HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-17, Page 44--'11elirdal, March 17th, 1983 THE DERICH, ONT. GODERICH HEAT FOLKS riAN .a L..ryrC IN rat A QUEEN HAD NOTHING HEAT FOLKS MATTER Oil THE DIFRIt:VLT- I ES OF BAD WEATHER J WHO TMS -hilt THE MVO TO WALK ON- TO E. IN PIE OVERCOMING Qum laisanstiLpsvor know what coin - feet wee 1 On cold mornings she couldn't get out or bed In a ram room --heated by our coal -and eat a delicious breakfast - cooked by our coal. Bo, air l She had to take her bad wea- ther Just as tt came. Rut you can know what comfort is, 1f you will. Call N for an order of our D. L k W. 'Blue Ooal,' and well send you a load of warmth sod comfort fit for any (preen I PO PORTER'S John Blair, tion in the le making cvvery. Mr. Forting operttlou for erkeb hospital, The news Mn. Fred M :F f� I cps aaaber elrrlty. Yrs. Kate Johnatot of Ootlerich t There was Men's Club to the cold w turned Into a Carnes were program pro postponed and meeting. There was $ play. "Oeorge young people seated last was a hum their parts were: Miss Harrison. M F,Iva Elliott, and Mesons. Joe Cum Lorne FiltoM. the Holmes nitric supplied 'S HILL DONNYBROOK L, March 18. -Mrs. underwent an opera - hospital recently, proves- towards, re- ties umlerweat %n Melts In the Clod - sudden perdu; of of Sliodull, en Fri - Ritts .Bret hl a friends In this vi - rocs t.•rtaarlJ ]Eton the .i11, esncession ship. all attendance at the teal:t> .'vening. dne '11 meethig was 1 and man! 41. The splendid for the evening was he given at the next 1 attendance at the Jam." which the firece church pre- y night. The play one and all played Those taking part Harrison, Miss Etta mice Elliott, Mill Evans (Clinton), Cox, Morris Frame, Glen Lockhart and h thanks 1s due to orchestra for the wren acts. COLBO COLBORN -The play, which was to hall on Frida .gi, �( of the pia We are licher 1s her many J. B. MUSTARD COMPANY Phone 90 - Itt:ir It anal last snuck Mager. Safety de- posit bows will bold only so such car - Friend -Hos` did they treat you 1n Scotland? _yldfne Bt1JJi .alio _!,_ TOWNSHIP WNSHIP, Marsh 16. Trn-Eyed Betty," Siren In the township nine. March 18, has til Thursday evening. dRnemaat-oxibe.l sorrto report that Mr. Ed. not *proving as quickly as frlemin would wish. • oi_ocAliELOVI.RTORE NEWS- Keorythiag from Teaks IS Tea We have • Yea «k.eh we p • ourselves and s.II at 39c 1 You wW.be plraa.d with the quality at ear • low prig. - "'r•ankli■ Mellwain ,nw l)ONNYBBOOK, March 16. -The W. M.S. of pennybreok church met at the home of Mrs. 0. R. Jefferson on Thur,• day of last week. The Young People. Boded will most on F'rklay night, when a debate, "Re- solved, that the advancement of a cooa- Iry depends more ou Its natural re- sources than on its people," will be held. (Mt the aUhnative side will be Miss Vena t7hamney and Mr. John A. Thump**,while the negative awe WI k be upheld by Miss Irene Jefferson and Mr. Gordon Naylor. The ledges will be Mrs. Norman Thompson, Dr. Morti- more and Mr. W. Nixon. WAS Della Plowman hay returned to her noise hen. after spending several weeks In Alban. KINOSBRIDGE In the charming"' . • castillsus colored cele I w -a. The night was spent la and card playing and march was played About forty f O eta tives and latl- wdfe overeat. Thio to t$ bride was a land - Arse and to the pianist ling. After the eoreroal, Penn to a sumptuous ;,4.reepUoa was held the bride looked the: °°notal was 14,7seleetiuns and step dancing- bride. lame t'ssuerou of De- troit. After the wldulght luneh htserhea were yes to Mr. Murdoch Matheson and r. 4115rle•14 Stewart. A laced soler °JIIx Wad Irish Rose," wu reudet74. J7 kir- 10. Slums. In Joined In the Foutltumery gave a The many beauti. s gave evidence of the high sohales it whieh the couple are held in "nullity. After e brief r. sadudMrs. Inose will groom's farm In to he the best enacted in this hall for .ljemiil(•k some time. Those who remetuber The Red, White and nine," the first ' :•• PAIIAMOUNT play staged by the Klnjebridge Dra- matic Club, about sixteen years ago, will Is• interested to know that "Be- cause f Love You" is wrttten by the roue author, John A. Fraser, and the players are under the direction of Mr. Ed. Sennett, who was also director at that time. Vaudeville will be provided between acts; Mrs. Jas. Garvey at the piano. Hogan's Orchestra will be In attendance and will furnish the music for a dance following. Admission: Adults 30e, children 2tie. Dance free. ♦ Cstaig Event. -The drapes "Be - nun I Love You," which will be pre- sented In the 'Kingsbridge parish hall on Wednesday, March 30th, promises I'AItAMQUNT, March •11-.1 St. Patrick's aaapss•tle deface wUl IN 'held In the Paramount hall on FNdsy evening. Marfk 18th. Four prizes will be given for ths,best fancy and comic dressed lady and gentleman. Mrs. John Jataleson is vlvtting with hes sister, Maw O. Jamleso)(s, ('urrtt.4.8 Corneas, who is seriously 111. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Macl►lartuld and Douglas viseted rrentlr walli Mr. and Sirs..1. Blne, Amerbei Mrs. Fellows has returned to her • iOa,RALSH home In Sarnia aft..r -lending a week lbee-flirerist.-sktr-sawn et resell 'Interest was the marriage, which took plasty here on Wedaeaday. March 4, of Elizabeth Urquhart Stewart, only daughter of Mn. Katherine and the late David Stewart, to Daniel Rsie. son of the late Mr. and Mrs Jas. Wow of Sault $1ST Hats. Mich. 13111/ceremony was performedby M. ('olquhoun. The bride. who was given away by bee brother Drvld, wore a fitted Rotten blue bolero tra- velling frock, with bodice of ahmo gold lace. small matching hat- end corset. of /Teel peat and col mm. ...................... ;Easter and Spring Fashions NEW SPRING SUITS • ▪ It's a Suit season --with such attractive features as the "gigolo," with broad shoulders and slim hips; 1 the smart ensembles with toachel of fur; the new • diagonal woollens and sheer wool crepes. Attrac- • ▪ five styles at pnces that are mIteeping with the , .rolkot.i► • tinning Spring Coats It ■ That oar special savings for the early 4ioppeir. • Polo Coats that look dollars more thane,.... ���� ■ They're so distinguished -looking -913 wilts bit k other, !l, tt',u. John En- QChainChaini numbs ,from here attended the wad ay g ranNoo-ot Mr--sIL MIs. Dan Rear, Lnehabd h. last Wednesday evening All report x good time. Miss Eine Hell, Ripley, visited with Miss Sarah M.eAuley last week. Mr.. lied Ibshrrlatn. _l_ visited with Mr. Jack Maeln (eptly. Mr. and Mrs. Litman, Rot,IOsoa. Holyrood, visited with Mr. and Mn. Dexter on Friday afternoon. SerialA SeeEes.Mg -The Max social of the early days to Uanada, of her voyage across the Atlantic Ina sailing vessel lasting from six to eight weeks, her early life In the Old Country, were as Interesting in any history. The funeral took place from the r•esldeoce of her daughter, Mrs, Glenn, on Sat- urday afternoon, Rev. O. 0. Koine of the United (Porch officiating. The pall- bearers' were six grandsons, George, lieu and Williams Caldwell, Frank and George Glenn and Oliver Smith. The lutermetx was In Dungannon cemetery. AUBURN --- Tose We(slen's Imatltute.-The regular monthly meeting of the Women's In- stitute was held on Tuesday, March 15th, In the Foresters' Hall, Mrs. Woods presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of the Ode, followed by the Lord's I'rtpyer In unison. Ater When Yon %%Let Me To Gia."... Next Nutlet"' was over Mrs- Mogridge gave Sunday services dill be as usuit...At a splendid talk on the contents of the Sunday school oil Sunday, Mr. Crack Handbook. The Institute Handbook presented seals ter the Robt. Raikes is prepared through the co-operation I diplomas for perfect attendance to of the Federated Women'- Institutes Maurice Mellwala, 8th year; Stamey • Ontario and the Ontario Depart- Me1lwaln, 6t11 year; Maurice Harwood, fluent of Agriculture and 1s published 4th year; Mary Harwood, 2nd year. by the latter. This booklet Is pre- _ sainted to the women of rural Ontario as a guide lu organizing Women's lu- aro• A'. M,e,.\("mbar. \1'Illlam street stamps and carryfus on their work 1n pleaded utility I.el<Ore MPgletnte C. a buslueeallke meatier. Thr dlreellous Reid M Wt4e-' l 7 (uonaing to Ilribtg information the enggestined In it l and the liquor without a permit. She was al - upon experience In It ale baser) lowed out for a week on Lail Sentence upon an experience of thirty-three also was drfernd for a week )ears on the yarn of the Women's In- . atitute of the Province. The Wowen'a C`OLDE$T OE 171E WINTER I punts 1. looked upon not only as au The lowest temperature for till Important educational undertaking but winter In Goherieb wan retched oto as an effective channel through which Sloaday, when the reading was eight various forms of activity In the best degrees alone aero. Since that time Interests of the whole people ,1111 be temperature's h:.ve been rising steadily, carried on 111 the rural distrk'ts, natal tachy t Thursday) a tine mlat is in the air and 11 appears probable that Lir-siLoa s 1J.gra disappear. The; servks was road "Ns Iti.sienaty Monthly " Mrs. a read a letter frees Mrs. Washington with reger'd to no - slanting noq�w urease$ for Landes Plea byterial branch )leas. Ticbboroe read • letter from Si* Preen, Winghao, regarding the x1t tjoa, which has beeu raised to SUP for 1982. Mrs. Harwood read a lotter from Mrs. A. Butl*naa. A t dui; aaodudori Of the meeting a dallitv'liaeh was served by the bottose... The Iggular meeting of the Y.P.B. will be bold on ltlda7 evetn- fsse , r,.,,4 viva_..!! !Siff to la charge. Bev. F. W. Cratk will deliver au addrsaa om tl . lite of BL Patrick. Alt young people ale cordially Invited to attend....Thea6'w•e a good congre- gation ongergation at Union an Sunday, when the pastor, Bev. F. W. Craik, delivered an address on the Ufa of Dr. E. Stanley Jones of India. After the address, Mr. Craik very kindly gang a solo, "111 (Fo areal', education and w -recce, child wdlfarc. school ill _ teMen libraries, nod ertaking.. are aide effective tbrorrgh the co -c wratlon of the various departments of Govenuuent and the local Institutes. Mn. A. J. Ferguson a O 3 Gore pf the eorreepondllug week d lhfil, al.'reoni.1 by the ottk•1aI weather' ohm -ever. Mr. ,1 E Mulch. were us fol- lows' then gave a reeding, after which Mrs. 193211131 Chas. $truughan gave a splendid re- Mag. Alla. Max. Min. ufkaow. port of the lienerai..wor* 14_ the In- ihltllv:]fgrrhr fes �IR IR toeb to siitates of the Province for the Year Fri.. March 11 ... 3111 24 27 *2 27 E8 20 34 28 87 25 1981. There are 11113 Iratitutes, and Sat., Manch 1. ...1 71 7421 members have taken advantage $un., march 1:t 1..27 21 of the courses given by the Depart-Mou., Manch 11 .,14 8 anent. Slhw Winnie Howson then pre Tura, March I:, ..tli 10 Wed., March l,. SS 16 a piano solo. 1to11 call was responded to by giving a eurreur'eveat-The meet rrtoved arlth mit. tk11- . I \ dainty lunch was served by Mims Wlunie Ilowssen. Mrs. 1L Armstrong and Mrs. McGee. held .h1L.YJidas_ruulalEn. E'tl`%wramm *t hall was one at the west sacc ever held hews. The mock trial, whleb eerrar was the lint to be held here. proved both esiw•atioaal and entertaining, all / taking their gluts well. Mr. Fred /!Martin was baehair. Thvae taking I part were !frame SlaeQueen (31?i. (! MarGill t, Brown t Wa tee breach of ■ • • ■ s suing Aadr.w ter) for 410,000 Ise. The witnesses ttitetre Miss Sarah Mau-Auley, Mr. W. ;emgtou, Mr. arnmu Iinmllton, and Mr. Orland Richards. The prosecut- ing lawyer was Mr. Wm. Kempton; the defending lawyer was Mr. Wm. Ketch - shim. The deck cd the court was Mr. J. Ketchataw, the (Dort otter war fir. Earl Swan; the, Iceman was Mr. John Beatty. Jett Macintosh meted as Judge*: twelve Jurymen brought In th0 verdict "Not guilty." 1 Mr. J. Kett -taboo favored the Audi- eoee with two numbers. .Mr. Wellington Henden -.n ■ uctioned off the boxes 11w 1b1 s:. tistaction d all. Weebe, eillectitg was r " '1. >tlrr 11181 't111lhg proved it splen success, both specially `and financially. Much credit Y doe the "Feeblest, Mr. Jack Maclnleeh. and those who helped i ■ to make tbs evening a success. GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERICH TOWNSHIP, March 17, -Word has Igen received of the death of a former resident of Gnderkh town- ship in the person of Mrs. Moore (Kate Johnston), near Mitchell, daughter of the late Wm. Johnston and Mrs. John- ston, now of Goderleh, but formerly of Oth moncesalon of Ooderleh township. Mrs. John Cox, 7th concession, and Miss Mona Johmaton. of Ooderleh, are slaters. The sympathy of the com- euuuity la extended to those who mourn her her. Mrs. G. Harwood and Mary, 'nom - ponied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Longmire, motored to Atwood last week and at - ten ded --fla funeral of their grand - C. Lsngmlre. BUY YOUR 1111 Pasteurised 11 Ilk Coffee a regia lehipper.g Crease Pur. buttermilk RYAN'S DAIRY 1 Briisaania Road Phone 334 ■ . 1( - - DUNGANNON In I Dl1NGANNe,N. March 111. -Mrs. ■ A. McKenzie, who had toren visiting i. her slam Mrs. J. Pattison of Whop tiled and Y -Gordon Orr. Several of the commonalty are suffer- ing from the "flu." - The "du" epidemic has been quite prevalent In this community the past week, %etvent families being under the doctor's care. We 'reclaimed to report that all are Improvll�. The farmers are bug this week get- . the latest triad of fashion -lovely silk scarfs, soft wroo and h.m ter •week returned lemma theNOj_tn their supply of kw be _1h• ----- CR 11 latter part of last meek. 1)19vrsl from last. attended the too- IN▪ die orals in all the new colors such as new blue4K \\-e ere •este! ter ort that Mr. oral a the late Mn. Jas. Connolly in tlleggreen special price $12. ✓s/ ER Melville (tilts rt, who has been quite GodeHCb on Tuesday. 111 with 1110 "Hu" and pleurisy, is Im- II proving. life is still confined to bed, . however. itr • New Spririg Frocks......,............ • et, er-. Smart minted Frocks and plain crepes in shades of blue, �a 1(I:.a•. ■ '-1;'-04 % green, tile, black. A wide range of styles. Special c Q� a price . $6.95 1 13 ■ ■ 1 1 r Shade•.-.l'eitpt'r, ■ Allegrenee Tendrese. 111 • Foam li Muecadiue. S.noketotw, Negrita, ■ Gunmetal. ■ Service Weight ■ $1.00 pr. . she., Chiffon ■ $1.00 pr. 1 • Aristocrat Service tie $1.50 pr. Savvier Chiffon ■ $1.50 pr. pring n►itr[rnery -NEW ARRIVALS FOR EASTER - Choose from barns, modified sailors', cloches or berets -decide to wear a shiny or dull, rough or smooth Hat, but be assured of these smart spring styes. W eld rest Hose in New Spring Shades- -Lovely fine silk Hose, full-fashioned, perfect in fit and finish - - A. CORNFIELD nil Men's Wear I Mr. and Mrs. ('!dl Treleaven lett on Mondayto motor to Toronto. where Mr. Treleaven will attend the Under - in writers' convention, Mr. Robt. David- son and Mr. Win. Thigsgam accom- I1 pealed them and st. &Mead the cnn- ventlon also. Mrs. Nicholson, glee attended the .1Kr`stet�sr the Is 1 F Mrs. ■ • ' H. Itmftk, returned_.a Mr home In Toronto on Monday. ■ Mr. Bert Wren. who has been en- . gaged with the Silverwoods Co. here, ■ has resigned and moved his household effects on Monday to Lucian, where be ■ will engage In the wine bunions. We I. are !tiny to lose Mr. and Mrs. Wren from our midst. ■ (ln Sunday, Mardi 18th, a son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Park. ■ 1 Congratulation/. • Mr. Richardson st Fergus, who has been engaged by the Goderteb Rant ■ 1 Telephone ('o. as lineman, moved his It Ihonsehokl effects bar. last Thursday ▪ and Is now getting mottled, having • - anted the house fartastly occupied by cite late Harry F'owtls[ ■ Mrs., Item, fluff, who spent the .winter with her y.g'hter, Mrs. S. INkbolme*, Aulmrn, hies returner to her • t home here. Iof Du Oldest' +IM dd$sth 0( Dan annon's oldest .' Mtlaetk firs. Charlotte Smith. occurred ' ■ on Thereby last at the home of ber a • ■ ■ .8 11 • • ■ 1 daughter, Mrs. Elisabeth Glenn, with whom she had resided for several years. Mrs. Smith, whose maiden name was Charlotte Stenary, was born near ikings noon,' (;nlmty Tyrone, Ireland, NovembA' 1, 1841, and -was thus In her ninety-first year. HU was the last of Ate eistees.wlm mlgratod from Ireland and settled In the vicinity ot Dungan - woe. where They wore married and settled in tbt pioneer tiara of the coun- try The -deceased Is serviced by a buoy. nt Ave, tai •el.a and tfl4M daughters, Jame. W. Smith, ronee/mfoa 6. Ashfield tow nighty ; John Salth, at (loderleh ; 41rs. J. i'. Nlehol.on, a Tor - Glenn, of 1)nngan- a ('xldwell, coons - nob There are seventeens grand.-jIdren and a large number of great (Qsndehlldren. The knsband oLthe deepened woman. Ham- ilton Health. predisposed her Pomp alt. teen nets. cot to to thle evmntry seedy uhty-two years ago, when the country was a trlidarnese1 V . onto; Mrs. Irlllzn • tion, and Mrs. 11,1 sInn 4, West W ■ ■ ■ ■ - A011; whefe you era Inv to 7 to mho '+ , Me knew and p _ .della tom.. .�, 41. rest `+IAe ot '�gtlsft, �.,se „t beF ■1■■■••■■.•s1■■■■■■■•el■■S11■P■A (('linedwttn gonia L Mien 'AMA Colwell of Golerlch was ■ week -end vleltor at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Rob/. Colwell United Mirth Netesr-The ' March meeting of the W.M.B. was held at the home of Mee. Reg. Johnston on Wed• nesday afternoon, with seventeen member present The first part of the afternoon was spent In quilting. Mrs. Robt. Mcilwaln was In charge of tdr dergtional exercises. The Scripture lesion, (rola •St _TsIdLl4,. wltsear mxwistvely. Rey. W. _W:' ere* let is prayer. The roll calf was responded to with the text word "Life." Mra Arthur Tichborne was elected trneurer of the flower fund. Part of the Raster 4 YSTAL ICE Geo. Johnston • &Sons Pim 499w. i z ar 4- v J v es ✓ 0 CONSIDER oke these reeawl gook* •l One dothes, Style - Ovally - Valw. Thee sae how ili ae ere.oembMei Is Fatima -GA Clothes. Teen ase diatladhui andaelele paleetWte, the deed •infolds as• pertly tailored, sad pekes that doubly este o pais tis 1SIsN. ,S CLOTHES .,.t.:25' lila SIS% CiaNs Wow r d NshiseOsNOsrsaw sossse al and Wass deo. tdf4llaksea.beide. W. C. Pridatn & Sao Sh•u's and w.y Weai TEI.9 PHONE PT lIIIIIIIJIIJ'IIIII MILLINERY New Arriials for Euter Included in the range ire the new jaunty sailors' Plateand How They are shoving int popular spring shad black, navy, brown, green and red. We invite year patronage C. A & S. &LEN Phonal SS_ � chi �gtlsre Instruction in Singing A series of weekly classes in the art of singing is to be given by Mr. Pudwell commencing on Saturday evening, March 19th, at 8.30 p.m., in the Guild room of St. George's Parish Hall. The first of the defier -will -include a lecture on rect B�tmg`in'S'tnging.'� Terms: -25c per .pupil per lesson. 3C)C .CXXXX - xXXXXX CXXXXX:CX cXXXXXS:x9C?C:CiX FIREMEN'S Euchre and Dance IN ODDFELLOWS' HALL: x onday, March_ 28th � for Relief Fund Benefit UNDER AUSPICES GODERICH FIRE BRIGADE in connection with this. event, the proceeds of which will be donated to local relief, there *II be a drawtn j" Tor ssluablt' prise 1. - X X IA Pr ze -Pair Ladies' xfords, donated b}' -Wm. Ahl. 2nd Prize -.25 Simons Cigars, dorsal,' by Miss Hogan. 3rd Pries -•-Lady's Electric Lamp, donated by Frank McArthur. 4th Prize --Smoking Stand, donated by H. Blackstone, • About 50 Prizes in all. The drawing will take place at 11 p.m. on March 281h. a X Music by Driver's Orchestra for the Dance •Leslie-.."lgc - XXX- X5CXXxxXXXXXiCXXXxXxXxx300000c3C XXXXSCa"! X • f • 1