HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-17, Page 3...,.....,rr ,. .04 *MS.*, • • 1.4 7 c ebbing Rates The Signal can save - money on almost any periodical. For instance, The Signal and The London Adver- tiser for $650. Save 50 cents. --__ W. Craigie hie rsace aad tlRl Estate Dominion, Protvincial, and Municipal Bonds d AP. FaE,CARand ACCIDENT. _ _- INSURANCE - -ovum REFUTE - /Went pee nisei vege' tar eels. Acus Osieded W. J. POWELL rum • P. O. Dar 4$ Goa- Wil ti Dolt le 1101111 ION. rte. leUttt1VWAL AND 011111r0- LATION'BONDS plrw Aseiiat. Aseemakis. nal 6amesM ■mama Aped Omos, mut to Bank of Commerce Phone 63 God.rieb 11. The I F. Carey lis • Job Printing -GOD + N ARIO VMS =AM tSEY-maim 11112=1111111 e • .... ,,..,w. At the animal meetlaget the flan- � ,+ say BreedrtV Aasoeiatiee held at Willie Ilton, Kr. Hugh Hill of, ThorneOdtown- ship was elected presidept There was an attendance et about Mete at tis meeting. .The As ttelattoa b omsrparai Lively bet has made rapid strides within the last dead* as the merits of the Guernsey breed become better known. Mr. 11111 is tie second Huron county man to be elected as the head of a anis-breeders' association this year, Mr. Frank Todd of St. Metals having been chosen a few weeks ago aa president of the Aberdeen Angus men. Roars Hie Charge • >l dratioa ♦.e.Pied by Presby - tory of Maitland to Take it - foot at End of April HOPIIEVL 111 11111 WEST A subscriber at Wolaeley, Sask., writer): "Ton really couldu t believe, unless you lived bene, lust how thIags are. In oar mnnklpaUty 2a) farmer out of 400 are on relief -some only for feed and seed, others for everything. And. mind you, we are not in the worst area. It's quite likely our school, elpt- roomed. win close in June, as people are not paying their taxes. "Business is absolutely flat -no mos- ey at all. Batter is 3 lb. for 25c, curs 20e a dozen, and chicken and turkey 19e a pound. • .. However, we are look - tag forward to bailer cliePwort rat. ( as we actually have flue Inches of scow cm the level. which in a change from a dust storm." Fire, kedge* tag Iger Car INSURANCE --AGM? FOR - Tie &tad 1.11. of Caoada ofl♦es :--Masesde Temple, West Street, Ooda'dcb• ?MOON VIM. Tmisp___ »M • CAN YOU READ the Um below without glasses at • distance of 8 feet? ••O0klirftwt fa fat oleo, at Vadnd Meat lanweaeweae WawaM.'... be Hear ?resi- n ,ea4If not, send to -day for free Illus- trated Booklet explaining Ma weederful system as Horne Treatment for eyeslgbt improve- ment. Take off your GT.APIRS sad enjoy NEW FREEDOM. FRBE ADVICE -FREE CON- SULTATION BY MAIL -NO OBLIGATIONS. Mall des Ceps T clay Please mend without obligation, fres IBadrmted Booklet oil Sight Improversent Wtthont gasses. NAME At the regular meeting of the Pres- bytery of Maitland, held at Brussels last week, two resignations were sub- mitted. ubmitted. that of Rev. Dr. Alex. Forbes of Teamster and Delmore and that of Rev. P. M. Colquboun of Asbfeld. The resignation of Dr. Tubes was laid over to tbe May meeting of the Free- bytery. As Mr. Colquhoan expressed his desire t0 close his pastorate in Aele field by the end of April, his resigna- tion was accepted and Rev. Mr. Hane na of Ripley was appointed interim moderator. Tbe pulpit wtly be declared vacant the first Sunday in May. A call from Bluevale and Eadle's in favor of Bev. W. Patterson, formerly of Vancouver, B.C., was pretested and provisional arrangements were made tree Sedation eaefteas+dilsl..Pattaeron's emergence. Rev. C. H. McDonald, Lucknow, and Bev. John Pollock, Whitechurch, were elected commtseloners to the General Assembly to be held at London in June, with representative eiders from the Blur/ale and Canbrook. charges. Rev. Dr. James McKay, (rt New St. Jams' church, London, was nominated for the moderatorahlp of the (lateral Assembly, and Rev. Robert Jo/wan, of 8t. Cytharines, for the mediation ship odi abtor- ship of the Synod of Haatltom ofd London, which meed at Brain I.. • 4,7 • f>117`4• 20Per cent' OFF ALL DURING THE WEEK J. A. Wboeler Ft•erai Director and Furniture leader . . liamfillM Stmt. World' PHONES: Store 385; Res. Win Ito mow sae The Tu �d Abe Waal stir s Toroaee! so Dally Star •. Y rte}.. The Signal one '!ie London Advertent .. ..._ . • • .: a.60 The Signal and Ttl London Free Pram 050 Tbs Signal and Mei formats Mall and Empire 6.60 The 81gna1 and The Farmers' 8uu 8.16 The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star . 8.00 The Signal and ebetrday Night 5.50 The Signal and The New Outlook 3.90 The Stgoal and Wr-tern Home MetatM7 2.75 The 8lgaal sad Canadian ..:: 9 ra . deb The SlgaiLilie TWO dthobe Record 8.75 The Signal and McLean'• Magazine 8.76 The Rignal and Montreal Wifhess renewal 8.85 new 8.50 The Signal and World Wide rem..wai 4.25 new 3.85 The Signal anti The Toronto Star Weekly , .. 6.75 The Signal and The Cana- dian Countryman 1.95 BuiidingSupplies We btlidle everything In BUILDING SU?PLIMS, HAILS ail IItUU.DILRS' BARMAN! 3x crud Sac Shihgles } .._x.<, . - - �i►AY 6N +M I5 -. 93101141T, 141(1A1L PLASTER and OYPROO • -MirouerstWTVEN FRRE- erich Planing Mill 888 �e1asreaApw ��' lint e.... i ,`,rw.a titaic .' T' tr. TOWNSHIP coUNCIIIS Lawrence, hood grocer remedy for PRosisit -A twig/ther- m hie sin oink ding - tion. Many ed * customers had been out of work all winter ind were Indebted to elm for gr - les. And he waisted to bund a new combination note and home. So be pot his casl9mera to wort. paid them half t1tMr wages, Apo credited tie other half on their bilis. The men pt work,' 1r. T. C. Carter, the game got tbe 'building, and that {rocery ides dhinlshed to Mise Former Inspector Rae Geta Two Years GODERICH TOWNSHIP The township coeacil met in Hobees- vllle oa Monday, March 7. Tbe De- partment of Highways acknowledged the receipt of expenditure schedule@ for -1981. Mr. Ian McLeod, treasurer of Clinton Mock show, asked for the Usual grant to tbe show. A: grant es moo was voted. A petition of Mrs. Buck and others with regard to the road leading to her place requested some repairs. This. is apparently a boundary line road between the town- ship and the town. The clerk wall in- structed to write Oederieh tusking is co-operation in three repairs. Bylaw No. 3, to provide for expendi- tures under Highways Improvement Act, was read a third time and passed. The fselowiug payments were made: Godetick Sar, printing. $41.58; Clin- ton stock show, Sae; Rohe. -camp* woes! Agisasa, Volta 111 The eousril then adjourned Apstl 4, 1982, at 1.B0 p.m. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. LST WAWANOoI Council net on March Sth, with all tiro oembere present but Mr. Yung- blut. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved, on motion of Coun- cillors Robertho1 and Walker. Two petitions were presented for the construction of muniMpsl drains. ase from J. Wright, asking for the exten- sion of the McVittie drain to a sail - dent outlet, also one from Fred Toll, SILLS OF'E for a drain on lot 40, concemdou Three ethl to 7 govern -temper, Deltoid► Learyet Gays Former ?e- lite O!>>ler was Victim of Biodagail Kitchener. Ont., Mer -h Ie. -Charged with falUng to iguatt epprnxlmate- ly $1,900 collecteilig him as linea, boatel *1,900 cofeeted by him as fines, Everett Rae, former district Inspector of Ontario I'rovtnteal police, was sen- tenced todky by County Judge Clement to two years less one day In tbe On- arto Befoemata7. --. -_- Rae was arrested in l'Mladslpbta and brought bere for trial. Rae's counsel, G. M lntosh, H.C., laid great stress on his client's good record and clatmall'O at Rae had been blackmailed, and, Illaring loss of his position and hid pod name, bed ac- ceded to the blackelhlIt'r and used cer- tain moneys to meet payme•ts de- manded. Crown Attorney sowiby, K.O, asked for a sentence tbat would be .ptmen- surate with the circlunstances and the fact that bloc aecusmd was a polka of -houses and la tempted to buy footwear Geer at the tints Of the offences a► ■once regardless of quality to meat This again shows lack of "Trade in -w--- the Smaller Towns fiodirlph Man Says Most Failures Due to Lack of Experience In the February number of Shoe and Leather Journal a traveller le quoted as saying that in his time • great many 'hoe stores have disappeared from the .*nailer towns of Western (Mario. In many places wbere there were form- erly two or three good oboe stores, he said, there is now only one, and In some places where there was one ex- clusive shoe store there is now none. He attributed this, in part, to the at- tempt of many retailer{ to apply big city ideas in the small town. The editor asked for the opinion of tee trade on this point, and among sev- eral eneral letters la emsponse in the March number 1s one from (ioderlch, as fol- lows: Godertch, Ont, February 22, 1992. letlitor, Shoe & Leather Journal, Dear Sir: gegerfit reg tannest is year February s Issue, "Big City Methods may not suit the small town."In my attributingthethe writer is wrong n change which has taken piece i ` closing to many shoe stores the small towns. There are many reasons. The priu- tipal one Is,Ltck of practical experi- ence.. No shoe merchalnt with exper- ience would apply city ideas in regard to long margins on his stock. Of course, there have been some with ex- perience retire from the footwear busi- ness on account of their age, and others hate praised on to the nest world. This moans that theaMishima ha sed by one be sold and In many without practical experience. He will carry on for a time, but when called ou by a high pressure salesman sent out by a manufacturer, he is often told that this, that or the other merchant in the city has bought certain lines of footwear. He feels that mot suitable 10 goods the same, and buys for him town. Tberefore lie passes out. Then again he Bees prices' quoted ruler Lal es sent out by In ca op ELEVEN BELOW 4T DENVER COL A Denver (Cot.) subscriber writes under date of Marcia tfth "This has been a pleasant wester her but lack- ing in moisture; ther•t.,re the snow which feU an the stat six days be sue' was welcoellyand the weather up with 1O below zero last Theaata �at�ar-r+ridairo �ge ot 11the Htaron Old goys' Association of Tor- onto will be held in the Pj't►lun Castle Hall, 247 College street, on Friday evening. April 8th. at 8 o'clock. A splendid orchestra will be in attend- ance and dancing will be carried on at tbe same time as the e0ebre and brides is In progress. Refresamests will be served and good prizes WM be awarded to the sueceeful ceseljetitors. All Huronitefs sad their friend?' will be made welcome. 3re., and tongue and t. 3. Both same were ed to Three things to commend -thrift, copies of same were ordered to be for- inand promptness. warded the engineer for his examine-Tbe things to deepate-el' Zlty. tion and reports. r f The clerk was also instructed to no- tify the partied interested In the Lott drain that their assessments are due and payable not later than Jane let. A number of�a ta,olmen being press- arrogance the �pporntrmt7"� taken of an es exprerlon of opGton orlhese ma Mies • • arrogance and ingratitude. Three thing to wish frlendm and eantlentmeest. -- Three 'things to adlty, gracefulness and lutelleat•*I Dower. these pricers. experience. There are some tot manufacturers should get have the ides higher prices in the towns than to the cities and wonder why they do not get tee baeineetrt from the experienced shoe over itti1 ndpric ers lists tot send Out ,�+tdel herd- ing stores and even town _ re 1a 51s neighbor � seen learns conditions and will not bny that particular brand d footweto at any price. has In some towns the population decreased and there is not enough biednees for all. Yon will find there tum been a change in the ittiie , m�. But the experiencedfootwear Men like c•hante are carrying Chisholm like Blaehford, Deck. Juppe d a few other's whose names" are prom- inent In your city today'. in my time there have leen at hest four young nwn leave my employ to take post on In 1-illfM both In Canada and United Bates.. Thew• fellows are holding good situations in the larlteet shoe depart- ments where they demand experienced men. Of coarse, 1f they had been in a position to !my a stock of footwear in a town, they would undoubtedly have made goad sucrwiaful merchants for t lomat ver. Yours very truly, (signed) A "Small Town" Merchant LUCKNOW' LUCKNOW, Jul 1S -The. t'nity ewe, of the UAW church will hold a 8t. Patrick's Sea on Thuraday even ing in the basement of the church. Mr. and Mile Jack Meellonald and Mrs. Jack Kesmdy, of (luetph, visited at the horse et Mira. Duncan imaDea- a1d on Monday. The enamel "Grterdmothers' Day" meeting of the W.M.S..held at the home of Mts. J. W. Joyet on Friday, was well attended. After the opening exercises and roti Call a reading was given by Mrs. R. H. Thompson. Other numbers were an instrumental duet by Mrs. Ira Camped! and Mn. W. T. Andrew, a picture ooatese and an apron contest. Tia Late Jets liesDeaskL -Funeral services of the late Juke MacDonald were conducted at the boors of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Dada Maeleoaald, on Monday afternoon, by Rev. 0. H. MacDonald. The late lir. MacDonald was born on the Kb "' nceadoonn of Nest Wawanoah and the of the late Mt. aad Mr's. Jas. MacDon- ald. He was sere three years 01 age and for the pea thirty years he had not Ilved at bole. The past few years he had resided in pluton, where he died last nide/ evening. lnteur- mefd was made 30 1ungauuon came• tery. The pallbearers were Messrs. John and Charlie Damen, Jos. Stuart, Harry McQulllin„ Demean MacDonald and Donald Murray. Radio is tine and, -We never know what's coming mat Which reminds to how much NOVO we were before the latest t"baed ad +pellbinders started taking up a valuable hour every evening. along with the road aurpertntendeut of Millions in Forgotten Bank Accounts! what work will be actually necessary on the different roads under their sup- ervision, the most rigid economy being contemplated by the eonnell on work on rade this season. The operating of the stone crusher, and hauling of ma- terial from the same was deferred till a future meeting. A bylaw providing for expenditure on the township rade In compliance with the regulations of the Highway Improvement Act was read and peeped. The following an counts were paid: A. McGowan, ser- vices as sanitary -inspector, $8; 'The Advance-Times Office, printing cheques, $3.04; Chas. Gillespie, payment on con- tract ee the McVittie drain, $260; A. Nesbit, inspector of the Mciettle drain, $1.60; J. Caldwell, services as sheep vainer, $4; Fred Toll. jr., work on se ad.-I'(a 3O 90 emits : The Pedlar People, culvert, raid Nei. 18, 14172; L. H. Bosman, tile on road No. 6, $7.50: S. Iialiahan, patrolman, $10.20; L. Wtghtmen, do., $1e; 8. McBurney, do.. $11.70: (1. R. Vincent. do.. $25.85; J. Vincent, do., $16.10. Council adjourned to meet amain on Tuesday, April 12th. A. PORTER Fi RI.D, perk. 1'1111 11NDOV THE DAY The chatter doaed, the lamp alight, The tsar* eiiopt and blazing bright -- The shepherd now, from labor free. Dans. his children on his knee; WMN, underneath eta master's neat Tee tired dog Ilea in slnlneer Wrest. Starting and whimpering M his Map, (`basing s1111 the straying ahet•p. The cat's rolled rewind In vacant (hale. Or leaping children's knees to lair --()r purring on the warmer hearth Swart 'bores to the cricketel mirth. The redeep, hanging g over heed in cage of wire, is perch'd shed ; Slumbering in his painters feathers lenconeelOue of the nntdoor liaathers; The sparrow, too, a daily peat, 1s is the tetage eaves at wit; Aad man small, and smaller wren, Are La their warm Bolas AlfaIfl*,. With practically everybody In the whole of Canada wlshhig that he Or she could lay hands nn a little more money, the astonishing feet 1s revealed by Grant dexter In Maclean's Magaslne for March 15th that fifty thousand Can- adians have money In the hank without, apparently. knowing neything about it. By "mousy." Mr. Dexter makes it clear that he does not mean joat a few cents or even • few dollars, but teal sums, running in some individual cases Into tbouaanda of dollars. ami totalling np- wards of *2.000,0110. The author mates: "How It happen that people can and do lose. mop= In bsnka 1a something the; article cannot pretend to explain. There are, of vouras, a few obvious an- swers. but the simple feet Is that (IaA- adlana are absent-minded In matters of hayd cash. The Whites i• 'Where your treasure Is there will your heart be also,' le not always true. 'It 1s not true to the extent of fifty thonand people and more than two million dollarw, which Is the arm total rat Met money now In the preseesfon of our chartered hanks. "(ln June 11, 11)20. Juan Joae Rod- riguez walked Into the Royal Hank of Canada at Habana. ('see, and de- poalted $20,000. ite,nor Rodrlgnes walked out and hap never Wee seen or heard of Mate. Ther,- a In tete, you sue say, nothing astogediee because accidents' ars not unknown. "Ret how eornnnt fee the fact that Sir iewner Green, who Mei two years ter,. deposited $7410.74 1i the Royal Bank at Qoeber in 11(12 and forgot to tel anyone abort It? Tip money la still thew, overlooked dot only by Sir Lesser tat Ivy kis ex tors and heirs. "How aceonntfor t fart that Ma- jor -Omelet AIwxander KpDongall de- posited a mate smaller bet still ant aaritlal Toro , 1 p tey le the Royal Rank a( n 1 `"1ld forgot about it? The ure•W Y still there. "Or sad Me WISP -Mal of Cbgier .ri d°rnt'htwer &MWIlle a ettee. s..::M.='-e .w:x r rr Sem The hovels where they sightly Ifs. ma a kw parser dMisa. Clarion -Jahn Clara "Potens"lysed, Iatelits et•ad Mlarpb wound � F Tuass wee RIGHT it's au inter atm fact, discovered after careful unMremtion of people's shopping habits, out of fourteen, instinctively Mr only a little you can tent t It means that y moat pegetable the rigba of the np their business at Ottawa many years ago. Mut missal one deposit In an Ottawa brink. The latest hank reports' show it to he still there. "There le Hon. E. B. Ryckman, our Minister of National Revenne. 711s job 1w to look after the Government's In- come, nee that we pay our axes. But Mr. Ryckman has overlooked two little hank amounts of his own which have leen unclaimed and untouched in the Royal Bank at Toronto for many a pear. "!even governments are absent- minded In money matters, aa witness an item of 350 held for the Federal De- partment of Marine and Ftiherlee by the Yarmonth, N.S., branch of tie Bank of Montreal. This credit liar been 1y - Ing there for more tae i aecatTe. _SFr awe has forgotten it. - "Just piece together this etory about Alexander W. Gracey. of the Toronto district. Mr. Gracey cleaned up some money In 10111 41e put $2.163.110 in the Dominion Rank at Toronto; $1,324.58 In the Rank of commerce-. $3,014.74 in the Bgpk of Nova best'•. Mr. Graeey then ({Reappeared. in two of these aeremite no midmost le gl bat the third glees an address In care of W. J. Gracey, R.R. No. 1, Weston, Ontario. More than $12,000 Is involved and It aimed not he dimonit to locate Ihe owner or his heirs." Although 1■ thonaanda of baa.. the explanation can only he abwent-minded- newe, there are many others that must have back of them stories of pathos and tragedy. "For Frankle, Jnnior, $17.57." That ••econnt 1s no old that Frankie, If he 1e atilt alive, Is now • mlddlrag d man Ms pronto most )lave died without ever telling him stout the amnlnt in many eases the depealtore were soldier. who went overseas without telling their moistens •boot their detmMle end never r turned. The tllbteat Inertwalls t wbane +ll�iii gotten seemma in banks totalling then«nd dollars or more. • egleree _ - • 1� Ili 11.1 Tit Sew 0 Boob. T Exa their val eight people "tiering a shop, the right. 'teensy, but one CEt for yoor'eelf. raid place your Fpr specials to EIGHTY-FIFTH TEAR, NO. U Aga yea properly pede to llr- Fltfi nrstl11Ateatt -CONSULT- F. W0011.COTIRE.- HaedMea arrest sr Fres. IN HOT -MILK SOUP makes a Road sapper GODERICH DAIRY Pies. 451 Hatnilbo Street The Armstrong Real Estate and Insdrance Agency Hoes« gad Lae. te Gedesttk sed Farr for Sale Large number liebed to stages free. - - ilea are wren J. W. ARMSTRONG HEAL if 'TATII Bee le - Ogled* 1710- YOU WAN! TUN FiIEIB- MP of FOODS MOM) IIF MR TASTIEST of WAYS In clean and modern kitchen surroundings you can get It at the CAPITAL CAFE &.galar Dimmer sad Supper ems peal w® eeudaee you OOTWEAR LLAR-STRETOHING DAYS YOU APPRECIATE ECONOMY OF GOOD FOOTWEAR line of Men's heap and medians hei,8rW k solid leather throughout. Moderately prised at $2.7500.35, .35' Ps.s1 lad K.11 d tit this and you will _ _readily_ ..i eniatt_ -WILD R'15 -SHO sE • Lloyds _ lnveatment Brokers • _DEALERS IN - COVERTENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS INVESTMENT TRUSTS INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES We receimme ad the purchase of Cod'sestal Cas Corporation `•` if fIM = M derkh. Wel S1reTt: --- "Toronto, 33-43 Adelaide Street. ( } -MMMMMMSIMi)♦MMMM/MMMMSirM■ ■RI■ • • • ■ 01 ■ • • t- OILOLOGY r MUSi "Enjoy th tuned motor. ■ 01 01 • 01 01 1g • 01 THE MOTORISTS EAR action Magic' in the hum .J a well Troleum. Just tell ge, the garage man, to 'Pill it up with Gold Seal M itov Oils." It's a Ample matter then to tune her up and listen to the sweat music of the motot. You can cost on' this thankful "purr," for every motor will dear, in almost • human way, its appre- ciation of the proper lubrication. Treat your motor right ---Buy Gold Seal Motor Oils today. AVAILABLE AT--- SMITH'S >IVICE STATION. Horse Road M&GEE'S IIUVICE STATION, Hanikee Street BRADLEY'S SERVICE STATION, Homilies Street MITCHELII,ea SERVICE STATION, Bayfield R«d ■ The People's Oil Company' -=.....:J►rj '�-w+af t. .c�-,rJsi[aET.i*iigtwAse'3.Ia•a!h1Y �.. • .c ■ antraemswmaaaammia)rilKrli■ 1 01 01 • • • 01 • 01 01 ■ 1R 01 01 01 01 01 M 01 ■ 01 Atilt