HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-17, Page 5aster -A. .1 STOP THAT COUGH! with Penlyptus, Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture, Chases, Gallagher's and many other remedies at Campbell's Drug St�e Godench — Phone 90 James F. Thomson — PIANO TUNING - 4u YEARS' ' F. CPKRJE.V('E You caul afford toineglect your piano. Have tt attended to. nem 4311. De ti today. RILL ORc WIIO The following names have been added to the list of .aMcrfbers of 35 each to the Lions' Welfare Fund: Gordon Iamb, Gob, rich Menesetung Cann• (tub, Godericb D. 13. Mooney, Go.I.•rich Mrs. Ben Allen, C.slerlch Crane Limited, London loternatlenal Vtrnl.b Co., Toronto Rice' Lewis • Co., Toronto Robt. 8/mp.oa Co., Ltd., Toronto New Easter Hats Charming and distinctive EASTER HATS with traditional smartness, these models JAM',brims-.1itt� .. sailors in original designs. Vivid contrasts are gained in ribbon and flowers. They feature the outstanding straws and the new shades in blues, greens. red. brown and black- . —Yee ars cordialy itit.d to inspect sr sleek — Miss M. R. MacVicar 'curtail Street �.; ♦. THE' SIGNALS• How Cars Are Numbered for.1932 Esse L a List that Will Bo Ready for Reference Purposes Unlettered 1 to 1000 14-115* I to 0000 Toronto A -1—M-1100 - Keewatin Kenton AA 701 to AB 900 Dryden AB 201 to 350 Sioux Lookout AB 861 to AC 850 Port/ Prances AC 861 to AF ZOO Fort William AF 361 to AK 350 Port Arthur AK 181 to ......... ....&hreiber Alt: 451 to AL 450..1. Cochrap AL 451 to. AM 50 Iroquois Falls AM 51 to AN 850 Timmins AN 851 to AO 850 Swastika AO851 to AP86D-- New Liskeard AP 861 to AB110 Cobalt AB 51 to AV 780. —.Sault SteMarie AV 751 to -AW 150 Bruce Mines AW 101 to AW 850 Theaaalon AW 051 te AX 100 Blind River AIM to AX 350 ..Richards Landing AX 361 t0. AX 950 Gore Bay %X 961 to AY 250 I Ittle Current AY 251 to AY 450 Mi d AY 461 to AY 700 AY 701 to AZ 200 AZ 201 to AZ 000 B AA 201 to 700 porfOiCH, ONT. MI to Olesecoe 1101 to DM ' t. et. Proems del to DO 200 �,�ylrW D O 101 to MUM Woodstoek to 701 tie DX M,, Tllsonhnrg DX 501 to l0>� r.1.. (►wen So,ad F 1 to ratter - Toronto FA 1 to TOMO twig Mound 50101 to FD 000 Meatord TD 1101 to re 000 .. Durham PO 901 to F] 960 ... Hanover FI 101 to TM 100 ..liarrlaton MI 2t .,, T� . iuwnener FW501 to FZ$9 r .` Galt (1—Ooltt..I I; H 1 to H9909 HA 1 to HA 800 . , HA 801 to HC 100 Paris 'EIC 101 to HIS 800 8lmeoe HH 801 to ILI 500 ..t. I'orf Rowan HJ 501 to HN 100 .., ... , ...Dunnville SIN 101to UT300 L Welland Hof 301 to R!°101' . f.. ::hiller. FWs HZ 1 to HZ 600 Fort Kyte Toronto Galt HAYFIELD BAYFIELD, Mareh 18. - Mrs. Fred Mceweu has returned home atter a week's visit with her I.rother, Mr. R Peck, at Loudon. Miss Mina Proctor of Tonaifodolt' last Yrlday at viols her aunt. Mrs. G. F. King. The weekly brides tournament of the Ooderlch Badminton nod Bridge Club was held on Tway evening i0 the club rooms, Nsllth street. The win- ner were: Ninth and south, Mr. and Mn. P. F. gats, flrs(. Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. Eastutau second fast and Weal. DeA--ewd Mn. J. M. I "•Id, Mr+. and Mrs. F. J. Nato The young peoples department of • St. Andrew's United chun•h held tla+Ir uwetIi on Tb1H4dsy evening last. The<—... devotional period was 'followed by t bnsineas Wse•uaalob. Murray Gryingct and Albert Woods wrrr suoututr1t-a! debater' to represent the Society. '1'Iw topic, "What can the re•.d.ug of ;weir, do for me?" was given by Iaale4 Kirk. After • period of community •singing . the meeting was cloned with a hyww and the benediction. Thursday, March I7ttr. 19112-6 AUTO REPAIR WORK Very rea.anakl. ears«. Jsbi gs.rrt.t . LEO BAKER Cow UMW, MA aal oMsr% seas B,witedhu �. 1 vwp .•. Brent0Stnetitian5 For nourishment, delicious flavor sad low cost, CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP is • M •tbe most healthful food by t Nehtdts—Harding.—TI(c mrrrlage ut Mr. Dalton E. Schulte and Mina Fallen • , H. Harding took place at lit. Andrew's 1—Omytted United church manor• on Ma nils 1211,, • 3 the ceremony being pwrforwcd by Iter. J 1 to J 9800 T(Yonto IR. 1 lisle. The couple were attenrl.vll— JA 1 to JB Fort Erle by "xr. � &hultt and Mrs. David JA 101 to J Milton Eitoddart of Goderleh. They are rend JB 401 1tJM • mph hag Jn Bayfield for the present. ('on �t gt'atulationa are extended to [hew JM 101 to JP Orangeville JP 001 to JII t Brampton J 1' 001 to JX ('olllugwoo(1 An ihtgllehtt)an and an Irishman JX 401 to ]r. 660 Midland riding.1og,thcr, LIO'1 ,1 a gallows. -. J%:A1 to•JZ999 Orlllla FnKihdtwn—Wh.•re would you trelfi a cmoya the gallows had Its duet Manitowaulug Irishman—Rldln' alone. I guess. chaplain K 1 to K 11{180 t Toronto Sudbury KA 1 td KC 400 K(-1401 to KH 900 • Barrie Toronto KH 901 to KK 700 B 1 to B9991) -BA 1 to BX 000 Ottawa BY 1 to BZ 960 Sudbury c (` 1 to C9000 Toronto CA 1 to CB 200 Sudbury CB 201 to CB 800 Sturgeon Falls --nr••4811Mererc. Vankleek $111 KK 701 to KM 200 Alexandria KM 201 to JCM 700 Casaelmau EM 701 to KB 200 (:onrwallf 911201 to KC 800 . , Winchester KU 301 to KV 800 Kewptvllle KV 001 to KX 200 i l'rescottI 201 to KZ 960 Brockville, L 1 to L110110 Toronto LA 1 to LA 500 ' - Britekvllle I.A 691 to LC 100 ., Gaganoque CAPITAL TIIEATE West Street Phone 47 --Goti/eieh — Perfection in Send and tan -- ' . Now Playing —"The Bargain" Lewis Stone 81sT bash [drys —MONDAY NIGHT ONLY— ON 1HE CAPITAL STAGE CAPT. M. W. PLUNKETT anti his original, Nuts- hell stare in their great overseas revue; yelp' 0 ...-. , e - , . —Rammed Sat. es Sale at TMM,. N.w— TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY— WILL ROGERS The whimsical wit of Ziegfelld's cowboy star stokes W every screes apearsoee wised FIFI DORSA =_ ' - gehkl.s d .sgO /tt>ysiki through Ik. adventures 5. soak. a roost enjoyable mauls for you. See— "As Youllg as You Feel" THURSDAY, FRIDAY AN0 SATURDAY— JOE—E. BROWN -- Alias "What..-Meati—Man Hol. Brown" and., Mem soothes hilarious screen .cream to the Capital. 1f you've ..ia Jee you west used to' b asked, but if yes heva't emote and got acquaints& "Local Boy Makes Good f WITH DOROTHY LEE MATINEES—Wed...day..4 Saturday at 1 p.m. COMING A great tee1sieeler.p.edal attraction,-Man4.ttan Parade" • ita Monday, 2 2istCa FIRST APPEARANCE HERE OF CANADA'S GREATEST ROAD SHOW THE DUMBELLS IN THEIR I3TH ANNUAL REVUE "As You Were" WITH ALL THE ORIGINAL STARS CAPT. M W. PLUNFETT - AL. PLUNKETT ROSS HAMILTON - DON ROMAINE GLENN ALLAN - SCOTTY MORRiSON CURLY NIXON - LAURIE THOMPSON CompMle Show as played recently in Toronto, Montreal, etc., at hall the price they paid there. R 'I o . *Rusk ... . 5(1`c. i PSEATS ON SALE Al THEATRE I CIE 901--to-*Hiroo n• ark& Talla CH 801 to CJ 500 iinntsvlfle CJ 501 to CIC 000 4 brbus IA' 101 to LE 400 Perth CK 801 to Ci. 7(10 Oraverthurat I.EI 401 to LJ 989 ........arleton Place CL 501 to CI.99I►... Firer_ (Sandwich LK 1 to 1.1P11100 ... J. Kingston Ocoeei LP 801-- tie. -&It_ . .. TI.I.borne - y,1;,Atnln•r*Mhs1E fiIi601 toil r ,lrnpvier CN 101 to PO 1111 Kings,'111e I.T 1 toLU 190 Renfrew CR 1 to t r 100 Leamington 1.1- i to LX'M0 Pembroke CB 101 to (-ism K'xllacebarg I.X 701 to LZ111M "(spent* CT 801 to C7.:1xE Sarni. 31 CZ 501 to l "f. {118 Petrol's!) it l fir ]l 999V .Toronto 1 to 119000 I' Toronto I MA 1 to MA Stat ... Nominee .,A 1 to DB 2691 ro -r—ito to ---M14 Mil • =Taalrsaetlt J>Ms 901 to LN' Allo watronl lilt 201 to 511)700 Pletat DC 901 to DE 200 Wlartou ill) 71.1 to 5111-1(10 ... Ilelleville DE 201 to DF 500 Kincardine MO 401 10 M1.700 Tweed DF 601 to DJ 909 Walkerton MP 701 to MR 700 .... Ii;,nr tuft DK 1 to DM 900 Wtagbam MR?ot to MT 000 .. . wphellforcj - DM51: 01 to DO 700 oderlea Wail to MU 400 ..... as ....Htluga I)0 701 to DB 200 Listowel MU 4111 to MX 600 ('Mauro D8 201 to DV 200 Clinton MX 1101 to 111! 206 . Hatdoek DV 201 to DZ 808... t1l,eatrord 1/Y 391 to M%999 1'4 terbsromgh 9 MMand MW ......... nj Qtte•ii 6 1 to H9009 Toronto NM *ttdiell RAA 1 to 311990 ......-..-,... Stratford EC 1 to 911 700 - Stralhrey PUSHING THE 'MALL HOS- PITAL DITO A CORJRU The following Is republished from the correspondence columns of . The Toronto Globe: - To the Editor of The Skbs: The campaign of to push -the smallhas�l�lltal gawk • aseaor apse,, !is/w tray -of surrey of tralniat n urses Inttttuted by the Cabs Graduate Nunes' Association, and a lot of ballyhoo has gone forth. 1 happen to know that all their repro- .entatives did when visiting the hos- 1 pital in Fergus was to conduct a sort of psychologleal examination of the pupil nurses to find out their approxi. mate mental age. He might as well have taken the pupils of the Fergus High School as far as nursing was concerned. Yet one result of his in- vestigation In a recomwendetlon that training Reboots for nurses be con- fined to hospitals of over seventy-five beds. Now, everyone knows—or ought to— that the observant, practical and re. nonmetal nurse commonly comes from the smaller school, where she Isn't az lnnch of a cog In a big machine. Rhe's not so dependent on elaborate ment that a home cart possibly have, doe n't tend to make herself a burden in a home, Isn't RpallNI by city lite, doesn't turn up her nose at.lbe. homes of eonntry people, and those tit In towns that haven't much of this world'. goods, doesn't often make a plunder. A post -graduate course in a Mg hospital Is probably a good thing for her, If only to give her respect for h er own ec hool and greater confidence In herself. 'The Survey Committee deplores what It calls haphazard training. Well, that might possibly be applied to import- ant mettles' Reboots. hut i haven't heard of auy attempt to close thea because there are too many doctors. They turn out efficient men. They are not "inspected" as training schools for nurses are supposed to be—but aren't to any great extent. Their graduates take the necessary qualify- ing examination and go out. to practice. So mould it be with nurses, just as It Is now In Ontario, Do the big bos l- tals pass a larger pi•rcentage of their N N 1 to X 4000 . , .'l1leolo N 40(10 to N9099 . , ..Watton NA 1 to NE 500 Peterborough NE an to NE 990 ..Minden NF 1 to 1N 300 st Lindsay NN 301 to NO 800 Pett Hope N01101 to XR 300 ...... Itmersisavilit. NR 301 to NT 909 Oshawa NZ 1 to NZ 900 01 to 0 1500 0 1601 to 0 3600 . Bsaysrton West ow W,adbridgc ,Newmarket MI 4 <b 0.8000 .'!"Sid Hokum i1le 11A 1 to OA 201.Bea rrrton OA 201 to• OA .lila) • Kapnskssiag Rainy River OA 601 to OA SOO P P 1 to 1' 700 Unionville P 7011 to P 9000 l lamill.% 0—Omitted R R 1 to It 9000 t Hamilton S $ 1 to B t g(0 _ _ ..4Hamilton 8 8001 to 19999 London T T 1 to T90110 U • U 1 to U9000 - -- London U 9001 to 139009 Wlnd or London 1' V l to V 9900 ' Windsor R W 1 to W 4000 (Windsor W 4901 to W00110 Wslkervtlle — X -- X 1 to X 900 Walkcrellle X 901 to X1010/ Chatham Chatham Y901 to T . Bt. Catharines Y 8401 to Y 9000 Brantford . Z Z 1 to Z 5000 Brantford 25001 to 20999 In Reserve BRIEFS Faster Greeting etas at ('AMP - BELL'S DRUG "STORPI. This is St. Patrick's Day, and many are wearing bunches of the shamrock of Ireland. The,Ahmeek ('haph•r, I.O.D.F.., will hold illi regular meeting at the library on Monday afternoon. Marek 21, at 4 o'elock. Mra. C. L. Moore, East street, has a hen that on March R hatched out some fine chlcke. They arc all healthy and In spite of the cold weather are making graduates than the small ones? Every e• T e' ewer -'construction work, intet•t grsdeate from Feristts dr" ttm depart- I rupted by the coid "slid stormy mental examination was Instituted has weather, was resumed tin Wedneadriy. Two gangs are at work, o. Church and Nelson streets. The whole family will enjoy the comedy drama "Just a Stepchild." to be presented in McKay Hail. Thur. day, March 31.1, and Fridgy, April 1st, under the ausplees of- the Wo- men Aa.oclatton of Victoria street church. Play ripens 44 p.m. Ticket) 115 cotta, ehlldren 25 rents, Mew. James Foley, VIdttria street while on her way to chords nn Rotor ray afternoon, steppe) into a rut In t8e road, which threw her off her hal ' nee. in falling she landed on he, wrist, fnrfnring the howl, Mhe j- ander treatment at her Jos» ODDFEIIAWA AT iOK'LATFORD Abort fifty members o1 Huron l,nrlg.•'.. motored to Str$tford on Wed noRday evening. where,,thev attended tarmeting M AtowInd Romer lOAgee The O„brteh team Mnferred the Initiatory door* Three or troy hundred members of • the varirm- th.t they are alleged to Demi Thea the dtsteletngltlw p iriTEi Nuttily seb buf Deli ane ' j 114 the meeffi 1 M'RW". now trying M b.Slwtnv tip by prnpn.tt i Iter tri toaaaTa were pr snood legielatlon. Our longish*. ahonld nip abort addresses wee* dill y sprels' .t In the Mrd before ft's "slipped twee." speakers from Alperta-Toronto Fergus. (11,'.) W A. Groves I iuellndtng Past Grand ado* Cooper peserd, Why were they allowttd to 1f their training was below par? For yearn we had In Fergus a good training sch(tol. We can have 1t again It a pending reorganisation under town auspices 1s done torotghll vas I have no doubt It will be. We won't have seventy -fire beds, for we won't need them, but well have added an Isola. tion hospital for which the building In now available, and it will serve a lot of eonnf ry. It would Ire full to the roof were 1t In operation •today, and the popll nnrsea would have an nppor- tnnito, for nursing In eontaglous Ma- nama that 1 know perfectly well the graduate" a Pomp big b(apttaln are not getting, aaeept In gnome. A atgn%ACsnt thing happened the other day. A graduate from Fergus was refnaed a postgraduate morose at the Montreal Victoria hospital beeetnse die PSIMPfrom a hospital of ander fifty Ards. 11' the sr•dnatee of 'null ho"- pttals are an nndertralnad, why not give them the pnetgreduato training • 4 M!' a Th. CANADA STARCH 00., Limited, MONTREAL emit we espy r-or.a.% sow. a..r.r• t swam Ms 4w aero. PRODUCE ge CANADIAN SOIL =111= 1! sem tints ar tf. as. r UM kis • • P Sala. Caused traits ata canned. . a seiso. at pttprime lama seism..yes .. . that com- mis be m, dant to testedt uprm pantry • At. , . shelves Real Stoelr-V Cermet1Asa, CHOICE QUALITY 6 s on Aylmer Brands of and Vegetable, 45e AYLMER You/ SP0104P Of BRAND Don RIPE TO SELECTED MUTT SWEET TIt (DER TENDER WHITE TOES PEA NO. 2 A, TINS SzTsu. Imo`' TIM kin 6N*O. 1 A MAWS AIL Tin OWN—CHOICE. QUALITY PEACHES %tm .QM gad 2'7c CHOWS QUAiITT_U4 HEAVY SYRUP PINEAPPLE ALIA. 2 "at 410. 33e EXCEPT CHICKEN, CHICKEN WSTD RICE AND CLAM CHOWDER -SOUPS Aylmer Brand 3 Tins 25e EXTRA WEEK -END SPECIALS BANQUET OE ATLANTIC BRANDS - FLOUR D iiic OK EABIFIRBT BSANDS SHORTENING Pastry t -LR. Tri( 210 :a ea Oso 1 244.1942 A CANADIAN PRODUCT—OUABAATEFD SUK FROM PRESERVATiVI CATSUP Chi! Brand 12 Zir. 10. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LETTUCE ORANGES CRISP, TaNDRR icemen War 1 lc Junta NAvltt.s Dozers 39e BAKERY IPECL4LS CHOCK FULL OF RAISINS RAISIN BREAD AND TNS FAV611TE OF THOUSANDS BREAD ANN PAGE LI -our -we waterrn too LARGO. 24 -OZ. WRAPPVD LOSS P'• Arr041 T1Sr CMOiCE TENDER ROASTING ,1 LEG of VEAL TRAgiariTCON A. • 1. QUALITY B=Er atf THE. Mei OR tint 6e 6. -Him— Ib. 18. 225. TLDLrR Ib. re Roibd Stak orRoast 11,.1 1Fp4TER.CAUOIIR MEER Whltefisht m.16c Fillets_ --,u 19e Sits OMIT ATLANTIC LIMITED t PACIFIC T A CO. 4 1