big crowd oa Wednesday sight nett, March 30th, when the tour -art drama •'Berawee I Love You" wilt be presented by the Kfngxbridge Dramatic Club lu the par- iah hall. Prices of admission will be 35c and 1bc (for children) instead of 900 and 36e,ae s(lverUite4 bei4weak. T1bts will include admiselea -to .fib d4loe, attar the sill, Ad11•M-1 tt VP'".. UMW S Willebe *Aided hetweessIsefw '_ e 3 number ven • y r e q; opera Psiaeipal Stonehue-t' state. that con- tette, entitled. Fairest Lord Jeeps," not to carry t hitt dltiona In Victoria echoed with retard was a beautiful hymn from the 12th 1 this year sad hill not e 1 nim. [cruor UInLU•r d Trade and prayer, preens! a short program of to the "Au'' . idemte ore slightly lm- Century Crueadts, with mnrdcal at' -I tom. for rrMiniseived the Marti a1 e and .road roved thin week. There were 118 rangement by Mr. H. N. Liven., organ- s • Mr. Rummel pupils abeam on Tt.�sday through 111- flat et Knox church. Mr. Franklyn I �'HUQIt# NO planet• of all parties in the Comment Bloomfield gave an Interesting reading news and other camas. Mr. Stonehouse } Moore, tenor. wan heard In a ttolo nnm- • when he resumed his -••rat today. The on the life of St. Patrick. Mr. George said he thought that Monday night's ler, "I See Hlm Everywhere," and The You return of the genial representative of McCurdy delighted the audience with storm sone responsible for the absence after the sermon by Rer. D. J. Lane the lona street the riding of North Itr use was mide a violin selection, being aecotnpenled of some of the pupils. through the' quartette sang. "Going Home." from Monday at amatter enoln reteren- nil hY a whom ding at the piano by Mr. George Stevenson. roads being blocked. Last Thunder 1 the New World Symphony by Dvorak. ship depart •1 � � An Irish reading was given by Mrs. 142 pupils were reported absent. All the numbers were eapnbly ' ren- !Lev. W. wishedIdo--i.-41 eft Fal r John Marren,-aad-Mrs--M-_-tlntetHIP0 Petneeipel=it[w-seinarkeLthat znetrad.and roe lent won, -ai[!►mtt_MOM ,intvicea In the Ito health and vigor. rendered Several pleasing vocal notoa. tbe number of ieh'ttktr-s from Central i air.ompantment. wns n henntlfnl pioee • they. Seem •Miss Annie McKinnon then spoke a wheel wee assumingvery large prrrpur-, or lar t•. Ti.- quartette rougirises: 'fender Idle of the Ri,eert ('heist •" Religion and the f f V ons any lee. - ES Mr. J. Calvin Cutt, who accidentally 'handed oat a Ave -dollar gotenptece tor`. a penny, while making change In Ma store last week, recovered the coin m Saturday. The person to whom it sou rig 1'er.ple's lisle of Vic- ga•0n did not acorea the mistake until 1'n1'.oited church wit • meet e' "I"'ut to deposit it in a "mite -box." 1 p.m. Program b lir. (tint Is very grateful to the person trent. Its monetary value, the coin was a '1'. Itunt will conduct the ke spank,' gle ti hhn ht• his father sbort- eUst church oh Sun - ,wt subjeeta: 11 a,na.,. ' The r ,dozen- who returned it, because, aside from befurr hla-dtnth._ few Wools O welcome on behalf O[ the floor this wee•I.. with' approximately' Mlr. Franklyn Moore. Arnt tenor: Mr. 7 p.m.. "Christ the Mighty Conqueror." hosts. 4 pleasant hour wan spent ,in fifty per4•ent. „f theMrolment aleent, J,.11t Ski r. steot'd tenor: Mr. 14,r- 1tilde melee.; NI 10 a.m. $1350 Raised for playing games, hid by Mlises Elide • while the number wee drill,. increasing.' rnine stun rt, first bass. sold Mr. Dalton Salvation Army Nr -ices neat Spu- Ntnith and Annie Meklnnon. after' gehoug. the lntt' 'atm epidemic in re -1 1lnvisou. second Ions'- + L. • o. Child -Rev. G. Watts whieb a dainty lunch was nerved. A i sionslble for the ;treater portion of theinterest- f pay : S 11 a t hoi; 7 ., Sac; Crippled Children number of old Irish melodies were sung number of ata- utas lbw, it..l. ,ii i punch t- an lut0re st- pool., Nund:ty nrhiige 7 p.m., Salvation by the groupand Mesar", George Me- e•, several ease,' of •iug Sermon 0u the snbje•t of ('hoist's meeting, A cottage proper meeting chlekenpox nod -pink-eye" have been I entry tntn Jerusalem, before the cru- t'nrd and George Stevenson d 1 will he hr•b sting Address before the y eo le a rn.on rendered reported ciliaun. asters1 InCTP--"ottn ami - g.tn, Mout. Drano teles-; General hMchh too:tido= In the God- j After the s amara the hoar -Tette. with Victoria Horne and School tions. Mr. A. M. Robertson movers a ; ,rich Collegiate Institute were greatly ' members of the choir of Knox chime'', =