HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1932-3-17, Page 1, 4.•---- - ♦• fr Advertising is the life of business. { Counter Check Books It pays dividends in quicker turnover and larger profits at the end of the year. hilts hila, liO. •Il The Signal is agent for one of the largest manufacturers of Sales Books in Canada and can quote the closest prices. Telephone 35 if your supply needs replenishing. - GODERICH, ONTARIO Firemen to Aid CHURCH N Y Relief Work limy Plisse for Drawing at Bess- ' S1 I1nchrs and Danns - In coonectlou with the euchre and dance to be held by the Goderich are brigade In the Oddfellows' Hall on Monday, March 28th, there will be a drawing for a large number of prises donated by merchants of the town. The proceeds of this affair are to be em- ployed for relief purposes in conjunc- tion with the civic relief committee. The first prise in the draw is a pair oe ladies' oxfords donated by W. Ahl; god, 25 Melons cigars donated by Mlse Rogan ; 3rd, a lady's electric lamp donated by Frank McArthur; 4th, a smoking stand donated by H. Blackatone. In all there are about fifty prizes, which will be on display in J. C. Car- ries aryies store window. The466 drawl w1U tiros et U .a a& f k program on Monday night, M'aret .lith. The Driver orchestra will furnish music for the dance which will con - elide tbe evening's eutertalsstpt TKO DU*BZLLI WITH OZIGINI L OAST COKING Canada's oldest and 19111 foremost theatrical company, The ihnmbella,,, now on the last lap of their thirteenth season, will make their first local aP pearafce at the Capital Theatre on Monday, March 21st. "Aa You Were," the overseas re- vue which Captain Plunkett and his clever company of soldier Rare will Miter here, has been touring since last September, and it has been acclaimed from Vancouver to Halifax as the anent entertainment ever staged by this tarnoul organization. The afi*ur cast ludndes, besides Capt. Plunkett and hes eminent brother, Al. Plunkett. such well-known favorites as Roes Hamilton ( Marjorie), "Red" Newman, Glenn Allan, Scotty Morrison, Curly Nixon, Scott Plunkett, Laurie Thdmpsoe, and this season's sensational "dtsrovevy." Dow Romaine. Igen though 'The Dhzmbells" have never played here before, many of our people nave seen them in Toronto or Landon each) r, and those who saw "Asthat You � �t show that Csp- fully eonvhseed tfitat y in his thtr wet . — la eta. eatlrets. rea far=e Gas ▪ 1r was in cities reamer,Termite,twith the other n ame brilliant cast and arttntic sst- tinga. Lang years of catering to the taste of Canadian audience's have given •"The Dumbet.e' • thorough knowledge what la required In the way et Mage entertainment and their production. are beet In such a way that any stage. hey can b, adequately displayed There •re twenty song hits In "As You Were," three comedy sketches, and a group of laughable Interlude., with ■ generous ahare of the old-time trench humor that 1s an Important part of every "Dun►bella" revue. The local engagement 1s for one night only, and at the popular priced which have leen announced the theatre should be packed to tbe doors. The Y. P-8. of North street united church will hold their regular attptlna on leanday evening. A prod 10 , lira Asst arranged. -- • . • "Would Unemployment Beneficial to Caeads " IS MI to be dlacussed at tie Yen's COM) is North street United ;•lurch next ;Sun- day morning at 10 a .tock. Mr., D, D. Gray win introduce the subject • Rev. Geo. T Watts will con. ;toe services in North street Giitedl. orcb neat Suede,. Swoon suldeslea����' "The Church, Its I'rlvtjsg.11 1 Re- sponslblUtiee;" 7 p.m. "7te Tribute Paying." Sunday eel !at 3 p.m. • • . !It Rev. W. T. Bunt will een4tiet the service. in the Baptist chatefi $4 >1>en day. Sermon subject,,: 1> t*.,••'�t Cup of Bubatituti --the .emane Agony ;" 7 We:, deemer Satisfied." Bible 1 10 a.m. • • • - WA, maw= aero-eg �tf the . Artkat Circle of Knox church. arflrl.Le held lit the lecture room on Monday evening. March 21, at Si o'clock. Miss -tidga MacEwan and Mrs. J Hume (til have charge of the meeting and a letter wW be read from Miss Hazel McDonald, of Poore Coupe. • • • Special services will be held le V1- torte street United church on Sunda . March 20th. At 11 nam. MW F. Gray will speak on h"r work .a6egg the Ukrainians In Alberta. ,This ass. rice will be hell ungeretbe auep&cee the Woman's Missionary BOolety- 7 p.m. the Christian service Group young men will have charge of the oke and a male choir will stag eeiectione. Rev. F. W. Craik preach. t s • • • t - The Ladles' Association of Vtctosia Street United church heti their meeting In the schoolroom - e church- Yes, Allan lead the devotional period, which cdatstat[dl of the singing of two krone, reading A the Scripture lesson from the 5th chapter of et. Mat- thew, 1 ts U, by yea Allan and prayer bY Mea. R. '1". PbIIU5s. The president, Mrs. tbe chair for ambushing' menta were made is to be girl*end or tbe raga In of this sodetle W. Craik. Ise is meeting. Leach Mr. George Jardine, while aesi*Ung 1n storing ke at Mr. John H. Graham's toe storage house, ,met with a painful aocldent this afternoon. In lifting a coke oaf ice the tongs suddenly lost their bold and the heavy Mock of lee feel-,tepoa Jardlue's foots trea*Ung the bone near the toes. Dr. J. M. Graham set the fracture and Mr. Jardine 1s undergoing treatment at his home. Spotton Didn't Want Order Changed • But House Aooeded to Kr. King's Regnegt for Pull Information From Hansard of March 9: Mr. GEORCF. SPOTOON ( North Huron) movesi : - For a return *bowing: (el how many •utotaobllee were pnrehesed for the nae of Cabinet Ministers during eased of the Anent yeesre ending Mereh 31. 1922. 1924, 1924. 1925. 1920. 1927, 192e and 1929; (h1 the make of car need by each minister and the price elf each of the said rare: (el the Boat M maintenance of each of the maid ear* 'glowing in detail the clary of ch*uffeer, 011 and geanllne, repaint, bonging. depreciation and other charges - Right Hon W. L. MA('KENZiE RiNG (Leader of the (lppo.ttiomi: 1f the horse la Interested In getting this Information, as I have no doubt It 1n, It will to equally Interested In getting Infortnstion for the years hunediately preceding and Immcdllatele following those mentioned. 4eeordingly T would move that the motion he amended by adding In line 4. after the word "1029" the words " also the floral year. end - Ing March g1, taro arae Mi. and the Bawl yen's' eenitng March 31, 11121) and 1021." L Mt. BENNE1T 1 think we might *hearten this hy sedetrting the mend - .meant propoese. A► Mt. 8PaARER : Perhaps' qac move. : d the original MITAIOVA will aeeept fIP(Prhlflt' 1 ennt "Mii geatlssia TIMI Maw esIrlir ram wed'-;•,fiwttose, - - , Amendment sods/ ss. Motion *a a.Ml6ud agrased to. r w t t \ nal arrange- piny which , Hall atthe the auspices elev. F. eiessd the look a , : • . • the./ r season and a meeting of fir elan executive au bold on Monday evillest. when dates were set for the principled! events of the season. June 22nd is the date set for the grand opening dor. when there will be a tournament a Ic,.tch doubles. On July 20 there will ben rink tourna- ment, and on Angust ITO soother tour- nament of Scotch doubles Theoxeeu- tive is composed of Jo'. ph Hrophey• president; J. W MaeV'b :1 r lice -presi- dent; Fred G. Weir, se. -r• tnry; Geode Symonds, Howard McN•• and H. R. Hall. OBITUARY • MRS. JAMES COXNOLLY The home of Mr. Jams* Connolly, and, Indeed, the whole community, has been sadly bereaved by the death of Mrs. Connolly, welch oec erred at her home on Elgin avenue in the early hours of Sunday morning. the result of a heart attack. Mrs. Connolly had been slightly unwell the previous even- ing, and about an hour after midnight the fate] attack carte on and before a doctor coutd'.roweh her she had et -- pi pl real. Mrs. Connolly, whow maiden name was Mary Louise Whitely. wan torn to (loderich township. a daughter of the late Mr. and Mr*. Robert Whitely, and lived in that township until the year 1005, when she and her husband moved to town. She was a woman of charm - Ing disposition. kindly, helpful and sympathetic, and her passing In keenly regretted by a very large circle of friends and acquaintance.. She was a member of St. George's Anglican church and will be greatly mis*M• in the women's organisations of the church. In whose work she took n very active Interest. Her hnshand is preal- dent of the (iodertch Agrirtltursl So- ciety, prealdent of the Fernier.' Weath- er Insurance .Cgmpsny- of Woodstock, and vice-pre*tdent of tile McKillop Mutual Fire insurance Company. and the sympathy of his aneeptetese and other friend* pee to him in the loam of hia rife companion. Surviving Ono are one danghter, Mrs. t Her 1 H. A. Wright of Amheretberg. end two ggrraandehildren, Mr. James A. Wright Tartleter, of Toronto, and Mess lenbel L. Wright, *indent of the l'elvermlty of Toronto; aleo a brother. William Whitely, la California, and three *la- ter*, Mrs, Hodge, of Chicago, Mrs. Clark, of Clinton, acrd Mrs. Parmelee, of California. The funeral service at 4t. George's 1. ehnreh on Vegan* - afferimon Wag largely attended, the congregation which filled the church Including many friend. from Ooderieh township and Clinton The ssret,* was condn•ted by the rector, Rev. J. N. H. Mille, end Ven. Archdeaeon Jones -Bateman. The pall hearer* were Dr. J. it * Whitely. Chariest Whitely, T. R. Patterson, Mel• vine Sturdy, B. Rlaills*tone and Wil- liam Edward. interment was In Mait- land cemetery. Ree4Aes dere desehteer, Rev H. A. Wright vat A h1e�erathnrg and I[G r veva �r.t•tim + r)fdi9,T .,. - ..I..•. , , see wad 011ii tmothrr'. dilate tom/. S ent Imwe Latey M Mrs Wright, mil free arrived in 6edsrieb hy 9 &fleet BsMay mafttap heels( driven en the wap fresh Ambstggsrg, • The News own BOARD OF 'TRADE ANNUAL The annual meeting of the Board of Trade will be held on Monday evening nett, March 21st, at the town hall, and It 1s urged that all mem- bers, and any others who are in- terested in the work of the Board, attend and hear the reports of the last year's operations. The business es' the evening will Meted* the election of omeere, and the discussion of plans for the advancement of the town during the coming year. Since the above was written It has been decided to postpone the meeting to Tuesday, March 29th, because of con- flicting events, ORGANIST APPOINTED - A special meeting of the rectal board of North street United cburcb was held on Tuesday evening for the purpose of appointing an organist to 114 t reeenr.•7 arauaaa 1w .1lta. serene removal of Mr. Douglas Campbell St. Catharines. The choice fell upon Mr. Raymond Player, organist of the Wellington (Out) United church, who is one of those who acted as organist in North street church on recent Sundays. If Mr. Player se - emus the appointment it U expected that he will shortly be installed in the position here_ PRESENTATION TO MISS WIGGINS At the regular meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox church on Tuesday afternoon, a life-memberaBlp On west presented to Miss Edith Wiggins in 1 recognition of her faithful and e�lcient work for many years as president of the MacUlllivray Mission Band, from l which (dice she recently resigned- The presentation was made by Miss Porter, life -membership secretary, and Mrs. R. J. Walter, president of the auxiliary. spoke in warm terms of tbe unselfish servl(e rendered by Miss Wiggins. The presentation was acknowledged In fit- ting terms by Miss Wiggins. Mrs.' Stertlug MacPhail read a splendid paper ou 'The Trak at Home." from the study book- Mrs. Lane gave an interatlrrg talk on the bimodal meeting of the WAILS. executive In Winnipeg which she attended) last year. Prayers for the deaconesses, missionariee, school residences and hoapitajs were offered respectively by Mrs. Banking. Mrs. A. G. McI)onald, ors. 'Gundry and M1w Porter. re. A. Taylor read the 8crlpture ,. PERSON Miss Hate W brother, Mr. OM York ClIp. Mr. Geo. Man., U I and Mrs. Jobe 1 MIs. Nancy' *peat a few friend Miss Dr. A. T. from Toroate. In the General an operation. • Mr. Angus Ma ford on Monday weeks' holidays Poore Come. There was ••GhuLace and at the close meeting afternoon tea was enjoyed. $7116 iN LIQUOR FINF24 As a result of a raid made on the ('omnitesial hotel, Sewforth, oar Sat- urday night, by four members of the Provincial police force, Roy Dungey. son of the hotel proprietor, and Nor- man 8colna, a distant relative who stays with the Dangeys, appeared be- fore Magistrate C. A. Reid on Tneeday morning, charged with having liquor without permits. They pleaded guilty and Dungey was fined $500 and coats, being ■flowed out on hall for a week In order to raise the amount. Scotus was assessed $200 and costa and he settled In court on Tuesday morning. The hotel had been under pollee ear- veillance for some time previous to the raid. On Saturday night members' of the Provincial police under Sergeant Cousins of Kitchener entered the hotel, dressed in civilian clothes'. They were not recognised. The other members of the raiding party. under Constable A. Whiteside of Gederleh, were stationed outside the building and at a given -mienal ratiltel tifb-'p'1K, cresttnr con' siderable consternation. A quantity of liquor, comprising alcohol and Liquor Control Board brands, was confiscated. Dungey and 8colne were arrested and ordered to appear before Magistrate Reid on Tuesday morning. They were allowed their freedom meanwhile on furnishing sufficient bail. Mr. Hugh) UW spent several Toronto recently on the trip WSW Mr. Ewart Y branch of the spending three home of his pa Gordon Young. • ' Mr. C. A. Maid, returned to hie Was n ew. In his a cases were looked Wm. Bailie and PLUM! Will correspondents and advertisers •••* � kindly have "copy" In early next week, New on account of the holiday on Friday? t TELEGRAM CARTOONS Hy. Moyer, who draws the "Nothing but the Truth" pictures for The Tor- onto Telegram, gilder:4y keeps an ego on The Signal for sprightly bits of news. Withla the last few days he has had two pictures founded on items in thea. columns, one the paragraph "Do Babbits lily?" and the other the Item recording •the leap year birthday celeeratton of Utile Audrey Jean Barker. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Mark Wtlsoo and William Fisher, two youths of Kosnoka, chkrged with the that of a couple of tbreehing ~hoe hds..aie prepselr aE edwasd ..-r7l11eigt of Unborn township, were eon- rdttesd fur trial lam week by Mages_ vovIdawl) irate Andrews of Clinton, sitting in Pulite Court at Exeter. They appeared re Judge Costello on Tuesday and speedy trial, and the case was set for Wednesday. March 23rd, at 2 ale. mr. Frank Donaelly is defend- ing the termed. - TAY RN DEPORTED Wnlbm Baamaan, new Incarcer- ated la the county jail, is to be placed to sec >il�ae a jinn. Other Inmates of the jttll {liinpta ed that he kept them aweks at bights by his strange antics. Thery Mea be alternately swore and banged his bead against the aII attd occasionally would undress sad Ile on the floor of the cell. Medi - at examination showed Baumann to as irrational and inclined to violence. was brought here from Wingbam. e a native of Germany and may file portal. woos OR SUNDAY ill Male Qusltette. whore viatt to Knox cborcb had to be pott- ed owlet' to likeness, will sing at swain( *entice n Bundy. Tips ns'• sutetgatel quartet - aaaga•;j�rd Mr. IMaln eek Jeba skinner, b Davison. Z'b peegram alj hie " ' JessF' (tsedi- The many Eleanor Smith, Maga n F■ W, hear that she doable operatics Falls general Mr. Ed. Beck from Commando, where be had son William. boors he will �J fr e; • 'MML-_4rMIstar Otter. who • Wee severely cut by ' ying glaf'• �— eutomOblle aceidept _at London last week, returned Dome on 8aterday and Is reported to 1s' making good pro- gress in reeeiery from her Injuries. Mrs. Kaitting wee a delegate to the L.O.B,A, Grand Lodge meeting at London. biro. R. W. Bell, another delegate from Princess Mary Lodge, was taken Ill while in Iandon and was cared for at the Lome of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hen - from the New. W. est Dvorak) ; and Mr. Freak - *ogre will sing '•1 nes Rim Every- where" (Twiner). •• ye•O�•, //�� MR� scall' OORE Mitchell Ad Mrs. Bred Moore, of Munro, who ?•. Ia rattier tie- Heats wHeats health tot yeat�waa t(ttea tli aids a « * sett etwttT rather suddenly - *tell *m In hes fifty -al TOdeceamed woman's was Miss Haat Johnston ited • member of the I 1/alted church, Munro, and • Besides her b Moore karts Mae twbotedaughlgrL ters: Elwyn at Mrs. William Johnston of Mrs. Frank Morris of Fulls rie funeral was held this Tuesdar ollernoon from the cemetery adBibing the church. MRS. MILLI], MIBPPARD An aged resid Galierieb passed away on Batu twit home on St. Andrew's street, e parson of Mrs. ElisabethIb -Wttelain edam of tbe late wee la her eighty-fifth all had been in ill -health for yer, but was able to be aro cold developed in her death asnosiLledruresuir greatAstingb field township. tart of her life baud predeCeas She is surrlved Sheppard, with her home. Sipe Knox Presbyte Arra , was Add to Maitland a Craik, pastor of church, having In the absence J. ILue, pastor pallbearers w Drennan„ WUII ward Her hu. - thirty -Ave years. son, Benjamin she had made au 'operant of urch. the fuu- ttdy . atempoon .Bev. Re- W. is strut United of the 10 ,tee wn of Rani, D. x eburcb. The Midden, Lott egall ani Md - re AAneee. `The RESULT OF THE DRAW Before a packed house at the Capital Theatre this (Thursday) evening the draw was made for the prises offered in couneectlon with the Lions Club cam- paign in behalf' of the crippled chil- dren's fund. The holders of the ctn.-- Mug tickets were: Mins Beatrice Campbell—first prise, seven hear and Alme. as a bel D1 is -e• he w a The tamely for thelr home on erich, where Mr. since hla reit ago. He was ■ Peter's church, lin • Aras also greatly Interested to clic Sijttogenartan Nob, to which be beigeHe Is survived by one son, John, olt Windsor, and three daughters, lag. Hugh McGovern and Mrs. Leo Whitty of Toronto and Miss Jessie McDonald at home. Two Wau tern; illii Annie, of the Bell -41 NALD lo • at bif boas* en tatalt • •LawRev. D. J. Ia on Monday at Mrs. Norah Me of Christie n a whom• death oss ceased was • *in . ILO G oderleh, ter a taw war ha reet,'ded , mild • ad Nv(ll e some 1 • - years member of 8t. Fathers � s at North St. Church • Rev. a. !, Watts Gives bspiring _ Address ea "Oi od-touched Kea ' --Special Musical Numbers Despite the "fin" epidemic a Mink number of boys and tbelr elders gA• "". tended the special Father and Bon vice to North street United churchIM - • Sunday evening. Lining up 1n the bilen- ment of the church shortly Wan tree service, they matched up the main au- ditorium, where they completely filled the centre group of seats. Other mem- bers of the congregation, who also turned out splendidly, occupied the outside pews. The pastor, Rev. Gee, 1'. Watts, gave an inspiring talk on "God -touched Men," choosing as hie text the words of I Samuel 10:21% "Mad There weal wles Was a band of men whose hearts God had touched." In introducing hie theme the preacher stated that God -touched men were al- ways practical, active, optimistic men, and always looking for the beet in the world about them and In boys. These /Jed -touched men were dominant char- acters, and the preacher spoke of the value of the splendid characters of many of our school teachers, college professors, poets', authors and preach- ers who have sought to dominate men for good. God -touched men were 'resided for rectal, political and commer- cial life; they were sympathetic men— In sympathy with boys In their,spirit- nal, mental, physical and social growth, tbelr temptations and their strong and weak points. They were ready to help a boy along in his many struggles, which they tried to under- stand. Finally, God -touched men were always spiritually daring—always trusted God and dared great thongs for Him -and there was a load of unity between all such men. The address was much enjoyed by young and old. During tie welshes the sit q, ea(lppsed of the lady 119 the • r choir and the ed .0 LT. group, with )ds. Isla at the ofgen, ren- dered a y' chorus number, "Fol- low igr r " M1w Gertrude Mist_ her et i}M � ' Mr. Robertson,-- lormoife p es LII ttbtlee that, at 111ge topthe second Column on the frost page• there Is a- paragraph en- titled "1gtj of Soup!' Having given such preba idirs a to a Ratement made by an unfortus ate, unemployed young fellow, 1 Mare been wondering whether it was your intention to euggeat that 'Toronto Is not looking after her unem- - ployedt to the very beat of her ability, The reader is fully acquainted with the unemployment problem, Partial - Telephone returned CO., and Mary (Mrs. Joseph I LnrIy 1n the city of Toronto. The state - da• y evening and Is Im QnR nicely. I Mrs. F:. Ile reer - yaruud prise, ,th Emeda), of Ot Thornlike, died leaf year meet made he this young chap to your WO two others, Margaret stud Nelile town clerk was absolutely wrong. Ie suaG water Kent radio. (Mrs. Thomas McDonald), alio are p 11!ivin •Meas Gene Content - thine pri*e;( the first lace. Toronto is not g '� Oil E• (cedar the st• deceased. The funeral wag held on three meals a day to It. unemployed PROTECTION QUESTION lir. ('ha+. Menhirs- fourth prize, Monthly morning trap the family re- I sluRle men. They are giving, however, sideucr 10 8t. Peter's church, where 1 two good meals. These mewls do not sour lamp. A local Imminent mini. Iambi to The' Miss J. Coals—fifth prize. kedak. Capital Theatre- -et*th prize, foot - the • the tottgw}tn lbigervattone on the question of peon• a flre-flghtfng I All the whiners are residents or tool service astable the,tewn limits; j Goderiel, although tickets were sold all Inanranee rate's .on erarlons typos_ of over Huron conMy and beyond. :'nrstr►ctlon have-bMo•etruck on Mame tit lire-Agbtinf equipment to use; - IilK SiICK Lii9T aeee elblllty of aweh equipment ; imtelt-'�- •-Ooderieh'a sick list this - -week in - Meme of firemen proved by tem; ami- eludes a um/her-of quite serious cages. ky of mem to mn�c gat(Jt run and'ef- Mr. Thos. J. Anderson, corner Cam- Thomas, and Mrs. James Flynn, of Meet41'1es mime or coffee, meat, pota- fielenc of brig nod and Elgin avenue, 1e laid up (Tinton. The [welllnyrera were ter. j teras, turnips and bread. In the evera- y equine' cope with Ares. Joseph Fellow's, Mr. Hugh McGovern, I Ing he rmMvea cocoa or coffee, meat ntpmeut may with a eompticatlon of pneumonia and Mr. Jack Whitty and Mr. John Mc- with two vegetables and macaroni be mit in the rnunt trylnR M Rlve ell added rsqulem mss was sneg by Rev. Father Lowry, arid then, to the Rosman Cnth- o1He cemetery in c'Olt4rne township for interment. Attowatt tbImaitteeding the funeral were: John McDonald, jr., of Windsor; Mr. end Mrs. Hugh Me- *onp. In fact, If he had actually been Govern and Mrs. 1•,•0 Whitty of Toron- receiving three meals consisting ort to; Mr. Jack Bliley, of Landon ; Mr. Joseph Emen and three daughters, Margaret, Helen and Nora, of St. • consist only of soup. I can quite un- derstand tiny lad being full of soup ellen he +sed that the city was freeing threat loran of-nHien three times -a day.,-. _ He must have been still fall of that soup alone.-Trionret have been obtained - through. -.ague charitable . associaHon. At noon any man presetttlhg his ticket What Dapper[. It` t In town? sometimes other troubles. Mr. William Coate, country regis- trar, la seriously 111 at hie home on Orth street. Alex. Henderson Cambria road, has been Ina serious condition for ds s. John Re eelds father o . r. J. e de of the county jell, la In h ital recuperating after nn performed on ray. Dr, W. F. Clark was taken 111 while vhdtinR his daughter, MINA Recta, at Toledo Ohio, and was In the hoapttal there, but at latest report was conval- escing. o val- escing• ' Miss Hazel Hamilton Is making gelid preinees it Alexandra bnnpitel niter an operation for appendieitla. Donald, eon of Mr. and Mr*. D. IL Wiggins. ,Is recuperating after "" DR. MARTIN'S ;ADDRI!EiRS operatItm for appendtcttia which h,. underwent In Alexandra hospital Dr- W. W. Mnetidelfverd a very Interemting aside•.,* the Guild room cost ERTER$' AT-HOME M Pt. Georr's chnreR- ! Monday even- _""..-)-r.hr,••,o of Court (ksl- inR, in conjunction eOlth the reetor'a program of we•eklr leetares on various enbjertn during Lents The eubjec•t of Dr. Martin's talk was "World "wow. servlee, and Are b ou Donald When reytlatratlon oeurredl In Au - There la much more than $5,000,000 WATER AND 1.1(iy worth of property bedew harbor hill, N N: COMMI88ION gust test, toy cit eofg Toronto had 00; consisting of flour mIH, elevators, lake Mr. AT d ('rnunilTor Wnr+ell, Aatrman M the Met uue•mploysd renlmber , Approxi- wnter, light and hashnr committee of mately half of this number were single steamers railway lnnldtngm ran and coaches, Ste-, whary dredges, gas*. several y the town cn il. n red before the men and the other halt were married BUSY KARVESTINO ICEf N J water and ItRht cont a nn Thnra men with famillee, The fere married mea -• tins Mtonet tanks, Ieq power to p 'baton Mr. 7 have -been fasiated, when not being able The advent • oto iceme weather ride atter ns theday night last and n that another eQulpdrr('et *i pro- R. R enol brought hope* to the icemen, who had vide water prenuyrre and maintain Alexandra enep De street light be placed) am His, ks atred•t. to receive work at the hands of the almost given up any Idea of being able lighting service, •IIan Sato d The matter wan referred to the super- intendent city, with provislona and fuel through t -winter, - 1 operation for .•,...a _ Home. of Industry. The single eST0 The imperintenplent. wax authorized to purchalle lee dirty-1'0ot Misr polen from 'Richard Porter at p prier of fili catch delivp red: -- The 1Appliastlam,.•attat,n_ oke_ler electric range serk inn -lb his dwelling Nuperintendent for a report. Nat and 'doted away. Extensile° oper-1 What would. happen if 010-ine of the for two meals' each day. The writer is receive meal tickets that were good very busy getting the summer's 'tipsily people „„wiwilt,,,-? -... Graham's; cutting machine has been at ere „n a windy day os-, Line? -- are laying in a euPPI7. Wel* was ma' town taxpayer has proehtied the funds nnittivererfortr, and we !wive teem ap- meneed on Friday morning• and has go farther than say Saltford? • ending at an average of sixty a week. nee but also to provide for others who eontinued otteadily. even Sunday being What sionree of este: supply is de- These men have been receiving their to pnrchene end operate, be allowed to utilized In in effort to secure as much meals' through the tickets supplied by a return of warmer weather. In all ebeintem Rpcorsom which would he convinced that our city ham done its seventeen teams have been hauUng, tieeired at (untying fire*, then the beet full share toward* alleviating the me- lee as poialble before there amid Ise If It he argued thatIt in only the and it is expected the harvent will be suggesrtion would be that east town- tering caused through unemployment completed by the end of this week, if ship hive a trailer fltted,,with orb ale It le on this' account that I regret that good lee hold. ont until then. The lee paratns whleh could he located •t a your paper shouM carry on its front page a sitatenient which is, to my quelity. Resides Mr. Graham, the Me. knowledge, absolutely untrue. The Un- dress to the place of of, prection conveyed to your ;seders is 16 ah(411t eight hie*" t'lli'll and '"f good eentrat point and whielt so car ennid clerk het wrong end 1 eertainly conk! not like John end MANOR. Graham ars petting miam, Thiation torten the your readers to think that the city ot Kay Bros.. the McDonald Bros., and Canadian Fire Underivriters' and O. E. Fleming also •re laying in a serriee nubile* their psunielpelltlee, tion • f gentlemen, Mr A. Mnefle Babylonia? (2) Greece; GI) Veneto lx not undertaking her full Or tip lee for nee in theft liaising hmtinens. year that they had epPirarained oh - and Robert Clark, Vir II. Bleeketcre ieetiona to flre 'deportment,' giving smPPIY• tliongh they ahonld •-velltdoe it mad- And, Mr. W. Myrtles consolation. After I ERYPt and Yours' very eincerely, The erIch, No. 32, Canedian Order of For - eaters. held on Titenday evening in MacKay Hall, wan an intereeting nnd enjoyable event. mud was attended by their wiefe1 and frieuda The telly part ef the evening was &raged to the playing of euchre. in which the prise - winners were: For Mrm. A. Macfie• first, Mee. .1 Berbour cements - non." which Gaipldered from; NO - political and rielgionol aspileta The theory of Charles Darwin wan eonsidered and the peogrepta of man period!' In fhe pip ,p4/lernent fhe Mt - man rate. which %tete selerted as mile - Rome: (4/ Rensissealle; (5) the world Two aerldent" have °criallre'd fleahle little's!. the onsugity of Amore- the games an intersecting program M wAurrtt at the time the French Revolution. thP aperatiOns began. On Seturday tem and the number of men on the MI- made and recitation* wari given. Mr. r Mareh 19 morning team of horses, driven 87 ode were antfielent to allow of Ha he- H. j. A. liseEwen meting eim ehairman. •101 f I" lbe'Preuetil day into several opuperiewe were Riven hy • lyre. NIRO dIACtIAAPd pre.entelal Olen.. brief - Harry Maass, ventured on • now' Ins done without endsniterine the eovered of thin lee out of Whitt fejt'''. They •111tP: "APPIIANIllig to OOP Opp (1 heatra, eomponed inn Jean ly end eaprestied'his captipion as to (FAllior's Note.—The item to whir% 4 sword* fh• number nf Mee on the God- glee ;f I,. had been taken remain', with the rereigh rings. oimi what is necepeery to bring nbont flit lir Smith refer!' wax not written with Piaui that the horses broke through retch brigade etiostdoremy new than boot, menet goy grerhetirmr, der. tire peace and pre -perky There WIIA any intention of reflecting neon — Chit their load. Tbe drizieetitroped te ki minim* for the protection of the Jae. and ernes* Breekenrlditr. drnln• fair ittendalace 1,. Neer the lisetilTP onto's' trestnient lit the unemployed. ia safety. end with Doter the haresa,aeig Ow" Is" ve 108-Jirelre rem' able would hardly et service. be- hy letals.„.Metta Itartootre, and reelta- Grafter hod the istsfortone to taro a Meek ot Ire tan on Ms toot, met WO teneestro . rather melon@ " Mester le lee Johnston werit. bug Max onetime eg benfeetwe wore &Merrell 7 the chairmen. Mr. ratee to all rate and no &milt MarEwnn Rev W ("talk anti liffe 4.111offe anita 'room 1,14 Span ra, organiser for the COF 1".1111101011001r .4- ▪ -7r7"-P41" ii/Aa •.; faet, that angle of the 'fitifffer 41111 -* ("Fenttr) Mecitouttell., AO( necur to the writer at all. It was Prefeeelmeal wreoler. lis In town *rain ; just e little "human hoe/Peet" story ailliewnsereneysio. mosso roe 5- 5 PARRS OA "111011.11110* gla AtIAMPAPAThitArvt•'ssup•••••wrimir SPIrildie at liamiteen on menicay! Wanderings We ATP gime tu give spate to Mr. earthen defence of the good name of him eity and to know that les out -of -work* are being PO well eared evening, in whh the jaw W11.1 broken. iistrDelledl, however. won the hone He is ereedInt mons* thee with Ma Imother aed tire, her here •