The Lucknow Sentinel, 1985-02-20, Page 16Lucknow' Sentinel, Wednesday, February 20, 1985—Page 16
Brookside students compete in public speaking contest
By Arietta Glenn
sand Ellen'Hurnphrey
The public speaking contests) were held
on Tuesday, February 12 with students
participating from each class Winners in
Grade 1 were, 1st, Johnny Slik, 2nd,
Michael Puddy, tied for third, Adella
Andrew and Krista Ritchie; grade 2, lst,
Shane Webster, 2nd, Amanda Todd, tied
for third, Karen Hodges and Douglas
Barger; grade 3; 1st Diane Ross, 2nd,.
Sarah Dauphin, 3rd, Duncan Mowbray,
honourable mention, Tammy Roberts.
Congratulations to all students who took
part. The judges for the primary compe-
tition were Helen Blake, Don Tremeer and
Mary Berea
Those taking part in grades 4, 5, and 6
were Theresa Jefferson, speaking on
Building an Addition to the House; Rosa-
lind Jervis, • Grant Theatre, London; Ruth -
Anne Bakker, Wonderland; Jodi Webster,
Tbugh to be a Kid; Christina Kerr,
My Trip Out West; Joel Wright, Going to
Camp; Billy Curran, Jokes; Jodi Weaver,
Summer Vacation at Niagara -on -the -Lake;
Nicole Middlecamp, Brothers and Sisters;
..Lynda Hayden, Canadian Winters with
Skis; Jason Cameron, Disasters; Janice
Webster, Television.
The winners were 1st, Joel Wright; 2nd,
Jodi Webster; tied for 3rd, Nicole Middle-
carnp and Theresa Jefferson.
In grade 7 and 8 the participants were.
Laurie Hayden speaking on Soap Opera
Syndrome; Peter Hooftman, Personal
Experiences, Learning Something Every
Day; Arietta Glenn, Brats; Michael Cur-
ran, Canines; Madonna Bradley, Not a
Nice Day; Shauna Andrew, Homework;
Ken Strong, Chief Joseph of the Indians.
The winners were 1st, Ken Strong; 2nd,
Laurie Hayden; 3rd, Madonna -Bradley.
Congratulations to all who took part in thiis.
The judges for the junior and senior
groups were Lois Farris'', Ross Errington,
Al Sygrove and Rudie Hooftman.
The students' council appreciate the
classes who participated in the contest for.
decorating boxes for Zehr's tapes., This
contest was held last week and the boxes
judged on Friday. Prizes are being
Turn to page 24.
Kinlough minister and talented musician directed music festivals
Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Burt in the death of their brotherin-
law, Arthur Ropell of Tiverton. The
funeral was held at Kincardine on Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell left on Friday
'for their Florida holiday.
Mr. and'Mrs. Stewart Lane and Mr; and
Mrs. Bill Burt attended the milk producers
dinner meeting at Walkerton.
Lloyd and Bob Bonnett went to London
-on Wednesday and brought back their
by Marie Park
Sympathy is extended to family and
friends of Girvin .Reed whose funeral was
held on Wednesday. Flowers were placed
in Dungannon United Church on Sunday,
in his memory.
A speedy recovery is wished for Marie
Park, who is in hospital in London.
Eldon ;Culbert has been in poor health
recently and it is hoped he will soon be out
and around again.
' Dungannon United Church
A vote to decide the future of the
pastoral charge was to be held on Sunday,
but stormy weather conditions cancelled
the service at Trinity church and the vote
could not be held at Dungannon or Nile,
either. The vote is planned for next
91 ACRES highway farm Wingham area,
barns 40x60 and 35x35. Six mom house,
bath, .oil furnace, drilled well. Asking
135 ACRES next farm to above, 75
workable, Large barn, asking $69,900.
53 ACRES, 35 workable, well drained,
creek. $35,000. 5 acres maple bush.
100 ACRES, 97 workable, steel bawl
60x80 and 50,610, silo, new implement
shed. Excellent stone house. $73,000
FCC mtge. at 81/4 per cent. Outstanding
farm in Wingham area.
100 ACRES near Lucknow, 60 workable,
barn 64,c64, new milkhouse, new hydro, 4
bedroom house: Asking $56,700.
2 STOREY -brick house. on a beautiful
treed lot, attached double garage. W ing-
ham-Lucknow area.
ALUMINUM SIDED 3 bedroom electric
ally heated Lcknow home. Living room
with stone fireplace, family room, car-
port, garage. Asking only $20,000.
123 ACRES Wawanosh farm on paved
road, 94 acres real good land, large barn,
silo. Good brick house. 'Ask about this
TRY YOUR OFFER/on this. beautiful
brick home in downtown Ladmow, 3
bedrooiirrss, high full basement and more.
Priced in the thirties.
father, Archie Bonnett, who has been a
patient at University Hospital. He is now a
resident at a'W ingham Nursing Home. We
wish him improved health.
Mrs. Bill Burt returned home from
Toronto where' she visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Franscisoo and their twin sons,
and with Mr. and Mrs. George Burt and
family. •
Word was received here of the deaths of
the Reverend Robert Odendahl and his
wife, Edna Odendahl shortly before at
Sarnia where they retired. The Odendahls
were well known here having served in
Christian ministry -here and at Lucknow
and Port Albert. He was very ; musically
talented and prepared and directed two
sacred musical festivals at 'St. Peter's
Church, tudknow when folks from here and
the parish took part. We extend sympathy
to their family, Dorothy and Rosemary.
Visitors during the week with Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Nicholson were Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Nicholson, Millarton, Mr, and Mrs.
by May Boyle
Stewart Lane of here and Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Nicholson of Ripley.
Mrs. Weir Eckenswiller was to London
on Saturday visiting with her sister on the
occasion of her birthday.
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you take advantage of our excellent selection of
quality meats, fresh produce and our expanded
grocery department. Our new store boasts an
enlarged deli, an in-store bakery and larger dairy and
frozen food departments.
We invite everyone in the Lucknow area to stop in to
visit us. Our courteous, helpful staff will be eager to
assist you with your shopping requirements.
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23, 1985.
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