HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-17, Page 21--Thereday. March 17th, 1932
Lteta-Mead 1848
Member or Madera weedy News
perBle AseociatUaa
�►„t-+"-! cyte! Thursday embina
debscslptlon price $2.00 par yea'
aliectty in 'dew .
Telephone 38 : Goderteh, Ont
►" ' W. H. Robertson. Editor end Manage' however,
w hake
There 1a
this week
pant --It 1
tw wu whit
to say, except flat It
Ill -will of .early the
t that mantel.
• •
her advantage about
0 of belated storm and
and ori
know the dlffirence 1
{ ng• wan held on Monday tO
cemetery. Mr. MneDe•a 8 senega
ST. HELENA, Mardi 14.-4110
of Mr. John MaeDenakI
Clinton on Friday, March 11111. the
remains were brought to the baa d
Ida sister-in-law, Mrs.
AunaW, Luekaow, whsice the
It lamb FIT the of cession Id 'West. We
The Lindbe baby mil as -iii- the Iasi of the family d M
.owed triad
tad M J M Delight. A good
and respected resta,et atibrina now
Th,rsdee, March 17th, 1882 - newspapers
KORA TAX= claim their
Provincial Treasurer Dunlop brought
down his bdgpt in the Legislature on
Prlday and to an effort to balance re-
venue and expenditure announced the
tion of new taxation. There is
be an additional cent of taxation on
(8 cents per gallon instead of
te). 'A tax of one per cent. of
pm.** Bapo.el on hear Orated
eampenies daiag burgess In the Pro-
d ere.
rovtnce. A tax of 10 coots a bottle will
be applied to spirituous liquors and
Imported wines sold by Liquor Control
Beard stores, and 25 cents a gallon will
be collected m domestic wines. lex-
e spoons from the amusement tax are
abolished, except where the amttse-
=sent is under religions. charitable or
patriotic auspices.
Thaw, with same miser eulditlona
are ebtected to aeb . lour million del:
tars of additional revenue. and with a
prostata program of retrenchment will
make possible a balanced budget, as
Adulated by the Provincial Treasurer.
Thti; 3alydeet', dont-not -bf
means tell the whole i1017 of tea
added burden to be .placed upon the
Ontario taxpayer. The Federal bud-
get is to be introduced at Ottawa in
a few days. and it Is expected to as
.e..__:.<-aiunee_an addttlon to_tbe--wise' tax
Ind extensions of the income tax. The
doubling of the radio tax. from 31 to
$2 a year, has already Ian announced. t In gay
Both Federal and Provincial Govern- Ith
meets have to provide for some mil- .bed."
Sone of expenditure for relief and this be
Ma made the tank of the Treasurerschaps
, at Ottawa and Tormto more dlmcilt.
Tbe Ottawa Government, too, finds Its aro
income seriously depleted es the te-
stilt of its tariff legtalatlon, which by talk
restricting international trade hes
brought abort a great rsdnetien of ens -
toes revMos,enue. os, while of doubtfulJ
advantage to any large number of
people, the policy of trade restrletlaa
Ma definitely added to the burden of
tate great body et boatmen and tax -
There is still the hope.
when the mail don't
up on the• ease the kld-
e out of hiding and
• •
Within - at week two naso of
great w : re taken their own
lives: the Swedish "aateb
n, the American
tit probably cases et
a to be almost as
much money as not
king," and
"kodak k
bad to ha
to tare
pang in t
year. It
that they
tuwlty to
sen with
where t
cities wh
• •
have Red Into feet eom-
ho,k.•y adventure this
more to their credit
had very little oppor-
se and were at a die -
this revert in comport.
from Inland towun.
• been more ice, or from
rtlflelal Ice Is used.
• •
a n. times ac
number of the old neighbors and
friends attended the fuseaeL
Mr. John Wilson, of the 9th nesose-
don, who has been falYag forAmme
time, was removed to Wtngba,
pltal on Ertday. -
Mr. James McFarlane of Betessele
-spent a week wtth Ma daughter. Mat
Gordon McPherson, and renewed ac-
quaintance with his old friends bete.•
The March meetlag of the W.M.fl,
was held at Miss Greta Webb's wit\
an attendance of eleven, and the prod -
dent, Miss M. C. Rutherford, ate=
the chair. The program for the ��aat�lee
meeting was carried out.• An a..... l:
a touch t! ktMaa•
sad a bad=
y a dos thenad en
t week' she tank •
paialyM, until Yes
y the was tweetyp
and attended Wise-
nominees College,
'daposition 1a Owen
Yeats ago she was tsar -
Wilkins of Inert
aces sue illlit`1'i'g'
Harm " l short tante qttervtse
Wlarton on day
•aettetOs.' w wall brought to the house
of le? osereata,ln Slams and was
Wtcemetery on Tues-
ikinson, of Welts -
United churches,
at the house and
husband and link
bourn. her her par -
Gaunt. One sister,
e, and two brothers,
also at home. T'hls
sympttby to the
ate Easter hymn was sung by KIM
Greta Webb. The roll can-Metat
Easter mans to us" -was remanded attillme0nta at;
to. Rev. T. C. Wilkinson was phase 14
and gave a fine talk on the weaning d
Rater. A letter from the Trinidad a cssa1
secretary was read by Mrs. W. A. HR- 1114t
ler. The meeting was closed by My.
are lead' In raver. Loath Ism
Ing about these thrif-
•makee me' feel rich,"
woman of the farm,
end mournful come -
Id depression." -
to eat and wear and
to live In UM fuel
rene and the children
sod we are all wed sad
k to do to bap us
Wilkinson ng P
was served by the hostess.
The . Calk M Clssedr•Ma rah Lith
marked the close of the membership
contest of the Young People's Bale
class of the United church. There wen
a record attendance on thin last veva-
�wtn�1 beset a eery martsshtl control. '!he
z'• -n1 nodose sprees contest was won by the team eapaarQ
tar. Investigation by by Mlws Dorothy Miller. The ?1NI11
*p15inted for the put. ti -
was undecided untll the last few oda-
ntes of the contest. An excesleat p
..iugt:eatloiis that likely
the profession are de-
prt.iwct of long hours,
Coe waste. and too
e. e'e$ while off' duty.
\iirase Union over
• } •
grata prevkled by the winning gide on
the last night proved oue of the /odd -
'tug factors. The main feature of file
outlinepneream was an "Recrea-
tional Standards" by Mr. Ted Bice. A
reeding by Miss Greta Webb and a
duet by Mass Webb and Willie Taylor
were additional numbers -of the pro-
gram. An excellent program is being
yrepsred by the lobes side for the St.
lrtreettl►•n.etsl ts-i►thtld--
the tie male portion of night. Mem* 18. -
Is this year to be decked
tilling. from the akin out,
*as colorful as a tulip
.111114 greet hats, with wide
eflelti Mahn feathers " The
tee ?millions dielar.' they
to doe as v with the depress -
Wit iJh men -have been cloth -
It's a good line of
rd it before: but.we
t and Bnh and It 11
about the same
did lest year and t1M
Us, gar before that.
• r •
111 W)peipeg mays the
est between the Great
Did we not bear somebody net
sgn drawing attention to the
Stales as a country where.
elected their Presidelt
supporters and oppone
ta doing honor to
alike, jdnedd 1
man who owe -
pied the chief in the nation -
where partiaairfeeing and partisan
len:, indulged In during the electlen
campaign, ceased when the election
was over! And here we have The
Chicago British -American quoting an
English -born woman In the States. to
the effect that she was "appalled by
the habit" In that eouutry of defaming
the President. "See had been glancing
ever one of leve til books. recently
'oublietted, purporting to be records of
Hr. Hoover's career as a mining en -
of wiea
•t'?at4 kit
be no ship
add the return
coat have net
"atliotrg the intern
pendltnre of m
WHI IOI'HUBCp Marsh 1st. -Tea
young people of the Vetted church are
holding an Irish mewed to the church
on Friday. March le.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kmersop spent
Sunday at the home of the furmtr's
mother, Mrs. A. Emerson.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute was held In the hall
`on Friday last with • good reWesen-
tenon of the ladles prevent. Atter the
opening medians, 1t was deddgE.- to
bold as 1Md6104n TLGL,.Y,
Marro 24. . pager Mrs.
pad by Mlle pttMegn.
Robert Roossang i Kota, T.
Moons gave a readfma,:O}, •• He..
mlttitMktns that --the McCkealhaa saw 4.
en "Letttste& of IIS
Tote Op
out of Churchill
men my there will
t way this year.
. especially of
tertallsed. Even
the National Anthem.
The media of tieweather
has Mooted the back mads and Qed
down the acttvttlea of the commtillB•
and only those who are forced oat Mt'
groeertes or chop or sickness are on the
t urged the ex- rtada. -
for the a ssaple-,1 Mir.. Noreen WOW illeilleecener
mhoe k�
hem glen*,
tide of conversation.
"In chase/eft times tike these," said
one, "we tahlltock of our advantages.
and I think Mee are more appreciative
than in prosperous tenets' "We learn
M Wand hp ems another and to have
taor'e `Vtn.t arnderwtandlagtrw
Ebbe t
stational flat all slang the Quebec and
New Drinifeldi an Americans a
bra.retltg their mosey by tboumndo
el dollars to Casedtaa banks. Several
reasons are adduced for this: Tbe
davad Yesdasow fie that the Uara-
adlaa dealer will ultimately come back
to pat. 1111 t ass .a ease w!7 of mak.ted o filer itwf--7 i * - as tete
ie8ae -gals h/ Janos maser -_-eases
the karate. Another woes, also, la
the Let that the Americas today is
bee too sure of his own banks, while
Canadian banISing institutions have a
high reputation. Many Maine farmers
am actually mortgaging their farms In
order to deposit la Canadian banks,
bllag on Canadian money in[
butt. -_ ... _
To the Editor of The Signal.
Dear Sir, -In • newspaper report of
the January meeting of the Huron
county council I notice that Mr. Me-
Oreatb, councillor for Colborne town-
ship, suggested that the tomb of Dr.
Dunlop be marked in a special way,
Mr. McCreath la to be commended for
bringing this matter before the coun-
cil, but 1 cannot we that hes sugges-
tion of "baying the words 'Dunlop's
Tomb' printed in cobblestone on the
side of the hill in eight -toot lettere'
L the most salable tanner of fresh
Ing We last resting place of such tc
distinguished man as Dr. Dunlop. I
am sure Mr. McCreath in bringing this
matter to the attention of the council
wi.bee to do honor to the memory of
(natureDr. Dunlop and not to ature his rest
with suck • Owning sign in cobble-
et1nea. which no doubt would be white-
washed tet Mae and would give the
a general tesimmeigo .se da advertbdng
-We Mara Igo r.• courage •tid eudur- 1 8101 and disfiguring the landscape In a
twee and mmiliffere wdung to work cud manner much tined by gas stations on
give serveee fes the money we get. We our highways. Could not • more peace -
were jambgakwlg at too rapid a pace. fat and arttatle ■rrenerwrot be made,
we needed tib wired.•- eite„.eee ' such as a winding walk ■p the aide
*!arse Yushated taught in a college, ehrubbetT, •• with
• i They
of the hilt. with oecastonal stone stets.
"My httakarsl says towed a women a bronze tablet
"that there le a intuit suer eplrit ptaee'd at s tastable emotion aunouni
1000* the students Its y1.r lett the location of tlor 1.01011 and some
know what they are here for and tile!record of Dr. "'lift'''. aehleveweata.
if I remember rightly, when I visited
this twit softie lime ago I had to climb
op the railway enbankment over the
deedenewt-thwugh the truce in order
are snaffle, harder and taking thele
work mare seriously. There le a great
Intgrovvigto their morale." --
wise thing 11170ut cull ansae+to reach the tomb, or otherwise I
Sian." raid a sa•ial worker, "Is that It
has Amish' reek hearer together. 'could hare W trespass 0n private pro -
It has madellNor us more aware alt the l'•
Instead 01 advertising the location of
prdtdewe- hnahMr strata d no- the tomb In the manner sug'[ested.
probably never be so
cjetJ• W� t their ahuutd yrs pRi endeavor to pato[ out to
children a be Coheir bett end the eeh•el children and the emeriti
children here their better chance public the
work that Dr. Ihndop hats
to btc•0ma cititaets." done 1* the Huron Tntt rntcl'eea8lera•
Tt. tipu•a are "dotting to ally have a decoration day attended by
wase. so' torn ted se- There return to the school children when fiowers or a
win p • , uo wreatf mold be placed on the tomb,
bush nude ratherr a • staiy work and in thla way perpetuate the memory
leg our *kr
more nu
there w
reran ten
to figure
his blot
-ofelssertal �e�.1011faltb a
t Masfi.) Chroo
to a aoander and
basis. Many business
e been necessary and
ny more before trnei-
substatitlal welI-Deing.
and worry the Fond-
a great anxiety to him
ober he Is conducting
tilting to the demands
rima.. Here is parte
tise good wife, to stand
patient, Untie
evil, above alk
net. -C atnhrld
Has of the routes:. le now mid to peocsomsfnmg lty of Mn.bt'est0r1maeddeeedan W' hiss bf the
be apathy evoneemberit- It may he too Wharton, eldest dabghter of Mr. sad
noon to say "We hltl)-ou es," but Mere M . non. Gaunt Obs of thhad be2nd
d seconcession
were those In the t cot the looentry
who. were ext rd doubtful of the
ptjbjert. And now Can- A Lake
adians are being urged to spend more
susses of the
millions upon
scheme of which
milt would be a
public debt.
deeper waterway
of the man who probably had the most
Ito do with the opening up and 'settle-
ment of the Huron Tract.
Tours truly.
H. R
Stratford. Ont., March 10.
When a modern girl starts looking
for her tangs, the chances are they're
r • : -wider bar eyes.
The hetet and hope of any time
must ala s be sought In minorities.
All bbtor'. wbaMaer is the field of
retigigs or art. la a record of the
pow* of minorities. There neeeds but
one *rise men tae a eoMpany and all
become alas., ss rapid is the con-
tagion. creat men exist that there
be greater mNo —W. d. Weide.
Captain on the Waterway Question
only certain re -
addition to the 1 From The Owen Sound Sun -Tithes)
The sailors at the weekly meeting
of the Owen bound board of the
• ` • • Canadian Navigators Federation am
The 11.0eldett*etelection1w4J awy Thursday. with Capt. W. Hoch in the
chair were once more favored with
�.�Q inhabitants already owe.
Is 2% bWiau„ of dollars. 1f we build
the waterway there will he another
billion 011 top of this. Have we the
population to eneeprt such a debt/ said
the speaker.
glneer in foreign lands during which resulted in n v#tuat victory far Pant
a guest speaker. Thin was Mr. A. J. It had been mid that the waterway
het was alleged to have committed von Hindenburg; whose ee•eMsttas-Is•-t-retghton.
who atoned at length -and-would-reduce the Stain :see by.Ave to
practieelly aasulled, though In accord- with greaten flt9'bls ■rgnment asalnet elided evens per bushel from the bead'
the propmed deepsa ng of the St. few- Of the lake* down. But, mid the
speaker. Met season grain was being
'Mawr tints weoId bride blushes to the
eheak of any _hard-boiled confidence ante with the t n 'Totem a second
can. Even K some of the things writ -
ballot u regnlre ere weretonrcaq
ten about Mre Hoover were based on dldates and ,t0 were election a ma -
nn inkling of truth, this lady could jerlb of the total vote Is rtgnired
cot understand why the American Hindenburg wad over seven million
people permitted their Chief Magistrate
be be thus publicly disgraced."
"It could not happen In England.".
she said. "Any hook reflecting on the
bead of the British nation would have
amen ebonite d .tiereet. In fact. It twmn only n plurality over the seooud
would find no publisher, and ■ny men
subediting finch a nanuseript for highest eandldate will , he required.
printing parpoe a would be in danger H'ndenburg'a rittery la looked upon au
of prosecution." *laming the eoaij nuanee of peace and
There 1s plenty of partiaanabip In stability in narillty, though as the
Gouda, bat after all it has its Malta. aged statesman wail on in Ids etgb-
course, there are always those who
the he Menet be ranch longer
are willing to traduce their political to hold the ret 'of power,
opparsat- r reached attempt
a hto igher ag down s T : o -- • -
level Some folk. dim apparently have a
Omen themselves, politically or other-
horror of Stein do not always re -
retire waterway.
He was replying to Mr. C. A. Flem-
ing. tpwc b of the previous week. and
he Path that thAmericans he w will ami
the finest people
with. but only 1f they could have their
carried down for Are Dents per hushed.
flow multi Vint rate he redtteed by five
to eight emits, fib also feared very
mach the iad effect on the railways,
which already were failing to pay the
votes ahead of Sitter, leder of the Own way. As an instance 0f the way interest on their indebtedness. 'rite
Fascist 'party, who had the second In which Americans had looked after Canadian mean% too, would suffer,
largest vote, but be was a few votes themaelvea in the peat, he cited the case esti Mr. Creltlgeen, for even now we
short of an absolute majorlty In the -of tete Canadian who're. When it wan were unable to find employment for all
second halite, to be held a mopth fmtnd teat (Tattadlan wheat was het- oar, own ship, and It wmiid be much
ter than Ammrtcan, and It alas toeing w^ase If foreign vessels were •Me to
.. Metes, - ati risme o., the Intro. amt-.. .t... u.�
but we cannot recall any in-
stance l this country of the kind men-
tioned by thin Chicago paper, which
says that two or three books, reeking
with slander of the Prealdent, hare ace
peered M late and are acid to have bad
g ond eaten. There are millions of
people in Canad. apposed to the pel'-
dlets of Prime Minister Bennett. many
who reward hi. record In oSee wltb
trust and abhorrence; hit we bave
sit ea loaar any a'epere7ons neem hln
pttvMM e\araeter. and we cannot len-
Was /mime expecting to get any
Member of tenders for a hook attempt-
(lkg be •lander him nomadism may
lie hitter partisans. het apparently they
have ant. little caner• t0 give Cheeks
Oat "they are not as other men are."
Illardeisera Amid be a little careful
(*anise it a hen y see it The Moth-
ers' Allovrence let, ander which mil-
lions a dollar. are given. over In Ms
Province to %Mewl for this support of
their families, amil the 01c1 Age Pen-
sions Act are both poeislInth measure*.
and name the MM. for mtg. Th4.
avowed purpose, though Professing
Melinda might ery to woehjit • Alt
m"'l relief meagre. are we -toilette;
lin le Gevernmege ownerahlp of rail-
ways and of Hydro, anti an "Mem-
@ d• ale take it upon thisainelvee to re-
gulate all aside eVerimaineenes and it le
end n otter frern letters to control
wet from eontrerta ownership. Who. -
or not, We AM he rear keenest
nearer to the Meal. Where
raw He "In time of t libet levee ha the
the ad mod serenferte" letegleed the minlater.
11 themght not loud.
rents -per -blotted dine wan promptly pnt lino broached. said les, thing'. were
upon it, making the price prohibitive. booming. and tbe preeent depresellos
Tben there wee the case of the Niag; watt unformees. At that time, Hydro
%cation. Niles;
are Hydro
we could not woe before and during the
Iwteigus sailltd that the power obtained will
to he
rotes population in Canada imeresord pay for the Wort. But. sald the
owseeretely te &web this extra POwer, IIPPIlker, 1. It fair to make us pay for
war was tented to iitlittin. iil
anitio was melted to release it. no that tbe deep waterway when haying Me
wer. while the tweeds of the werld
We might tree It toetreetves. Tbe
eons then refneed point blank to re- are te hare free nap of tee wbote
tor npeee him been
lease it. and even warned Caned* that ehannert our dere
it the power were takets away the act enormously lambeed in the last few
email be looked upon as en unfriendly year's and Mr. Creighton roneldered
that if the waterway became an acetone
The 'speaker gave figures as to mate. elided fail these elevatore woeld he
He amid that the find eatimite of the wanted.
coat of the deep waterway was Mit- A euggestio• tted heen made that
000,000: but thin was doubled Ity the rodent earroes would he provided by
now, amid Mr. Creighton. we cannot to he deetrifieg Beeidee this. tte said.
take that an autheetie, for our Paper- If we were to bare coal front Canadian
lents helm no that engineers' coat* are mines for this part of the country It
would he from Alberta. not Neva See -
always undermithested. The witimate
for the Panama IWO! 3100.0110,000 while tin. The smotser said that moat people
had not thole/at of the effect on the
it artually mit $450.0911.000.
The Mirage &stamp renal wee esli- depth of sat. In foam Hnron end
mated at 315,000,000. and it cost Me Georgian tiny when the Detroit River
000,008. bee mail wee to coat Mt,- could he depose/A to twenty -weep hot.
moon aisd It really reit $126,000,04". revere barber wnilki have to be dim" -
The WeUated canal wen eatimated at Peed, at enorrepna cont.
33.1.0011,000, avid tt has already cost Mr. Creighten wound np hy laying
$12:1,0110,41111e while the iumallter doubted that he eonsidered the whole thing wee
if It MI5 **nil it, at beet to tide part a huge meltable reed the senors'
tot the visewtry. He thong* that Mese ornsieleations,
farts 1/1841' = SO tbat the Nal for the alike 4 . maxitry ,__to do a*
coat or the waterway might In their power Slam* the PFAMMIlir
roaireh well werr_tbo_b1....1,11091. WiaLki4, pa. If Irst wen.. fidtb:110,.loo !at& egivesserela
he Me east/ Is it prat -Mai? WM tt A hearty 0 Ladle wee
*Amu : Is it nereveary1 -What_ lis le wort% worm offfelffell ft 111.1905.
to the leet eesetlea Ise stated Mat the Clibe agreed arta every -
pay? Oen we •S'ord it/ la sneerer er
debt set** thht manter ef °air thing lir bed said
strohtng its eat
iplood,;tt her for a wlA4
MOM her by tea tail
and dragged Wit •lwsggly away from
the hearth. Ills aatftsr Interposed :
"You must not hurt yew kitty, Bob
"I'm not. said Bobby, -1m• Fre got
to get her away freer the Are. She is
beginning to bon."
V yes wait to sin es
Candy or
"Oa titi Iroothroy of
nr Jai moos Tr7 IBM MOW
Shoesior Easter !
Regain the joy of youthful Let_
You need no longer be robbed of the pleasant od
doily 'Id thiths you went to do because of tired,
aching feet. Here is positive foot winfort and the degree a support
your feet Dad.
Ihrray Heel Hugger Sims are mai* is many styles.
Style, Quality and Value !
You'll find all these in our Made -W. -order Clothes—and
this season the prices are lower.
Di? eLzAtatstr-Molitc
Frank H. Martin
ounter Sales
The Signal
has taken the local agency for one of the biggest Can-
adian manufacturers and can giv .! you the best
goods at the best prices.
Look over your supply. andlet UR have your next order.
We can furnish all the standard styles and sizes
and -also any special styk:—
We are here to serve you and with our new connection
can guarantee prompt and satisfactory service.
Telephone 35
for any information with regard to Sales Books.- We
shall be glad to give you a call.
The Signal Printing Co., Limited