HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-17, Page 6THE SIGNAL.
!meet ferries ee isles' and
Wm% ebtdilg
Sstldactide guaranteed
Haberdasher_ eed Drat.:
» -
• Nest &aeet
Electrical Appliances.
Fixtures, etc.
—�-ectric Wiring of all
Estnatee given se application
Telephone 82 Goderich
Cakes and Pastry
We maks Special Rolls
or kind of dainties
for -Midge parties.
*i i -
Have ye tried sitter MILL
MAIM BREAD? 1f Ret, wily
net? It V greatly le demand.
You have tried tbe rest, NOW
try the BEST.
Christ 11 ri.eu,
Of the holy
Which with all
at idle set
Then the ..
Will their
Ripened by Els
From the fa
Coate, Holy
with all Toy q
a flame of ea
hearts of ours. n.
ban nattered to awe at an. They
were greatly startled, balm, wbsa,
ou approaching to grave, they saw
er�90� that the stow was rolled a
of Magdala appal tlf dssleted t41ti
first; and without staying to fie far-
arther, started off to tell the dleetp:stl,
Ont. Peter and John besotted to the
care and, stooping down, they
'�- In and saw that 1t was empty.
t -ilk first fruits a time they went away agate to r
rt [told, own home, but Mary stood without at
1 abundance the door of the sepulchre weeping, and years wimp ban pounds the uncut
ioi ytat„w : as she wept ate domed down. Rad tide Oat aminellesground; of tease
looked lase tae mgllmmra. ref we amp Wts tell you. AM bard -
-- 14A I N
Than la a
of the e
le Melee,, ee
tell yau
traits Mlle toe
ng the settlers
t semoaa ooate
as they would
together when
and shrivel the
eral succeed,*
of Mined seutryangela who at, the oae•at tbe
orejlineetelve, bead and the other at the feet, wbaPS
inualiM the body of Jeans had lata, sought In
of tbe greva vain to comfort her. "Women,"Aber
Aber Wordsworth. aid, in effect, "there le no need for
tears: didet thou but know. couldet
thou but understand. thy heart would
overflow with eopr.w joy, and thy
tears become ratios." "They have
taken away my Lewd," she said. •taad I
know not where they have laid Him"
What could angel voices do ter brc
who longed to hear one voice Baty?
Whet were the griefs of otbers to com-
parison with here? In an evade'
sense Jesus was herr,! My Lord! Had
Be not cast out from Ler seven delfts/
Bowe slight movement behind, or
11 _ as Chrysosupposes.
Mom finely supp.
nae of au expression et love sod
ewe which pissed over the angel faces,
led her to turn herself back, and the
saw Jesus standing, but she knew not
that It was Jesus. Supposing 'Him, In
her grief and confusion, to be the gard-
ener, she said that if he knew the
whereabouts of tie body she sought,
Rhe would gladly have It removed. Then
He spoke -the old familiar name with
the old intonation and ealphasls, and
she answered In the country tongue
they both knew and loved so well,
"Rabboul!" In her rapture she sought1
to embrace Him, but this mast not be.
abeabe etteee withdrew Himself, say-
ing, "Teach me not," for Mary must
learn to exchange the outward for tbe
Inward, to pans from the old fellow-
shlp with Jesus as friend and compan-
ion Into a spiritual relatlon,bip, which
would sada to *11 eternity. Mary
hiving received a commie
sloe from her Lord to go and tell the
disciples. did so.
That same evening He appeared to
the whole eompany of the apostles, ex-
cepting Thomas, as they at at mat.
They had esretully shut the doors,
since there was every reason to fear
the -T 114 riiieye of the event, of the
d erning would arouse against them
tbe strong hate and fear of the Pbad•
sees. Then. suddenly, without an-
nouncement or preparatlou, the figure
of their beloved Master stood in to
midst of them, with the famlllar greet-
ing of peace, -"Peace be onto you."
Evidently He was clothed In to re-
surrection or spiritual body et which
the Apostle Paul speaks. He was not
beavenly Dove,
powers, kinglet
e in these clad
-Iaso Watts.
8. 8. LIMON OON MARCH 27, 1932
Lessen Rises from to
Lemma 2e:11-2* (East-
er Lamm/
Mary of
had roma
trumpet of
the gathering -
them to retire.
bath day a
meat, In the
ever oppressed
[Ley had not
Mt of their
harrowing ci
hopes that
moaned to have.
Rut freer
eidedaly the
when the Sa
sundown on
to purchere
which they
order to
body which
on the day
estate they
But bef
lame event
taw the w
debating as
would be
with another Mary
the tomb, till the
ver Sabbath and
•os had warned
ey rested the lob -
to the command -
t, darkest grief that
human heart; for
lost tbe dearest ob-
on, under the moat
tenses, but tttr
was the Mesadab
n rudely shattered.
N human love.
was over (■
y t, they stole out
tweet spices,
that night In
embalming ad to
heft Meoa elle
on. They
the city gated,
at daybreak, be -
led to reach the
was yet dark.
could arrive tbe sub-
rr which hal
th lit and joy 131
earl. The wealth
'hurrying to the grave,
did se how they
rob away the stone
from 1ta ,tufa Probably they had
beard not'lledg the seals and sentrllas
with whist tbe Ilanhedrine had endeav-
e, orad to amp. a [Meet all 1r.atnailthaa;
for, had May Mean, they would hardly
subject to all the laws that govern our
physical life, but He allayed Oak fears
by showing to them His hands and Bhs
side In proof that He was the saaae
whom they had seen so recently hang-
ing on the crow and Lad in the toad,
He was risen Indeed. Thea were to
disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.
-Condensed from F. B. Meyer's Coat
d ente ry.
Mde M Ceased. idle whose -`•
sot of we the weeks of an-
xiety ars Mime gore[ white nine al -
moMal( and hot winds sap
What to keg 4ys bring no reliev-
ing seaters there is an tntense scan-
nlag ott the spry, mere L an exact no-
otation of every sponge of moon," os
Me e shifting dbeefien of winds. Hope
amity gives war to a slow adze/Woe
that nothing ran im ppeu 1a, time te
save the iafebs Be•Ids. Bat hope
never fades quite away ; it Is only
shifted from this year to the nett.
For two years the grain had been P0
Mort aid meagre It ea, almost impos-
sible to cut tt. aliment valueless to try.
The low stalky. bee only small, shrunk-
en grain. New the third winter the
sat it M4 hes good ; slougba were
Lied and Me sesey plowed fields
sisamsd wine mMRnre. Yet as Nue-
aver wore on [Mare was talk of a three
years' "spell' of Mouth.
• i • •
Fur nine meth the McDonald, had
ea thrall* the good thaw and
tha bad. Frac and hall, avow and
beat, rata and sen bid added be or
taken away Pram their varying for-
toaes nee atitived the rbaiging
aeasam., bar a little and tiers
a Utile, slowly, with the years aa'leg
sees secure their Bleeder Said els
Derothy wee efferent: Even to
neighbors agreed that she was not a
true McDomaM- She had "nottoaa"
Se walked about the fields "mooning."
It was doubtful R she would ever be
a "comfort" tae bar people. At sixteen
.he was no ebtid of the lads but an
ellen product, a dreamer of dreams.
Two years earlier a sudden bliseard
had forced a travelling salesman to
stay the night with the McDonalds. He
was an oldish mom and for some reason
be carried w115.him a small square
gramo�the _mad while
the storm �vr� In the slarknea, In
the warmth et tba farm kitchen there
rang out the Isaac of an older world.
Cathedral balls Mended, solemn and re-
ligious; Lsalidd sang out her despair ;
a wild CreeF /Rano walled in the
wind: kmialleildeld ladles yoked their
Joys and �narem tower ams' dun-
geon. : A of chaotic splendor
filled the alt " • prairie kitchen.
- .As the old am changed the records
be talked tie Edge of strange thing:
'farotr el names, applauding
crowds, a kings and queens, spell ell of world's great soya.
How the filthily had listened! taut
Dorothy. In rat midst of • edema
"Illeerere," .uddsnb Tett the room, al -
dant running. Err mother found her
on the bed.
"Why, Dorothy, w hat is the matter?"
WORLD MISSIONS "I'm all right."
• Didn't yes ler i t Y'
"An Me Meath of January I was out "some." _
plies"' 1. Kent, of t'Its ebereba "Weal oC `W things,
Wig se Tr I had to toad wrmir < . .
'gads wabtat••
teems oath I got
started as I warmed to... say
However, the daytime classes 014
test one's courage quite as much as the
daylireek, or long before day -break,
prayer•meetinga. To be roused out of
your sound sleep by the ominous sound • •. •
of tbe church bell and find yourself
But Dorothy tial not been able to
crawling out of your warm nest and strep . All night the force of some
into your cold clothes in an icy room
strange new modem had fitted her,
and then creep cautfomn along the shaken her. tnesieneed ler. Long
anent street Mitt you reach the ebmrch after the little msttbim. !n the kitchen
which le also ley cold. Is a fete ted or
one's courage, to say nothing of erne s
seal In prayer, but when you overcome
the carnal part and felel your very soul
warmed and wafted tip by the earnest
and heartfelt prayer* t bring from the
down, or several dosen, shawl -covered
prostnts donna on the floor, you are
yen came and feel ashamed that
ever had a resentful feeling to -
Ira the antra belt -talar McLellan.
Hamheang, /Corea.
their beads; Metz shouldess were a
little more baso as our meed beat to
tbeir rarayatd&
"Ifoijo, Zeke,.bow 1• lir --
"Getting brews, Den. Mow'. yowler
"Same, Me' meads Low spot[ ars ell
Wbeat's just In the Ralik, just be to
wtlk, Den. Oae geed maker would
bring It through yet"
Jest one, Zee, one day's soaker Rad
I'd have forty to the acre eaay."
"Well, we cas watt and hope-Hlst 1
What'll that/
"Theta ebe• McDaald circ; you
know, Dorothy, singing out to the
There le • night time et armletice.
The burning winds die away or whis-
per only with rodlllens�s far of ateag
the edgy of tae Aside. Mtfe roots
search ter demises@ to gp�e away
against the onela of tM eoaeng
lone ranks
f non* Eden the
►on[' ranks o[ the t stalk. For
dap they can redid. standleg In un-
broken Uue.
Just aSmite trTwo
• • •
"Dorothy, don't you think 11's bed-
"Yee, Mother."
"Dorothy, you don't mind very mach.
do you? I mean about the wheat get-
ting dry?"
It's not your fault, Mother."
'Year father thought maybe you
could -go this year, Dorothy About a
month ago be was planning on it;
"Oh. Mother, 11's terrible! Waiting
year after year! It's -it's terrible!"
"Dorothy -Dorothy -I'm sorry- 1,
think about it every hour the wind
"Mother.! I didn't mean to ! Some-
tbtngr-might happen.'
"There's not many things could hap-
pen, Dorothy. Wheat's all we've got."
But 11 yes wanted something bard
enemata and it Maas r>liht, smell)leg,
algid happen?'
"Well -It might, Dorothy. Good-
"Good -night." _
• • •
"Well, Martha, did you get Dorothy
"Bbe. In, Andy. She's pretty sad."
"We're all ad -but the best pros-
pect we've ever had is out In the fields
right now. It needs only one thing
more; I've dome my part and I can't
help but bopaJet that the re.t will
"Andy! Awoke
"Whari that?
-what r.-
-That noise!"
"Jui minute; watt -I'll get up."
''Where is it, Andy?"
"Martha -it's rain!"
"Andy !'•'•
"Get up; 11's rain! Rabat Rain!"
.'Why, Andy, it's pouring!••
"Let It pour l Whew ! Let It pour!"
"I'll call Dorothy."
"Sure, call everybody!"
••Olt. Andy, It's eeming harder."
"Yes -It's rain! It'. rain! It's rain!"
-A. R. E. In -The Christian Science
whatever L
iti:t;31'KC,:1/.h"#'.fi', 1 *rt't alsi.rstand
Yoe at all. The ethereal !1104 it It
kind 01 torched she, tali_. Are- You
sleepy, Dorothy/
School report for 8. 8. No. 11, Ash -
aid and Colborne. •
i' -Isabel Pollock, Atm* Doherty,
Mario• renter.
dr. IV -•Clarence Itimss:.
Ir. IT -Mary Vroom*n, Gordon Pol.
leek. Myrile Pater, Omen Pollock.
dr. II --Harold Doherty, Betty Po. -
Jr. H-Oarmon Pane'.
I-Bhaehe Wawa. Billy Tlgert,
Helen MacMillan, Jean MacMillan,
Dorothy Tftert, Bert Doherty, Isabel
Sunlight Soap .. • I0 bars 49c
Leaf Cheese Ib. 2Sc
Maayflowers Soap 3 for 17c
Unicorn Salmon 12•.. 2I. 2e.
Chocolate tiara - _ _6 for 2Sc
Sardines, Glazier= _ _ _ . _ _10c
Borden's Malted II ilk _age. 49c
Eagle Brand Milk .
• per tin 19c
Royal York
Orange Pekoe
Wonderful Value •t
1/l lb._ _ __28c
1 Ib. - 55c
Electric Light New ,California
25. 40, 60 watt
19c each 3 lbs. 25c
Pocket Matches 12 boxer 10c
Sime and Brasso - small ISc
Tomato Juice_ _ _ 3 ties 2Sc
Ia'lake Toilet Tissue 3 for 2Sc
C. & B. Catsup
Gam Drops
•ck Quaker Oats,
Spee ter -And where I Rat ran 1s
Julius Caesar? Willem le Attila, the
Hun? Were are giseas, OUver this.
well. Charlemagne. 9astnlbel?
Entbuatastk Pals.. -.mad elk boys.
no's the gentleman :anomie yon.
Mrs. ,Heusew i to : "What moue. �.
.e law with t',e milk these morn -
Ino r'
Milkman: "II in. yea sae, the pare
food law don't idle* us mora thea
36.000,000 bect.•ea to a gallon and
you wouldn't 1"•Iters how long It
takes to could the little sons -of•
• • •
Mrs. Bmlth 1, ,t richest Her daugh-
ter bas a pet A i r.dale mimed Pal. OM
day the mother was practising for an
appearance or :. public meeting. Pal
outside tbe w!i, low wag giving bowl -
Ing aceowpniuu rat. Finally the little
girl cane over to her mother and
pleadingly aid "Ob, mother, won't
you please pIt' ♦otn,thing that Pal
doesn't know?"
A runner RUMPLE
Prolessor-"Oive me an example
of to Masse of a aonie to the thing
to which tt is applied."
Student -"An orange, sir. An
orange is orange In color, it has the
shape of an oraeae elle taste et an
ersnge, and it is really and truly an
orange, as Ito name would lead you
to expect."-Be.ton Transcript.
At a banquet In New York a promi-
nent financier wade an address which
ended wi*k a p.. Mage from an Immor-
tal poet. Whei, be bad eel down the
saes[ were to itlm whispered, "You
had tart line of Kent's • bit twisted."
"I said 11 th.,t way purposely," be
reptled. "I dldo't wept them to think
that i had real It may the day be-
• 2 •
The touring •'ompany of actors bed
played "Ilam!. t." the night before.
The next morning. the local paper
(bus wrote of the peeferaance: "Thies
has been • longdimelleu
am to
whether Bacon oe Sfe wrote
this Pilin -It
new. Lai fie grans at ttN`iWo writ-
ers be opened The one who turned
over last night is the author."
(Intended for last week)
PORT ALBERT. Mareb A-Oohde
tbroata seem to be the ceder
! Winter le Ear* bum Oda
week. It -le the Boldest wap ed the
winter.- ++.
Etta Quaid. Ernest- and Kothleea
Crawford and Irate Graham are all
home from the G.C.I. with attacks of
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Alton of Lanes
were recent visitors at the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Percy Graham.
The young people enjoyed • pleasant
evening at the hoose of Mr. Roy Petrie
had beets closed lap air din seemed ou Tuesday.
filled witben almolitembble nweet-
uesn. 'lite sudden Peens, the definite- - MAFEKING
nests of a new dnon was overpow-
ering. There .eemafl tobeno words for
it: only affirming per and over, "It's
mine! It's mine! gra mine!" as 11 to (Intended for Let week)
convince seats lit opponent.MA EERIE°, March 8. -Mr. Fred
In to weeks Tut followed her Anderson visited lila mother, MIs.
mother bawl t�derftatd. Mary Andetwon, who Is recovering
"And err--ids=�ern1y'a ad very happy.from an attack of "flu." on rlednee
She never did care mueb about things dsy-
aroanel here." Harry Mkddleton Is wed stMg Mr.
"Don't I can Khania thing, Sam Kilpatrick this month.
much, Martha. ghat s e wan Soudy retnrnin
"pair "wet' reit' erlYthh+Rr" �" M M Richard Jdhneton, who
way, nothing eroded here." had been their gated for a week, re -
"She doesn't wast .eythtng. and ebe towed home with them.
Isn't happy! Out with it, Martha. out air. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley and
with ft. What is It?" da tors Hilda, Elva and Fern, of
"Well, Andrew, It ,oared, kind of Luekpow, were g� of Mr. and Mrs.
queer, but she w•ats to goaw,y-rhe-- on Sunday
"er as Mr.and Mrs Hiram Moffat motored
nn t?"
she Herb Currany
to sing on. Sure, bit leer slag." •t Mr. Thoma Anderson'sPresse
...you don't n Away: Mr. Robert Henry, we has been ill
wants to learn to , take lessons f6r for some weeks, ie gradually Improv -
years in the Mg " . - leg. we ore -pleased to report.
ee!- When Wlee! Years!
e wants to stud" Mr. Chris. Cook Is grttnding alfalfa
•Sing! -sing! "She's get [180 eorP11 s at t.
--Big cities!! Sts'' who's going to do
MacMillan. all this? A bustat-e' wheat, • whole
Primer -•Elwin Pollock. `acre of what wtllidis't iw nowhere.
•denotea absence for ertamtnedons. i.Why it'd mei hriredf !"
CATHERINE HAMILTON, Teacher ."jet, Andy, are'e thounends."
y "Thousands! Wbee1 Thousands!
WESTFIELD Thousands! Whs.!"
The following 1s the report rat the "Rh,'" the only' sue who'll ever coat
Westfield ached for the winter round us much, Andy. -'Rad she'll help her-
e examine tions : self • lot ,iter die gets started.'
V -Mary Baird 75%, Jean McDowell
00, Viola Oovler 48.
Sr. IV -Kenneth Campbell fl$%,
Mary Cook 611.
Jr. IV -Mary Ann Gower 04%, Al-
lan Baird 110 Alvin Snell 56.
Sr. III -Edna Baird 80%. Ned
Thompson 71, Gene (look 65, Mae Ma -
von 61, Jimmy Walsh t17, Goethe( Mc-
Dowelltie, Eileen Walsh 65, Mildred
Thornton 38.
Jr. 111-E1vin Wightman 74%, Leslie
Rodger 82, Bob Artutrong 38, Areble
Mason 45.
8r. iI-Jeen Campbell 71%, Bob Oe -
vier. M.
Jr. It-Jaiper inti ee96. Edema
Taylor err, Rob dower fie.
fie-Js.sper Farrlfh, Margret
Wlgltmsa, Pesatd 11t6a1h. Raoald Tay -
lo, 4•11Emek Walsh.
Prlfitrr--Eimer Mason. Albert Ma -
Number ea real, ai ; average attend -
sore, 28.
M. 1l. J*rrniello r, Teacher.
A man sits dreaded en as nakiowa
Wand. We was erred a essimbe1,
se ha moved vrmy aatlnsal?. Aa pe
wee climbing�ay a mean hid e
, i. • 4481' "'Milk jt. ., ,
Ibeer The Nisei Mad 1Ne'wan
stirs *bewe Balli sold: 'R'batsk Ilestrea,
Mere are Cbeletiarr ea tide lead."
s • •-
And so whist lad seemeflv►l1i1171nt-
poonible at tint gradually beeline
something that Wright happwt--notnt
time. Rut the thee had never been
fixed. "Whin the wheat's good and
the prices." w na bow it had been lett.
Rat the a heat bad pet been good for
two years and flew It wan the early
mummer of the tided year. The rain•
had been iliseppotnthir• Again and
again storm. tethered in the west,
veered to south or north, ppattered a
few Mg drops M the dust and were
gone. The gree etorehonse of moist -
tell left by h �j omew• Dosed upward
through the pf�e) land. The stnrd)I
toots of wheat ads and barley
sereteberl down =dap the damp earth
below. 'Never Ntetw stouter stalks
O rd greener ti The land berme
• billowy nae green. Settlers began
to talk of a hag r. From the depths
et stalk and 1 *beat beads beide
to show,
Thee come a eat wind. Moody.
persistently. weer be stn its bet
brat% the p mobature from to
•side it never dolled. The -Meg, Deva
Wee beim_Mein at the
At nom. t themeee weed
their *ngerrei
beets into Ile '
es t d their
They shook
OOrrRI r01R 000KIE11
(By Betty Barclay)
For a nibble between meal., or an ac-
companimebt to en afternoon party,
there is notldng like home baked cook -
tea, These recipes, tieing coffee es •
favoring, will make aoteethint delight-
fully dlffereet for the rookie jar.
Cafes Cookie•
1,4 cup totter
114 caps -off,e
1 sup agar
8 cups flour
2 teeapoone baking powder
('ream batter. Add sugar, eggs well
beaten, and cold coffee. Then add flour,
work smooth. Roll thtn and bake in
moderate oven. Grose ben wit% but-
ter and lard mixed.
Cafes Mager Coolties
cup strong, hot coffee
1 cap molasses
1 cap brown sager
1 cep
1 tabieapooe ng water
1 tablespoon ginger
1 table/mono elnsamon
Flour ter waft
1 taspo os' 50de
telwitve soda In boots( water and
stir into taol*pem. Pour over the
e er'leeing. Ar boiling eters* and
MOT, and thee add neesadnga Add
Seurtadl dough Is miff enough to roll.
IWO ad cot tato desired •haps.
Idabr - I d says babe be eve my
edge letredma as
• a •"y.,.seldee ss' meet
11M"'Well. give my mistake baa tate
over: M
. • •
Widower: "Why are you so pen-
Miss Harriet : "Pm not pensive."
Widower: "lint you haven't laid
word for twenty mlnutea"
Miss Harriet : "Well, I haven't asp
thing to ear.-
Widower: "Don't yell ever lalkas
thing when you have nothing to
Mia Harriet: "No."
Widower: "WW you be my wife?
• • •
A Scotchinau approached an at-
tendant of :s bowling green and
handed him twopence.
"What's this for?' asked the attend-
ant •
"A game o bawls, !addle," replied
'"Yes, bat the res. dyamee. Read
"1 bora". waited The deet; will a
wlak. •'It says: 't'e'es for the grew,
otepewce a game,' tint Pea no green."
• • •
Te publisher of a smaf town news-
paper was trying to get the general
store owner to advertise:
Marchant --"I've been in tib town
thirty gars, 011.1 P,.•ry man, woman
sad child knows where 1 am and what
I sell I don't need to advertise."
Publisher ---"Is that so? Tell me bow
long the Methodist church has been
blgssehaat-"J'itty years, i believe.
Wier 1"
Pnttleber--"'ell, .don't they 4111
ring the Im *eery Sunday morning?'
Phone 431, Bayfield Road
to have your turn&os
put in good repair be-
fore the oold weather.
Aim any Plumbing or
Metal Work you may
have to do.
Coal—sad Wood
Gamin Himialivie Co
Pocobontas (2 by Cagy)
I can supply yleR-WInta in
any of the above foe!. Prompt
'service and reasonable priors.
Telephone 178j Gooderiob
Excelled Cellist Ferias s.J
Geed Gravel Gnaw Mackie
Write, Tell -Thom or flee ?b
Telepkoeea Getierick 02z13i;
�. R.
No. 1, Galeria.
Residence at Porter's Ht?
Clip this , „u i ,in and mail k wick tl for • sin weeks' end ad•ezipdem to
_ e.AutetlJtl 13a_0saraawa ammo Pewees Marr
"nerds.• Yamach.ntta, o. a A.
' and etc arm mod asst Ms .arta tram di w,ral armlet
t 1. s ma alumna's MIY •••rY, mere
«f ,. t i•a, rw..•eetea�. •ai dor
ad t• worms Malt cams leas am »
aa. tae e�ma ,t .N me MMr hatae�
and cares. Dy.
Now you can pog1tfvelp Identify
favorite D. L. & W. ,4ctabtier Anthracitti
'hard coal) before you burn it.
it's trade -narked (tinted bine) for your
Order hem your Dealer MOW—
and holm what atone tear
:Mrert emus