HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-17, Page 7•
Thalfdae, Match 1T0. 1NIE-1
County and District
The $x$ter crime has Ur Use
awldpal tax rate for 19119 at 40 !sills
The tleallartb. pert school _ Wag
aired last sualtbgs.ss at
JiAM Hare i[N7uby of ruca8eld
and triturated a boos la bar leg was taken to the 8satorth hospital
for treatment
Robert Betts, of Winthrop, dyed to
Ube Ysafor'th hospital on March 6th
after a week's linear. He was 1• his
seventy -sorted year.
The Presbyterian eofglegatlona of
Morale and Eadiet's have trued a
/ call to Her. Wm. Pederson, formerly
at Timelier, B.C.
The 'Ceder eltgk School was closed
for several days became of the eel-
demic of colds, which affected fifty per
omit. of the pupil&
Dr. Gerald R. Collyer has beew e11-
►medical health °Soar of 19,..
e.ecesding Dr. Alas. Jltdr, Who
Incense he is ear
'Wig ChMsfera MrT'adob, ter maty
t16.7y kls ra • reddest of 8eaf elle died
Aeresseay et last week in date., a
her seematteth year. The tumoral took
pias le the Crossett/ es.uteey
Mrs. Mary Welsh, tet sixty years a
resident of Grand Bend, passed away
la her eighty-third year. Bey husband
died ever tweet? years ego, and eve
roes and two daegliters survive.
A new lager rile range has been
H t. rr €,rrh i s
In ha.
es eke.
Borer it dor posi-
tively relieve the irk-
ing almost as Won as
applied and effects a
Lesldifd healing of the
skits, Dr. Chess's Ointment
• most asasfector7 treat-
ment for erzarese Hemor-
rhoids or Piles and all
Irritations of tis sfdq. lefty
years et success
Dr. Chase's
Monumental Works
Eget Materials
`I Latest Designs
Expel Workmanship
P.O. Bea 1111
GatMeiek Ont.
Tit iwesi MN': Sim
Everything that's nwN
in lien's Wear
Hand Tailoring and
Apecial Order to Your
• • •
7-- -Black
Kam 219
Electric Stove
tick -cam. Economical
d cool a auk d1
Mt , t' wenbaa COUNCIL
wtbattoour ends M1.rl of M tar
been able to help thearish s. Qur
Mimes are W be ceagwttaated on
r ti t'belr thrift and industry.
fittthd up in the attest se the gistortb ate Detroit
Institute. Peevlotsly the Irvin J. Jacobs and bride, of De-
- &was don,• la the gyamaat nate, troll who were married at Deftolt
rya wee* handicapped bi
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Johnston. of
Gladstone. Mau., fur mane year" resi-
dents of the let concession of Morris
township, have Kohl their property In
the Writ and Intend returning to On-
tario this spring.
The death of Mr.. Christopher Deit-
rich mended at her home on the 12th
eonerslon of Stephen townahtp Do
Mardi Ath, In ber fifty -flat year. Bae
ie survived by her husband. two Sit
and four daugbter,<, all at home.
Miss Annie Douglas, of the Idtb
concession of Orey towa.elp, died a.
Friday in her seventy -Muth year. /ho
had been In her usual good health and
was evidently the (fetes of a beat at,
tart, as she was fogad letag Os the
kttcbeu floor.
10iflla has loot au old and se
tb r.e•i resident it' the parson of Aaa
-widow of Jame; Bny*s, who
pamM,away Ment, 8th In her dgbty-
tourtb year. Ellie leaves one son.
Thomas, end on. esughter, Mrs. W.
Susanna Must/nee widow of the
late Robert Pointe, died at her rime
In Grey township 'I h ursday last, In her
eighty-fourth year Kb. L survived
by three sons and fear daughters. A.
H. Musgrove, postmaster of Wingham,
is a brother.
At the aerial uu•ettag of tie GM -
err! Town** Municipal -Telephone
System, *inoses for the coming year
were elected as follow.: .Chalrasan,
James Stirling; cones doeers, O. Ed-
ward and W. J. Tea; secretary -treas-
urer, Chae re Wise.
Owing to hes acceptance of the posi-
tion of seeretaq of tbe Zurich Agricul-
tural Society, IL F. Klopp lea resigned
the president, and Jobn P. Ran has
been elected to that position. Feed
Haberer la Ant vice-president and Win.
Decker la wooed rievt-prsldemt
The death oecurrcd at Clinton on
Thursday last of Mie* Annie Brown, to
her 1lveetyatlMnd'y'eer. Deemed wall
a native of Scotland, but for fifty
years she had lived in or near Clint."
and for the last eight years Lad made
her home with Kr and Mrs. David
The death occurred at her hams in
Exeter o. Saturday et Mrs. WIi1Ham
All the t ars ell the township
emote wimp pAIIm1 at the regular
eenm bald ea r$day, Marra 10th.
la lbs Pea etttty enlarged and decorated
hal. Wares d teenier and special
asses( held 1a February were read
February and adopted. Ie;JMrs. Hayes and &aith
-._ rya27th,visited the brtdegeeell 'a a w. - ra'.,.-. :. soma Maehlnery
• eraser Oe (isAerteu, addressed the council In
fitieneper and matron of the Hurn. Oona- rimed to.stallti • ruck crueller to tis
ty Home at Clinton, on their honey- tetvsomp. They were assured (kat
moon trip. The bride was foriasrly wpm the council had decided to buy
Miss Jean Graham of Detroit. The
young couple also visited friends at
Exeter and D.shwood.
Cleats. HespN.l Aaeei•tisn
Officers of the Clinton Public Hos-
pital Associatloa bans been chosenas
follows for the coming year: Hon.
president, Miss Wtnnlfred O'Neil; pre -
Mout, Mrs. 8. L. Lucas; Arae vice-
president, Mrs. J. 1 Heard; eared
vitae-pewldest, Mrs. Radford ; treasur-
er, R. O. Manning; recording secretary,
Miss R. Pickett; corregst tt.g secre-
tary, Mrs. R. H. Iehosw.
Death d WtMhf Y.iollond
In his eighty-eecood year, William
Malheilaad d Jiolae.vIBe departed
this life on Tuesday, March 9th. De-
ceased had been a resident a Holmes -
vile for forty-four years and until a
few years ago carried on a btactsmlth-
leg business. Before coming to Holmes-
v1Le be had carried on a similar bad-
ness at Walton for about ten years.
He to survived by ids wife, two sons Ceart to 1961, re Wm. John Allsa so -
and three daughters: John .and Fred, hat, was Ltd over for a nee•nL8. The
st Hoimesetue ; Mn. wets,. Cole, d for
o were a
any road e*aekleery the Company they
represented wooed be given a chauce to
sake a aale.
tee letter SSW the t' l' It., in regard to
their stockyards at McGee being used
by drovers who truck their hog. fro.
there to Stratford or other places, wits
read. On mottos of Councillors Feagan
and Tyndall this tinter was tabled for
• eoatb.
The road 'superintendent's . payment
reedier amounting to $491.90, being
found correct.. were ordered paid. -
Geo. C. reams's claim of $19 for
sheep kilted by dogs was paid. Wm.
Green's bell of $2.40 for valuing sheep
killed by dog was also paid.
A cumber .L , gmaU .acosoots, . for
work done and material used to
connection w11h, the Ispt'ovewenta
made 1n the had to an amount of
111!0.71, were gald-
Paymtst of t ty Engineer Patter -
notes servos! of 112 for attender* at
Wbaalpeg; Mrs. P. Draper and Mrs. Reeve and CouncillorR. C.
p -
C. Gibson, of Detroit pointed to Interview Costello s vdecttdoo
In regard to Judge
Mid Havesaiprol. Been 6tefee.ted oa the Alun appeal.from grower., lr.rticularly of teed relined down and the weather now U
chlllatebe4 at Limiter; bad w dose Hr m the± fir awl effete 4r <ethhwie rut aloej
clew to coot "bees"ttaeres"R •ag enbetautlal quantities of other seeds, I•
'Mr. Tait Clark -bee been Lid up with
a tot his tars comes. a had cold or "ter" ftr-pgK"few days,
and some of the Colin:late ,pupils are
home with the eagle malady. We hope
they may Neon be W ell again.
quite a number of ted• members of
Moriing Haar L. relied the sister
lodge at Coderlcb.en Thesday evening,
the_ecca.i,m steles annual daft of
the D.D.G.M., Mr. Coles of Herman.
Note. and Comments on -
Agricnitural Topica
Current Crop Fall wine the otten of
practically all winter, Is reported" tolg
1n good condition 1n most counties, and
*ltalfs and cloven are also doing welt,
but sweet (-lover has heaved consider
ably on soles In numerous districts.
Lincoln county -reports that fruit trees
have wintered sattdaetorlly. As a re-
sult of the campaign to grow alfalfa,
Inquiries ire reported by Peel county
from all sections of old Ontario, and ft
Le stated that owing to the abundance
and low prices of alfalfa seed this year,
GT farmers are going to seed down
mere than tbe normal acreage of this.
legume. Perth county reports a num-
ber of farmed busy cleaning seed grain
and predicts a good demaud for seed
et the 1930 crop, which was of very
good quality. Itenfrew's seed -cleaning
plant has beet' running at full capacity
night and day and that county also
expecte a large increase in alfalfa se-
lsage. No injurious effect upon crops
Is owe in Oxford as the result of open
winter, although orchards were dam-
aged by the January kr atorm.
The Seed Situation
• As the seeding season approaches
the domestic movement of clover and
grass seeds naturally increases'. In the
9ast month the movement from whole-
sale houses fo dealers commeued and
there has been a lot of seed bought
(Intllld.d for last west)
CARLOW, Mszrh lo.—Mn. Johnstao
vldted last Mob with her brother, Mr.
Alex. es•lp,' dllen .
Misses ne Robertson- -.._
Josephine AMr spent the weeleend
with their stent, Mn. Geo. Paterson, at
ii[tre. n. -ai.
lin Walter =versifiers last week
with Mrs. r brother, Mr. Willi
Bellows, and lir Hallows.
There have been sever! caste of
sore eyes V tbla dt trleit. F'or u few
days the eyed are ranch tuflamel and
very painful, sad tI,•y remnlu teak
for Nome tune.
N"e are glad to r,•t rt Hutt Mr.. F:d.
Flusher is easier and n little stronger.
The funeral on El ;day last oftileleau_
or MacQuarrie, brio„• 1 wife of Mr.
Kenneth AWu, Dei roil. was largely at-
tended. The grape tieof the commun-
ity goes out Is the voting husband and
the little son wbo o early has lost a
loving mother, anti rico to the other
sorrowing r'elaUves.
Mr. Alex. Tsang, Mrs. Johnston and
Mrs. Henderson attended the funeral
elf their cousin. are. Kenneth MacLean
of Kintall, on needle last.
The council meeting which was to
be held on Tuesday. the 8th, was post-
poned until Thursday. on account of
the Illness of Mr. Herb. Morris, town-
ship clerk. We hole for a speedy re-
eovery. The matter of renting the hall
Is to be disposed 01 seed also much
other business.
Thr .torm wWeI, lwgan on Sunday
cot'tlt'oel 1, rag+, alt. wend, frac
nod mouse snow, bat on Wednesday It
L. a revery of me Mneme baby lora Patna. vrww give. pea is (dtrfte enncetraMe !sr Marg
cell one sight recently.A had been
carrying a tattle of "black leaf 40,"
loved for disinfecting, purposes, In one
of his pockets, and while he wal tak-
ing • nap underneath some blankets
a small portion of the Auld leaked out f•* any ewe' of ere butte. The heat of the- body township to par for the caretaking, mtrWWI supplies a red clover to;t*ow-
evaporated tin' liquid, caring fumes feet and tight. The 1'n•r eyterieus tot era Tiede in the Prorltw es of Quieter,
which might have asphyxiated ler. Ho -
free the use of tae large hall rrery lifitutrla and ftrttish C.l..M•. Cttrlst
earth. When tonne he WAS unconscious
IWtdaJ• Setwntled l,y CounrUlor Me slunrltittte ere dill awaiting burets In
but on coming In contact with fresh treat_ „____(td 11 unmDrr of dlsMttm. 1rrge *uwmtm I .
air he quickly regained eonadom.nen5•of Alfalfa seed have been bought from I AUNT *ARTHA
The isle Mrs.Samuel Fear
Tae ricer ern meeting*
to look rafter rrw•rre recently in Ontario. protium -I "What'e the World enols( tor
tea arranging of ru,rthegs in the hall raid
Mrs. Samuel Year, a_picryerr reveler_ I .,.,4Hl tess.&a l. 1adfleftr-.w-, t"'. y In autlrlpatiou of a good deuraud eeelelm•d enut alrile A. sir e•ogbt
ratrtf-iims.rien-ritn= • r`
roadside In ftoo •_ The export market in Great Britain
don 4 and 6, AD. for rad clover and alsike has motioned
('ou.e Iter llgagtt mored flat n active longer than was expected and
(forge a[ 70c for th.- new o[ fire large Aim aMtorbed la uuutitlee of thene
hall .rad woe for the sms11 hall
made Tge q
I .d I_ lu them The owl.. However, there are still Note
of Morris township. tlnlrlsel Ger I that will he poet of los job.
amenity course etwrse last week !t the home I The Reeve reported that trr firemen
velure her daughter al e . Deeeseete I to Galrreh vete trilling to creme mut to
Jaeka maiden name xis Lydia Filen I tight a fire in Calorie If eleven men
Jackson, was kern In Waterloo cormly _ere paid we aN hour each. The
in.lt.Rlt and cane with her.jarente to town rvnln•H lave to consent to
reside it' Morris township. She west attZ their lit leave nue town.
mar Tee Herne a
A. Turnbull. 1n her sixty-sixth year. TIM about Att7 nine year tido to uu rllor Mt{ reatb
Decreed theNest daughterf the late Samuel Feer, and continued
ducted to the Depruunt. "tiorlrnmeut Tailing or l'atteirl,"
• • • "1fa dlsgreee1W -l1N•y sadrld latter
lic•tter peel pays big dividends It' fee' with a harmless came HIM teat!"
erop Improvement. l'raluctlon may be .•• - -
inereasesl from ten to fourteen pounds
per bushel mud from ten to fourteen
im+hots per mere by motes entr"ii1tte.
were rc•,tuesded ko lee r• the next meet- Plump meed. The farmer will find It a
lug of the town council and try to get endue prgamllime to Ret the old ran_1
vlved by her husband and a dauughter,
sone end throe danRhtees wurvlre. an ngremeet about th r nett 1 - • tttu& mill out of the store -house, fit it 1
Mlle Isobel of Exeter, Her only tan Harry Fear, of Ethel. clerk of GIN'S The Colborne Trlephoue tl7strm's rap properly with a rwis NMI Make e 1
lost Ms life at Tiny Bede*. totrnwMealle et M,rrrlx; 13a7to WTtuk• offer of $2 •year for UK aRR of ata R ranine ele•u•up ut ad tkfx sprlug....
I Chola Campbell, the son op a ieaed eremltb : Mn. Arthur Jackson. •
lira rem in the towel hip branding. as . a JH,r,r • Keep Nllk
ser family of Morula township, pa•eed Walter Harint•k and Mine Mary Fear, 'storeroom tot their ettedlerewa• 1c• •
Three IJltlr 1.Ktell the wank •
■oath at kis ship as the air oot, in ids all of Mlinhve. Mr. Year died about eeteed• stor about Iwo' word* o milk in r
et that earth yp of Galley last, to lilaMeeting fdjoufnc4 1' redid. • ltrN a set proper
Oka@ - 81. year. Be had lived had shwa c yearn. ago, and Mm. Fear shape fer.wue in the home. Three are
Aad since spent most of her time with 12th, at 1 --p.m• 'lifter Cool, owl t4veraed." This lw
ytorts en his term for a number (rf et. reit, chill;, reek year end In hl. last firer wt' lasted were
brought of her family. h. Tit o remains one .4 the fundamental roles or home
atter by •shoe, Ynz ems Wena d Fern Morris
w the home of Leslieal There H no dui, we AO WWII under. u+'onolulie. For brat results milk whould
Brume's. Fear, Morels towu.hlp, and the funeral 11g happy Its lop- m'rrerl at elle cod d the meal. and It
toot place on Friday to Bruseele eerie rate ■■ the duty IC
Mr. and Mn. idle Low of 1smMd- eery. of
vole o. Mara set adebre tad t s Ed -
See stylee am/ mites_
at the
.t. ,.
was r o io live in the aatee township. Four
eke late Michael Eaet•ett She L aur -
Ing happy we sow sante% mous benefits
upon the world, whi, 1, remain un-
known even M orselre. or, when they
1 .re disidosd, merger twlody so ranch
ern the• besefi.ter. - MOM neap oT
onuses to • tatter Y to find than
should alaaya.lK. ripped Mealy. .L i I
Is the ideal feed for eWldrenr all age.
because et its high quality 5101 14113411-
Utyyt„yptitnin.14*•1hldrdanse of eal-
IieaAlly asdmhrble phos phor- I
ffs tam and fits ea,lly dl• +
fit eel %nor
flee -pound net. et • • •
ndlatIug f,suy' Of g0.el+rill: HMI !role Ontario farmers NIIIe11a11 frac hnu-I
wrte r,..111raswinto u. though y
another candle b„d !leo liglitel._. deeds of dollars from parasites In sheep;
Robert I.,ael. See ensue.
-- tt:sil hogs. ter. l.. S. Steve sine sig
--_. - - made a special study of this problem
's4 aaelveraary of With wedding. coy
when they 'retire/ to
'Tey have a lastly of trite, : James
Love, of Tuckersmith and else Misses
Ida and Eva, of TlUI.to. e •
The tows et a..dtetb last=i1.k Lest
an esteemed either 1n the dirk of
William Wilson, who pared away sad -
truly at the age of eighty Rears. De-
ceased was born in Hellen township.
where he spent 115 greater part tet his
life. Shortly atter the death of his
wife In 191E he retired Met the 01111
and moved to Seafortb. • He 111 'MF
rived by one seat.*, Mrs. Mary /Mow
art, who made her home with hfit.
An old resident of Hulled township,
la the persica of Elisale'tb Riehardson.
widow of George Lyon pared away
Marsh 4th, 111 ber reedy -ninth year.
Dettos.ed had been to failing health for
owes years, having • utered slight
-liter at different times. She had
her home with ber righter, hen.
We. Bunking, filo the 13th conee.tlon
tit *idled, from whose residence the
fusiral took plate to Blyth 17nfon
Reboot *titalP.l hr -Ante A•eUemi ---
While on his way to Sfratford to see
the Stratford -Maribor* hockey match
Monday of last week, K, uneth Ashton,
principal of the Bruited. public reboot,
had has collarbone broken In an auto-
mobile accident near Dublin. Some
Goderteh people took him to Dublin.
and later he was taken to the Stratford
No Molise Ceelen at Heenan
A Hewell correspondent writes: No
grants have been made this winter by
R Reath. Haile 1
Wks s_the lase ll of
Sill—Tie r.dovtaker.
Hobby—I alae the old cuspidor slice
1f. Ise.
Wlfey—You shoed It before. That's
why it's gone
•, .,A
- Gordon Lindsay Sniff
We au taaily make our vegetable
Arden just as interesting in the mat-
ter of variety as that portion of our
domain devoted to flowers. From the
production standpoint, too, we an
graft termer Ib capsretytover the
old type of a few rows of testator. ear -
rote and eom, which is a very Import-
ant factor In these days of reduced In-
comes. It we remember that there are
at least fifty distinctive kinds of vege-
tables whfeh may redly be grown In
Canada, that our climate ennslating Of
long horn ot ennehlne and cool nights
precincts quality unexcelled elsewhere
and that we may plat from early nee end icicle for .tamer tine; spin -
aping until the first week In July, we
eh -Lone Starling• Juliana, which
will have mastered all the nec'eaear7 dope not go"'to seed readily, and
erntials. We must get away from th
oomele; Rolm Chard—Lncnll s,
tate oke Mw of setting one day amide the leafy taut of this
vegetable IN
and her written serernt bulletins. co -1
.plea of which eau be obtained from
your local Department of Agriculture.
• • •
('omeseratusI fertilize/et when,*llPl_
rat•In.a .crops to eoejntnctloa with.
good farming methods give Mg returns,
Phosphate's int -rear yields of almost
All crepe, on almost all types of soli
Potash pay,' especially on the sandy
arts. Nitrogen for tenet farm crops
should, as tar as possihle, he obtained
from growing legumes.
wanted ; muskmelon -Osage, Miller's • •
Cream, Golden Champlain or extra of Fertilisers
ttlsriy Knight; mmitre -yellow e1 • , . hwucl Ot
Danvers, red weeteeraleld. Prlae partaeet of Chemiatry rat 0.A,C,., ad-,
Taker, yellow globe card Prise Taker Tiara ihat wheel selecting the fertiliser,
red globe. among the standard sorts, for tiny glren crop the following pointe
while for early Rries w plant . id bl!-(4nRttleiCd __----
mete either white or yellow: Vela—lax- • The present fertility of the We
tone Progress, Thomas Laxton and 2• elVVinnm eropping.
L.ztonlan are the best of the taller 1. Nature of the crnperrowth.
aorta, where It la advitlable thongh_not 4. Prevloos manuring
Mee Q•- . • -
necessary to provide e support, and Feeding elmNraeterlutles of crop
Little Marvel, Peter Pan or Bine Ban. 10 be Riveratam, Hundredfokl and American Woo- 0. Competition of fertilizer,.
der among thedwarf aortaar
; pane:a— T. Source of Ingrtdiente of furtlll-
Hollow Crown; radt,*--llcarlet Turnip Tier•
White Tip, Yana, an all red, French Method led Pt('of m iaffon. _ _
Breakfast and Scarlet Globe, for early B. Ne•.f Hlth of rani
Naturally Nom. of these porta are
Interrelated, Trot all meet be considered
If fertilisers are to be used intelligent-
ly and economically. Furthermore, it
meet h e clearly understood that fertili-
sers'should be thought of as a supple-
ment to farmyard manure. crop re-
sidnee and good cultivation.
for the planting of the vegetable gar -
like spleen* all summer and the steel
den. The more we space ' our our planting aN ■spanRu.: tnaaatses—iselfana, Early
the sae d several tit .,,j ,ten day. John Fier, Ronny Best, Chalk's arly
apart, of the nine se. and early, 'Re-
e dfum and late varieties, the more we
reread our harvesting season over the standard sone and Grand Rapids and
And erste of it was the "little whole year. Indeed, wftb a few emm., 8nuriae for forcing or staking.
daily Berm " of K et, it that non- !shies le storage and, pre.1My, a hot (isrdess 4e+pct
gteend k. In fact, it nude thio bed and growing mushrooms and rbn- In'lQdtttog to the r ler climbers,
nuffeler 5 be truer n Knee herb hi the rear, there is no rearm 1a t10$00,r.a";a trellis or wen, It Is quite
bro1 hare been taking Knee -bee en Seib the world why we should not enjoy pomible to develop satlsfectory, upright
bedew d 4svbi pates alt the barker, Canadian vegetables throughout the en- garden Nereena In front d femme, gar-
IMd and iambi paha d getting ttre twelve mouth.. For eonvenienee' ages, stables or any other objwet. Ever -
i iter thud in • to hod, wed ti
up. I wog Mit &_very had way. i was make we hare Hotted In the next pen- Recons will glee ua a p*nwnert 'screen
laid up for owe • month, std the graph the latest lint of approved varies- rsgardlena ot the raceme, or we can plant
doctor who attended ere said 1 was Hen an the better-known vegetables. laity of the well-known sbreha Ouch as
suffering from acute rreurn*tLrn, and Apps*red lint honeys -artist, Illae, spires or heel -terry.
advised me to take Knsrhen Sala. Aap.r•agns—Mary Wiehlnaten, free In addition to sauteing off objection -
In les than 8 months 1 Alt ever so from diarists sada gond c beans able views, throw will form a hitch.
well. I an't tiara you enough fen —Pencil Pad Black Wax, Round Pod ground for tie flower tied, ands rug
Krreien l+.lte"-G. O, Kidney Wax, Ntringiss Green Pod, retreat for feathered a ogatersc- Rome
The prinelple 1st this: Metuchen with iteninckr Wonder and Kerrtnrky of them 11ke the In rimers produce fruit
Sala drive fmm your body the urle
add crystals which rater your pain.
Your pains ere; knotted jojna
become Imre. Arresters' the "little
daily dose" of Knrsehen so stimu-
lates the liver and kidneys that your
inside w kept rear ' Mirhievntr uric
orM tins not gat the duos t0
Amsterdam, Corder; earn ---for eerie I a\an.u'ala like fonr o',•loeb, African tear -
FREE TRIAL OFFER Meet est nee ant Orden Gem, Orden tads- I semis. nicotine, ea•toe bene, *hell will
shine, In the yelow., and Early Market Intake a mereeu from kwo to five feet
and Early Cary, In the *I1te., while 'Nigh by August. fu One hung line
Golden Rantwm and Hardee's Wonder - we have i1itchman's pipe dal clematis,
Bantam are standard yellow aorta. and which are Vero .!11(416 perennial
Stowe -He Evergreen a Isle, high finality , planet for aerenIngabs,
White • encumbers-- Improved White Boivy .rad thew creeper
Beene and Dgvl. Perfect: rare- -drat lgr. n,tiLflna Kau,•
eery gpYltlEi YjVtir¢- Wolin:. . t* I. d m
Green Pott as pole aorta: beets ---Pearly attractive to the bird*, and that also
Wonder, Plat Egyptian, Early and De- Jidda height miler after ted leaves fay.
trout Dark Red for later mer; cabbage— fallen. Of annual mnhrHal we Imre
Golden Arte ea a reined -headed first ; an ostensive list at our dlapnaal. We
early, followed by Copenhagen Market may nee hollyhock. or dahlias', which
and Enkhnis.n (flory' as mid-atemon, 1 .111 reach a height et rpm febr to .Ix
with Snowball and earliest Dwarf Er -1 feet. The ornamental etutgower. are
fart ; carrots---Chentenay. Denver and • alao good, while Reese are many bushy
If at -- otese .. haws ai diOribatt •Owes!
wow spacial " Ask easy serToot s r new t T mel.
Tirescess. M nor r•saln ter. bottle fer4s.r
whits trot bstth- . rite to shat
odd tire, fM M q y tom,,,
` '" t raw` :iwto m,:, uddlEf Fftl T t
u aro. h ery leel re • melee- . Pa
hied to Noon, Yellow or Easy blanching: whiter keep- a 'rewire haps, ae•erlet Mar aid Ilya•
c a a'a• Ing, Glatt Pascal or Whiter Queen ; cloth !wean, morntna RinrFM mud w1k1
Y m 1
nr N.. -Part whore • head sort le Iu,.11rrtminetelt,
IKtatw-tinted Rapid. 1s one a the enenmher The In II 4 4tirreey rink
est 1t' leaf sort. with New York
rrow-II* !dant memo! wed M spre,
(By Betty $•relay )
.omit of rolled Oat* (oatmeal)
1 cup a sugar
1 (eeepoon of renills -
2 eggs.
1 tablespon of melted hatter
2 teaspoons (rounded' baking pow.
1 level teaspoon of salt •
'1 crap seedier retains
('ream auger and melted butter -add
beaten yolks, then work In gradually
oatmeal, to which ham been added salt
and baking powder. Then add vanilla
and nutmeg end beaten whites of eggs
and raisins. Drop In small quantities
on floured taking pen and hake in
rather slow oven.
Never mind shout whether your
great-grandparents ea me eerily', In tee
Mayflower. What redly matters,is did
Ton eOme acres with your grocer last
Brophey Bros.
Mahn/atm serving at all Mum
dap sr Mase
PHONICS: Stora 110 , Rea 11T
J. R. Wheeler
Mltrteral Dieseter esti
A11 calls promptly attended to.
day or night
Store 335 Residence 345w
Hamilton Street, Ooderlcb
-WW1 —
Plumbing Alterations
made before housecleaning time.
Time Payments if Desired
John Pinder
ri.ebis1 beim Eawtirssgbiat
P. O. Ilex 131 Ooderlch
W. Fads( Calif-] i,stin
` RRep i» $sir -Cocrtitihutt,
Frost & Wood Farm Im-
plements and Machinery.
Telephone 598
Kin g&ton Street Goderich
en Freshness—Always
"Ffrom tfi Gtrdsns" •
2 Beatty Copp4r Tub- Electric Washing Machiees. Thor were used
I••than six .we.th•, woe• $145 00 week 199 00
These rose nc. were taken back for the reason that the purchasers
to nl-1 n, -t meet their i,aymenta and they areas goose as new
1 Tim• Saver Electric Washer _ .............,. $.90.00
t Laurel Electric Waab•r , ..Y... 1149.00
1 Red Soar Heed Washer ....._ 110.00
Meer ter Motor Washer _.... $10.00
The last b or Writers hat.- all leen reconditioned and are therefore In
A 1 shape.
We carry a full line of Hardware, Plumbing and
Steam fitting Supplies`
L,.S-ttslgurn on pontTbnnbing, Hefting sad Thiamithin _ All work
sed material fully guaranteed. - — -
Ws always haus he sisal the hlghasAsthma',ede Asthk•, 5lsoado .. sed
losesh Mn as Coal sed Coke. whin` aw•igh•d os your own scales
--t--eke wales.
e tow. market ales.
The true teat of R norm, and the
tree teat of a clam. Rod 11.. true tent
of a people, le power 11 Is a &mat)
thing Ns long as he hs• not power --
4. long to temptation 1e kept out of
tloul - be tperably
to bite! llwiad.^ 111?
his trial erre --pn fir *Melt corrupt-
ed the judgments a the IMmrtd and
the weel4Ay risers may rnrrnpt the
Jttdgesent' of the penplr IV111Imm E
t l l.d-tern,
C. LEE, at the Harbor
ONES—Store 22, Hamm, 112—
lis nguish the new
• • •
• • e
1111 ,Pw 4 4 d TPMIRII'rT. GODP:RU ll
L. M. metkpigaip Eity1M8!rY!a 1/Y
to alma d Metoeve 1needee•i'. a eeett
Least N,Nekeo• leave la.,.,.• rt xees
Clete. nr CPCA et 9 P.M "